Thursday, September 5th, 2002
4:38 pm - toca.....como? TOCA?
i bet you are wondering why the hell that is my title? We will get to that later........
Today i woke up to my mother screaming.....zeke thomas decided to eat all his damn food and then get me introuble for that was that. After finally taking my shower and just throwing on a crappy skirt and gay orange shirt i rushed around finding all my nursing papers that where scattered here and there. So yeah i heard the phone and lori wasn't going to school...she misses a lot. She thinks she has mono i have mono you have mono we all have mono....mono is just something that you think you have cause you dont get enough sleep! Go to sleep and eat an apple and get your ass to school. j/k i know people who have had mono that really got just sayin just cause your tired....i mean come on we are all tired.... but ah well. If i could i'd stay home too. But i can't miss to much info all the anyways! go to Lp....I got a freakin B+ oooohhhhh yeah! who's the nurse?!??! i am i am! not really but i was pumped.....then we had a fire drill...i saw natalie....she has lost tons of weight...i was like that was that...then i rushed home to grab a poptart ....and that was that! Ran to school and mmmmmmm that was crabby....i got back some spanish homework...freakin B's up the A's but hey no D's so its all good....Anna got in lots of trouble thought sh ewas going to cry!!! then freakin Mil-o-poop picked on me for liek 10mins no joke....ok so we had to read our sentences or give one that he im like i'll do one he did and then raise my hand and make up one...whooo extra he calls on me and i say something along the lines of "toca la guitara pero no taces en la noche" and he gave me the meanest looked and told me to repeat it so i did....and im like Toca...and hes like COMO! and im like TOCA!!!!! and then hes like WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND! and im like uuummm? and then hes like AMAlie! what dont you get about what we are i'm like you bastard! no what i said was "I dont understand why im always wrong?...when im actually right?" and hes like repeat the sentences so i look at anna...she looks at me and then i look at maya and she starts im like god damnit...and im like TOOOOOOCCCCAAAAAAA and i say it all slow...and hes like there its about time!!!! and then i just start laughin and everyone laughs cause i said it like a freakin million times and god damnit i freakin hate spanish I HATE HATE HATE SPANISH is can just go shove off!!!!! anyways other than that my day rocked! I love english cause i think she likes me and she always tells me im doing great so yeah go me! :) um yeah i think i sorta know carter the cat on my still a little slow and im having some troubles with the ol' strum'n. mmmm oh well practice makes perfect and im going to practice like a mutha! anyways i need to find luke cause my one string in Buzzing? what? ah outta here i have a million thigns to do!!!!!!
Love, Autumn (im a rock start pop queen brown bag porno scene dorkiest girl you've ever seen) haha eat that jose and the pussy cats!!!! j/k even though that isn't one of my top ten movies the cd isn't really that bad.....ok im really leaving! later kids!
current mood: crazy current music: laura screaming outside...what a retard!
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Wednesday, September 4th, 2002
3:42 pm - Student Rick and the nice boxers.
So i'm not sure when i last updated cause well i have a bad memory....but! I'm sure you are all interested in my life. So here we go! I'll start with Tuesday...hopefully i wont be repeating myself...if i am well just dont read
Tuesday! I woke up and got ready for my first test in my Health Occ. class or my CNA class which ever you wanna call it. So i did shitty...i got a C. I was so crushed cause i studied a lot and everything i studied was NOT on the test...damn you teacher for telling to study taht shit! So oh well. Tuesday went by and after school Luke came over and we got strings for my new guitar....well not new...used. It was my cousins guitar and now its mine....soooooo im so musicaly handicaped its nto even funnY! But im going to try and try again! Im thinking maybe if i try to learn the guitar it will make me want to play my bass more....since my bass is not an acoustic/electic....i have to lug around my amp and its just no since my guitar is acoustic maybe it will be more fun to play with. So yeah we got some strings and i got free picks and i have all the supplies i need and everything only cousted me like 46$'s guitar+strings+picks+books+case! im thinkin it was a good deal. So luke stringed him up and im now trying to teach myself with the help and hopefully pacients of luke and im learning carter the cat and thats it for now...i sorta want to read those guitar books and try to learn from them a bit....lets hope autumn can actually do something worth her while. It would be nice if i could just find that one thing that truly makes me happy. Maybe im just a watcher. Like maybe the one thing that make sme happy is just other peoples happyness.....ah well maybe its guitar and i just dont know it.....its doubtful but worth a good try right? I just hope i don't piss luke off with my wonderful talent.(lack of) sooooo that was tuesday.
Today(wednesday!) wonderfuf wonderful wednesday.....(yeah right) SO i wake up and im like wooooooo! Its cold out. So i hop in the shower and do that stuff.....and i play the guitar a little cause i swear im going to practice that damn thing everyday unless my arms and feet fall off! anyways so i go to my class wonderful freakin test in that damn class again! (Lp) so im like FREAKIN AWESOME MAN!!!!! cause i thought i did soooooooooooooooooooooo great....and im like yes! and i have a big smile and im just stoked! and yeah....then i start checkin my answers and slowly i realize that i did not do so wonderful.....god damnit! i swear there is no hope for me im just not meant to be a nurse or docotor or anything medical related. Maybe i hsould be a telamarketr. who knows ah well Friday is yet another test...maybe i can get a B or A....i doubt it though i have to learn a million bones and muscles and the heart and jeez man could she pack any mor einfo in this test? Plus friday i have Spanish test and Psychology!!!!!! what the hell!?!?!?! oh well. I'll be fine....besides i sit by smart people in spanish and psyc. isnt that bad! whoooo i got an A+ great! on my quiz that we took lik ea week yeah. Me and freakin Gillian wore like the same outfit head to toe!!!!!! what is up with that? She wore her tennis shirt and i wore mine she wore some skecher shoes and i wore my moms!!!! and our pants were the same....i was like what what? and i told her i was going to beat her up after school...but i didn't. yeah it was weird cause the classes we have together its like we sit right next to each lol ah well. That was the only semi-fun thing of the day....oh yeah i had donuts before school mmmmmmmmmm chocolate long johns and boston cream!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh. thats the benifit of being a fast crazy driver. I have time to go home eat donuts and drive to school and almost be on time everyday!!!! :) anyways! i g/g. I need to clean out all my socks and junk of that sort.....and yeah! I=good mood......DanCollins=not at school? :( I=suck at religion bingo.....English class=we got yelled at :(
p.s. I will be calling the hospital for a very nervous......eekkk Autumn is finally putting her bradley nursing skills to the test.....Rachel hopefully its easier than trying to give you pretend mouth to mouth or whatever th hell we had to do when i had to roll you all over the floor and everyone just sorta watched me strugle with your life less body......i swear bradley was pretty fun times...i'd go to that school if i knew that getting good grades there would be as easy as passing our CPR class.
current mood: giggly current music: studentRick...back when they played at the juicebar.
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Sunday, September 1st, 2002
5:41 pm - emo kids.
Well this entire week has had its ups and then downs...mostly downs.
Seems like me and luke just fight non-stop......i'm not sure whats going on.....I've been getting so upset with him. And he seems to not even really care. I dont know its not even worth it. I'm sure we'll be fine. and if not...well i guess we'll just see.
Thats pretty much it for the downs...i just hate fighthing with totally sucks since he likes my best friend...and i dont know wish he'd just talk to me more and tell me what he's feeling.
Yearbook meeting is today...all my friends went at 3:00 and none of them even called me to ask me if i wanted to go. They knew i was going cause they left me messages about it...none of them called. Thats real nice. Ah well guess i'll go alone. Whatever. I feel so damn emo thats all i've been listening to. Maybe thats why i've been so down lately. I feel like everything is 10 times worse than it really is. Like who cares that all my friends went to yearbook meeting and just didnt call me....its not even a big deal.....but i mean right now it just really makes me angry cause now i have to go alone. and i dont know where to fuckin go or anything. and like yesterday me and luke talked and he was going to come over after he went to church.....he said it'd be like 1:00 so i waited and waited until 1:30 came along and i had to bring stupid presents over to my stupid cousin cause she is married....and i felt like an ass...cause my dad is like wheres luke we need to go blah blah and im like fuck it lets just fuckin go. Its like why couldn't he of just called and let me know he wasnt going to come? Why? am i overreacting? Yes. Probably. But do i have a right to be a little upset.. Sure why not. I dont know i feel like people just aren't stopping to realize that im still here! I'm Still HERE! Whatever. I dont know.....Maybe its just the whole school is starting....Tests and my Future....My aunt calling me about working at the hospital.....I want to see my friends and just be happy but it seems like i just can't.....Something is always happending and always messing up my plans....I guess i need to just learn to work around the bumps.....but what happens when its all just Bumps? how do you work around it? I'm tired. I wish people could just come to me instead of me always having to go to the people. I wish people would call me instead of me having to go over there house or constantly call them. I wish my house was the fun hang out house so i could just sit back and the friends would come here. Oh well. I miss my mom. Even though we fight all the time and the house is so peacful.....i need home cooked one to talk one to worry about me.....My dad didnt' get home til 1:45am and i was worried sick and i know my mom would never do that to dad just doesnt think. I guess men are like that.....they sometimes just forget to think and they forget people wait for them and are worried about them and they forget that their actions hurt and all tha tother junk....i've noticed that about guys....i guess girls are like that too though....we just freak out about everything and worry like mad and mess everything up. ARG i need a vacation.......Well once again tomorrow is another day and i swear im going to make tomorrow better!!!!!! I'm really going to try and be happy and nice and do something fun! and I'm going to make my mom proud im going to have the house all clean the dog poop crap picked up the dishes put away my room clean...her room clean....the floors cleaned.....those are all my goals...and im going to do it!!!! seems like i have a long day of hardcore cleaning! wish me luck. and maybe i'll call up some kids and we can go out for lunch....maybe?
Later kids,
current mood: cranky current music: New Comp.......
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Saturday, August 31st, 2002
4:32 pm - just dont say that i never wanted to you
Well today i woke up at like 11:30 or so......sat on the internet. No one to talk to.....No One. Whats new? I never really talk to anyone on there and no one really ever talks to me.....other than the usually "hello. whats up?" Thats about as far as it goes unless im bitching at someone or they're bitching at me. Whatever.
I asked my mom to leave me a note of places i have to go to...and things that she needs me to do...blah blah. So she told me to get my eyebrows waxed?? Sorta weird but oh well maybe they were lookin gross? I dont even really care what i look like sick of trying to keep myself up and going. So i've decided to just fully stop caring about how i look. I'll never look as good as Ms. Spears and i probably never will even if i worked out everyday i'd never have a MTV body. So ah well. I'm fat and happy i guess.
So after getting my eyebrows done i decided to take a little drive since i never drive. Maybe i should wait til Sunday to do those things...since i drive like old ladies and old people are usually out and about on Sundays...(after mass of course). so anyways after my drive i came home and my dad was workin on the Chevette....he told me this winter that we could maybe do some work......yesterday i came to realize that i love the chevette and i'd be so happy if He could run and be reliable. I saw him sitting by the Ford Focus and i thought...i'd rather have a Chevette. Him and his cute square lights....and what would be better than a retarded girl driving a retarded car? Nothing. So thsi winter he is going up on Jacks and we are workin on him and getting him ready!
So again after i got home i made myself some food...well actually i just cut up an apple and that was that. Then i took my shower and i got myself sorta sad.....I realized that no one ever calls me. Like never. Not even my boyfriend. I called him and he was watching the VMA's and i was like "yeah i guess i'll let you go an dyou can watch them" He didn't even really try to stop me from hanging up. Maybe i jsut ask to much out of him. I dont know. Just wish he'd actually call me. Maybe i should just stop calling him. Yeah then i'd just sit after day. I don't know i've just been really down lately....and i've been crying and being a big baby about everything and luke actually told me that...hes like at least i dont sit at home and pout. and that sorta really pissed me off. so then i went up stairs and listened to some music and cried again. I'm not sure why i've been so upset....Everytime i just sit and think i end up just feeling bad about something. I dont know. I think i need to get out more maybe meet some new kids. New fun guys or girls whatever. Go to a show or something. I just sit in this god damn town day after day. Maybe i need to go see some of the old peoria guys or something who knows. I just need something. and its not here. or its just hiding on me....or maybe ijust need to sit here and realize that thigns aren't so bad and i do have everything i need here i'm just not realizing it right nwo. I don't know. Who knows. My dad is being a jerk. I'm nto sure if i can stand him for another day. arg. Where is my mom and why didn't the bitch take me with her! nah i wanted to stay here....what was i thinking? ah well today is a new day and im going to make this one count for the home team.
-feelin better already-
Later kids! and have a fun weekend! dont forget Year book meeting Sunday Paul Dan Eric Vittone you guys should come cause i need a friend to talk to!
Luv, Autumn
current mood: envious current music: Nothing.
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Friday, August 30th, 2002
4:55 pm - you think you know
(bitching time) Warning STOP reading if you dont want to hear me feeling sorry for myself.
School was cool. End of that.
After school problems.....starting in
WHAM-O So i enter my home...thinkin everything will be cool....(wrong so so wrong) I see my mom crying and yelling in the phone...i think. (my dad is sleeping with one of those bitch from the silver slipper) ( j/k) what i really thought was...oh shit who pissed off my mom now! It was grandma...If you don't know they always yeah nothing really new...but this time my mom was way pissed and i could just tell this was a "heated" converstation. which means i wanted to listen in. So i listened and this is what i heard " You never ever did anything for me every since iw as a kid! you always favored Chris...and she gave you hell!!!! how come you never helped us out how come you were never here for my do do do for them all of the time! I wonder why chris and jim dont care about money i wonder why they just blow it and have no real idea how hard it is to make it how hard it is sometimes to get by when jobs just aren't going so well! But i guess you never did let Jim and Chris grow up! You never did tell them no im not helping with your money problems this tiem...grow up and fend for yourslef....But when i needed a bit of help cause Larry was laid off....You never onced asked! You never once asked help us or even just take us out to eat and pay or do soemthing nice...But boy oh boy when they were indebt you jumped on over there....Boy oh Boy when vanessa wanted a new pair of Nike shoes grandma was there cause They come first....they always did and always will.....But when someone asked about your grandchildren who was the firs tto be mentioned? Autumn was cause you knew she was the better of the two...but never did you ever ask autumn if she wanted a a new shirt....But you sure did buy it for vanessa "vanessa i'll get you these things but dont tell autumn" Did you know grandma that Vanessa did tell autumn she told her right to her face and showed her every new doll, shirt, shoes, money anything and Autumn just pushed it off like oh well maybe next time grandma will take me....but you never did! and you know what makes me sick? I'M ALWAYS THE BAD ONE! I'm the bad one cause i finally have stuck up for myself....and you use to be the one tha twould always cry and make me feel bad but not anymore.....(and so on) so that was pretty much how it d you know why this fight started? cause my grandma told my mom she couldn't go with them to see Jimmy (her favorite nephew) I dont know my grandmas so twisted its sick....she can make anyone feel sorry for her and im sorta glad my mom told her off.....but i go to my grandmas try and fix the problem.....and what happens? I get fucking bitched at by her and her damn friend Mary Jane! whatever. I tell ya. She told me to grow up and um she told me she was never going to leave her house and how she isnt' the bad guy my mom is.....well whatever to that. I dont know. The only grandparents that ever did anything for me was my Dads...and they have been long gone since forever....i use to say to my dad "dad why couldn't my moms parents have died and not yours" I know its evil and terrible to say but i was only 3 or 4 i didnt really knwo....sometimes i wish that my dads parents were still alive...they were just like me. Oh well. You win some you lose some.....and my grandma has lost all her marbles and has become the biggest twisted retarded person i have ever met....I hope she follows through on her word and just stays home forever. no i probably dont mean that im just so sick of my family not being able to get along it just seriously makes me sick to my stomach...i hope when i grow up im able to sit down and talk about things that bother me and not just yell into a learn from your parents mistakes and hopefully through all the years of seeing this i'll know how to solve my problems better.....ah well just needed to get that stuff out...i feel better! Thanks journal your my number one buddy! :)
Love, Autumn
(sorry for the dumb journal i swear i'll make it up to you kids some swimming with a shark or something? you'd like that wouldn't you? anything tha tcould get me killed...i'd do it for you my journal readers...i'd do it for you!!!!! LATER!
current mood: cynical current music: Ham or Kill-o-wats or wahtever they are now.
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Thursday, August 29th, 2002
6:21 pm - I hate her and i dont even know her.
So today was spirit day.....well lets start with yesterday.
Yesterday i helped blow up balloons....well me and laura just went to a gas station..two car loads. FULL trunks n all. Then we took down all the old balloons....laura got so lighted she was acting like she was high...i actually had to take the balloons away from her! What a nut. So after that we helped lucy spell out 03 Seniors (i added the digital smiley face) i know i know we did a great job...thanks to my talents....yeah then i went home. at like then luke showed up....and that was that...then bed.....
Spirit Day- Went to school watched all the girls be hardcore bitches to the lower classmen...i learned that no matter how much fun it looked....i just couldn't. I know its tradition to make them sing blah blah blah...i just couldn't. I remembed how much i hated being bossed around...knowing that i had to go through it and my day will come to do the same....but i just couldn't. I couldn't yell out "FRESHMEN ON YOUR KNEES AND SING!!!!" ah well. i mean i clapped and laughed and watched them get paint dumped on them...i helped get them out of cars....i laughed i laughed a lot. But i dont know i just couldn't be all hardcore...i guess im a big that was and rachel actually entered in the three legged the last min...."akasha told us we could?" was the line of the day and the reason we got so much stuff! lol it was nice. so guess and rachel kicked ass! the first race we came in first place we were way fast! the second race....well we didnt do so hot....Rebecca and Katie cheated and put there rope around their knees...we didnt cheat and kept it at our ankles....we ended up almost winning but since we were going so fast we lost our rythem and feel.....oh well damn cheaters!...Margs told me that we won in her heart...thats all that really matters :) we rocked at the three legged race though...we also got told that if we practiced more we could make it to state? i wonder if they really have that hardcore threelegged race fanactics though? ah well. Well thats abou tas fun as it gets....besides the water balloon and rachel again did fairly well.....we are a pretty good team......OH OH OH BIG NEWS!!!!! every year since freshmen year during spirit day baseball/now currently kick ball....she gets on my backa nd we try to catch a ball...our slogan "two catchers are better than one" this means that if sarah misses it i can throw her off my back and make up for her after three years...this was it .....we have messed up every year.....but not this one not again! we are seniors. and guess what! We did it..we caught one!!!! and we almost caught a second...but in the heat of the moment sarah screams autumn i can't see it!!!!!! so we missed it....ah well one is better than it lucy and anna. (they try to be like us but we actually got a ball) heh heh. mmmmmm i dont know. I think thats really about it? besides the horrible smell of sour milk....mustard and all that other gross smelling body smell yuck. ah well i stunk too! My nose is so red...and my nose hurts so bad.....anyways.....I need to eat! i need to do homework i need sleep......blah school blows! i dont want to get up so early! ah well you kids play safe and all you college kids have fun being grown ups! sell outs! going to college for real man whats up with that? I finally go to Lp and you all leave......psh whats with that? :)
Love, Autumn
current mood: tired current music: O.A.R.
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Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
10:03 pm - i can't do this anymore.
Why can't i just be simple.....tell it how it "beating behind the bush".....huh? why? I just can't come and and tell people my expectations...i have to make them guess...i have to make them work for it to find out what i want them to do....its crazy? What the hell am i doing? Am i testing people? I dont know. I've lost it...i really have. I have gone crazy. Not only is this method that i use stress me stresses out the people that love me and want to make me pushes them out of my life. and for that i am stressed out to the point where i dont know...i have like a couple quizs or whatever and i just blow up and i get myself worked up and im so worried about this year and i dont know im so wrapped up in trying to just do so much and get it done and know what im doing and make time for other things and take care of my dog and make my parents happy and get good grades and be fun and keep my friends and im failing horribley at all! i can't do it im losing it. i dontknow i g/g
current mood: busy
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Monday, August 26th, 2002
4:00 pm - and theres reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.
Well.....this weekend was fun...not sure if i updated or not. so i'll just say a tinny bit about the weekend. Friday...i dotn really remember.....oh yeah mom=country concert...and then me and luke went and visited with the Shell..i love him! i do. He is the craziest mother fucker i've ever seen in my life! no more to say about that. Saturday=crazy day. trying to get to rachels and after hours of delay such as zeke getting an hour and a half bath visiting lukes grandma(no delay there i love her more than anything) and other htings we finally get there.....We hang with her and shane and it was good times...i truly can say i like shane a lot moer now that i have hung out with him.....wish he would talk more but hey i guess im just a talkative girla nd some people just are not...ah well. He made me an AWESOME balloon animal...we he made it for himself but at th eend of the night he gave it to sweet? i thought it was. So thanks Shane :) You are now fully allowed to date rachel. (if it even matters?) So yeah....Sunday= baby james-a-roo's birthday party he is the BIG ONE! whoooooooo me and luked stopped for like .9 seconds just enough to eat some cake say hello and jet outta there.....then back home for some "home made campin pies" I think luke really liked glad cause if he didn't....he'd be shit outta luck. what else? we went to go see jake but he wasn't home so back to lukes house...we watched some Teen thing i was angry cause i've been wanting to see it for like 2 weeks....totally not worth the wait. So then to Vanessa......holy shit people i almost go tkilled by Justin!!!! vanessas boyfriend....ok well i think wrestling is sorta retarded...sure its funny caus i mean they come out all dressed crazy and they are way bad actors and its fun when they do flips or jump on to each other...but to really take is are a weird person.....a dork might i say. so vanessa and justin are like really relaly really into hardcore.......and so i sat and watched it and like this guy was alll "bloody" and down for the count the other big guy in tight undies put him on this table "stunt table" and climbed the ropes or whatever and was like pointing at the table making the crowd go crazy soooooooooo he jumps on the guy busts the table and they are laying there both lifeless like and the table in two pieces on top of moving so me being retarded i sorta scream not scream just loudly say "MATCH OVER MATCH OVER TABLE WINS CROWD GOES WILD!!!!!" so i thought it was sorta funny? maybe a little retarded but so is that they all laugh...vanessa her mom and dad...justin just sat there and vanessa goes come on justin laugh it was funny he repondse is "shut the fuck up!" ek! i guess im not funny after all.....ah well.....
Monday! School blows. Hotter than that damn Nelly video. Wish we had sprinklers or whatever...and well im glad we dont take off our clothes cause i'd feel weird...sure i'd be cooler but eeeeeeehhh i dont know. anyways. School is easy so getting good grades on those easy quizs and what not! well im out! I've got homework and studyin! yay for being a Senior!
Love, Autumm
current mood: determined current music: Long December
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Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
4:32 pm - why can't i just understand.
Well what can i write about today? mmmmmm Spirit day is going to suck this year....really really suck.....we are seniors and we can't even pick on the dumb freshmen and dumb freakin sophmores...and the i wanna be hardass juniors? waht the fuck. ah well. I'm sure we will still pick on them and im sure we will get introuble.....screw it i'll be gone in a year....mmmmm nothing new is really going on. I'm going to an icecream crazy thing? im not sure what its called buy my mom told me and luke we can eat since we are like 4yr olds we were excited....or at least i am excited. Nothing new Nothing new.....friday=country concert...not for and luke just need to drive my mom and her country crazy friend.....Saturday...double date style? with the shane and racho-nater? maybe we will tent it up? who knows? Saturday also ='s my dog going to the pet palace for a bath awe yay zeke wont smell like rabbit poop and Indian made gross bones. hooray! Meaty Knuckles. Oh god they smell. So jeez i wanna type so much but i have nothing left to say......i miss hanging out with me her and dan collins went to steak N shake, the lady i think liked dan collins ;) and she gave us this plate of those good good chocolate cookies that you get in your shakes...there was probably like 8 cookies? maybe? give or take im not sure but we were like WOW PLATE-O-COOKIES! we were happy. So mmmm thats about all that i really did....oh yeah i drove some crazy kid home! ok heres a story
i leave school and come home and im like shit! forgot this paper my mom wanted from the i run back to school and i see rachel and she was going to go to my house if she didnt' have tennis right i see her and i scream "I HAVE TO GO BACK TO SBA!!!!!" duh autumn you rin your fuckin car going 75 i dont think she can hear yoU! ah well so i go to sba go to the office run past colebuddy without saying hi....and get to the office just to find out that they dont have it!!!! arg ready to leave and i hear my name....still im trying to make my way to the door finally the kid takes a hold of me and goes AUTUMN! so i sorta have to turn aroun diml ike uh yeah what im in a hurry! and some kid i've never seen? dont know if he is a freshmen or junior or whatever? is like autumn can i have a ride home....and i was ready to say sorry i need to get to i dont work? and then imlike shit? how does this kid knwo im like damn i can't lie to im like uh sure...and she he just stands there and imlike COME ON!!!!!! so i think i scared him so im like you live close to me? or something and hes like yeah sooooo it ends up the kid lives right next to Andys pet shop....NOT BY MY HOUSE!!!!! damn i race back home and rachel and dancollins are there and im flipping out cause im so hot and tired and crabby and i had to go to school twice today! and blah! so sorry dan collins and rachel for like freakin out soooooooo that has been my day! Now i need to track down luke and go get some icecream!!!!!I hope tomorrow isn't so hot. but then again it is Friday YAY and i can maybe go swimming one mor etime before we decide to close down the pool. anyways! Its been fun its been hot and now its time for me to get some pop! haha joking soda!
Love, Yours Truly, Autumn _ Atic.
current mood: drained current music: From Autumn To Ashes.
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Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
7:27 pm - i love my subway man.
Well what can i say? school is finally normal. Homework and quizs tests and worksheets...weekends spent studying and organizing....and being lazy. when i got to school i had to run to listen to our man principal talk about the planners AGAIN! and how we can't single out the freshmen this is such shit....whatever we will single them out they did it to us so we will do it to them so she can shove it. *angry*
Other than that i have 3 quizs tomorrow and maybe a test on friend in my health occ. class...who knows whatever. Yeah school. Its not bad its my last year...might as well enjoy it correct? yes correct...SOoooo what else is new? nothing really. Luke picked me up from school today....yay. Its a good thing to have something to look forward to....its makes your day go by faster...or at least it does for me. So yeah finally school ended and i hurried to lukes car and i was crabby and was soooooo freakin hot! i dont know its impossible to keep our school cool i guess? What do you expect its freakin a million years old! So yeah he was lik elook look and he showed me a bag of sunchips mmmmmmmm so good but i was like oh hun im to hot to eat those so he gave me a drink of his watered down cherry coke...little did i know he had bought me subway i though it was just we get home and im like awe subway hooray! yeah it made me happier....the more hoemwork i get the more stressed i sorta am...i just need to get into the swing of things again ya know? im not use to having homework and stuff.....ah well its not to bad me and luke have study dates it makes doing homework not so bad. Plus he is smarter so he helps me.....blah Dan collins just informed me of a big storm....coming at 7:30-8 i love dan collins he informs me on fun stuffl ike that....yay for dan collins...i wish i was smarter so i could be in his classes :( ah well.
Im out!
Love, Autumn
current mood: impressed current music: 30seconds
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Monday, August 19th, 2002
4:27 pm - i'll be happy on the day it dies.
Hey Hey journal fan club!!!!!
Today i got to wake up later than usually 6:20 whoa! yeah not really that early but ya a girl i need time to do that girly stuff chocolate waffles and watch cartoons duh!!!!!! who has time for make up when you have chocolate waffles not me thats forsure. So today was the first day of my Health OCC. and Lori went to it together.....cause it was the first day and yeah i didnt want to get lost by myself...and to tell you the truth if it wasn't for her i'd be well i'd be very very very late and all cold and rained on! cause it was rainy and cold and :( yeah. sad face. So anyways the class seems pretty easy....lets hope....we talked about naked guys and cleaning them and just preparing ourselves the nakedness ahead of us hehehe......WHooohoooo naked old men eh? ah well you gotta do it....and i guess im as ready as i'll ever actually pretty mature about naked bodies so i'll be fine......i'm just nervous ya know......Old sick people=weak breakable bones=makes me not want to hurt them=makes me nervous.....but yeah i think i'll make a good CNA....even if its the shit job...i'll give it my all....ya know cleaning those bed pans......whoooeeee. What fun. so yeah that was that.......and then we ended up stopping here for a bit cause i wanted to put some pants on....glad i always cold so it helped.....yeah then was another easy day....i have some math homework and some spanish....but yeah nothing big or hard.....sooo rock and luke have a study date so we get our homework should be????um eventful to say the least. Then we are going school supply shopping....i still need soem folders and notebooks and i need a binder for my Health occ. class and yeah maybe i'll get one for at school....i need to be more organized this year. No more exploding note books no more locker disaster....hopefully i can keep all my papers from looking like the daycare kids stuck em down their pants ya know? ah well......i think i might go stalk dan collins at work......Cause well he works a lot and i'll pretend to be looking at a computer or soemthing....who knows. Well i better get going.....oh oh and in new music buddy Sean from Cali has followed threw and i have just recieved my first CD threw the mail by him! yay i love mail i just NEVER get it unless Nicole or kids from different states send me this one crazy kid who was in love with me from Boston sent me a guitar pick....a love letter and a free Ataris T-shirt.....which rocked...and i think he gave me some x-mas stickers.....he was a sweet guy....just yeah he lived way far away and yeah....enough said. So yay new cds with bands that i have never really heard um "Coheed and Cambria" anyone heard of them? i haven't so i'll fill ya in whether or not the music is good enough for my picky taste (im not picky at all!) so yeah thast all for the new News!
Love, Autumn
current mood: geeky current music: Seans Mix up.
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Sunday, August 18th, 2002
4:09 pm - He's an Animal...ooohhh yeeeaahh
Hey Hey,
Well yesterday my mom let me sleep in...yay! So i woke up and eat some breakfast...and watched some Cartoons or whatever i did...Luke had to Cut Grass then we had some plans to just take it easy since we are now both feeling well not sick but not 100% well in good....So time goes by i shower and i play with Zeke...I Love Zeke....its so nice having him...sure he makes me angry but he is seriously like my bestest bud ever. I'm a big dog lover...any sorta of dog i can learn to love...even way ugly ones...they are so ugly they are me and lukes first baby...Peanut....awe i miss him. lol...he found us we didnt find him and we couldn't keep him at the time...he was soooooo small and he seriously just looked like a we had him for a day then had to get rid of him....but someday when i have my own place I will find that dog....and yeah he will be Zeke buddy. thats my plan. ANYWAYS! sooooo luke calls me and asks me if i want he goes and gets me and my mom subway....awe. So yeah that was nice so then we stay here with zeke and my mom and dad we jet on out and get some icecream and then pick up two movies.....Orange county *aaahh jack black my love hehehe not really hes not sexy at all just wayyyyyy fuckin funny and i love his music* and then i picked out The Animal.....Luke didn't really want ot see it but since he wouldn't let me get any "chick flicks" i made him agree on getting The Animal! I wanted to get a walk to remember....but ya know....i would hav ejust been happy with Orange County cause yeah jack black. But yeah we ended up buying the animal cause it was freakin 2$'s so we were like hell thats cheap.....and we liked both the movies...obviously the movie with jack black better...but the animal was pretty freakin funny....well i thought i was. So yeah that was our night......watching movies at my house then going to his to watch the other....And luke painted my nails lol....and they actually look pretty ok....not as good as me but hey they are pretty damn good....but ask Eric i rock at painted nails.....well sometimes. Sooooo yeah fun night and me and luke are getting a guitar....we are going to share it cause its has checks and its way cool so im like my guitar too????? and him being nice said yes we can share it sooooo YAY! and he is going to teach me to play it! sooooo this has been a good weekend i tell its sunday BOOOOOOOOO blah. I need to finsih my stupid english dumb planner passport shitten thing god damnit my freakin school is like a god damn jail place. arg! I can't even remember my pens and note books let alone this damn planner goin gto lose it or its going to fall apart cause thats just how its going to be....freakin A! Oh yeah its been a good summer.....i love my friends and OH MY GOD NEWS NEWS NEWS for all my boys that know UNcle Mikey you probably know or you will now that he has not had a girl "friend" person for a long long time.....he loves his naked girls on his walls and stuff. but i think he might be takin those down!!!!!! He blew off my dad today and he went with some girl in her JEEP!!!!!! what is up with that? uncle mikey might have a chick!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit right? uncle mikey the man who wears tight tight shorts from like the 70's!!!!! he probably has not gotten any new clothes for over 20 yrs! lol i tell ya? what is going on? well yeah isn't that a shocker he blew off my dad and i guess my dad got pissed and really upset caus they always go to the Peoria TT's so yeah oh well i guess he will be there alone cause he never woke me up :( well thats all the information for now........
Love, Autumn.
my nursing class starts tomorrow wish me luck =)
current mood: loved current music: They might be giants.
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Saturday, August 17th, 2002
1:14 pm - your a fat man lover!
I miss nicole. I told her she could come stay with me so i hope she listens and comes to stay.
And i didn't knwo nicole was dating the guy that rachel showed her poopy underwear to...and the guy that me and luke tricked into believing we were bother and sister and that we would make out for like 5 dollars! we almost got that money but damn rachel had to say No they aren't they are dating! lol oh well. But yeah.......
Went to the blindsided c-nutt show.....not to bad....freshmen band could have been better but hey they got up there and did their stuff so rock on. hmmmmm I got to see old friends and thats always nice.
Sean got attacked by this gross girl with long nasty hair who is in love with was sorta funny. ok a lot funny. When she took his hat and put it on her head i was afraid that sean would get lice. and his face was so funny he made the an angry/scared/shocked/wierd im like sean get yoru hat back and i'll hodl it for you...cause im sure amanda would be sad. just because that girl is sickly inlove with him. And took his hat. hahaha but its funny to watch....but i joke and tell amanda we will kick her butt. jokke? maybe we will hah hah hah. but its all in good fun.
Blindsided played pretty damn good i thought sounded great! Keep the music coming. Plus they had a new song...thats always super great. SO hmmmmm yeah. Luke still didn't feel well. So me being a good girlfriend/bitch...kept him from going to crazy. I just didnt want him to get worse and he needs to rest more i think...but hey im just the over protective girlfriend waht do i knwo? maybe he will listen to me when im a freakin doctor? haha or not. sooooo whats new? i have homework bleh. and i was going to help luke clean his room....if my mom lets me freakin leave. crazy mom. anyways im going to finish talking to Nicole cause i miss her and i need to send her stuff for her yeah if anyone wants to give me money so maybe i can buy her somethign fun and nice. like paper towels? college kids need those right? anyways. I need to eat i've been up since 9 and i haven't ate. I'm damn hungry. So yeah Later kids! and for those of you going to IV soon good luck you big college dorks! Don't have to much fun with out us little highschool losers!
Love, Autumn *big senior nerd*
current mood: hungry current music: the strokes
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Friday, August 16th, 2002
3:21 pm - i'll be your nurse.
Well today i didn't go to school till Molly Sarah and Melissa went out for was nice...i never hang out with those girls but it was nice...I think i can pretty much fit in with anyone...I've been friends with all kinds of people sooo i dont flexible, dorks, populars, nerds, jocks......i've been friends with em all...and you know what i've learned...they are all the same. I wish we didnt' have stupid little groups...if people just stopped and realized you are no better than me and im not better than you.....oh well. I guess not everyone thinks the same.....But thats what makes life interesting. Like i said schoool was need to make it a bigger deal so .....i got my ID so cute. I think i looked cute for it? hah unless i had like a piece of breakfast still on my face...but that would be even cooler muahahaha. So yeah.....My sweetheart has been sick.....awe i know. I hate seeing him sick...but dont tell him i sortalike it too....i like helping and waiting on people...especially for someone i love. He's sorta cute when hes sick.....I dont know.....yesterday we went to steak n shake...and i got him some cheese fries cause he didnt eat anything....and a cherry coke.....then we came home and i waited on him....i got him wet towels, toast, and stuff to drink.....and i put on this dorky blue dress deal that i got from bradley when i went there for the summer.....he laughed cause i looked like a dork...but hey it made him laugh so....yeah I hope he is feeling better.....i called him today but he is im scared he is still sick.....but i've got a plan....if he is sick i'll cook him some im such a great girlfriend.....:) hehehe. Any guy should be happy to have me....well at least i think. I enjoy babying sick people. So remember that if you are sick....i'd come take care of you... Well hopefully he isn't to sick...cause i want to go to the show lets pray we can still goooooooooo. So what else is new besides luke being sick and me being his freakin MIKEY C gave me a free warp tour cd.....he goes "here autumn i got you a cd" Im sure he really relaly got it for me...but its nice of him to give it to me...i was shocked...i almost well...i dont know what i almost shocked me though. I guess MIkey C can be a sweetheart? NOt really how about a nice Boy? thats better. HMMMMM also....i want to get some new cds.....I decided that i have been slacking in my music. I have not seen any BIG bands.....i have not bought any cds.....jeez? I need to get back to peoria to see some shows or Chicago.....which ever comes first. I don't know im feeling mmmmm whats the word? i dont know but i know i need to get to some shows or i might freak out. Like go insane. I want to go see Anti-flag again....i want tooooooooooooo now! or i want to see this band called "autumn to ashes" has anyone heard of it? one of my friends told me it cause my name is autumn and he thought it was cool...and i guess they are way not just because they have my name in it...but i guess they are really cool...He was suppose to send me a cd...i have yet to get it...but he does live in Cali so i takes time? Rachel do the Kill-o-wats still play in peoria? IF they do let me know of any up coming shows....Me Luke and you and Shane-e-o-bingo? need to get together for some Shows.....and have a camp out in that crazy park where we almost FREAKIN DIED!!!!! REMEMBER THAT!!!!!oh my god i almost for got about that crazy henry hick with a freakin KNIFE and we saw him and we ran all the way back to your house scared soooo scared...not only of him but i was running from the spider too! hahaha oh man. Those were the days...the fresh smell of henrys gross fishy-dead bleeding deers in car ports and eeeeewwwwww...i tell ya! I miss it. I miss Henry haha how weird eh? freakin Henry Bowling how many balls did we throw at once? like 6? Who's your drivers ed teacher...and drunkin henry guys listening to country and having gross men change my bowling score so i won the game hahaha i remember that crazy shit. I miss it. Ah well can't go back in time and i probably wouldn't if i could anyways. TO the Future i say! well i have rambled on enough!...its the weekend lets party. ? or not?
Love, Autumn "take your picture with your planner" "Dr. Cubby"
wait...did we ever figure out who the fuck was Dr. Cubby? That guy was so weird... i tell ya... even our teachers make fun of out planner/passport shit deals. anyways! im leaving for real now!
Later my journal readers...hope your days are as exciting as mine cause i love my life!
current mood: hyper current music: alkaline trio You're Dead
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Thursday, August 15th, 2002
3:36 pm - Today i was Goddess Of SBA
OH YEAH OH YEAH!!!!! I feel as if i have just beaten the bruin!!!!! oh i have! I went to School with a smiling face and im home with a smiiling face....nevermind the boring times in class nevermind me being stuck with girls that im afraid to talk to WHO GIVES A SHIT!!! one more year and i'll never have to look at them again! so why not just be crazy? why not? WELL I AM!!!!! i am freakin crazy!!!!! i had three crazy fun filled study halls! where i talked to stefko and that Charlie kid and let me tlell you the true autumn was out to play today! I WAS HIP I WAS WILD I WAS CRAZY!!!! I was just full of energy and stefko was scared. Oh yes...i was scary muahahahhahaaha...hopefully stefko will reply to this to validate my crazyness. ha ha ha I LOVE SCHOOOL!!!! I FREAKIN LOVE IT!!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW IM GOING TO BE THE LIFE OF THE SCHOOL PARTY WHHOOOOOOYEEEAAH! oh yeah! im give me homework and i'll be slappin A'z in yo face! Im ready to go. All my classes seem pretty easy and fun...i've got friends in every class besides spanish but hey! no worries i guess i'll have to just talk to people that i never talk to...and thats fine they will be forced to pair up with me in groups soooo hahaha they have to be with me. Religion seems to be the most fun! i have freakin dan dan COLLINs! and mike vittone but he doesnt talk to me much...but i'll talk to him and one more thing MIKE VITTONE I AM NOT A SELLOUT YOU BUTTHEAD! Margs told me to go sit at this certain table and that was the table we were all going to sit at and you guys never came then along comes anna sleven and those girls and well you guys never showed.....then outta no where rachel just gets up and leaves and im like what? where is she going? So margs is like stay here stay here. so MIKE VITTONE??? what should i have done? Your table looked full...and knowing would have been like "no autumn go sit back at the loser girl table we dont want you" and mike vittone i am not starting my first day off with you boys being rude to i stayed there...and if i am welcomed to your table tomorrow i will happily sit at your mike vittone am i able to sit there or no? cause i will not sit there if i am not welcomed.....but i will throw my tray in yoru teh answer better be yes...or else...lets hope tomorrow is mashed potatoes....hah hah hah. was fine. I was hyper my classes are easly...even though i did go to the wrong study hall for pysch...oh well? no one told me ? hahaha im a freakin dork. But again Vittone didn't come to find me...thanks again mike vittone......jerk. :) so that was my day hooray for only one mroe day OH OH OH OH GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT! i handed out WINE! and boys came to me! yay! i was excited Marshall came and drank some wine and well thats all i know? Alex Drennen didn't come to me so i offered him another drink of wine but i guess hes not a big drinker ...he passed up a second drink? ah well...i sorta like being the holly wine giver blood of christ person.......hmmmm yeah i have grown up :) not . I told someone that i spit in the wine and they believed me...i was shocked! how coudl they think that someone like me would do something like that? im not sure. hmmmmm Where is luke? is he actually working with his uncle? Why hasn't dan collisn called me....we where going to go to steak n shake.....ah well time for trading spaces....."Hunks and Hotties" ? whatever.
Love, Autumn *I DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!!!! FOOTBALL BASEBALL BASKETBALL RRROOOARRRR "we'll get along just gggrreat"
one of the funniest things i heard all day.
current mood: energetic current music: ZOINKS!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
7:41 pm - I'm Alone....again.
These past few days i have been so down. I'm not sure if im going to ever recover fully.....I dont exactly know how. It just really sucks so much that i dont even want to go anywhere or see anyone. I hate it....Shit just builds up and builds up and i dont know how to react i dont know how to keep it in line i dont know how to put it in i leave it alone...i let it sit and i make myself forget.....until it gets uncovered until i just can't...and then all at once like freakin bugs its just comes flying out everywhere.....everything that makes me sad everything that makes me paraniod everything that just bothers the hell outta its just all comes at once.....and i sit......and i take it...and i make myself say its going to be ok and it isn' relaly isn't not ok. It's not ok for a girl my age to be so not happy. Yes yes im happy when im with my friends but its there....the unhappyness its there....its just not showing...I can forget it and i can be happy then all of a sudden something has to go has to. Why can't i have a good week? why can't you give me just one good day? No no no you can't. Not even one....something has to go wrong...big or little.....the little stuff i can normally handle.....i just dont know. I guess i deserve it. I had it coming. Now i just need to figure out a way for me to be ok again. And i probalby wont be ok....for a long time....We wont be ok for a long time and hopefully while we are being fixed i can fix myself a long the way. BUt there are just some things i just dont get....and even when i ask, you never give me the right answers.....never the answers im really looking for or they are twisted some how.....maybe i asked to many? i dont know. Im just in such a sad mood....and school is coming so i guess i'll have to just deal....cause now i have to freakin hand out the blood of christ......TOMORROW! aaaarrggggg someone better want to come get some Wine from me!!!! or else! lol but anyways that made me laugh cause it was so dumb i hate school......i hate hate hate it! ah well. Maybe i've finally gone crazy? lets hope.
current mood: depressed current music: RHCP
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9:19 am - and its another one of those days.
Well yesterday was my last real day of partying...and the only person i partied with was Luke. me and luke stopped at Pauls and he was never home....and we called...but we never got a phone call oh well. We partied alone. He ended up sleeping here since it was my last night with him. Because im almost forsure that school is going to take up more time than ever. Plus im hoping to get a job somewhere in there...Plus for getting my CNA i have to do some work at the hospitals. So I'm guessing i'll be fairly busy this year. I sorta hope so. Plus i think luke will either get a job ooooorrrr work for his uncle. I hope he works for his uncle because even though he hates it...hes making better money than he would if he was working at Burger King. So hopefully he realized that if he wants good money he will just deal with working for his uncle... Oh well. So yeah also today i went speed walking at the mall with Missy. We walked and looked for some school clothes and decided we should just drop out. But we wont cause we know better but blah im so not ready for this school shit....the stress of school makes me want to scream. Things stress me so much...i should probably be on some sort of pill to calm me down. Because i get upset so easily thats its sad. I guess thats justhow i am. I just can't wait to get down with schooling...highschool and college and just move on with my life and get outta this town...hopefully. I hope i move away from here. I'd love to live by some sorta of body of water that is worth my time to actaully swim in and nto be afraid of grossness like the freakin IL. river and its scum...mmmmmm yes. Anyways that is years away. Lets get done with High School first. I guess i better enjoy it cause next year is the big college...big? no. come on...IVCC its still like highschool except probably worse. well im up early and luke is still sleeping sooooo i need to go watch the daycare kids then crawl back into bed.....cause today im going to sleep IN! and mother is going to let me hooray! See all you kids at School tomorrow *ek*
Love, Autumn
current mood: anxious current music: School House Rocks.
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Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
2:51 pm - its the end of the world as we know it........
and i feel fine.
I love R.E.M. I wish i could go see them but its just not possible anymore. Oh yeah.
Yesterday. Yesterday was probably the worst day of my teenage life. If anything worse could have happend...i would have probably just killed myself. Well not killed myself but ran away. Like go to Mexico or something like that. I dont know. I seriously dont think it could have gotten worse...unless my mom or dad would have died. So yeah it sucked sooooo much. But as the day went on it got better...and finally it was time for the good ol' saint bede party deal. It sucked a lot at the beginning but as time went on it got better. I got to talk to kids like Tasha, Laura, Huffs, Margs...and kids like that..people that i normaly dont talk to. Ah it was fun. Me and Marg. got tohang out...we usually do at weird sleepover parties...for some reason. So we got to do our walk to a gas station...except we didnt make was nice just to talk and what not. She always made me listen to a cd...its pretty cool so she is going to burn me a yeah its nice. Then after the party....I got to sleep at lukes house yay! It was fun i have never slpet at his house before. At about 2am...we heard it start to rain really really bad so we looked outside and sorta laughed at all the suckers in their tents.....we saw some kids running to tents and just running maybe into the house? it was pretty funny though. Me and luke had to laugh cause we were warm in the house. So yeah TODAY- today i woke up at like 12...longest i've slept in for a long time.....we looked outside and wow everyone in the tents were gone...or in the house? but not tents yeah i head on home and luke ends up watching some TLC with me...and then he heads off home.....and yup here i am now...i just took a shower and im sitting around waiting for something to happen....I might go walking with Missy. Missy quit her job at BIG K so we might go job hunting too. I need a job people....and i hear you have to be 18 to woke at bath N body...what th ehell? for real. what the heck? I need to get going...i have to face the fact that i need to grow up and get going....soon i'll be on my own...i'll be forced to work and go to school...come on autumn lets get going! get a job you lazy ass! Yes today i will find a job! I WILL!!!! Wish me luck people wish me LUCK!
Bye bye Love, Autumn.
current mood: giggly current music: sloppy meat eaters mmmmmmm
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Monday, August 12th, 2002
1:02 am - happy happy happy.....
happy anniversary! yay 1yr and 2months.....can you believe that shit? yup neither can sure your wondering how i can put up with him.....heh heh wrong. how the hell can he put up with this *points at myself* ah well......SOOOOOOOO. We decided that we were going to spend our day in chicagoooooooo....but it didnt luke comes over today and is like.....awe yeah happy anniversary and im like so did you think of anything fun? and he is like i want to buy you something at bath and body....and im like uh ok? sounds like a good deal. sorta confused on why he would want to do that...i thought i smelled pretty good allthe time.....but hey whatever. So we go.....and for some reason i sorta get down cause we always try to plan something way fun and i really wanted to go to chicago....but im not sure why....but nothing i mean NOTHING ever works out for me and luke....we can plan and plan and it can be planned perfect but something WILL go yeah but we go and we are in bath and body....and i always want to get those weird oil-y crap stuff...that is suppose to relax you and that shit...cause im normal stressed? go figure. SO we are looking and we are like ooooo this one smells so way good.....and they dont have the right oil crap we need and then boom! its yay we have nice oil smelling stuff.....sooooo after that we hear that Lukes parents have invited us to get pizza at we go....they aren't there we sit there for 10 mins and go to erics house to call......and we call and Paul (lukes bro) tells us that they should be there shortly so back to the pizza place and we sit there for 10more this goes back n forth until we come back to my house after 30-40 mins or running back n forth...and we call Lous. and ask for Guy wisen....and then they hang up on us and call us back and its back to there..and they tell us that they told paul that they weren't going there till 5:30....yeah....i tell ya. SOOOOOO back home to watch a movie....little shop of yeah after that we used the fun oil stuff and gave each other back all n all it ended good.....oh yeah then we watched some gay comedian guy who was like seriously crazy and makng fun of girls and their make up and just kinda crazy stuff.....i dont know. He was weird. so yeah thats it......i guess it was a pretty good day....and now im going to waste it staying up all night on the internet......go me! :)
Love, Autumn
current mood: loved
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Friday, August 9th, 2002
9:54 am - I'd even waste my time at four star for you
Well yesterday was good than bad than good again.
Woke up to my lovely wonderful friend Dan Collins. Why would i wake up next to him when i have a great boyfriend? well i'll tell you. Wednesday Luke and Dan Collins slept at my house....We decided to have like a friend talk night and Eric was invited but he never showed.....but it was wonderful. We seem to get along and agree on stuff very well. We always have great talks and yeah. We decided to just have a sleep over so we could just talk all night. The night was sooooooooo awesome. Just because we decided to sleep outside on my Tramp. I have never in my life seen sooooooo many shooting stars i think all together we probably saw about 7 or 8 i know i saw like 5. So yeah its just nice to talk to the people you love and at the same time be watching the stars and every so often see a shooting was just that was Wednesday...oh and i went to central states to.....thats always good times.
Thursday. Woke up to Dan Collins tell me my glasses where somewhere and he told me that i told him to go away lol i dont remember cause i was still sorry dan collins :( So then me and luke head in the hou se......where i am greeted with being yelled at for putting the dishes in the freakin sink!!! and not taking the dishes out of the i told my mom i'd do it at 9:00 when i get up....she still yelled and told me to do it now and that im not allowed to go back to i just headed upstairs cause i was toooooo tired to deal with she kept talking just loud enough so i could hear her.....and yeah i finally fell asleep and she woke us up i think..i don't yeah i watched her kids and luke ended upu going home.....and i just layed around at home till 2:00 when i had to again watch the kids....and Luke came over to help cause yeah th ekids just love him so makes my job easier when he has 4 kids on each arm lol. So yeah then we cleaned my room to see if it would make my mom a bit happier with me and maybe allow me to leave. SO we cleaned and what not and watched some big brother......and yeah my mom came home and she was totally happy! Who the hell knows. Sometimes i feel like i dont even know her.....cause she came be such a freakin crazy bitch. Oh me and luke went to central states and what do ya know.....poor sean sitting in the grass playing guitar alone..... So we join them...and it never really gets we all decided to go see paul and whoever else is at Four me and luke get there before them guys....and we sit and i order some coffee and toast never come and nor does my me and mcnally decide since i never got more coffee or my toast that i shouldn't i don't but i leave a tip. So yeah.....we go outside and dan collisn and paul and the two girls and vittone sean and amanda are all outside......sooooo we chat it up and one of the fourstar workers comes out and is like everything ok?????? and luke is like yeah we just got done eating.....So yeah amanda sean luke and i decide to go to steak n shake and it was nice then me and luke head to pauls and then we decide it was kinda boring so we go back to his house and watch some saturday night sex show....that is always a good show......then we just fell asleep and i didnt get home till 2:000 and once again i get yelled at ....and now im here, talking to Huffs about school...... blah!!!! anyways i need breakfast!!!!!1 soooooo later journal losers....
Love, Autumn.
current mood: amused current music: Wizo
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