Sunday, December 2nd, 2001
5:20 pm - uhh...WHAT??
Okay, so we got another offer on our house. But it's a *weird* offer...instead of doing the normal agent-to-agent negotiations, the buyer's agent is coming over HERE tonight. And not only is she coming over here (to meet with R., myself, and our agent) but I think she is bringing her CLIENTS. Uhh?? What?? I don't know that for a fact, but I just talked to her and she said, "Okay, we will be there at eight." Unless she is schizo, or thinks that she is royalty and is using the imperial "we", I assume that means she's bringing her clients. And there may be several of them. We walked in on them viewing our house yesterday, and there were at least three of them.
Sooo....this is all highly unusual, and I must admit to being more than a tad agitated. I don't like to feel pressured, and I suspect that this a tactic that will make me feel precisely that way. Urf. Ack, I guess it's all for a good cause, right? When we sell this house, we'll have enough to put a down payment on our lovely dream house, right? And I do love love love that house. For chrissakes, it's a half a million dollar home, I guess I *should* love it, since I'm buying it. Egads. That sounds like a lot. Ha. In Seattle, it's a paltry sum. Sad, but true.
Well. R. is at his game, so I cannot wig out on him. Alas! Tried calling my Pop, but he is apparently out x-mas shopping. Poo. I did manage to have the sense to brush all of the cat hair off of the dining room chairs. Heehee! Maybe I should have left it.
In other news: finished my paper (the one that is due tomorrow). It is utter crap, but I'm too tired to care. Analyzing an entire novel (particularly a novel as rich and dense as "Obasan") is a royal pain in the arse. Did NOT find time to go downtown to look at the two churches I need to view. I think my comparative analysis is due next Monday, yikes. I'm really getting a kick out of my architecture class--it's basically a taxonomy class, but for buildings. And we all know how much I love taxonomy. Whee! :)
We went skulking about the neighborhood that the (hopeful) new house is in. I had no idea that we were so close to the end of the park that has tennis courts! I need to get M. to teach me tennis. I've heard it isn't nearly as fun as it looks, but....qui sais?
Well, blah. I wonder if I should simmer some cinnamon and cloves so the house smells nice and warm and cozy. Hmph.
current mood: weird
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| Saturday, December 1st, 2001
11:08 pm - a visit to the doctor
Today was the third day that Toby had a sniffle, so I called her doctor. There was a 1 p.m. opening, so we took her in....test results back Monday. In the meantime, I have to give her nosedrops twice a day. Needless to say, this is NOT something that Toby appreciates. When the vet had to swab her throat, she used this little metal bar to keep Toby's beak open. Toby flipped out and bit the metal bar...HARD. Hard enough that it mashed the corners of her upper and lower mandibles. When the vet handed her back to me, I said, "Oh. She's bleeding." R. says that I wasn't *quite* hysterical-sounding, but I had that edge to my voice. The vet was surprised, and dabbed some Quik-Stop on. My poor baby!!!
Anyway, she's going to be fine. It was pretty funny giving her the nosedrops, though. Her little eyes squinched up and watered and she looked just about as miserable as a little bird can look. I gave her 5 sunflower seeds afterward and all was forgiven. :)
Other than that...procrastinating writing a paper that is due on Monday. Feeling stuffed--we went out for Korean food and I overdid it. A lot. One should not eat until one feels pain in one's stomach. Ha ha. Too bad I can never heed my own advice.
current mood: full
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| Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
2:45 pm - playing hooky
Is it really considered "hooky" when you've got a legitimate reason? i.e. feeling like utter crap and coughing like you have TB? hmm....
Well. R. had a serious lapse of judgement last night, and brought a co-worker to the house to view it (it's for sale). There I was, laying on the couch and feeling like warmed-over dog shit and in he walks with this guy. Gah! And then, like it's no big deal, he says, "Hey, how are you feeling?". I glared at him and replied, "Like SHIT." His coworker looked very uncomfortable. I suppose I should have made more of an effort to be pleasant, but....I'm grouchy when I'm ill. Plus, I absolutely LOATHE this coworker's wife. The notion that she might be living in *my* house makes me want to knock someone's teeth out. Grrrrrr......
Second inspection was today, hopefully it went well. Not that I think it particularly matters. I'm rather certain that they only asked for an extension so that DumbassLady wouldn't lose her 5k earnest money. Pfft. It's amazing how stupid people can be. But if it actually was legit, and she does buy the house....ahhh. That would be nice. I really do like the house we're trying to buy--how could you not? I mean, there are gargoyle statues on the roof, fer chrissake.
Anyway, I'm tired of dwelling on the house issues. And I'm *quite* certain that everyone and their freakin' DOG is tired of hearing about it.
You know what sucks the most about being sick? Feeling health-conscious. So far today I have not smoked one stinking cigarette, or had one bloody cup of coffee. It's killing me. At least a nice warm cup of Earl Grey, but noooo. At least I'm getting better quickly. As I say, Hybrid Fitness. I'm a living example of it. Heheh.
Okay, enough chitterchatter. I promised myself that I would attempt to catch up on my Art History reading if I stayed home today.
current mood: grumpy
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| Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
11:05 am - augh
Last night was miserable. I was running some kind of amazing fever...had nightmares all night and felt like I was sleeping in a freezer. At some point I woke up and realized that I felt much better, but that I and my bedding were drenched with sweat. Today is a little better, at least I don't feel like I want to peel my skin off. My lungs just feel like they're bleeding, that's all.
Well, off to school, so I can hack up a lung on some poor bystander. Tra la la.
current mood: crappy
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| Monday, November 26th, 2001
10:27 pm - hmm...
Trying this again....I'm not sure how dedicated I'm going to be, re: posting to this online journal, but it's worth a laugh or two....odds are, school is going to keep me mad busy until the end of the quarter. C'est la vie.
current mood: sick
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