Date: | 2003-03-28 00:25 |
Subject: | Oh look, honey, quizzes! And some little quiz-lings! |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | amused | Music: | Nivana & the Meat Puppets - "Plateau" |
Rock on, dude! You are Punk music!
What type of music are you? brought to you by Quizilla
No surprise there, of course: "Hey, check this out!" "Um, what the hell are they saying?"
And to be more specific, I am:
Joey Ramone
Which Punk Rock Legend are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Plain Ol' Punk
What kind of punk music describes you most? brought to you by Quizilla
And to keep from getting too theme-oriented...
You're a Fender Stratocaster! Probably the most well-known guitar design in existence, you have a growly, emotional sound that's perfect for everything but nu-metal (and what self- respecting musician plays that anyway?) You're not flashy, but you've got it where it counts - style and class. Way to go.
What Kind Of Guitar Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
And to keep from staying too much in a theme...
You have been involved in a shameful online RPG, and your soul will never be clean. You've soiled the memory of a dead author and neglected yourself and other human beings for months at a time; there is no way to make up for this. The Lord has turned His eyes from you forever!
Keep back, you utter trash!
Why Will You Go To Hell? brought to you by Quizilla (Hmmm, I guess Legend of the Red Dragon counts. Ah well, I like the fake-me-out ninja pic.)
img src="" border="0" alt="entrancing"> You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
img src="" border="0" alt="Homer - Glutony"> You're Homer and his deadly Sin - Glutony!
Which Simpsons Character / 7th Deadly Sin Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
"The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there!"
Which Ralph Wiggum Quote Are You? (Simpsons) brought to you by Quizilla
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Date: | 2003-03-21 00:41 |
Subject: | Lazy man's post |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | pissed off | Music: | Roger Waters - "The Bravery of Being Out of Range" |
Gluey Porch Boy: Dude, when the hell did everyone actually start supporting this war thing? Gluey Porch Boy: I'm really scared LAF At Meee: everyoen? Gluey Porch Boy: DAmn near every person I've talked to Gluey Porch Boy: It's like, now that it's actually happening, support grows for the status quo LAF At Meee: *snort* I'm still against it. I'm resigned to it, want it over quickly, but am against it. I'm scared that more and more people are suppporting it though Gluey Porch Boy: They are Gluey Porch Boy: And they seem blind to the very likely possibility that this will escalate into another Vietnam LAF At Meee: It's not the intelligent people that support the war that I have a problem with. It's those that haven't thought it through at all, or enough. Gluey Porch Boy: A situation that the French (who in a very real way were responsible for Vietnam) have been trying to tell us LAF At Meee: yeah Gluey Porch Boy: But hey, they're cowards and so on Gluey Porch Boy: Apparently Gluey Porch Boy: Even if they're a lot more experienced in the game we're playing than we are LAF At Meee: right. sure. whatever. Gluey Porch Boy: Called "colonialism" LAF At Meee: tcha Gluey Porch Boy: I got into an argument about that with a guy at work Gluey Porch Boy: He didn't see how France was a major colonial power Gluey Porch Boy: So I asked him why the African dance troupe that had been through a few months ago was called "Les Percussions de Guinee" and spoke French? Gluey Porch Boy: He saw my point LAF At Meee: lol! Gluey Porch Boy: But we as a nation seem to forget about stuff like that LAF At Meee: we, as a nation, have our heads shoved up our asses 9/10 of the time Gluey Porch Boy: Certainly seems that way Gluey Porch Boy: And something that doesn't come out much is that if Bush had such a problem with Saddam he could have brought charges up against him in the International Criminal Court Gluey Porch Boy: But oh wait, Bush thinks that the Court is pure evil and has threatened to invade any country that holds it LAF At Meee: reeeeaaallly? oh, wait. that does put a damper on it, doesn't it. Gluey Porch Boy: Possibly because he has several war criminals in his administration Gluey Porch Boy: Cheney, Powell, and Poindexter to name a few LAF At Meee: true Gluey Porch Boy: To sum up each ones crimes with two words each, I would have to say "Haliburton Construction", "Mei Lei", and "Iran Contra" respectively Gluey Porch Boy: No wonder Bush has a prob with the Int'l Criminal Court Gluey Porch Boy: Maybe I read too much Gluey Porch Boy: Maybe I'm just a conspiricy nut Gluey Porch Boy: Or maybe I'm just sick of being lied t
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Date: | 2003-03-16 01:55 |
Subject: | World history |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | blah | Music: | Big Black - "Heartbeat" |
Me: Hey, it's the 15th. "The Ides of March". If you were Julius Ceaser, you'd be dead now.
Jayna: Bummer.
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Date: | 2003-03-08 16:04 |
Subject: | Survey time in the LBC |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | amused | Music: | Dumb Flash animation - The Kikkoman Song |
1. What time is it: 4:05 pm 2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Galin Curtis Bryant, with a stapled-on addendum correcting it to "Gaelin 3. Nickname(s): Bugsy, varieties on that like King Buggo 4. Parents' names: Leland James Bryant and Claudia Jane Bryant 5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 8, I think. It certainly was much less than 21, but it was ice cream cake, so that makes up for it 6. Date that you regularly blow them out: March 2, or the nearest available weekend 7. Pets: Diz, the world's fattest and laziest gray cat 8. Eye color: Shit brown 9. Piercings: Nope 10. Tattoos: The Millennium Oroboros on my left arm, near the shoulder 11. How much do you love your job: Despite the massive stress associated with it and all, it's a hell of a lot more enjoyable than Music and Arts. I like making things happen. And I get to read a good bit during the shows. 12. Favorite color(s): Orange (but not all oranges. Think of the color of a Capri Sun Push-Pop Do they still make that?), red (most reds, but especially Candy Apple red), and black. 13. Hometown: Glenn Dale, MD 14. Current Residence: The filthpit up the stairs, on the right. 15. Favorite Food: Lo mein. Any kind. 16. Been to Africa: That would be cool. 17. Been toilet papering: Maybe, in the distant past. It wouldn't have happened very much though. I guess not. 18. Loved somebody so much it made you cry: Uh huh. 19. Been in a car accident: Jeremy rear-ended a car outside a movie theater, 'cause he was running his mouth. To me, in the passenger seat. That was pretty funny. 20. Croutons or bacon bits: Croutons 21. Sprite or 7-Up: Sprite 22. Favorite Movie: Top 5 - Pink Floyd The Wall, Clerks, Apocalypse Now (either version), Pulp Fiction/Resevoir Dogs, Chinatown 23. Favorite Holiday: Feast of Maximum Occupancy 24. Favorite Day of the Week: I still like Fridays, even if weekends have lost all meaning for me. 25. Favorite Word or Phrase: "Dude"... that word is so... dude. 26. Favorite Toothpaste: Mentadent. Precious mouth numbing, drool-inducing Mentadent. 27. Favorite Restaurant(s): Cluck U, the Eatin' Place 28. Favorite Flowers: Uh, that thing on Huh huh huh. 29. Favorite Drink: A well made martini. Or ice water. Or the Orange Whammy (tm) 30. Favorite Sport to Watch: Giant monster battles that destroy the wals on your house. Around here we call them "fiesta holes" 31. Preferred type of ice cream: Rainbow berry sherbert 32. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Grover 33. Disney or Warner Brothers:Warner Brothers. While Disney was often sight gags and silly sound effects, Warner Brothers cartoons were often send-ups of the politicians and celebrities of the day 34. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: How fast is fast? Burger King, I guess, out of the major chains. 35. When was your last hospital visit:For me? Never. UI'm healthy and stuff. 36. What color is your bedroom carpet: There's a carpet under all the shit? Woah. 37. How many times did you fail your driving test:Nope. Didn't. 38. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this:Erin 39. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: They never caught me! For uh, that thing I did. 40. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: Atomic and CDepot. Borders, maybe. 41. What do you most often do when you are bored: Dumb video games. Or dumb songs on guitar. Or shit like this. 42. Who is the friend that lives the farthest away? Anyone who knows my brother. Or Rachel out in Chicago. 43. Most annoying thing people ask: Anything about my hair. Or "Can I help you, ma'am?" 44. Bedtime: 1-4 am. 45. Who will respond to this the quickest: Nobody's gonna do this. 46. Who is the person least likely to respond: Everybody 47. Favorite all time TV show: Millennium 48. Last person you went out to dinner with: My folks, for my birthday. The first time they've had Mexican since... my last birthday. 49. Last movie you saw: The Two Towers 50. Time completed: 4:41, but only because I spent so much time watching dumb Flash movies with Sam
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Date: | 2003-03-04 00:10 |
Subject: | "Uno Disastro Electricidad" - A Pulitzer Prize Wannabe Essay |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | frustrated | Music: | Alice Cooper - "The Ballad of Dwight Fry (Live)" |
To quote Andrew the Pritchard as he often says when things at the Playhouse are falling into calamity "Dude, Cheryl, it's so not my fault!". Cheryl, is, of course, the Technical Director and thusly, as technicians, our boss. She is, for those not in the know, a six-foot tall, ex-military black woman, with some years in this business. However, pisant sound technicians and technical directors with touring groups seem to have a problem with taking her seriously. As was the case today.
I knew that it was all going to be difficult when we ran out of 6x9 lights on Sunday. A funny birthday present, to be sure, given that we normally have a massive excess of these types of lights. In fact, they had been off of the side of the stage on boom stands since December because of the massive (and unhealthy) number of dance shows. However, they had been pulled down and were sitting in a huge pile on the floor Sunday, which was, as I've stated earlier, my birthday. It was only when they were all collated into a massive grouping that I was able to appreciate the sheer... number of them. This commonality is offset quite a bit by our mutual dislike of them, as I expressed in a parody of the Meat Puppets' "Lake of Fire" that I thought up during one particularly menial day at work:
Where do bad techs go when they die? They don't go to Heaven with infinite tie line They go to a stage of fire and fry Trying to light show with rust six by nine's
Not particularly poetic, to be sure, but it gets the message across. They are clunky and difficult to use, especially ours, which, to forgive the pun, have "seen better plays." Nonetheless, the show that we hung them for on Sunday used them to a somewhat horrifying abundance. We had to build a few new ones out of the bodies of some of their fellows to merely complete the stage to something vaugely resembling the specifications sent by the director of the play, which was entitled "Harlem". And, despite my ongoing whistling of "Sweet Georgia Brown", the play was not about the forming of the Globetrotters. Nonetheless, as I left early on Sunday to enjoy birthday dinner with my family, I had no idea of the chaos that would await me on the morrow.
Once the group arrived in the morning, it was plain to see that their would not be a produduction of any type that we were familiar with, despite our rather great experience with the travelling show. But these folks were from the Kennedy Center, and while they have been on the road for a "gruelling" two months, have obviously not played a venue anything like our own. Much could be made of their "set", whch involved rather expensive-looking wooden paingtings that were hund off of a bar above the stage. Alas, the height of our stage was much less than they have ever dealt with before, and had to "improvise" just to deal with the conditions. But it wasn't until I begain to try to unravel the layers upon layers of complexity and ago to the point of absurdity that existed in their sound man and his setup that I truly understood what Hell was.
I first began to suspect a problem when, to put it bluntly, I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. He began describing to me what it was that he had and what it was that he needed and I just did the "smile and nod bit" and went to go work more on the more basic elements of set-up. This is an apporach that has worked for me in the past. By the time everything gets done, I am usually free to pull a fast one on the big-egoed individual (always male) and set it up as best I can for the venue I'm responsible for. However, it did not work today. To begin with, he expected to control all the sound from the board in my booth. I explained to him in a simple and polite a manner as I could that this is not allowed, for the simple reason that the Comission wants to be have person that they can dock pay or fire in the event of equipment damage. He was none too thrilled with this, and began to set up his mixing board in the house rather than allow me to do the sound as I am normally wont to do. Evidently, he did not trust one so parochial with his complex and all important show. He then set me on rather banal tasks such as running extension cord from a wall outlet backstage onto the stage, which he said would require but a small amount of power from which to run the tiny little Hartke bass amp, the keyboard, and the amp for that. From here begin a comedy of errors, line-level hum, and my repeated trips to ask Cheryl how to tell him that we couldn't do what he wanted us to do, a tale that I shall not bore you with here.
To sum up, while there were three musicians and a few wireless mics for the actors, this dingbat comes to the conclusion that he required four amps at a total power of approximiate 3000 watts. This number is not exagerated in the slightest, and is in fact a rather conservative estimate. To top it all off, we were not able to satisfactorily run a signal from his mixing board into our system, so we volunteered our large "portable" Carvin speakers for his use. Rather than use the excess power from his own massive amplification array, though, he elected to use the own own amp that we have to power the Carvins in the first place. While I am in the back attempting to explain this to Cheryl and the stage of the group (who, while she is experienced in theatre, she knows little about sound and as such has given Captain Jerkwad free rein ) about why this is a bad idea. In the meantime, he connects up our amp to his diabocal ends. Cheryl and I both say "right" and go about trying to get the rest of this show set up with as little argument as possible. Several minutes later, I am in the crow's nest (an area on top of the light and sound booths, about twelve feet off the ground) when everything goes dark. Luckily, someone is able to help me down with a flashlight. After some searching, we find that the entire vicinity is blacked out. It takes much proffering, but eventually the two remaining touring personel (the cute stage manager and Lieutenant Dickweed) agree to leave. It is then that Cheryl and I inspect what this gentleman (and I use the term loosely) has done. He has connected his 3000 watt+ system PLUS our amplifier PLUS the bass and keyboard amps to THE ONE "SMALL OUTPUT" LINE THAT I RAN EARLIER.
Thus, it is our conclusion that this one man, this "experienced" and "seasoned" travelling "expert" in sound was responsible for wiping out the power in Bladensburg this afternoon. Way to go Commodore Blackout.
Of course, until Pepco or whomever comes along and proves that the massive draw on a single transformer came from the Playhouse we're going to go with the official explanation of "we don't know what happened."
But now you know.
The major stress and frustrations of this has led to me greatly desiring a drunken one-night stand, however, as I am not likely to get that any time soon, I have merely my LiveJournal and you guys. And I thank you
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Date: | 2003-02-18 00:05 |
Subject: | Literacy |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | moody | Music: | Romeo Void - "Never Say Never" |
So these Harry Potter books are kicking my ass. Why the hell didn't I just listen to everybody and read them ages ago? The snow has allowed me to get massive amounts of reading done (when I am neither shoveling nor fucking with the accursed router and all the difficulties associated teherin nor cleadning the whole fucking house from top to fucking bottom what the hell is my mothers problem okay small rant ended)
It's also been great to read these while listening to various instrumental (or near as dammit) albums on headphones. However exposure to these CDs again remind me of how desperately I want to have sex to Loveless by My Bloody Valentine, and, to a lesser degree, Black Flag's The Process of Weeding Out. But to that shoegazer classic...... Damn, that would be sweet.
The best sex I ever had was to Dinosaur Jr's You're Living All Over Me, which was before and still is my favorite album of all time. I don't think I've ever done it without music. Those were some days, those.
Damn I feel old
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Date: | 2003-02-04 15:16 |
Subject: | My cat's breath smells like cat food. Well, not really. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | okay | Music: | BullsEyeArt - "Donkey Jam" |
I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, tight as fuck, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child! See how compatible you are with me! Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Which, of course, makes me 93% compatible with Laura. So, um, there.
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Date: | 2003-02-02 12:25 |
Subject: | Well, duh |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | nerdy | Music: | The Stooges - "No Fun" |
take the nerd test.
and go to a nerd utopia.
Not a surpsise to anyone who knows me, of course. Me, the guy who goes "Oh my god, you've got to hear this band, they're from Japan and they've got four guitar players and a guy who plays the computer and hey hey where are you going?!"
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Date: | 2003-01-29 00:34 |
Subject: | It's like myhead's full... |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | nervous | Music: | Sorry About Your Daughter - "Spring of Discontent" |
...and I really have no idea what to about that.
I'm still sick. Still. It's been something like a week and a half. Fuck! It just keeps not going away, and the overproduction of mucous in my head is interfering with my ability to concentrate on any one thing. This has affected my video game performance sharply.
So, when it comes down to it, I don't feel like naming names. The isn't even really so much to protect any innocents as it is to try and give a universality to these ramblings. Fuck, even this journal that seems to be my own is written so much for other people to see. Is this why every possible future occupation I seem to be interested in is connected primarily by the fact that they would involve laying bare my feelings for the public to see. So be it, right? The fact of the matter is that there's a certain girl that I've had my eye on for some time. Yes, she has a LiveJournal of her own. Yes, she has me listed as a friend. Anyway, she's agreed to go to the Val Yumm show with me. As a date? Who knows. I occasionally bring up the possibility of the two of us going out with her over that wonderful Instant Messanger (which is my principal method of communications these days, but that's a ramble for a different time) but she always seems a little put off about it and then the one of the two of us would always end up changing the subject and talking about something else. But now she's going to read this and either go "Oh my, what a freak" or maybe just "that's sweet". Oh maybe shw won't care at all. I dunno. Even if nothing were to happen between the two of us, I'm sure she'd stay the cool friend she has so far. So really, I have nothing to lose.
So why the fuck am I so nervous about it?
Not to mention other things going on of a similar nature, but I don't feel like bringing them up in this particular forum (no, there are no new updates in that area, Andy, I just don't feel like explaining it from the beginning, so there). So forget anything about what I just said.
If I can't handle putting it all up in a stupid-ass LiveJournal, how the hell could I pull off being a confessional rock star? Eh, whatever.
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Date: | 2003-01-16 00:57 |
Subject: | Wow |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | irate | Music: | The Gits - "Cut My Skin (It Makes Me Human)" |
This isn't gonna matter much to anybody else, but it really means a lot to me.
From the Seattle Times and Alternative Press (via
"A 48-year-old Marathon has been arrested in the 1993 slaying of rising punk-rock star Mia Zapata, the Seattle Police Department said Saturday. Investigators arrested Jesus C. Mezquia in the Miami area late Friday night after DNA evidence linked him to the death, department spokeswoman Deanna Nollette said. Mezquia, of Marathon, was charged with first-degree murder and held without bond late Saturday at Miami-Dade County Jail, officials at the jail said. Zapata, the 27-year-old lead singer of The Gits, was last seen alive shortly after 2 a.m. on July 7, 1993, after a night of hard drinking in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood. She was strangled with the drawstring of her Gits sweat shirt, and her body was left 1.6 miles away on the curb of 24th Avenue South. Her arms were outstretched, her legs crossed at the ankle, as if she had been crucified. Zapata was little-known nationally but popular locally at the height of Seattle's grunge-rock scene in the early '90s. Her death prompted an all-night vigil attended by 1,000 people as well as the creation of a self-defense group, Home Alive. The Seattle music community -- including Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Soundgarden -- raised $70,000 to hire a private investigator for three years, but eventually the funds dried up. 'It's just a great relief,' said Charles Cross, longtime editor of the defunct Seattle music magazine The Rocket. 'Mia was a great singer, and with the timing of it -- how powerful a stage presence she was and what a major talent she was -- the band clearly was on to much bigger things.' The popularity of grunge rock was about to explode, but The Gits remained below the radar. They released two singles and an album, 'Frenching the Bully,' and were finishing up the vocals on a second album when Zapata was killed. The band continued playing together for about five years afterward and led the private investigation into the case, hoping to keep it in the spotlight. 'It's been a long, hard road,' Cross said. 'But she was not forgotten, and that's one of the good things to come out of the sad loss of this tremendous talent.' "
I quite vividly remember the first time I saw/heard the Gits. It was on the Seattle "grunge" documentary Hype!. They were on there and I was just utterly blown away by the power of the band and most notably the singer. I completely fell in love with her, her voice, her stage persona, her talent, her everything. For whatever reason, the documentary made no mention of what had happened to her. I read about the murder of Mia in something else that didn't mention her band name, but I had a horrible feeling in my gut, so I did a quick search engine run on her. Yes, she was the one who had been killed. It really knocked me back. I mean, sure, she had been dead for six years, but I had just discovered her, and to me she had been quite alive. It really changed the feel of the music, knowing this.
Right now, I've got my main sourche of music news, (it used to be Addicted to Noise, but then the got bought out by, who got bought out by Viacom (MTV/VH1) and the reportage on less-than-mainstream bands has vanished since) open in another window, and the top story is something Christina Aguilera. Her picture is just on the border of the window I'm typing this and she's looking every bit the human barbie doll, complete with empty plastic eyes and vagant perfect smile. And it sickens me, just comparing her and Mia. If there were any justice in the world, the female musician role model would be her, and not this prefab bitch. But then, if there were any justice in the world, Mia would still be here.
That's really all I have to say.
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Date: | 2003-01-13 02:12 |
Subject: | I don't know if it's the Jack Daniels Country Cocktails talking, but..... |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | drunk | Music: | Tsunami Bomb - "Say It If You Mean It" |
....I really want to eat some pussy. Aye, going down on a girl sounds like a lot of fun right now. Any takers?
Yeah, I know it's crude and probably more than anyone wanted to know. But it's my journal and I'll crash and burn on my own thank you very much.
Who the hell am I arguing with?
I must need sleep.
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Date: | 2003-01-11 01:14 |
Subject: | Smaven |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | doomed | Music: | Spread Beaver - "Ever Free" |
It's like, we've really pissed off North Korea. And we're gonna die now. The show went fine, I suppose. Maybe we shall play there again. Will attempt to record band before Andy leaves for school. Later, plans will be drawn up for new, different band. Unsure as to why post is in short, telegraph-like sentences.
Message ends.
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Date: | 2003-01-03 01:39 |
Subject: | Born on the fine line between clever and stupid |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | flirty | Music: | Husker Du - "Blah Blah Blah" |
Show. Tomorrow. Go.
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Date: | 2002-12-20 01:04 |
Subject: | Asshole. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | pissed off | Music: | Three Prong Outlet - "Novacaine" |
"The little sound guy that could"?! Mother FUCKER!
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Date: | 2002-12-18 19:37 |
Subject: | Copied (and annotated) from an e-mail I just sent.... |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | retarded | Music: | The Kickovers - "Diamonds to Ashes" |
...'cause I'm really lazy.
You see, the thing about working in the theatre, is that assholes abound. And we certainly got our share of them today, with some Russian ballet company's touring version of the Nutcracker. Bascially, all their staff treated us as local peons and one of them actually threw my boss off the stage. This was after she got in an argument with the bus driver who had parked right in the middle of the parking lot where further staff would have to arrive (our staff, not theirs), and then, upon her telling him that he would have to move, he said "look lady, the only thing worse than a pissed-off bus driver is TEN women on PMS". Yes, he emphasized the ten. Oh yes, and their stage manager was an extremely ephaminate, gay, Peurto Rican guy. From the Bronx. Whose gender I could not tell for several hours. Still, he was very impressed my work, and offered me a spot with their touring company. He promised me "lots of booze, loose Russian women, and a tattoo". And maybe, had it been just those things that I would have gotten, I would have accepted. But I really, really did not want to deal with those assholes.
Went to see Val Yumm tonight, and I can happily say (once again) that Mary Prankster could not have a better protege. She also, for her second set, asked me to play with her, which of course I did. Naturally, I sucked ass, but it was fun nonetheless. Ms. Katie, of course, felt that I "did great" and "looked good up there", but I know how lame I am. Had I known that she wanted me to play along with her instead of solo (which is what I thought when I went home to get my guitar), I would have gotten my bass instead. It matters not. I got to play. I gave her a ticket to January 3 show.
OK. Time to do dishes now. Then laundry. Then more of that sleep thing. Yeah. Haven't seen much in the way of that particular item, so maybe I can get more acquainted with it tonight.
I have to pee.
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Date: | 2002-12-12 00:13 |
Subject: | Blagh! |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | lethargic | Music: | Bouncing Souls - "That Song" |
This water sucks, for some reason. I think the filter needs changing again. Anyway, a short post due to the ache in my head. The show is now January 3 (JRR Tolkien's 111th birthday, so I'm told), at the Vault, and we will be headlining! So, naturally, everybody needs to get their asses down there, especially since, as the headlining band, we need to be "confidant that we can get 50 fans" there. That's a pretty big fucking number. So come to the damn show! It'll be the first show with the full band, which is special enough.
OK, aside from that, I don't really have much to say. I should probably go sleep or something. Bah
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Date: | 2002-12-05 01:36 |
Subject: | Snow. And show. |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | drunk | Music: | Big Black - "Passing Complexion" (live) |
So yes. We play tomorrow, well, actually, technically tonight. The Vault. And related news: Life Goes On (the headlining band) won't be there becuase their singer is totally sick and cannot perform. And Uptown Stomp, the band that was playing right before them, won't be there either 'cause they broke up. So it's just gonna be us and Phocus. Who, for some reason, really rub me the wrong way. I guess it's just their web page. But, of course, we have that snow thing. To sum it up, I'm going, I'm gonna rock the joint even if there's nobody there and we never get to play there again. Fuck it. It's Disco fucking Stu, this band was never meant to get even this far. Not much else to say really. Enojoy the snow, those of you who are rocking it. Enjoy the show, those of you who can come see us rock it.
And my Jack and Coke is hella good.
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Date: | 2002-11-30 12:19 |
Subject: | Eating babies |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | impressed | Music: | The Minibosses - "Wizards & Warriors" |
Which 'Sealab 2021' character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
The phrase "not a surprise to anyone" comes to mind. Oh yeah, the Mary show last night was hella awesome (dammit, stop saying "hella"!), espescially due to the new band, especially due to Andy Mabe. He is my new God.
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Date: | 2002-11-27 14:35 |
Subject: | An update |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | cold | Music: | Minibosses - "GI Joe" |
So, pretty much everybody's heard since it happened, but I'll post it anyway. Gram died on Friday morning, holding onto my father's hand. We had funeral services Monday morning, although the actual internment won't be until December 16, which is, of course, my sister's birthday. Idon flew out here Sunday and flew back the next day. It was all..... something. I dunno. I have been telling everyone specific instructions as to what to do once I have been smashed by a meteor, exploded for various reasons, or whatever. Um, hm. Not much else to say, really. Actually I'm sure there is but I don't know what it is. The show is still December 5. I've still got presale tickets, which are cheaper than the door, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy them. OK that's all.
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Date: | 2002-11-22 01:27 |
Subject: | Ruminations on death, whiskey, and pizza |
Security: | Public |
Mood: | numb | Music: | Mark Lanegan "Last One in the World" |
So I guess it all came down today. My grandmother has taken a turn for the worse, and it is expected that she will die in the next few days. This being my main outlet for thoughtul ramblings and so on, I will go into detail here, and take it like a writer, drink in hand.
I really feel an almost... guilt, I guess, over not being more broken up over this. I mean, hell, this is my fucking grandmother, the single most divine, holy, wonderful person I have ever known. She should be canonized as a saint. She's done so much for me in my life. And now she's leaving it forever. But I'm not reacting like I should be. Is it because we've been going through this process with so many close calls over the past four years? Is it because I've seen how much this is tearing up my father and I know that someone has to stay strong for him? What is it? Hell, even Katie seems to be more broken up over this than I am. I'm not sure I like that. I don't want to be all stoic now and then regret it later. I guess, in the end, that's the worst thing that we can be left with: regret. It all boils down to that, one way or the other. Everything else is just bullshit.
Still, I guess this is how she wants it to be. At home, warm and safe, surrounded by her those closest to her. Dad doesn't want her to have to go through the intibator and everything again, so this is where it all comes down. I dunno. My choice of death would be to get caught right in the center of a nuclear explosion. One flash, and I'm dust. That'd make things easier on everybody. Plus, I'd be pretty noticible as I exited this world, if only for my method of doing so.
The old man wanted me to bring guitars over to her house, so I took his Taylor and the old Gibson. I figured Gram would want to see and hear her husband's guitar again. Went over there and had a little pizza. All those damn neighbors and so on came over. The irritate me so. Still, I'm sure I'll get a little more time alone with her before the end. She's pretty drugged up now at this point.
So fuck. I thought I had more to say, but I guess not. Suppose I'll try to get to sleep and elt the whiskey kick in
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