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the shades he draws

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(5 turn your face | ignore me?)

one exception. [17 Mar 2002|11:09am]
i need you
i miss you
i love you
[where are you?]

(5 turn your face | ignore me?)

[07 Mar 2002|08:50pm]

(3 turn your face | ignore me?)

[06 Mar 2002|09:10pm]

(8 turn your face | ignore me?)

[06 Mar 2002|07:04pm]

(8 turn your face | ignore me?)

[04 Mar 2002|07:25pm]

(2 turn your face | ignore me?)

[02 Mar 2002|12:28pm]

(ignore me?)

[02 Mar 2002|11:44am]
so here i go
onto the rest of my life.
everything for you
including this.
please don't worry though
because this is
what i want.

(ignore me?)

[24 Feb 2002|12:08pm]
[new colors]

(3 turn your face | ignore me?)

[23 Feb 2002|12:38am]

(4 turn your face | ignore me?)

[17 Feb 2002|12:31am]
who i have thought about
everday since the last time
i saw him: dan knox.

(4 turn your face | ignore me?)

[14 Feb 2002|10:58pm]
i've been pretending all night
that he is in my bedroom
and waiting for me to finish
so still and patient
just waiting for me to crawl
into my spot in the darkness
so that he can roll over
and flop his arms around me
without even waking.

(5 turn your face | ignore me?)

[07 Feb 2002|09:39pm]
i wish i
could arrange
these words
so they
made sense to you.

(3 turn your face | ignore me?)

[03 Feb 2002|12:58am]
i haven't escaped these
street lights just yet.
mixed numbers, sore hands,
and broken plans.
someday when the curtains
and the fan sighs
our blankets will muffle
every word
and we will drown in our pillows
forgetting each story.

(1 turn your face | ignore me?)

[02 Feb 2002|12:44pm]
ok. [fine.]

(2 turn your face | ignore me?)

warning: this is not a metaphor. [01 Feb 2002|09:41pm]
have you ever been
driving down a road
that you have driven
almost a million times
through out your
whole life...
and suddenly
not recognized it?
startled because
suddenly you have
no idea where you are.

(6 turn your face | ignore me?)

[31 Jan 2002|04:38pm]
everything looks tired.
everything looks heavy.
everything looks beautiful.

(4 turn your face | ignore me?)

[19 Jan 2002|10:46am]

(ignore me?)

[19 Jan 2002|09:00am]
stuck in limbo
and frantically searching
for the one person
who can pull me out.
i don't fit with
either anymore.
i try
with at least a good portion
of myself
but i end up stuck

(6 turn your face | ignore me?)

[16 Jan 2002|08:43pm]
i miss [mario] sheets.

(20 turn your face | ignore me?)

[29 Dec 2001|12:56am]
forever begins
in [june.]

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