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[Tuesday 26 Feb 2002|05:58p]
[ music | track 4 ]

I've got a headache hardcore. the lady at the news stand gave me regular menthols instead of menthol lights and they are making me sick. ha. I need an excuse to stop anyway...

bought modest mouse's "lost" album at cds 4 me this afternoon. good shit. I called barzcak to leave a voicemail in which I scream for help because I keep seeing chuck from BU everywhere [or at least I think I do]. somehow we ended out hanging out for like 3 hours, driving around and running errands and whatnot.

now I'm hungry, but I really have a thing about going to the dining hall alone. I guess its a bowl of cocoa pebbles for me.

oh yes, and homework.

baby got goin'

this road trip was brought to you by the letter B. [Saturday 23 Feb 2002|06:30p]
boston was so fucked up. we ended up getting kristen kicked out of housing. I just woke up a half hour ago.

dear jesus.
baby got goin'

[Thursday 21 Feb 2002|01:21p]
the secretaries here at UD are suprisingly pleasant and helpful.

everything got straightened out, thank you jesus. now i'm a full time student with good classes, a well adjusted outlook on life, and no debt. [well, except for that big gaping one that i'll have to pay off once i graduate college. but why think about that now?]

anyway, I'm gonna finish eating my ham and cheese sandwich in what the kids call a "hot minute", then I'm taking a shower so I can be ready when barzcak comes a-callin at 2. peace out, kids.
baby got goin'

[Thursday 21 Feb 2002|10:09a]
[ music | the white stripes - in my head ]

going off to fix everything.

I leave for boston at 2:30 today.

rachel, if you read this, I'm going to be swinging thru pittsburg between march 29 and april 8. I'd like to stop by.

4 real good shakin's all it took|baby got goin'

[Wednesday 20 Feb 2002|01:44p]
so I'm sitting here waiting for my one chance to call or email me, being entirely too bitter and angry about everything. I walked, like, five miles today just to get my shit straightened out and NOTHING got fixed. not until dr. walker calls.

grr. everyone else's life seems like sliced baloney and cheese at this point. why is theirs so worked out?

oh, maybe because they're not irresponsible slackers with no sense of tact, timing, or adulthood.

yes, that might be it.

barzcak took down my "trailer trash: stop the pot" reminder that I had on the wall. it made him feel bad. he replaced it with: "no motivation. no pot. dont be a zero. drugs are for losers."

now off to lunch.
baby got goin'

[Tuesday 19 Feb 2002|09:49p]
- no cigarettes.
- no pot.
- dont procrastinate! [do it today!]
- dont borrow money!
- no going out on weeknights!
- 'get off the internet, I'll meet you in the street.'

big, big scare with the finances and school today. hopefully it will get worked out tomorrow. if not, I'm a college reject.

cross your fingers.
2 real good shakin's all it took|baby got goin'

[Tuesday 19 Feb 2002|12:53p]
god, I am such a fuck up.

dont even try to tell me any different. I've slept my way through first semester, been so fucking irresponsible with EVERYTHING. jesus fucking christ.

I've been unregistered from all my classes. fuck YOU, UD!
baby got goin'

[Monday 18 Feb 2002|08:07p]
[ mood | sick. ]
[ music | niagra niagra ]

watching niagra, niagra for the first time in 3 years. GOOD. SHIT. [robin tunney is my god.]

so yeah. random quote of the night: "that is wrong on SO many levels." "that's two levels, stace." "SO many levels; two! [i farted.]"

getting caught up on my reading for intro to women's studies, skipped scriptwriting today because I didnt do my assignment where I had to record three pages of an actual conversation then build it into a scene, getting ready to go to work from 9 - 11.

GOD this movie is so GOOD!

baby got goin'

[Sunday 17 Feb 2002|08:54p]
[ mood | clean ]
[ music | cowboy dan/trailer trash - modest mouse ]

woke up today at 1:30, had to be at work by 2. went into work, packed up a whole bunch of stuff that needs to be taken to our storage site, then had to unpack most of it again and put it out on the floor to be sold. goddamn.

been listening to an inordinate amount of modest mouse's _the lonely crowded west_ album the last 3 days. last night I went to Chrome with JP, Dean, and other people, and I actually enjoyed myself. [besides the fact that I had to pay $12 to get in, BLAH.] the place had a good vibe, very different from Roam. not a troll in sight.

so yes. 'eating snowflakes with plastic forks/and a paper plate of course/you think of everything/short love with a long divorce/and a couple of kids of course/they dont mean anything' [YES, 'trailer trash', my new favorite song.]

going out with barzcak, cat, and angela tonight. on thursday we leave for boston. (!) oh my.

now I'm just waiting for chelsea to email me back so that I can call her. tick tock.

baby got goin'

[Saturday 16 Feb 2002|05:57p]
[ music | modest fucking mouse who I love now ]

aw man...I forgot that I have to go to this new gay club with JP and peeps. darn it. I was really planning on relaxing tonight.

hmm. well, in either case, I'm going to go get my hair cut.

oh yes, and pictures from the party will be posted as soon as I get home to scan them.

baby got goin'

[Saturday 16 Feb 2002|04:27p]
[ mood | mcdonalds ]
[ music | 'where is my mind', in my head ]

last night was wonderful. as I mentioned, bekki had a madonna dance party, where you had to dress as a certain period of madonna. I went for the cowgirlish "dont tell me" video look, sara was "borderline" madonna. we were hott. with two t's.

yeah so we ended up getting reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllly drunk, calling sara's boyfriend in chicago, and singing a horrible version of "where is my mind" with 5 other people [sara and I doing the "ahhh ahhh" at the beginning, of course]. then after neighbors complained, we moved into the living room, where we proceeded to tell stories about barzcak and snot and everything else. good fun. sara drove us both home, I collapsed into bed, and I woke up today $632 richer with out a hangover. score!

baby got goin'

[Friday 15 Feb 2002|07:49p]
[ mood | maya ford ]
[ music | MODEST MOUSE ]

okay so today I worked 10 am to 2 pm after working till 1 AM (!) last night on the stupid new floorset and yeah I thought that I was going to be too poor to go see the vagina monolouges so I went to king of prussia and sam ash with barzcak instead at sam ash they had a 3/4 scale ace frehley gibson and I wanted to buy it and yah so now I'm headed over my mom's to do taxes and then its off to BEKKIs MADONNA DANCE PARTY

and oh yeah my mom gave me $200 BOOYEAH!

baby got goin'

[Thursday 14 Feb 2002|03:56p]
[ mood | blahhhhh. ]

sara and I went to lunch at the scrounge, where we figured out a plan of action so that I could see the vagina monolouges. [I work tonight and tomorrow night, so if I have to go sometime, I'd rather it be tonight, with sara and rebecka.] I'm going to go into work, talk to chari, and see if I can work until 7:30, see the show [or most of it], then come back and work on the floor set until an ungodly hour of the morning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, cos I REALLY want to see it.

yeah, then I come back to the room, which smelled so strongly of sex [cat had her boyfriend over] that I nearly vomited. yet another reason to make me oh so bitter about valentine's day. fuck it.

baby got goin'

[Thursday 14 Feb 2002|02:05p]
so yesterday I went into work for an hour [cos I slept through most of my shift, WHY havent they fired me yet?] and chari was complaining about not being able to see her boyfriend on valentine's day cos she has to work. 'at least you HAVE a valentine,' I told her. 'you can be my valentine, stacy k! then you can go out to dinner with darrin, since I wont be able to.' 'oh good, we can be each other's platonic valentines. how comforting.'

and that's the story of how I got to be a valentine to a heterosexual couple.

yeah, then I went to film class. bekki was in the middle of having a panic attack/being in love with her best friend, so she really didnt talk to me. we watched this movie, strangers in good company, and it was all about this group of women in their 70s to 80s who got stuck in this abandoned old house when thier tour bus broke down. it started out fine enough, but all the women started talking about death and leaving their children behind and crying, so by the end of the movie, I was in tears. the part that got me the most was the character Constance. she looked EXACTLY like my great grandmother - the one who raised me as a child and is more like a mom to me than anyone else. the one who died of a heart attack when I was in 6th grade. the one whose last conversation with me, I remember just being exasperated at how much she was talking, I wanted to get off the phone so I could play sega. so yeah.

constance was depressed and fragile and really couldnt do much of anything in the movie, so she just sat and watched as everyone worked. by the end, she was dumping her heart medication in the lake, saying, "I'd rather die here than in some hospital or nursing home."

the movie ended, I was shaken, my brother asked me 'what's wrong', and I just burst into tears. he walked me to the bathroom, but when I tried explaining about it, I ended up collapsing into his arms in the middle of Gore Hall.

maybe everything else is manifesting itself in that thing this semester, but I havent cried like that in a LONG time. and in public, too. sigh. what is going on?
baby got goin'

[Tuesday 12 Feb 2002|04:51p]
[ music | jackie's mixtape ]

random thought of the moment:

when the breeders finished playing one of their new songs, kim turned to kelley and said, "what the HELL were you doing over there?"

"I was just improvising a bit, christ." she laughed.

kim turns to the bass player. "and what was going on with you? did your bass get knocked out of tune?"

he just sorta looked at her and smirked. "I was playing in D sharp."

kim just started laughing and kelley said, "wait a sec; you're giving me shit cos of my innocent twiddlings over here, and he's IN THE WRONG KEY?"

ha ha. that's the tuesday evening story for y'all.

I need to go do homework.

2 real good shakin's all it took|baby got goin'

[Tuesday 12 Feb 2002|02:30p]
all right. this, so far, is what I have of _the west knoll experience_, the script I'm working on based on my friendship with bekki and the rest of the crazy homos here at UD. this one is the first vignette. it might not make any sense to anyone but me, but oh effing well.

the west knoll experience )
baby got goin'

[Tuesday 12 Feb 2002|02:12p]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | one note samba (in my head) ]

1 panasonic cordless phone: $89.99
a 2 hour and 20 minute long distance call: $14.00
hearing a story about a girl chewing a mouth full of her own snot: priceless

thank you, chelsea.

in other news:

What obscure band are you?
baby got goin'

[Tuesday 12 Feb 2002|12:50a]
I ate the chicken sandwich of death today.

that's all I have to say.
baby got goin'

[Monday 11 Feb 2002|12:09p]
[ music | memorial hall bells ]

HA! second week of classes and I'm already skipping them! but today I have scriptwriting, which I reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllly want to get into, so I'm up earlier than I would have been otherwise.

I couldnt sleep that well, as I downed like 5 pepsis over barzcaks to keep me from smoking the pot. had 2 really weird dreams: one in which my evil crack-head stepfather was stalking me, another one in which I was continuously hooking up with nicole sullivan from mad tv. [I have no idea, don't ask.]

so yeah. now I'm off to take a shower.

baby got goin'

[Sunday 10 Feb 2002|02:52p]
[ music | def leppard - pour some sugar on me ]

last night I went out with JP, this guy Dean that we had just met, amanda, val, and ryanne to denny's. ryanne and I just ended up reminiscing over 8th grade cafeteria happenings and getting in fake fights to psyche the 7th graders out. now I'm helping her move out today -- possibly. if she ever calls me back.

and last night I got two things: a letter from collection services at UD, saying that if I dont come up with the $245 that I owe from last semester by the 20th, then they'll break my legs. or cancel my registration with spring classes or something. I also got a letter from columbia college in chicago, telling about the presidential scholarship that they offer.

the combination of the two might just be a sign.

blah. I have to go work on stuff for my scriptwriting class over my mom's.

oh, and download "boots to the moon" and "dwarf invasion" by reggie and the full effect.

2 real good shakin's all it took|baby got goin'

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