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complicate me

barbie barbie shes our girl! if she cant do it no one can! [05 Sep 2002|09:21pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | Barbie & javiers greatest hits ]

so i was telling hector about alll my talents.. when i decided to share with javier. .& magic just happen.. but hey.. when doesnt it?!

Color me dead: Color me dead: yes barbie does it all.. she cooks, shes a cop, shes an airplane asistance.. & the real life one can do soo much more!
Color me dead: =)
BLcKRanGeR924: LOL
BLcKRanGeR924: ...she sings, she writes, she brakes up all the fights
Color me dead: haha
Color me dead: i should have a theme song like that
BLcKRanGeR924: yeah
BLcKRanGeR924: shes the all new HIGH SCHOOL BARBIE, she makes it through and through. shes a patriotic young teen, for the red the white the blue!!!
Color me dead: she gives the boys blowjobs in the bathroom stall now
Color me dead: & makes her eyeliner twice as thick
BLcKRanGeR924: hahahaha
Color me dead: she never listens to the happy tapes
Color me dead: she cuts her veins because its what they all do
Color me dead: thats the typical hottopic kid barbie
Color me dead: lol
BLcKRanGeR924: she speeds over to help a friend, as fast as she can go. She even helps the classmates that she doesnt even know...
BLcKRanGeR924: its PARALYSED WHEELCHAIR BARBIE, winner of the gold medel in the special olympics and role model to handicapped kids everywhere!
Color me dead: OMG!
Color me dead: i love oyu
Color me dead: you just made it into my livejournal!
Color me dead: what an honor.. i KNOW!
BLcKRanGeR924: what an honor
BLcKRanGeR924: hahahahaha, thank you
Color me dead: yes.. you can make a little speach..
BLcKRanGeR924: id like to think jesus, my lord, my savior, the one and only, the all powerful father, the man upstairs, my inspiration, my guide through the world of sin, the oh so heavenly force that cares for all of us.....
BLcKRanGeR924: thank
Color me dead: & barbie the one that made this all possible..duuh
BLcKRanGeR924: of course, id like to thank tommy matola and the record company for supporting the album.....
BLcKRanGeR924: and my fellow actors jennifer love hewitt and vin diesel
BLcKRanGeR924: for always being there
BLcKRanGeR924: id like to thank the eggo company for telling me to never let go
BLcKRanGeR924: id like to thank my mama, daddy, cousin, 2nd cousin, baby mama, stripper ho, lesbian threesome partners...(award music begins to play)
Color me dead: *throws off stage with giant blow up ass*
BLcKRanGeR924: hahahahahahahahahaha
Color me dead: well folks.. thats all.. i am beautiful & better than you!
Color me dead: goodnight america!

yes kids.. if one day you can make hits like that, you too will be able to make into the livejournal!

11 dirty needles complicate me

dammit! [04 Sep 2002|07:16pm]
i want to be kissed!! i am never going to be kissed! i am going to die unkissed!!! =(

1 dirty needles complicate me

snap crackle pop! thats who we aree [29 Aug 2002|10:01pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | YOU MOMMA!!! ]

I AM SOOOOOOOOO FRUSTERATED!! jesus. if i was a cartoon i would be colored red. ughhhhhhh. im so terribly frusterated! baah. boys are all complicated little fucks. it wouldnt kill ANY of you to stop being little fuckheads & shape up. *pulls hair out* i wish i could just let it all out & spill. but no. bleeeeehhhh. GO GET YOUR KNIFE! go get your knife!! brandsmart usa is having a huge labor day sale! wow! im so excited. i just cant hide it. i love the ramones <3. i saw kristinas cousin today in lunch =) school is getting worse. i hate a day lunches with a passion. p.e. isnt a thriller either. there is a scary man girl who acts like a hottopic sticker. im in many ways scared of her. shes so manly. ahh. i hope we never wrestle or anything like that in pe as i might end up killed. you know i was starting to grow very happy with keeping my clothes on all day, but out the window with that. dont they realize how much a picture of me half naked would be worth if it spills to the tabliods!??!?! dont they see the madness!! how dare they! this is a sham! im rather upset with liwang & his o to flyness to recognize my exsistance. but im always upset with someone so bleh. man lunch really sucks. the only people i have are stephanie & santiago but its more like long akward puases. damm samantha! i could have used some of her in my soup. 2 mins till im spouse to call milo. i think im going to be a rebel & call late! muaha. david just got online! (not that i have him on alert or anything crazy like that) =) man i love art. im not even great. & i dont have like long chats about everything special in my life but i still love it. even if i have to stay till like 45 million o clock. its the highlight of my day. chesmitry is okay. all the juniors are nice. sure they dont know im a freshmen.. but shh!!! thats on a need to base. there are people in the halls video taping when everyone gets out. i seriously think one of those guys FOLLOWS ME. jesus. im gonna show up a bagillion times unless he does the right thing & edits me out. man damm cameras & hommies who get the attention to the way im walking in. little david decided to stop responding to my lovely ims. =( . just like andy! dont know how to treat a lady! i dont want to go to english tomorrow i have a psycho lady whos obsessed with school supplies. math SUCKS! i still dont have a teacher & the closeest thing to a friend is jason. who sits far away. dammit. i hate starring at the wall. i should take a book.. but ive read them all soo many times =( stuart little book rocked <3 i dont even get to see ivanka walking down the stairs anymore. =( lonely varela life i have. damm vipers! world history sucks. everyone in there sucks. i need to stop having people who i dont really like but just listen to & do what they tell me to because.. thers nothing else. i feel like im in a movie.i want to make friends!! F-R-I-E-N-D-S!! i havent made friends in a while =( now david imed me back. hmm.. *thinks*... i saw rachel in the hall today.. i lunch with megan everyday! what a doosey! i should get offline & call milo & make him tell me about his dads mustache which cheers me up. blah. milo. milo fails for today, so does andy. damm non 3rd lunch people! there are always interesting senerios outside of school with psycho hispanic mrs levi! i want to go see sugar cult.. i actually like them =X & tori amos.. *hides as to not be stonned* i want a goddam boy-friend. not a boyfriend. a boy-friend. a friend boy. its 10 10.. i shouldnt keep milo waiting.. hmm.. i bet hes not even home. that bum. elyse is coming in 2 days. YES! muahha! finally! happyness! =) i need to clean my room.. hector sent me x rated porno pics of himself! wow ladies hes got some BIG things down there!!! (like SPRINGFIELD!) o yeah. i have nothing to wear tomorrorw.. hmm... i feel like the ugly thing of varela. bleh. i bite my tongue today.. mr pacman just got on. 1015.. time to call milo.. i need ym daily night time entertaiment. lets all cross our fingers & wish me a good time tomorrrow. I LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL!

3 dirty needles complicate me

a row of hearts & x-es [28 Aug 2002|06:14pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | silence =) ]

my relationship with miguel has caused so much rukus, it fucking rules. i love how im hated by these wonderful girls & everyone knows.. i think the best part is that none of these lovely ladies have ever met me, i mean me & megan have fought before but online.. & what the hell did she expect for me to go ' its okay megan sure hes my boyfriend but you can have him! okie!' lol. come onnn! i dont really even hate megan im just not friends with her, but its nice to know im still the hott subject in her life. it actually makes me smile so much. .. man thats pretty sick... anywho megan rocks. i think the fact that she dislikes me sooo much & thinks im so ugly is making me like her more & more. stephanie on the other hand i just think is an idiot. shes never met me nor spoken to me but also wanted me to be like 'sure you can have him stupid pink pube!!! =) ' man o man they rule. they should join thier forces in an effort to destroy me. silly girls! dont they see that i dont want to be their friend nor even touch miguels hand. i just want to send a little fuck you to them for being so very intelligent. on the bright side i believe me & jason settled our differences.. its not really on the bright side because i didnt care all that much but egh. i have a chesmitry test tomorrow i hope i pass. rachels shirt is on my desk.. i need to give that to ivanka to pass to her.. nothing else on my mind...

3 days till elyse comes
2 days till andy tells me

8 dirty needles complicate me

i am now no longer old 8th grade meat but new shinny fresh meat [26 Aug 2002|05:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | beautiful creatures - its cute if you think i know the name ]

*me already posted this but now am putting a friendly correction, geoffrey doesnt go to our school.. im talking about bj..hmm.. bj has one long hair that charles cut off*

so today was my frist day of highschool, well my first real day. im glad i went to summer school because i actually knew where all my classes where. me & stephanie got to school at 930 & everyone was in the halls & what not i saw mio & then miguel who just so happen to be sporting the shirt i was wearing. that yogurt pussy. then i bumped into a few other faces before i decided to head out to gym, once i got there i saw alot of people i really dont see me having the time of my life with, i mean they are my friends & i like them but i dont see me going haywire with them & braiding our hair at the late night sleep over (?) then i saw the lead singer of neverclearsky, yeah thats right i have celebrities in my class so i was there in gym trying to not be noticed when they made all the fresmen line up agianst the wall i thought they were going to like.. throw heavy things at me =( thats when i saw my liwang & my eyes lit up & i knew it would all be okay (haha)gym was boring.. BOOOOORINNNNGGG!! gaaaad we where in there for liek 5 hours & stephanie got another teacher so i had no one to talk to just the sort of people i have nothing to say to, (like i said before)i think i have vanessa in that class.. or shes in stephanies.. o well not like it matters i didnt even know who she was till today.. so they ring the little queer bell after 56 anoucements about every stoopid thing ever on my way out i saw milo & liwi & geoffrey agian not agian to geoffrey that was the first time i saw him in the day .. how ever you spell his name. his journal was once advertised on mines.. before i met him.. i wanted you all to know that. so i had to guide patricia to language arts because she had no clue how to get upstairs, stuff (we all know the challenge of climbing stairs.. lol.. im being mean <3)well i have a nice lonely class i have it with geenas friend andrea who ive never spoken to except for once & she didnt like me much, o well lonelyness usually makes me a better learner .. i got to go to two lunch because my teacher sucks at reading papers, i had ivanka & a bagillion people i forgot for 2nd, & then in my real lunch which is 3rd i had gabby & milo & arqui & charles & andy (who was a SKIPPER!) & more people i forgot. milo almost ate a sandwhich from the trash. sick, after those exciting moments i got to go to chemistry.. yeah its not nice to be the only freshmen =( anywho there is alot of math in that class & i suck at math so you can all expect frantic ims from me pretty soon making you explain what the hell the quanton theroy is ( even though i know & its not hard math related)i was in that class for 20 mins because varela is gay & cant get anything right so it wasnt long before i was off to math, i have it with jason (jason kid who dislikes me for no ovious reason) whatever the one regular un honors class i have & the only person i know is him.. how come that doesnt sound like jolly luafs... well i want you all to know how great miamis dade county public school systems are, i have no teacher & no books.. i just sat there for an hour staring at these people in front of me like fucking fingering eachother, & listening in on this girl whos like 3 going out with a 22 year old, what kind of freak does that, i mean i have never ever dated anyone who wasnt legal! that shit is crazy =) o yeah i just remembered i have miguel for lunch, he has a groovey folder. haha. yeah i didnt see him tied down with his woman.. thats wierd.. o & i have geena. i didnt really talk to her i was to busy wathcing milo entoxicate himself & giving andy finger hugs. rudo was in my other lunch.. (why do i remember this?)anywho after loads of fun of starring at the wall till it got spotty the bell rang & everyone in 10-12th got to go home while i had two more hours of pain.. in the halls they played who let the dogs out.. i want you all to know in what a sick school i am. who let the dogs out when the bell rings.. what is that.. mind you when the bell rang for us little freshies we got nothing. =( except one kid who called me freshmeat =( i want to be old dirty meat! well i got to art all safe & fast i was one of the first people there & then vanessa walked in & made my table unempty & her friend aburn or something. art was egh we had to do some dumb drawing that i sucked at drawing. blah i dont even get to keep that art teacher she isnt happy with a 7th period so she is leaving us. that actually hurt my feelings. i dont know why? im stoopid. lastly i have world history with an interesting guy & a bunch of people ihate that are 1. TOOO hyper 2. strech out words when they talk, (example hello to them is HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) i hate that. 3. all parade around talking about how they listen to rock music all the time as if someone cares 4. are to proud to be freshmen & fluant it. yeah they dont even get the coolness of being mentioned anymore.blah then i came home. there! psh. i dont want to talk about this anymore. wasnt this day spouse to be a little more memorable? dammit. my highlight was figuring out that charles was himself..his hair was greasy.. i hate it when i cant remember where i know people from. actually cross that my highlight was my chesse burger with ivanka & being a rebel with andy & going to two lunches. .. how pathetic.

i would like to annouce how fucking easy it is to skip in varela..

elyse will be coming saturday morning to chill at my house till monday afternoon =) YESS. i need to change my room around to confuse her. =) you should all give me cool things to do so she can remember how damm cool i am =)

- my world history is half cuban & half mexican.. i think thats an odd mix..
- vanessa is really pretty. (?) I WANT GREEN EYES!
- i have a secret =)

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