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[ time | 10:04pm, 05 Jul 2003 ]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Psychic TV - Black Moon ]
bleed for me
[So sayeth Mookie.]

"But who said a fight has to be tongue and feet? You fight by showing you can overcome."

[ time | 03:36pm, 12 Jun 2003 ]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | By A Thread - Phaedra ]
3 drops | bleed for me
[idle thoughts]

I'm feeling lonely again. I was okay for a while, glad to be single, glad to be unconnected, but lately... more than anything I want to take her out on a date and I know I never can. Just one night of dinner and a movie and a walk around town holding hands and looking up at the few stars that can be seen. We could stop at a record shop and compare all the things we'd buy if we had the extra cash, but really we're just using it as an excuse to talk to each other and be near each other. Just another reason to brush hands and smile. Perhaps we'd sit on the edge of a fountain watching people go by and talk until the twilight hours learning and testing each other. We'd eventually wander back to your door and then a warm, gentle goodnight kiss. My lips against yours as I pull you close for a tender hug which would linger long after the kiss while we just stared in each others eyes and wondered about all the possibilities. Then I'd kiss your forehead step back and say goodnight and after you stepped inside and shut your door behind you I would turn my back and walk off into the night and you'd never have to hear from me again.

[ time | 06:25am, 03 Jun 2003 ]
6 drops | bleed for me
[The future.]

Gifts. Little trinkets and treasures, everywhere. Piles and piles of presents. Tiny sparkles dancing with rhythm and precision for our delight, for our bemusement, for our absolution.

I am optimistic.

[ time | 08:50am, 27 May 2003 ]
bleed for me

GODDAMN IT! Why can't I just be HEALTHY??? I'm SICK of being SICK! ARGH!!!

[ time | 01:35am, 22 May 2003 ]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Coldplay - Yellow ]
1 drop | bleed for me
["What are we gonna do now?"]

So Buffy the Vampire Slayer has finally ended. And God knows why, but I feel like a piece of me has died. To be honest, I never really liked the show. It was hokey. The fight scenes were obviously staged, the sets were typical and low budget, the monster's makeup was usually pretty lousy, the villains were always defeated with a fairly simple and quickly determined method, and the computer effects were usually pretty awful. But over the past three years I've managed to see every episode of its seven year run, most more than once thanks to excessive syndication. None of the monsters really made me worry, none of stakes (excuse the pun) ever seemed too high for the Slayer. It was just a cheesy show after all, so I never doubted things would always work out and the bad guys always get their due.

So why can't I let go? Why couldn't I just not watch every Tuesday? Because things didn't always work out. Angel left Buffy. So did Riley. And now so did Spike. I got hooked on the show because it wasn't about the cheesy monsters. The show was about the humans. It was about the bonds people struggle for and the hope that keeps them strong enough to keep going, even when those bonds are broken.

Take Spike, for instance. William the Bloody fought to win back his soul. He found within himself the strength to love purely and completely and to fight, no matter what the cost, for that love. But he died alone knowing that nobody had ever truly returned that love. And he died a champion. "I love you." "No, you don't. But thanks for sayin' it."

Buffy, Xander, Willow, Dawn, Giles and even Faith. These are more than character names. They're a family. They fight, they yell, they hug, they cry, but they never give up on each other. They never turn their backs on each other when it really matters. They fight on. They look past each other's mistakes and forgive. They learn to grow together. And if there's one thing I've learned, it's that true greatness is measured by the friends you keep. Nobody knows you better than the people you let into your heart.

And so I'm forced to look at my life and wonder, "Do I have any friends? Do I have the kind of friends that I would call family? Would they follow me into hell? Would they depend on me for support when they needed it? Would they forgive me my failures?" I can't honestly say yes. But I suppose the answer isn't up to me, it's up to them. But I still wouldn't say yes.

At any rate, it's finally sinking in that the show is over and I'm feeling pretty torn up about it. As lame as it seems, that family has become my family. When I need a good laugh, Xander cheers me up. When I need a bit of extra pep, Willow's adorably sweet and kindhearted nature lifts me on a ray of sunshine. When I'm feeling bitter and angry, Spike helps me let off a little steam. And when I feel alone, Buffy's brooding gives me a place to hide. I can't tell you how many dreams I've had that took place in Sunnydale or that various Buffy characters appeared in. Somehow, within the past three years the world that Joss Whedon created became a part of me, and as fantastic and bizarre a world as it was, I felt at home there.

But now it's gone.

[ time | 01:30am, 03 May 2003 ]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Nas - I Can ]
bleed for me

I've always been afraid to dream, afraid to hope. I've dreamt, but only to fantasize. Never to lay out a course for my life. But as fate would have it, one of my dreams appears to have breached the boundaries of reality and pushed its way into my heart. I can smell the ocean riding a sweet tropical breeze... It stirs more than the sand at my feet. I can hear the flutter of leaves overhead and the deep belly laughs of the truly contented. I can see the future in the sunset, and from here it looks ... exciting.

From the fires of passion, greatness is forged.

"What's he doing?"
"He's beginning to believe."

[ time | 10:58pm, 21 Apr 2003 ]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Magnetic Fields, The - All My Little Words ]
bleed for me
["Jane, get me off this crazy thing... called love."]

All this shit I'm dealing with, all this fucking pain in my head, all the torment I feel inside and SHE has to show up. Jamee. There has to be a god. Only God could be this cruel. I'm walking out of a store at the mall and there she is, standing there talking on a cell phone staring straight at me. I felt like a gate in medieval times being smashed with a big ram. I stopped dead in my tracks and nearly vomited on the spot. I didn't know what to do, walk past and ignore her, walk past and give her a scornful look, walk past and give her a quiet wave, stop and talk, yell at her, scream at the top of my lungs "Why did you do this to me?? Why did you fuck up my head and ruin my heart??" I didn't know what to do. But she smiled at me, and I put my hands in my pockets so she wouldn't hug me. (Her hugs are like leprosy. They always make me fall apart.) She was supposed to be picking up her sister but she couldn't find her. She was still on the phone but told me I looked real nice. I wanted to set myself on fire and cry. She finally got off and we had a minute or two of polite, superficial conversation. It was excruciating. I never smiled. I think she was getting the hint, that she hurt me real bad, too bad, and things will probably never be the same between us. I said, "I'm going to go now, it was good seeing you." Then turned and walked away. She wanted to hug me goodbye. I could tell by her body language. But she could tell by mine that it wasn't going to happen. And when I didn't offer any plan or even a possibility of staying in contact, she didn't really know what to say. "Yeah... you too... bye..." A big part of me had hoped I would never see her again. The rest of me keeps me up at nights wishing I could forget her, and hating myself because I can't and probably never will. I constantly remember when I first met her. Halloween, 1997. A dark street corner. I see somebody I know in a group of people and walk over to say hi. In the back of the group was a girl, quiet and timid, beautiful beyond reason. I sort of just tuned out everything else. I looked right at her and asked her name. For no reason I had such confidence. She effected me. She will always effect me. She's changed a lot though. No more purple hair. No more punk shows. There's still a lot of sadness and fear inside her, she just spends less time there. But she still smells the same. She still breaths the same. She still looks at me with those tender eyes and smiles a secret smile that she only uses for me. And I wish I were dead. Not just because of this, but it certainly didn't help matters.

[ time | 01:55am, 13 Apr 2003 ]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Danzig - cantspeak ]
bleed for me

"There exists no separation between gods and men: one blends softly casual into
the other." - Proverbs of Muad'dib

I've begun writing again. Or at least I wrote. Whether or not I'll have the conviction/motivation/inspiration/devotion to follow through with it has yet to be seen. I don't really know what I'm doing. All I know is that I want out. But I can't let go. Of anything. There's so much I want to do before I die. I wonder if I'll have time for it all. Something needs to change. And soon.

by Danzig

can't speak
can't talk
can't do anything they want

can't hide
or change your mind
gonna live with all my soul

can't speak
can't talk
can't stop for the reeling cause
or love
i told'em all about it
can't talk
cause I'm already lost

can't think
can't cry
keep thinking of a suicide
it's hard
i just can't forget it
gonna fade cause I'm already dead

can't think
can't dream
don't care if i live or die
don't talk
i just can't believe it
gonna fade cause I'm already dead

can't think
can't dream
don't believe anything i see
i don't want to get it
gotta leave
or i'll live to regret it

can't speak
can't lie
can't go anywhere to hide
can't think
can't cry
keep thinking of a suicide

can't speak
can't talk
can't do anything i want
can't hide
or change your mind
gonna live with all my soul inside

[ time | 12:04am, 02 Apr 2003 ]
4 drops | bleed for me
[Updated Design]

I altered the design somewhat. Comments welcomed.

[ time | 02:47am, 30 Mar 2003 ]
6 drops | bleed for me

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on my shoulder. I had an idea and I took about an hour to work on it and clean it up and make it work This is what I came up with:

I designed it to wrap around my shoulder, but seeing it drawn really doesn't do it justice does it? Nobody should decide on something as important as this without being able to know what it will really look like in three dimensions on a really human person. So I printed one out in the approximate size that I'd want it, then cut it out and rubber cemented it to my shoulder. Keep in mind, I might want it a little bigger. This is what it looked like:

So what do you guys think? Should I get the tattoo? Take the poll. Post your comments. I want to know.
Poll #118436: To Ink or not to Ink, that is the question.
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Should Malthus get the Tattoo?

View Answers

Yes! It looks awesome!
5 (83.3%) 5 (83.3%)

I guess. It looks all right.
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Eh, it doesn't look that great.
1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%)

Wow, that's ugly.
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

[ time | 12:06am, 30 Mar 2003 ]
bleed for me
[CCXLVI. Ozymandias of Egypt by Percy Bysshe Shelley]

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

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