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Persephone Avalon

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random qiuzes. don't mind them. i'm' just trying to pass the time people... [21 Mar 2002|08:58pm]

You'd make a great horror movie subject as you'd always be the one who goes into the house when the lights have gone off and the poltergeist is throwing a wobbly. A vampire could bite your neck and you'd probably slap him for giving you a love bite!

You aren't afraid of anything but being a little bit more wary would stand you in good stead. If you don't start getting a little bit spooked you could find yourself in a sticky situation!

Most definitely - you’re descended from Dracula, no doubt about that. If you hang round with bats and only go out at night people are bound to notice sooner or later.

You do enjoy your blood, don’t you? Seriously though, you should consider cutting down on red meat. It’s full of chloresterol. Try eating more fruit - you can get blood oranges, you know.

Be careful - the world is full of crucifixes and mirrors, and you never know who may be lurking round the corner with a sharpened wooden stake!

So spooky! You could become a professional super-psychic. But you already knew that, didn't you?...

You can be a bit over-sensitive though; you tend to cry at Toy Story and you love your Crayola colouring set. Try not to let the little things upset you too much
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[21 Mar 2002|01:48pm]
[ mood | guilty ]
[ music | london after midnight - where good girls go to die ]

i'm so dumb.
but anyways, ooh! i love erin!
looky looky what she wrote for me!!!

I Know I am Silent but I am Still There


For Jamie, who needs to believe in angels!

I know I am silent but I am still there

I can see you crying, feel you crying

And I promise that you are not alone

Don’t let life get you sad and down

I swear I am by your side until the end

I am holding your hand and seeing you through

Through the darkest nights, through the blinding days

You can always be sure I’m around

I can feel your fears and insecurities

And it kills me when you’re in pain because I feel it too

I am there for you, and I always will be

You are a beautiful person, the only kind we exist for

Even when things get overwhelming

And when you feel like you can’t bear much more

Remember that I love you and will be with you forever

I know I am silent but I am still there

that poem makes me think of- ah never mind. i won't say.
she's so great. i haven't realy been the greatest the past while. stupid shit realy. it just hasn't been a good week. other people have been out of it, wich upsets me. friends i don't like to see upset. and ev went away. yay for halifax. she better have fun damnit or i'll kick her ass. we can't both be misserable. but i started writing her a letter. i plan on it getting to her by the time she's home.
and as for yesterday, yeah... i apologize for the drama. i know it wasn't apreciated.

ah, things aren't so crazy upsetting today. for the first time all week i don't feel like i'm going to be sick from an anxiety attack. which i actualy have been having. but i'm ok. so don't worry about me, or i'll have to hurt you.
the poem realy made me feel good. she hasn't been around much lately and it was good. that and a lot of things have been bothering me, so it was just nice.
so. i'm just sitting here. on the internet. not talking to anyone. yup. lonely lonely me. ho hum.

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[20 Mar 2002|09:30pm]
well you know what?

i love you.
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[20 Mar 2002|08:44pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

i was going to update lastnight, but someone said something and i duno, i was upset.
i mean, realy upset.
i guess i made that person upset too.
i'm sorry.
what you said was meant to be cruel.
i never had any intention to hurt you.
there lies the differance.

what the hell is the point in waiting until almost 3 in the morning to just leave anyway?
do you expect me to come running after you every time?
i supose you wanted to talk to me, but then you kinda defeated the purpous in it by going away.
when i read what you wrote i fucking felt sick.
i didn't know if you were trying to be funny, and now i know you weren't.
i never expected for you to do something like that.
why another person would intentionaly try to hurt someone...
well you know what?
i'm sorry. i realy am.
fucking sorry i upset you.
sorry you didn't tell me what i said hurt you.
sorry you felt the need to hurt me in return.

i cried.

so much for you wanting to never have anything-
forget it.
i don't know.
you probably won't even read this.
i wish
i wish you wouldn't run away from me.
i wish i didn't fucking feel like i'm going to be sick.
maybe i just might.
god knows i have enough shit wrong with me.
i don't want to make you feel bad.
i'm not even going to bring it up.
it wouldn't be fair.
because it isn't fair
to hurt someone
so i'll keep it to myself for tonight.
god knows i have no one to talk to anyway...

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[19 Mar 2002|11:57am]
looky looky. i'm home and it isn't even 1:20. whoah. bet you're all wondering what i'm doing here, aren't you?
ok, so you don't realy care. but i'm going to tell you anyways. bwahahaha.
my mum was a fucking bitch about the whole thing last night said i was overreacting blahblah (yes, overreacting about the fact that i could DIE) and told be to basicaly shut the fuck up.
well, i didn't exactly want to go to sleep what with the whole paraniod my lungs would fill with blood or i'd choke or something, but i fell asleep at midnight anyway. because i suck.
at one, i woke up, and was lying there thinking, why am i awake at 1am? and then i wondered, why can't i breath? and then i thoguh, should my face be wet?
aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd then i had a panic attack.

so yeah. because you know I OVER REACTED!!

so i didn't sleep much. went to school went to talk to alishya, she looked at me, said, no, she took you, dind't she? cuz she saw the look on my face. then she kind started bitching and swearing and gill asked what the fuck, so alishya said i had the same thing as mike (torn blood vessel and i was bleeding in my throat, weee!) so she got up and dragged me to the office and told them i was going to the hospital.
well course i didn't cuz they said it's not an emergency since i wasn't bleeding (again) so they called my doctor to try and get me an apointment. they kept getting the busy signal, so eventualy i told the social worker to just drive me over there. so she did. and i have an apointment toningt at 6:30. she's making me talk to him about being depressed. said if i do she'll talk to my principal about letting me stay in school, since i'm fucking up and going to be kicked out next week.
weeeeeelllll isn't my life fun!
i had her drop me off at home, so here i am.

i'm sick of all of this.
so fucking sick. you have no idea.
and my stumoch is feeling like shit because i swollowed blood, wich you can't digest. so it's sitting there. ROTTING inside me, hurting me, making me sick.

oh, but i overreacted.
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[18 Mar 2002|09:57pm]
[ mood | scared ]

she won't take me.
she fucking won't take me.
i don't like this. i'm scared.
i'm fucking scared.
she doesn't give a shit.
i'm not even suprised, you know.
i'm realy not.
it's just like her.
you're all very well aware i could die in my sleep, don't you?
but aperantly that's not a good enough reason to go to the hospital.
noooo, ofcourse not!
well, i can't realy see the keyboard what for all the tears in my eyes, so i'm going to be going now.
going to sit in this house with these people who don't fucking give a shit that i could blooy well die.
sit and cry by myself knowing no one cares.
g'night all.

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drounding in my own blood... [18 Mar 2002|07:05pm]
i realy think i should go to the hospital.
i'm not worried over how much blood i've lost, but the fact that it just started to bleed again is frightening.
this happened to alishya's boyfriend yesterday. he almost died in his sleep from his lungs filling with blood becasue of it.
yay for bursting blood vessels in your throat.
i could poibly DIE!

*wimperwimper* i want my mommy.
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[18 Mar 2002|04:59pm]
i'd update, but i'm to tired. let's just say i lost alot of blood. i'll go into detail later. like, when i have enough strengh to put thought to typing the whole thing.

*passes out*

uh, and don't worry. i'm ok.
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fun with cereal. [17 Mar 2002|06:10pm]
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[17 Mar 2002|06:06pm]
but this for me and i'll love you forever.
buy THIS for me and i'll be your love slave.
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[17 Mar 2002|04:18pm]
oh yeah? well my mum made me go grocery shopping. shitty. yay for more crap you don't want happening to people. but you know what? i got COUNT CHOCULA CERIAL!! *dances* so i've got something. wich isn't much of anything, but it proves there's more than nothing.
nyah nyah mhattila. i win. =P
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[17 Mar 2002|03:11pm]

any one know where i got this? grrr. it's bugging me. who wrote it? done one of you? guh. meeh. must know.
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baaaaah says the green goat. [17 Mar 2002|12:31pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | cranberries, linger ]

did anyone happen to take a look at frank today? he's all green. it's very cute.
yes, a very cute goat we've got here peoples.

ah, would anyone happen to know how much iron transfer paper costs? i need to make shirts. and other things.
ah yes. saint patty's day. and guess what ash got tattooed on herself yesterday? a shamrok. it's very cute. i helped the lady with the colours. ash wasn't good at explaining what she wanted. but it's good. and when she got the lizard on her back the outline was hurting like a bithc so i gave her poems to read to take her mind off of it. when she was finished reading she exclaimed rather bitchily they're nothing close to cute. this made me happy. ah, she hates mir as much as ev does. (mir having called some deep emotional painful poems i'd writen cute. after she laughed at them no less)
hate your fear.
fear your hate.
i wanted to get these tiny spiders, not even as big as dimes. THOSE were cute. alas, i didn't have $30.
i like spiders. most people don't. they think they're disgusting. they're so unapreciated. called ugly and such. flicked, squished, stepped on. no one sees how good they realy are. no one cares. no one gives them a second though. everyone hates them.
gee, what would i ever see in something like that?
uhhuh. yeah, just call me spider lady.
i still want my wings. i'll always want my wings. huge torn and broken angel wings.
lovely things, those.
wings are.
but i supose a girl can't sit around waiting for angels she knows very well will never come.
joey, yesterday after i said he'd never show up out of no where like i jokingly asked him to, said i never know. he just might. uhhuh. i'm not going to hold me breath. quite a far ways to go just to see someone you've talked to on the net for 3 weeks. though i must say driving 7 hours compaired to crossing the pond, well yeah. ah, and he said i could come visit him and get his cousin's friends to draw the wings for me, and i could get them to do it. i comented on how long it would take to get my intire back tattooed with intricate detailed feathers, shaded and coloured and everything. he said it me staying that long woulnd't be such a bad thing.
can you beleive this guy?
the posibility of ian making a detour when he's already heading up my way in a year or two is one thing. but me moving to the states to live with some guy just for the hell of it is something differant all together.
i know he's not serious though. i'm not that nieve. though i think erin might have been more serious when she said if things were bad enough it wouldn't be hard for me to find a job there, and that i could take college courses and such. but my life isn't messed enough for me to drop out of school and skip country. i'm doing pretty good actualy to tell you the truth. listening to my grampa bitch about how the electric bill is $200 more than it was before we moved in isn't as bad as not having electricity at all.
and hey, i'm not running around looking for something to steal so i can hock it to suport my heroin adiction.
it's all good.

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[17 Mar 2002|12:07pm]
alright, i don't want to ruin it for anyone, so i'm just going to put a link instead of writing it myself.
ah, the truth about patty's day...
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[17 Mar 2002|12:17am]
Test Results
You think of yourself as being sad, deep, beautiful, and lonely.
Others think of you as being cold, beautiful, fierce, and mesmerizing.
Your relationships can be described as cool, deep, fierce, and flowing.
When stressed, you feel scared.
Take this test here.
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[16 Mar 2002|10:35pm]
hrm. ok, i took the sexual preferance test and aperantly i'm bisexual.

i have nothing to say.
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*sigh* [16 Mar 2002|12:24pm]
i should update. so yeah, here goes i guess.

ash still has no tat. we finaly got fed up and made an apointment at skinners. her mom's crazy.
ash made dinner. it was good. now instead of smashing dishes she cooks. i remmeber when she couldn't make kraftdinner. but no, it's good. she's good. nice to see her do something constructive as aposed to self destructive.
we sat in her room for hours last night just talking about everyhting. suprise suprise we got on the subject of guys. and how they suck. and don't love us. (ian, you don't count) and how no one gets us. and we're loners because of it and not because we want to be. and just alot of things. hoe derek wasn't what he promised he would be. how he wasn't there for her in the summer at all, and that being when she realy needed him. she has so much bullshit in her life. i know everyhting thinks they've got tons of crap, and hell, you do, but compaired to what she goes through, the summer was just bad. i understand though. the whole people not being who they say they are. matt said he moved to hamilton because if he wanted to go to the theater, he could. if he wanted to go to a gallery, he could. if he wanted to see a band, he could. this city has alot. skate parks, a lake, arts, alot of good things. but did he ever do those things? no ofcourse not. in the 7 months i've known him he hasn't done any of those. he's been to the gallery once. and that's because i DRAGGED him. literaly. you have no idea. i threw a fit and screamed and dragged him there.
but he's a jerk i don't care so blah.
i need to get out of this city. if things were bad enough erin says i could be a room mate when she moves out with her friends.
nice for her to say, but i've never met her, don't live in the states, have no money to get there, no way of getting a job to help pay for anything,....
and i don't think things are bad enough for me to go to another country to live with strangers. lucky me. could you imagine if they were? wow. i don't know.
i have to go get ready. meeting her at skinners at 2:30. i still haven't been bothered to draw anything for her. guess she'll just tell the artist what she wants and have her draw something up.
i feel bad for saying i'd draw it than not. at least i can giver her my poems today. she likes my writings. sometimes i think she thinks too good of me. i'm not that special, but everyhting i do she loves.
it's nice to have someone actualy think something of you though. regardless of wether or not you deserve it.
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*passes out* [15 Mar 2002|11:20am]
[ mood | tired ]

ok, i went to sleep at 3:30am. no problem. i don't have to get up early.
uh, well, shawn seemed to think i did. at 7. so he woke me up.

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mist, rammstein [13 Mar 2002|03:23pm]
[ mood | sigh ]

They stand with their arms tightly around each other
a mixture of flesh, so rich in days
where the sea touches the land
she wants to tell him the truth

But the wind eats her words
where the sea ends
she holds his hand, trembling
and kissed him on the forehead

She carries the evening in her chest
and knows that she must wither away
she lays her head in his lap
and asks for a last kiss

and then he kissed her
where the sea ends
her lips, delicate and pale
and his eyes tear up

The last kiss was so long ago
the last kiss
he does not remember it anymore

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=) [12 Mar 2002|01:19pm]

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

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