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Ehhhhh [29 Aug 2002|12:20pm]
I haven't been online in 3 days

Heres what happened in those days

I went to Field Hockey
I can only run 3 laps b4 I pass out
Which is really actually good now I guess
Even though I use to be able to run non stop but newayz yeah
So the coaches talked to my mom and doctor ah ha
Yesterday we learned to hit lol i suck at that I think i only actually did 5 really good ones.
Yesterday at practice I went home at 5. So I was walking towards Nook Farms and I got to the car door and ugheojeridfjkldfjkl. Ummm i threw up the 7th time that day. Ehhhh
So now Tara called theres no practice cuz its raining but neway Im off to the doctors againg. And I have like 30 minutes to drink a gallon of water. I've only drank one cup and I already have to pee. But the rule is no pee for the next 4 hours. So anyway maybe if they find out whats wrong i can run again.

Time to go drink lost of water.
PEace kiddies
2 said their thank yous| better thank your lucky stars

[25 Aug 2002|06:38pm]

I am Fuct Up Kid! Which MEST song are you?
better thank your lucky stars

If this is what it takes just to lie with my mistakes [25 Aug 2002|03:17pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Konstantine-SoCo ]

I just got back from the store
We went to that place where they sell used sports shit
So I got myself a field hockey stick and ball

But anyway I think my dad is disapointed because I'm not playing soccer. And I have trained and shit for highschool soccer for like all my life. I played that for 14 years. And i just threw that all away for a game I don't even know the rules for. But we already talked about this when me and krystle were gonna try out. But she bailed. So yeah. The little girl with the soccer ribbons and trophies is gone. awwwww lets cry

But anyway the guy at the store was hot he had blonde hair and umm blue eyse and um he was just fuckin hot. So he was showing me the sticks while my dad looked at golf clubs. And I told him give me the cheapest one cuz i'm not gonna make it. And he goes yes you will and he gave me a hug and was like good luck so I feel special. Even though I won't make it.
So whoo
Its tommorrow at 3 but I don't nowhere i;m guessing WHS
Soccer is tommorrow at 3 at WHS
Awwww lets cry again


I forgot to add that I saw Benji. Not Benji from Good Charlotte
But wanna be Benji me and krystle saw him at the Warped Tour
He looks exactly like Benji except he was really skinny and taller
But he was rockin the whole pink splotch thing
But he was at KFC so yall go and he might still be there eatin some popcorn chicken.

better thank your lucky stars

righteous [23 Aug 2002|08:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Open your eyes - Goldfinger ]

I'm trying out for Soccer supposedly
I'm gonna go tommorrow
Even though I'm not supposed to do anything active
I'm also gonna try out for field hockey

lol im so dumb

better thank your lucky stars

Did you know if you were famous you could kill your wife [23 Aug 2002|02:08pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Ruby Soho - Rancid ]

I just have to say I think this is a sign.
I saw BoB/God and Cool Beans

I was coming back from the doctors office when a truck passed by the car and the name printed on the truck was Cool Beans. that was weird you know. Me and Sarah Cool beans thats are word or use to be.

Then I saw another truck that said Bob/God like way back when in 8th grade the truck use to pass by the window when me and sarah were in math class and we would laugh.

I don't know what all this means. Probably that I'm gonna die. But oh wellz i thought i shoudl say that.

Laterz kids

better thank your lucky stars

What difference does this difference in age make? I know how it ends she'll kill me quick [22 Aug 2002|06:08pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | none ]

Im just waking up
This was very weird
I came online for 45 minutes
Then I got off at 1 to watch Law and Order
So my sister comes in screaming about this 3LW nonsense
Yeah so that Naturi was outed and she claims she feared for her safety and shit. NOw im juss dying cuz i don't think a 15 year old and an 18 year old can do anything to harm her.
So yeah then that chick Avril was on trl i don't like her still. I think she is annnoying and the biggest hypocrite in the world. First of all she has that song babling about washing her hair for 5 hrs and trying to get it straight and blah. Ok then she says all the time in interviews and stuff that she doesn't want to be a beauty queen and what not well then stop letting all them people put make up on you and stop taking 5 hrs to do your hair. Then she starts out every interview babling about how she is punk. But on TRL she stated "I am not punk rock". Well im sure everyone already knew that but its kinda cool she knows that now. Hypocrite. So anyways that annoyed me so I kept watchign Law and Order.

So awwwww im gonna watch a double episode of Friends ohhhhh Matthew Perry. I want to see serving sara. I don't think anyone cares now.

This is always pointless

I slept from 2 - 6 this afternoon.

12 said their thank yous| better thank your lucky stars

I'm babling like my man [20 Aug 2002|03:06pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | The Starting Line ]

I watched TRL
I taped it
It made me realize how much i don't like that show
But anyway I saw Good Charlotte
And as usual Benji who use to be all quiet all the time
Never shuts up anymore
I think they shoulda let Paul and Billy talk cuz they kept trying to but someone :;cough:: cut them off
But then again MTV doesn't care about Good Charlotte they like Benji and Joel Charlotte
well actually now its not even Joel anymore its Benji Charlotte
lol my man took over da show :;giggles::

So anyway Joel coming out raising the roof oh gosh im still laughing
Benji is always borrowing someones clothes hopefully he will never borrow billy's
Oh my mommy watched it to she said was like he is gonna wear the suite from the video on our wedding day and he was gonna have the spikes and i was talking to krystle too and we were like he wasn't gonna shut up during the vows part. Cuz god knows he can't juss say I do he has to add some shit in there.

So anyway im babling like my man so ima shut up

1 said their thank you| better thank your lucky stars

Up all night up all morning up all day wtf [20 Aug 2002|08:46am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | listening to my sister blast A teens across the hall ]

Im up way to effin early
My mom woke me up at 7 to get ready to go to WHS for whatever the hell im supposed to go there for
So we were fighting cuz I didn't want to go and I was babling about not being home in time to see TRL and I don't know how to work the new VCR by setting the timer so i was like Im not going cuz i wanted to see Good Charlotte on TRL even though the video came on, on ATR last night i wanted to tape them on TRL cuz im a dork.
So we are fighting and blah and im screaming talking about your dumb its not even today u stupid stupid stupid women and she goes on the interent to look. Doesn't see anything. Then she looks in the paper they sent me didn't see anything. So then she calls the school. Lol and they say its Thursday. So i was like told you so and now she is mad and is in the basement. So ahh. Now i can't go back to sleep.

So anywayz Benji is a dork. Yo a big dork. With his ummm Big head so yeah.

better thank your lucky stars

SHUT THE EFF UP U LITTLE GIRLS [19 Aug 2002|08:13pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Bad Days - SoCo ]

Friends just one a Teen Choice award. All i gotta say is me and Matthew Perry are gonna get busy.

Today was enjoyable. I went to Kohls and got some jeans. Then we went and had lunch at Fridays and I had a salad. Thats it. Then we went to target and i bought the raddest socks in the world. They are grey and have pink stars and stuff hard to describe. Then i got some bed stuff that Todd Oldham bed sheets and blankets the star ones. So yeah and I took my camera from Warped Tour to CVS to get it developed. Then I went to Starbucks while my mom and sister shopped. I met a guy it was funny. I was sitting by myself and he came over and he was all talking to me so yeah.

I was uglier than usually today. I washed my hair and put it in a messy bun then I put on a white t-shirt and some overalls and flip flops and walked out the house. No make up on. O gosh i don't know what i was thinking today but it was really comfy so yeah ha.

Im watching Teen Choice Awards now. I don't know why. Screaming girls piss me off. Certain pop acts piss me off. I really hate screaming girls I don't know how they can go to concerts and juss scream like that. I mean I've liked song along to songs at shows and I've yelled occasionally but this kind of screaming sounds much different. Its just weird.

Oh oh oh and I came home and my dad was supposed to by me Leaving through the window cd cuz the one i have now is scratched up and i lost the booklet thingy. So anyway it was only gonna be 6.99 at best buy but they didn't have it. So he ended up getting me The Starting Lines new cd and umm Something Corporates Audioboxer. So umm yeah that was kinda cool.

Now im thinking about redoing my friends page cuz some stuff on it pisses me off like u wouldn't believe its so annoying the things people write in communities that should be in there journal and have nothing to do with the community so ahhhhh.

later kiddies

2 said their thank yous| better thank your lucky stars

I made out with a rock star I made out with a rock star [18 Aug 2002|11:18pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Straw Dog - Something Corporate ]

I made out with a rock star
I made out with a rock star - The words of Cara

I'm talking to Janelle and she thought I went out with this guy from some band.
So anyway we figure that I have to hook up with a rockstar to be happy in my life. And not like backstage groupie sex.
I have to be a rock stars girlfriend
I have to marry a rock star eventually
ANd no one believes I will be happy until i do
Kristyn says I will because I'm very determined in this field
I juss want someone in a band lol cuz im a super huge dork who has nothing better to do then think about stuff like this

well i sound like that right now so says Sam

So anyway I started a poll its still on going im designing it for my website but neway here is the responses

Will Kym ever be a g/f, marry, date, or hook up with a rock star?
Yes - 3
No - 4

Only 7 people have taken it so far so yeah umm if neway cares or is bored some time leave a comment stating an answer.

Much love kiddies

3 said their thank yous| better thank your lucky stars

And if I die so you won't be so close to me [18 Aug 2002|07:21pm]
My mom is ummm strange.
First of all she said she wouldn't know who Benji was if he came up to her at Warped and said his name was Benji from Good Charlotte. Hmmz when we all now she is a closet fan of Good Charlotte. Yeah mom you hear that I know you like them.
Neway so she was watching that TRL end of summer thing with my sis and she is like screaming Kym its Benji. Hmmz and she said she wouldn't recognize him but neway him and Joel were on that TRL thing introducing a Britney Spears video. And I juss find that extremely halirous cuz they were doing the thing they do on ATR where like Benji keeps talking about the video like he knows something and then cuts JOel off. And this amused me for 5 minutes so I thought it was worthy of Journalage. But ummm maybe not... Oh in other news I went to Ames cuz its going out of business and I wanted to buy some jeans so i can make my Soco jeans. With the songs and lyrics on them. And I passed out on the cd aisle. So yeah i had to be carried to the car and now Im home with no jeans or nothing. Bahhhhh
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And I said lets save this for another night [17 Aug 2002|07:37pm]

Check them out they are really great I bought the cd a couple months ago. I saw them at Warped on Thursday. Ummm yeah they are coming here in NOvember heh YAY!!!
better thank your lucky stars

I got effin soaked cuz of that security guard [16 Aug 2002|10:58am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Better off dead - New Found Glory ]

I'm gonna do a real update on yesterday so yeah it may get long but whatevers.

We rented a car and drove there and got stuck in a tractor trailer acciedent. Cuz the tractor trailer rolled over and there was like helicopters parked on the highway and everything.

Then we were still driving and kept seeing Logan airport signs and Logan to government center signs. So i kept yelling Brand New when I saw one. And people were getting pissed. So yeah i can't help it if that was fun cuz of the song by brand new but newayz.

We got there at 12:20ish so we missed like Something Corporate most of their performance cuz they went on at 12.

We did see (this isn't in any order)
Good Charlotte
Some of the mIghty mighty bosstones
Part of West Beverly ha ha Greg (im not gonna go into that)
Flogging Molly
Lagwagon we saw part of that
we saw some of reel big fish (lol Casey is a dumbass cuz he can't spell REEL BIG FISH lmao krystle was dying when she saw them cuz Casey swore it was spelled REAL BIG PHISH)
Goldfinger (we heard them we didn't exactly see all them cuz we were laying on the grass)

So anyway we saw some more bands but we were out of it like all hell and don't try sleeping outside in the hot sun
We got tired and like the sun was beating down on us so me and krystle like just layed across from this tent and never turned around. And it was the one where the bands were going to sign autographs and stuff(we found this out after we got up) so like hmmz we are laying there and guess who was there while we were laying there around 2 sometin Good Charlotte. so we missed them.

But since we are cool like that Good Charlotte played at 4 so we got back to the mainstages around 3 sometin so we could get up front for GC and we did. We were like 2 feet away from Billy when they started and no one cared about him he just kept smiling and doing something and he had this look and he juss reminds me so much of Crystal so much that it was scary. Paul is cool now. Then that drum set was rad it was like pinkish glitterish hollagraphicish.
They played Little things, Waldorf Worldwide, Eastcoast Anthem, Lifestyles of the rich and the famous, The motivation Proclamation, Festival song, and another song from the Young and the hopeless. So ah we got unbelieveable close and I could see the band so good the only person in front of us were these two girls and that secuirty guard who kept spraying us with water.

SO i gotta get my GC camera developed

I bought a GC shirt the one that said GC with the pic of them in the back
ANd I also bought the Evil Queen shirt
My mom bought me a thursday thingy cuz i didn't have any money to buy that cuz of all the drinks i bought that totalled up to like 25 dollars or sometin like that

Then i just got massive free shit like stickers and some cd's

Oh yeah but anyway after Good Charlotte finished krys and I left to go get sometin to drink and then i was like hey doesn't that look like William and I don't even think she knew but anyway I was like that is so i stopped and talked and he signed my book thingy. Then we finally got to the bottled water thingy and thats when Andrew I ran into Andrew and I thinks its when we were walking to the Good Charlotte table that I saw Clutch and Brian and Josh so yeah.

Does anyone know what band this dude is in cuz I swore he was in a band. Cuz people kept coming up to him asking for his autographs and he was at the strawberries booth tent thingy. He had a blue mohawk and was wearing black bondage pants I think and he had on a black shirt with pins in it and black boots. But anyway he was talking to me and Krystle. So yeah I don't know what we were talking about cuz I don't know who he is.

We left when New Found Glory was about to play and yeah I really wanted to see them. So to make up for me missing Something Corparate and New Found Glory my mom is buying me tickets to New Found Glory Something Corporate and Finch when they come here in November.

I have a fork for a tan line. Cuz i turned this fork into a bracelet so now where the fork was its all light and u can see the fork print. And yeah people were interested in my fork i found that funny cuz these chicks kept coming up to us asking where they could get fork and toothbrush braclets and how i made them.

So anyway maybe I will put some pics up once I get them developed and scanned and junk.

better thank your lucky stars

Warped Tour [15 Aug 2002|09:06pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | some random cd i guy gave me ]

I went to Warped Tour in Boston today. OMG it was so effin hot. I got a major ass of a sunburn and its very rare that black people burn unless they are really really light but neway i burned in my black ass off and my back, neck, shoulders and arms burnt in my black tank top. Then like i have these weird tan lines cuz i was wearing all my bracelts and neckalces and when I took them off i had tans. Im really tired now too. So i will update about Warped later. But I ran into the members of Something Corporate not all of them at the same time but i saw William at the Soco merch table and got his autograph and then I saw Andrew at the bottled water thingy and I have that autograph. Then I saw Clutch but I couldn't get his autograph so yeah then I saw Josh and Brian and that was yeah those are the only people I was actually like up close face to face kinda thingy.

So yeah we saw more people we saw all the bands we wanted to see except we didn't get to see New Found Glory. And you will be hearing more laterz

Peace babez

4 said their thank yous| better thank your lucky stars

No matter what goes wrong I'll always be around [13 Aug 2002|01:56pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | I could never hate you - The Eyeliners ]

I am so pissed like hell
I mean extremely pissed because Warped Tour is in 2 days and I still didn't have tickets. I ordered them online but they never arrived at my house. ::tear::
But then this morning my mom was cleaning out the junk mail box and OMG the tickets were in there and they had been in the junk mail box for 4 weeks so wtf i was so mad cuz my dumbby dad put them in there and my mom was about to discard 130 dollars worth of tickets until she saw the thingy and she came and brought them to me. So now well i don't think I can use them anymore anyway because I reported the other ones missing and they gave me new ones. so yeah just a little tidbit

So actually i am not pissed anymore

Warped Tour on thursday in Good Ole Boston and it might rain here says the weather guy. So ummm rain in boston but oh well frolicing is fun... (does anyone else notice i always put the three dots after my sentences)

better thank your lucky stars

showin off my ghetto nature once again [12 Aug 2002|08:27pm]
I was bored yo damn

Which random Good Charlotte thing are you?

Which member of the Madden family are you?

Which one of Billy's hamsters are you?

Which GC Hairstyle are you?

Which Bad Charlotte girl are you?

Which member of Good Charlotte are you?

im black and im proud
heh my neighbor was getting me to repeat that over and over again today....
better thank your lucky stars

[12 Aug 2002|07:59pm]

I Am
The Eyeliners
Three hard-rawking girls that will make you fall in love with punk music forever!
Boo yahh! I'm The Eyeliners! I can rawk out HARDCORE! And yeah...I'm one of KaT's fave bands!
Which Girly 'Punk' Band Are You!?
Quiz by baby_vicious

Ah their rad and i get to see them on thursday so wooo fuckin hoo
better thank your lucky stars

Good Charlotte Hating in an Anti Avril Community hmmmmmzz [12 Aug 2002|06:03pm]
[ mood | drained ]

Last night I wrote in the anti avril community
Little did I know that post would cause so much controversy
No not because of what I said about Avril
But because of my User Icons
The Good Charlotte one and The Tupac and Joel one

First of all Joel is not being compared to tupac musically or anything like that its just showing that every pose tupac has done in a pic Joel has done in a pic too and I found that amusing and funny...

But someone in the Anti Avril community hates good charlotte so much that everyone who makes a post in the anti avril community who has a good charlotte icon or good charlotte as an interest she feels she can just rant and rave a bitch about how good charlotte is just a bunch of "emo pussy boys from MTV" and how they suck and what not
Now if you look at it like this no one in there is going around making posts about Good Charlotte and forcing her to like them or listen to them but apparently this person is going around trying to get people not too. Hmzz go start an anti good charlotte community don't go posting anti good charlotte stuff where it is not needed

My post is like the third post i have read in the community that this person has commented to not talkign about avril but talking about how we all have bad tastes in music for liking good charlotte for someone saying we all should be open minded she sure isn't

And wow its kinda funny how everyone who is posting to the entry is not siding with this person even people who don't like good charlotte don't agree with what this person is saying

This is so dumb tho could people not have anything else to do i mean come on go talk about Avril like the orignal point of the ANTI AVRIL community

better thank your lucky stars

Whoo hooooooo!!!!!!!! [12 Aug 2002|03:55pm]
I'm going to Boston again this week...
better thank your lucky stars

SUCKED ASS [06 Aug 2002|10:33pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | I sti ]

I dunno how i should write this
Maybe from the then till now
Or now and then before
oh well i start with before

I went to soccer today
I have a blister now ewwy
We didn't really distance run but we did like some work on passing and short stuff
I kinda got tired but not as bad as last time and passing out
So i have to get back in shape
This girl Tori we use to be in the same class together in 4th grade she thinks im kim gayle she was like hi kim i went to school with you and I was like yeah I know
Then she was like what happened to your big bifocal glasses and im like umm i never had glasses until 7th grade so what was she talking about
But then she goes your not kim gayle and I go yeah im not
So I was in her class for two years and kim (the other one) was never in her class b4 yet she remembers her so whatever

Then this girl Vicky remembered me from when I went to visit WHS with Sarah. So i am remembered as the girl who is friends with Sarah how cool is that lol ummm......

And there was an MLCer trying out lol that girl Lauren
Now this is like the funniest part
One of the girls on the team was teasing her about the uniforms MLCerz have to wear now
Girl: Ha ha you have to wear a uniform next year
Lauren: So we can wear sneakers and whatever pants we want
Girl: Can you wear jeans?
Lauren: No
Girl: then ha ha
Lauren: Kym goes there to so ha ha
some chic i don't remember her name but she goes actually Kym is going to WHS next year

lol that was so funny you had to be there

Ok thats it for now

That Real world Movie sucked my ass
I have never seen such bad acting or like they were trying so hard not to act that the acted really bad ummm can that happen?
Neway I swear that guy who kidnapped them it started with a R Ronny or sometin I swear he is Clue's brother on so weird so yeah
It sucked thats all i have to say
SUCKY SUCKY SUCKY i started watching law and order cuz u know thats the show to watch

So in reality me and Krystle were right
Our Real World: IN DIVA STYLE is so much better
I can disclose the information write now but lets just say it involves a whore who doesn't know she is a whore, britney spears, and well you'll have to wait and see

better thank your lucky stars

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