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(take me to Starbucks)

inspecting chickens. [22 Aug 2001|11:59pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | thank you mom- gc ]

Julie and I were really bored today so we agreed to meet halfway. I walked down and went down her street a little so I walked back and my mom was pulling up in the driveway. She got mad 'cause I didn't clean the yard or wash the dishes. But I washed the dishes right then and she cooked spaghetti. I tried to clean the yard before and these scary guys told me to come to their car. :( I went the door and tried to open it and my mom locked it 'cause she was mad at me. I had to take out my key and unlock the door and the guys were like "Oooooh." They were stupid and I told them to go away. Julie rang the doorbell and I washed the dishes. We went upstairs and I showed her some stuff. We went outside and took silly random pictures of us invading people's lawns, inspecting chickens, and skateboarding. lol, it was fun though. We went online and talked to people and listened to music. I ate 3 plates of spaghetti and 3 pieces of bread. I was hungry. Julie left and I'm just online talking to people. I think Nora and I are going to walk around Ballston tomorrow and on Friday I'm going to see Allie, Catherine, Jason, and maybe Xavier and we're going to watch O. Gotta get the full summer experience :)

(take me to Starbucks)

[22 Aug 2001|07:37pm]
[ mood | discontent ]

just bored...i wish there was something to cheer me up or get me excited. food? plans? something.

(take me to Starbucks)

dolls i made :) [22 Aug 2001|03:12pm]
[ mood | silly ]

these are dolls are me and julie.

the plan for tonight: go around the neighbor and take pictures of weird things.

(take me to Starbucks)

updated sites. [22 Aug 2001|03:20am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | the click- good charlotte ]

i updated my regular Good Charlotte site so sign the guestbook :)

and my Pauly site (link above)

(take me to Starbucks)

more funny convos. [22 Aug 2001|12:40am]

Camille: my feet hurt
Camille: GOD.
Brooks: why do your feet hurt god
Brooks: what did god do to your feet
Camille: you're stupid
Camille: but entertaining at the same time
Camille: just kidding
Camille: about the entertaining part.
Camille: lalala, God has power over many things including making my feet hurt
Brooks: aww
Matt: crackle
Camille: pop
Matt: snap
Camille: i like rice krispies treats. they're yummy.
Matt: yes they is
Camille: hehe
Camille: i'm ordering stuff with my mommy's credit card
Matt: fun
Matt: get a pony
Camille: i was thinking about that...but then i wouldn't know where to put it.
Matt: o


(take me to Starbucks)

[22 Aug 2001|12:09am]
i <3 the shipping charges are only a dollar ::smiles:: yay.

(take me to Starbucks)

[18 Aug 2001|11:27pm]
Thanks to bradley for telling me how to insert pictures in with the text surrounding it. :)

Julie, me, and Emo (Super) waiting in line for the Bouncing Souls.

(1 caramel frappacino | take me to Starbucks)

the county fair [18 Aug 2001|10:57pm]
Mackie and I walked over to Julie's house to pick up the Blink cd (which I left at Teddy's house) 'cause Mackie needed it for something special. :) And then we walked back and went up in my room and just listened to music and ate some food. Our moms came home and soon Julie came over to pick me up and we had to go meet Boyer at the playground at TJ to go to the county fair. We were running late and got there around 6:17 (we were supposed to be there at 6), but he was no where to be found. We saw this guy we knew from the Blink concert and talked to him for a little bit and walked around to see the rides and booths and I saw Allie and she ran up to me and looked in my purse. I felt soooo bad though 'cause I didn't bring the thing signed by Joel for her!!! ah, but I should've known she'd be there, but I didn't bring it anyway. We walked back towards the playground and were just about to call Boyer, when Julie makes a little ! noise. lol, it's hard to describe and he comes running up. The 3 of us just walked around different places and looked at the food and we kept seeing people that we knew. We looked inside the actual community center and we were in search for the animals right booth and we found it :) eh, but i forget to say before when me and Julie were just walking around we saw this girl that we both knew from different places and she was just mean. We passed by and she yelled "GOOD CHARLOTTE SUCKS!" and Julie was just like "F*** YOU!" We were kind of scared but we just wanted to beat her up or, oh dear. Anyway, the 3 of us went to the petting zoo! There were llamas, goats, pigs (that looked really obese), and best of all duckies and BUNNIES! Julie and I were sooooo happy and took pictures with them and Boyer said "Aww, that's cute." But the bunnies were just white with red eyes, and were just awwww. And really big too. We decided it was time to go on some ride so we went to buy ride tickets and went on the bumper cars! Then I went on this big tall slide, which was a lot scarier than I thought it was going to be. We walked around some more got food and sat down at a picnic table, got ice cream, hid from each other, and went on this little hill behind the fence and I played with Boyer's cell phone and then left for a little bit to go play with the animals at the petting zoo again. When I got back we all went on the "Berry-Go-Round" and to the playground and I got kicked by this little kid playing tag but he was really nice and kept saying sorry and asking if I was alright. Boyer's dad came and then Julie's mom came and we went home.

(take me to Starbucks)

something undeniable. [18 Aug 2001|04:43pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | something like you. ]

Mackie is over and she was a pig and finished ALL of the Reese's Pieces. I think i'm going to the county fair with Julie later tonight...

Camille luvs u: hi hi
SwiNg BuTTeR: ih ih
Camille luvs u: eyb eyb
SwiNg BuTTeR: ok
SwiNg BuTTeR: byebye

(take me to Starbucks)

pictures of ryan. [17 Aug 2001|11:11pm]
this is a picture of Ryan Gosling in his "hercules" days. Yummy, i love boys who are blond and dye their hair black :)

from the Believer...


(take me to Starbucks)

little things! [17 Aug 2001|09:35pm]
i was kind of doing nothing today except watching tv and eating so when my mom asked if i wanted to go out to eat with her and her friend i said yes. we were going to ruby tuesday! yum =P so they came something past 6:30 and we went out to eat there. i got chicken tenderloins and potato skins, which i <3. then the 3 of us went to payless next door, but i didn't really see anything i wanted. they went to the safeway across the street, while i went to borders and ended up buying 2 cds i already had. haha, i'm silly but ask if you must why i did so. i went out to wait for them, but when they didn't come back after a couple minutes i went back inside to look in the magazine section. there was the girl playing by herself acoustic and she was pretty good. this magazine called Independant Films Weekly caught my eye because this beautiful guy by the name of Ryan Gosling was on the cover. he's just plain gorgeous, i loved him in Remember the Titans, one of my favorite movies. he was starring in this movie that won the sundance film festival but is too controversial to be played in theatres. he stars as a boy named Danny who supposedly loves jews and doesn't understand why they don't come together better as people. well read this...

True Believer: Ryan Gosling, who turned heads in Remember the Titans, has gone bald for the lead in The Believer. Gosling plays Danny Balint, a neo-Nazi skinhead who became a leader in America's white supremacist movement. The twist? Balint was a Jew who became disillusioned and ultimately committed suicide. "I think he was extremely confused," says Gosling, "and just wanted answers. I think he had the most faith of anyone but just went looking in the wrong place." The film is written and directed by Henry Bean (it took him 10 years to pen the film) and stars Billy Zane and Summer Phoenix.

it sounds really interesting to me.

(take me to Starbucks)

[17 Aug 2001|12:37pm]
yeah, so mackie's parents are forking crazy. okay, tha'ts not cool of me to say, but i wanna talk to her and i think they took out the phoneline! not cool. i've been trying to call since yesterday and this morning i did some to. i need to talk to her. i called at around 10:45 and the fax machine kicked in and then at around 11:40 something her mom answered and said she was at driving. she'll be back at 1:30. i guess i'll try again then. *sigh* i wonder what the deal is about sunday.

(1 caramel frappacino | take me to Starbucks)

just chillin. [17 Aug 2001|01:44am]
[ mood | calm ]

yeah, i'm just chillin. talking to peeps online: Nora, Bradley, Brooks, and Mikey. super said online that her mommy said julie and i could go over her house sunday or monday, but i promised mackie i was going to sleep over those two days, so i gotta be true to my cousin. :) time for cammy to be selfish (yet again!) aww. here are the things i want to get when i go to springfield with mackie on monday (i'm also just testing aol hometown which i've decided to use to host my pictures):

hehe is fun

(take me to Starbucks)

oh so crazy [16 Aug 2001|08:48pm]
[ mood | full ]

i needed a ride to work today, as i do EVERY thursday so i called my dad and he was sleeping so he got mad. but it turned out that he didn't want me to take the bus so he'd either have to ride over here and give me a ride to the metro or he would come over here and give me money to take a cab to the metro because i didn't have enough money to pay for the cab. well he needed to sleep and then go to work so if he came to do either of those things, he would be late. so he just told me that i shouldn't go today and i guess that was fine. i figured that today wasn't anything too special so i called my boss and left a message on his voicemail saying i couldn't go. so i went downstairs, plopped on my mom's chair and watched TRL from the little tv in her room. the phone rings. it's mackie calling from brooks' house. she asked if i was going to work today and i said no and told her why. she said that if i wanted to go late i could go with her, her and brooks would pick me up at my house and then we would go to a metro stop and go from there. i agreed as long as he didn't mind driving here and it was planned. after i took a shower and talked to julie on the phone, they came and we went to the metro and we went to work. it was shan's last day before she goes to college and it seems like everyone is leaving for college or something! after work, me, scott, shan, and mackie rode the metro and we were pretending that scott was our dad (which he hates). lol, this one lady actually believed us and said "we can trade". haha, but we told her that he was our boss and she goes "HE MAKES YOU WORK FOR HIM?" it was terrible, but funny. she said she was just playing around with him. i got off at the same stop with mackie and shan. they were going to eat dinner at the mall and my mom was picking me up. my mom brought me chinese food to eat for dinner and we went home. i think mackie's still out with shan, i'm going to call her tonight and wash the dishes while i'm talking to her.

(take me to Starbucks)

set list. [16 Aug 2001|02:26pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Selfish by *NSYNC ]

i listen to a couple cds a lot, and the only one i didn't leave at sammy's house is my Celebrity CD, so i'm going to be listening to that a lot. :) i found the set list for the concert i went to.

(Opening video)-- this was great and got the crowd really pumped up. joey is quite funny :) "POP" they had a kind of video college of their whole career up to the present point. great :)
"Pop" Always good. I've been seeing the video and to see it in concert was cool. and they weren't doing goofy moves like at the soundcheck party.
"Tearin' Up My Heart / I Want You Back" (mix) Memories of the No Strings Attached was awesome though.
"God Must Have Spent..." they used the "typewriter thingy" again. pretty and high.
"The Two of Us" Oh Gosh, i loved this. the dance moves and mellow song was great.
"Space Cowboy" they expanded it! it was cool to hear something off of NSA in this concert.
(Chris strip-tease) hahaha always good. he's a funny dude
"This I Promise You" (Grammy version) they took it from their Grammy performance. good job, guys :)
(The Flower video clip)- Justin just looked ::swoon:: i love black and white silent films. the theme was great.
"Gone" they contined the theme from the video and all their voices went together so well.
"It's Gonna Be Me" (1,2,3 to the 4 remix) from the 2000 VMAS on MTV. cooool :) i saw it live, woohoo!
(Audience Chant)- funnn. we beat the other side of the stadium.
"See Right Through You" quick and cool. and they were on the center stage
(Lance intro's Band)- lance talking. hehe.
"Up Against The Wall"- girls wanted to "freak dance" with them. oh dear ;) , but creative!
(JC's "girlfriend" video)- aww cute
"Celebrity"- cool, i liked it
(Joey reads Fan Letters)
"Something Like You"- i <3 love songs. it was is especially pretty.
"Fallen"- extra track not on USA Celebrity cds, so it was cool to hear it
"Selfish"- always good. pretty pretty song.
"No Strings Attached"- i was excited!!!!! this was the first song they played on their last tour
(Mobius 8 thingy)- haha, it was stupid but it fit the theme of "the game is over" well
"The Game is Over"- fun!
"Bye Bye Bye"- i didn't want to say it, but it was a classic way to end the concert.

(take me to Starbucks)

[16 Aug 2001|12:23am]
Things Miss Bunny wants...

The Misfits tin lunchbox
Black chuck taylors
A nice wallet (i lost mine :()
Black boots
Dude Ranch CD
To get pictures developed
Paint shop pro and to get my scanner working
To not have to do my summer AP essays
To see my friends more
To stop hating in general
For my mom to let me hear my messages before she erases them
Another Celebrity CD (my cover got ruined in the thunderstorm)

(2 caramel frappacinos | take me to Starbucks)

[15 Aug 2001|09:17pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Celebrity was on pause ]

hehe, i just downloaded livejournal, which i've never been smart enough to do before. i heard about it but just didn't get it but when i went over teddy's house yesterday she showed it to me on her computer. it was pretty so now i have it. :) i woke up yesterday morning at around 11 something because the phone was ringing and i just let the answering machine take it. then i jumped out of bed because i realized that today was the fun day i was supposed to spend with julie, super, and teddy and that it was probably julie calling to tell me the plans. so i did *69 (which i probably shouldn't have done because my mom hates it when i do that) and it twas julie so i called her back. we talked for a bit and she told me to get ready 'cause we were leaving for her dentist appt at 12:30-12:40. so i got ready but not in time so her and her mom picked me up and then we headed down to fairfax for her dentist appt. while julie was with her dentist i just played video games with the little kids there and then sat down for a bit and flipped through magazines. after the appt, we went straight to teddy's house and we knocked on the door with all our sleepover stuff and teddy, super, and zipper were at the door to greet us. the 3 of them introduced themselves to julie's mom and then the 5 of us went downstairs and super introduced us to teddy's sister, cutegirl. she was cute and liked to build pretty things with those connecty things. i had fun playing with those. the 5 of us left teddy's house and roamed her neighborhood, first cutting their old school and then stopping by lydia's grandma's house to see if lydia was there. she wasn't. :( we all went to the fabric store and saw pretty plaid fabrics and vinyl that julie liked. we ate at wendy's and got fries and frosties and chicken nuggets. :) we then went to CVS where super and i got thirsty and wanted to get some bottles of water that were like juice because they were flavored. i wanted this citrus flavor and she wanted "berry relaxing." we bought them but the lady behind the counter wasn't very nice but we got them anyway and also got CVS extracare cards. heh. after that, the 5 of us went to jammin java, this coffeehouse, and looked at cds and the walls near the bathroom were all the bands that performed in the place had written on. zipper, super, and i went to a yummy bakery to hide from teddy and julie, but they found us. we ate free samples of crossiants and left. we walked home and sat around for a while, but we were determined to watch julie's tape from the .click. mhz so we were trying to figure it out on teddy's tv downstairs in the basement, but we couldn't figure it out so we just decided to watch it on super's camera, sweep. sweep had a tiny little screen that we watched about half of mhz with until teddy's mom said we had a vistor. it was matt and he figured out how to get on the tv and we all were happy. :) so we watched the rest of the tape on the tv and just hung out and ate pizza and listened to music and went online. it twas fun. :) but soon zipper left. :( super got matt doing the willa ford dance on tape. and also super wouldn't let matt go home 'cause she hid his keys and he was afraid his parents were going to get mad. she was worried 'cause it was late for him to be riding home on his bike and besides i thought he was going to get raped anyway. he left and julie told his brother that she was his "dominatrix" for the night. oh dear, lol. super and teddy took rad pictures of me and julie playing bass and guitar on our cameras, hehe. the 4 of us just talked about stuff and watched tv until past 4 in the morning and we all fell asleep. we woke up when cutegirl turned on the lights. there was this girl selling knives to teddy's mom and she eventually got locked out of her car and i felt bad for her. we couldn't go to the mall until she left though. triple a eventually came and helped her out and she sold knives to the guy. teddy, super, julie, and i went to the mall and looked around at hecht's and claire's and this cool place called the skinmarket and we ate at the rainforest cafe. phil dropped by when julie and super were upstairs buying a finger eleven cd and he talked to teddy for a bit and had to go meet justin. it was me and julie's first time eating there and we got fries and had some of teddy's oreo milkshake. it was yummy. :) teddy's mommy picked us up and we went to teddy's house and picked up our things and meet her aunt, uncle, and their cute pug. teddy's mom dropped julie and i off at the metro and we rode to this stop where we were meeting julie's mom at 6:40. we first walked to lazy sundae and talked to our friend who we found out was working there and he gave julie a free coke *shhhh* and me a free brownie sundae *shhhh*. we were thankful and left to go meet julie's mom. she took us home and i got dropped off and went inside and went in my room. my cousin called and i talked to her on the phone for a bit, while i washed the dishes and i might see american pie 2 before work tomorrow. we'll see.

(1 caramel frappacino | take me to Starbucks)

heads, i win, tails, you lose because you don't have to right to choose. [14 Aug 2001|01:53am]
[ mood | my legs hurt ]
[ music | ]

fun was today! hehe. i woke up and i was just kind of like "WOW, I'M UP. I'M READY FOR TODAY, BUT I'M NOT." it was weird. i mean, i love *NSYNC concerts 'cause they're just...i don't know, when i come out of them i just feel wowed and inspired. and really happy. and i don't smell like pot afterwards so that's always a plus. suzy and her mom picked me up at around 1pm and they bought subway so i ate a turkey/lettuce/bacon/pickles sandwich, while suzy's mom drove us to RFK. we got there okay at around 1:20 something and suzy's mom had to drop us off before the gates because she couldn't go into the parking lot without having to pay $10 and she was just dropping us off. so we made sure we had everything (id, tickets, camera, film, batteries, etc) and we hopped off and ran down to the stadium in the grass. we went the wrong way around the stadium at first, but the guys in yellow shirts pointed us in the right direction. we went up the stairs and looked and saw a little over a hundred people (which still look like a lot) lined up to get soundcheck party passes and a few of them were there to purchase tickets. so we got in the back of the line and just waited til it went up towards the front which was around 2:05-2:10. i was just in disbelief and suzy was too at the fact that we were just lining up to meet them or go to their soundcheck party. so i went up to the will-call window and showed my passport and flashed my tickets and it took a while for the lady to find my name on the list so me and suzy were just peering over the booth and were a bit nervous about not getting them but she found it eventually and crossed off my name (the passes were under my name) and gave us two purple wristbands with "*NSYNC 2001 POPODYSSEY". we came out of the booth area really happy and then went in line to wait to GO to the soundcheck party. we waited from around 2:10 to a little after 4:30 before they opened the gates in. that was a little distressing because it was hot and i was wearing black (but shorts thankfully!) and people who had just got there cut in front of me which was NOT cool 'cause i had been there for 2 hours and i don't appreciate that. and the people around me didn't either. i hate that. but they let us in and just let us roam free and find our ways to the stadium but once we got there, there were mean security guard-type people with yellow shirts on telling us to "STOP RUNNING!" we couldn't help it though :) it was totally first come first serve so if we were a little faster than the people next to you, you could possibly be closer to *NSYNC. not possibly, you WOULD be. and it did help that me and suzy skipped along the floor when we got there. so at first it was just the band chillin up at this little platform and then without any warning, justin just sits with them (no one really saw him come out, he just sorta appeared there) and he was playing this acoustic guitar. he was really good. (YES HE WAS. BELIEVE ME. TRUST MY JUDGEMENT. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE FROM *NSYNC IS GOOD AT THE GUITAR.) we looked around for a bit and realized we were in the 8th row and there must have been about 20 rows filled up in the middle sections. and so the other guys are fooling around with the mics backstage so you can here their voices but can't see them and we were playing that game for a while and then they just walked out and talked to us for a bit. explained why they wanted to do a soundcheck party instead of a regular meet-n-greet, which they usually do at concerts 'cause it's something different. it was funny 'cause when they were out there it was exactly what suzy said later. (actually she said this about good charlotte but she was using it as an example for *NSYNC) it was like they were clay figures. or actually had clay faces. they are people that you have on your walls and just see a zillion pictures of if you're a fan and you listen to their music and enjoy it and just get lost in it. and then you see them in person and it's just "wow, they're right there. they're real people with real lives and real emotions. not just paper on your walls or moving images on your television screens. i wasn't screaming like the other girls were...okay, maybe a little but i'm allowed :) i just kept saying "i think i'm gonna throw up." i mean they were REALLY CLOSE when they moved onto this center stage. i could've touched JC's hand. they sang this "i promise you" and it was pretty and then they moved onto the center stage and fooled around and answered questions, although i didn't get to ask mine 'cause you had to have a blue card. ah well, we saw their butts for a little while because they had all 5 of their backs turned when they answered the questions from the crowd. they did turn around a bit and then they fully turned around and it was picture time. they began to sing "pop" and moved towards the stage and did a goofy version with the singing perfect but with the dancing moves...well, goofy. just not full of energy. it was really really funny though. then they said bye and thanked us for coming and they just sort of stayed around backstage but you could see them clearly and some girls were screaming and taking pictures and some just left, chatting about what they had just experienced. it was incredible though. after that we hung around for a bit 'cause we thought it would be really hot but they kicked us out so we looked at the partially overpriced merchandise and bought italian ices. i got lemon and suzy got strawberry. we figured we should get in line AGAIN to get into the show, so we got in line after resting for a bit and the line was even past what it was when we first got there, curving around down the hill, almost touching the parking lot. we didn't mind. yet. we talked with this girl who seemed like a cool *NSYNC fan and was 19 and rode a greyhound from va beach for 6 hours to see them. then we got over the hill and under a tree. the skies were grey and guys were offering to sell ponchos and we nicely turned them down. after about 5 minutes it began to rain like i'd never seen it before. not just rain, POURED. SOAKED. i stuck my on the line posters and the photo i got pre-signed at the soundcheck party after under my shirt but it didn't help much. we were all dripping wet. so they began to let people in, this was at around 5 or so. me and suzy kind of cut *shhh* but we didn't mean to and we were soaking wet and the people who were under the roof waiting in line weren't. they just created a new entrance and we ran to it. it's not like it was first come first serve. everyone already had their seats and everything. so suzy and i go in and find a little spot by a payphone were we can let our posters dry. at around 6:50, suzy saw her friends erin and liisa and we chatted with them for a little while. we felt proud going to our seats 'cause last year we went to their concert in the 500s sections. this time we were halfway up the floor! and we got to go and see them before the show. so we saw our seats and stayed there until the end of the 1st opening act, and we decided to get food so we left and got a hot dog and soda and on our way there we say emily thielmann and rachyll in their seats. on the way back from getting the hotdog in the ramps, i spotted a mohawk and i wanted to see who owned it! i of course DID notice that the mohawk was black and had pink right up at the front. so i looked at examined his face, eyeliner running, his face looked like he had somewhere to go, but he was talking to this blond girl he was with. yup. that's right. it was benji from good charlotte. i saw him and said "hey benji" and he said "hey" and we walked away from each other. suzy and i were just like "whoa. how weird is that? benji at a *NSYNC concert?" heh, i thought it was pretty cool anyway. didn't he mention his favorite boyband was *NSYNC in one of the early bios. no wait that was joel. ahhh well. they're bros anyway. on our way back also to our seats, we visited sibel and talked for her for a while and went to our seats and saw meredith edwards on stage. but actually we went down on the floor to look for our seats and we went into section B1 instead of B2, so we thought some guy was sitting in our seats but he wasn't. this cute guy who was event staff lead us to our seats. he was nice about it and sort of laughing it off. after the hotdog, suzy had to go to the bathroom so we went and the line was long but whatever. it didn't take too long. we split a soft pretzel when we were in line. we went back in and there was about 30 minutes to *NSYNC so we just chilled in our seats. they played britney spears' "stronger" video, which i don't really like. i guess i'm not really going to spoil the concert for anyone who's going to read this and see it? i don't know who would read this and go, but maybe that's just my excuse 'cause i don't feel like going into deep deep detail of the concert. they opened it in a cool cool wayyyy, tricking the crowd. they performed on this center stage a lot instead of just the main stage. they performed a good number of songs and the songs were in good order and were just right. meaning they played enough from their first album, enough from their second, and enough from their third. "gone" which is my favorite song from celebrity was very well-done. it had a beautiful black-and-white opening scene. just everything tied in perfectly together in the whole concert. the themes to be exact. they had the funniest little opening scenes on the big screen before certain songs, lol they were hilarious and showed off their goofier sides. they closed with a hit and was appropriate and after they said "bye bye bye" it was sad and people missed them already. i think i'm starting to get defensive when people make stupid, catty comments about *NSYNC because i truly love them. i think they're amazing performers with talent. they can sing, dance, and WRITE very well. yes, write. :-P so if you insult them to my face i will literally just smile and nod or not say anything but deep down inside i'll feel hurt or just feel offended. but besides all that, the evening was really fun and suzy and i have really wet posters that need to dry NOW.

(1 caramel frappacino | take me to Starbucks)

the time is passing so slowly now. guess that's my life without you. [12 Aug 2001|11:24pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Gone ]

and maybe i could change my everyday. but baby i don't want to. :) oh gosh, i can't wait to see that live. it's going to beautiful tomorrow. i hope it doesn't get rained out *crosses fingers*. yay. i'm sooo anxious! gotta get my questions ready.

(1 caramel frappacino | take me to Starbucks)

did ya really think you could find love from someone else? [12 Aug 2001|05:30pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Celebrity ]

I woke up and ate a good breakfast and asked my mom if we could to go the 11 o'clock mass at St. Charles and she agreed since it was still early (we usually go to the 12 o'clock). We came a little late and I saw one of my old On the Way leaders and a new one sitting close to the door I entered from. Since all the seats were taken I just stood along with a lot of other people. When the service was over my mom walked up to me and we walked to the car which was 2 blocks away. I think St Charles needs a bigger parking lot. A bigger church would be nice too, but I like it there 'cause I used to go to school there and I always see people I know during the service so I guess it's more homey. So we drove to Fairfax to see my mom's friend at her hotel, but we went to the 7-Eleven across the hotel first to pick up some stuff. My mom let me get snacks and she told me to pick out a magazine so I had something to do. I got a crossiant, NesQuik, and new YM. The hotel was really nice and I liked it a lot. It had a jacuzzi in the room conviently placed near the TV. I ate my food and read the YM and watched some of Boy Meets World and Saturday Night Fever. Soon after that, the 3 of us went out to eat at Boston Market but we passed by this store called Bombay to look at bangles my mom wanted to buy. She bought some purple ones in honor of my hair. lol, my mom's funny. :) So we ate at Boston Market and they got into a heated discussion about the office, so I walked to the Big K across the mall parking lot to get some stuff. I bought 3 rolls of film for tomorrow and the mighty big sleepover on Tuesday and Don't Let It Fade, this special color shampoo. My mom and her friend came by after they were done and we walked a little more around the store to buy cereal, bread, milk, and other things we needed in the house and then we dropped my mom's friend off at the hotel and headed home. When we got home I realized I need batteries for my camera which I haven't used in forever but the batteries lasted a good 2 years so when we went out to Eckerd to buy some more they weren't cheap. I really need to cut down my expenses and be responsible with my money that I earn with YAAA. So we came back home and I put away the groceries. I'm contemplating whether I should touch up my hair today or after the concert tomorrow. Hehe, I am excited though. I really can't wait!!!! Me and Suzy should have fun, right??

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