LiveJournal for Raggy Doll.

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Monday, December 31st, 2001

Subject:Haven't updated in a while
Time:2:54 am.
Mood: nauseated.
Not too much has gone on. I'm pregnant again; I love morning sickness.


Happy birfday, xemoboyx Mike!

And a late happy birfday to knowthepain Bonnie! ~Chenney
Comments: Touch me.

Wednesday, November 14th, 2001

Time:12:52 pm.
Mood: anxious.
Music:Groove Armada.
I'm sorry, Ami. :( I know how bad you feel now after he dumped you and how much it bothered you when I came round high. I'll call you today. Okay? I hope you'll still be my friend. I swear to God I won't do it again. You're far too strong to be my friend, although. Off to work.... ~Chenney
Comments: Touch me.

Sunday, October 14th, 2001

Subject:I'm really, really bored today
Time:2:32 pm.
Mood: blah.
First name: Caroline. Call me it though, you're dead.
Nicknames: Chenney, Chen-wads
Sex: Grrl.
Astrological sign: cancer
Siblings: Magdalena - 13. Terrence - 15. Mikalia - 19. Rico - 24. Paulo - 26.
Hair color: It's blue as of now, but naturally really dark brown, almost black.
Eye colour: Hazel
Shoe size: 10.. I have big feet
Height: 5'8

*-;-* R e l a t i o n s H I P S ~*

Do you have a crush?: Nope
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes
Did you send this to your crush: I'm posting this in my journal, so its not going to anyone

*-;-* F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*

Where is your favourite place to shop?: Seldomly at Hot Topic, Lane Bryant, Dillard's
Do you think your fashion is cool?: Not really
What do you have pierced?: My tongue, my eyebrow and 7 holes in each ear
Do you have a tattoo?: Yes

*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

Do you do drugs?: No
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences
What sport(s) do you play?: None
What are you most scared of?: Spiders
How many phones in your house?: 12
How many TV's?: 6
What car do you wish to have?: I have the one I want, a black TransAm
Who is the last person that called you?: Mikalia
Where do you want to get married?: Japan

*-;-* F a v o r I t e s *-;-*

Color: Pink
Movies: Spice World, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Stella
Television Program: Sex and The City
Food: Boca burgers
Fast Food Restaurant: French fries covered in ketchup. Yum!
Girls name: Yonah, Riley
Boy's name: Cyle, Trent
Subject in school: Algebra
What is your favourite game (if any): I'll get back to you on that

-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*

Given someone a bath: Yes, my kids
Smoked: No
Bungee jumped: No
Broken the law: No
Run from the cops: No
Stolen something: Yes
Made yourself throw-up: Yes
Gone skinny-dipping: Yes
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: No

*-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-*

Do you like filling these out: Theyre okay
How many people are you sending this to?: Whoever reads this
Who will send it back: Thats such a stupid question, you fool
What is your job?: Hot Topic - ohhh I'm so goth, uh huh
Do you enjoy your job: No
If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be: Shirley Manson
Gold or silver: Silver
What was the last film you saw at the cinema?: A.I.
Favorite cartoon character: Blossom!
What do you have for breakfast: An apple
Who would you hate to be left in a room with: Marié, everyone hates her, yet she doesn't get it
Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No
Whats your middle name: Renae
Beach or city: City
summer or winter: Winter
Salt or butter flavoured popcorn: Both
Favourite sandwich filling: Cheeese
What characteristics do you despise in men? Pigheadedness, lying, smoking, drinking, wanting sex too much
What characteristics do you despise in women? Mean, evil, bitchy, too judgemental
Flower: Oleander
Comments: Touch me.

Saturday, October 6th, 2001

Subject:Happy birthday, Ami!
Time:4:46 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Powerpuff Girls.
I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier, but, happy belated birthday, sweetie! I love you! You're my bestfriendforever. Nothing can change that. I hope you really like the present I got you! I love all the things you got! They're so cute and neato cheeto. But anyways, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! I LOVE YOU! ~Chenney
Comments: 1 touch xXx Touch me.

Saturday, July 28th, 2001

Time:11:26 am.
Mood: busy.
I feel sorry for Ami but shes acting like she feels better about the whole situation between her and Sarah. She shut her page down again. I loved that page. Heehee. Well, gotta run! ~Chenney
Comments: Touch me.

Saturday, July 21st, 2001

Time:1:00 am.
Mood: happy.
Today was pretty boring. Seth, Bonnie, Ami and I went to The Pasta House and I turned in my application for Hot Topic. Christie-Jo said the only thing I have to do now is to take a phone test. She gave me the number and everything. So, I'm hoping I got the job. On the way to The Pasta House and Hot Topic, Seth's car broke down, and we had to walk to Kroger and call a taxi. Mind you, Kroger was almost 2 miles away. Seth carried Ami piggy back because her platforms were hurting her feet. They looked so cute. Mainly, because, Ami is so tiny compared to Seth {he's built like a linerbacker} and her arms were around his neck and her head was laying on his back. LoL. Too cute. Well, I'm gunna go! Bye! ~Chenney
Comments: Touch me.

Monday, July 16th, 2001

Time:1:58 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
Yey. I got this to work. Thank you, Ami! lol. So anyways. My names Chenney... I am 17... read my info to find out more. Nothing much has happened today... I'm trying to find a job, but it's not going too well. Someone hire me! Please? There's a job opening at Hot Topic, but knowing me, I would make myself look like a total fuckup, so I'm not even going to fill out the application I got. So, yeah, anyways, I've got to run. Bye! ~Chenney
Comments: Touch me.

LiveJournal for Raggy Doll.

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