Ryan Vile's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Ryan Vile

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[25 Feb 2002|08:21am]
[ music | The Monks - Skylab ]

I don't know why I like this "Skylab" song. Its so... sci-fi. I don't know why I like the monks in the first place... hm....

This is probably the most uninteresting weekend ever. Saturday I just sat around all night and tried to write music. bahahaha. Sunday I um... didn't do much. Went to the dube with katuh... It was actually not the greatest experience. My stomach just didn't want food much. And they secretly replaced my usual house whiskey with maker's mark bourbon... so my whiskey&coke; ("rye and coke.... ryan coke") tasted different. blechy.

My sleep schedule if flipped back to "close-to-normal"... tomorow if i wake up at 10am+, i'll be back where I want to be. Fuck yah, baby.

Oh I had a dream where The Reacharounds were playing with Manda & The Marbles. I got drunk and decided to say something like.... 'You know whats great about playing with the Marbles? You get all these hot 18 year old girls who come out to see Amanda. Thank you, Amanda. This next song is about you and its called 'Teen Drag Queen', Baby.' ... and I guess her boyfriend thought I was coming on to her cuz I called her baby. (and I was like 'DUDE YOU'RE DATING A BOY!'). Hah. My crazy mind.

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[23 Feb 2002|11:37am]
[ music | Misfits - Where Eagles Dare (I ain't no goddamn son of a bit ]

Alright. Last night was band practice. Went as well as it has. At the rate we're going, we should be good to do shows in a month or so. (Didn't I say that like a year and a half ago?).

That is, if I can write some new fucking songs.... I've *written* songs... but... gah.... I don't know shit about music, and I can barely play the songs I write... and I can't play them AND sing at the same time to figure out if I can put vocals over it... and of course its all so simple. Insert musical talent here... (opens mouth).

Anyway. Ben and I (Brandie was gonna go too but she ditched out) went to outland. Apparently his friends were there. Hm. Reminds me why I don't hang out with Ben much. I hate outland. *BUT* even I can find something to do besides stand around and do nothing (unlike ben who just stands there and looks miserable no matter what you do). I guess it helps to be as popular as I am! I ran into Bart, Janna, Matt, and Adam the hippy. Basically after being there 10 minutes I realized that my point of being there was to just get uber-fucked up. Cuz, lets face it, it is a friday night. But, wait! Ben wants to leave. Ryan is on beer #2. So um... yah. Phil, Ben and I's friend from high school, got all depressed and stuff. It was pretty understandable. It was his friend/ex-girlfriend's birthday... Thats why we were at outland in the first place. Anyway she was dancing with Adam (not hippy adam or bad adam, but another friend from high school). And apparently they were like practically making out and stuff. So oh well. Went home. I was so hyped up from being out and about on a friday night and then to have it all deflate like that. Sorta sucked. I wanted to call someone or do something, but it was like 1am (don't ask me where the fuck all that time went, i think it went into talking politics with Ben, Frankie, and Brandie in the living room for like an hour or two). What the hell do you do. nothing, thats what you do.

So anyways. I woke up at fucking 5am. I had another dream with cute girls (that didn't look anything like any other girls I know) in it... these aren't sex dreams... or love dreams. Its just weird for me to have 'original characters' in my dreams. As for sleeping, I really need to flip my schedule back around but its just not working. I either push too hard and end up just doing a 360 sleep flip... or not hard enough and end up just swinging back into my current schedule. Hopefully today will get me started though.

I worked on web-stuff a lot. Cuz, its been lacking. Bugfixing is always fun. Requires focus but not total brain capacity. About halfway through working on stuff though, the route died between the webserver and I. And I couldn't leave all my nice debugging info just out there cuz the site would be basically unusable. But it finally did come up an hour (and 2 egg mcmuffins & 2 hash browns for fatty-ryan) or so later.

Today is Adam's (not hippy adam, not high school adam, but badadam) graduation party. Yay for him. I might goto bernie's tonight. I might not. I think I need to find Brian and party with that kid.

Hm. Interesting thought I had at one point. I wonder if I'm the type of boy you could bring home to your parents? I mean, not like it matters.... considering I'm 24 and all.... but, really.... Hmmm...

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[23 Feb 2002|06:43am]
[ music | The Queers - Drop The Attitude, Fucker ]

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 cmh1-rt1.starbak.net ( 0.476 ms 0.419 ms 0.299 ms
2 chi-edge-08.inet.qwest.net ( 10.204 ms 10.120 ms 10.136 ms
3 chi-core-02.inet.qwest.net ( 10.398 ms 10.484 ms 10.392 ms
4 chi-core-01.inet.qwest.net ( 10.230 ms 10.200 ms 10.212 ms
5 jfk-core-02.inet.qwest.net ( 30.393 ms 30.517 ms 30.386 ms
6 jfk-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net ( 30.192 ms 30.120 ms 30.098 ms
7 ( 31.339 ms 31.312 ms 31.231 ms
8 526.at-6-0-0.XR1.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( 31.426 ms 31.544 ms 31.552 ms
9 183.at-1-0-0.XL1.NYC1.ALTER.NET ( 32.858 ms 32.902 ms 32.738 ms
10 507.ATM6-0.GW6.NYC1.ALTER.NET ( 32.844 ms 32.938 ms 33.015 ms
11 POS6-0-0.t36-1.New-York2.t3.ans.net ( 33.839 ms 33.492 ms 33.983 ms
12 * * *

... ah fuck.

I wonder if POS stands for "Peice of shit".

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[22 Feb 2002|05:54pm]
[ music | The Jam - Gound Underground ]

Some people might say my life is in a rut,
But I'm quite happy with what I got
People might say that I should strive for more,
But I'm so happy I can't see the point.

Somethings happening here today
A show of strength with your boy's brigade
and I'm so happy and you're so kind
You want more money, of course I don't mind
To buy nuclear textbooks for atomic crimes
And the public gets what the public wants
But I want nothing this society's got

I'm going underground (going underground)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground (going underground)
Well let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout for tomorrow

Some people might get some pleasure out of hate
Me, I've enough already on my plate
People might need some tension to relax
Me, I'm too busy dodging between the flak

What you see here is what you get
You've made your bed, you better lie in it
You choose your leaders and place your trust
As their lies wash you down and their promises rust
You'll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns
And the public wants what the public gets
But I don't get what this society wants

I'm going underground (going underground)
Well let the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground (going underground)
So let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow

We talk and talk until my head explodes
I turn on the news and my body froze
These braying sheep on my TV screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream
Going underground, I'm going underground
I'm going underground, I'm going underground

These braying sheep on my tv screen...
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream...

Going underground (going underground)
Well let the brass band play and feet start to pound
Going underground (going underground)
Well let the boys all sing, and the boys all shout
Going underground (going underground)
Well let the brass band play and feet go pow pow pow
Going underground (going underground)
So let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout.....
.....for tomorrow

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When Monkeys Attack! [21 Feb 2002|06:37pm]
[ music | The Uniform - Midget Colony ]

"Its better to be shot out of a cannon than squeezed out of a tube. Thats why god invented fast motorcycles, bubba."

I'm going home.

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[21 Feb 2002|06:14pm]
[ music | Screeching Weasel - Lets Dance ]

Side note: I met the HOTTEST girl in my dream last night. I woke up and racked my brain hoping the girl existed somewhere. I didn't realize my imagination was vivid enough to make someone up from scratch like that.

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[21 Feb 2002|01:40pm]
[ music | X - X rewrites El Paso (Rehearsal) ]

Fuck'n A, man. I went to sleep at 6am on wednesday (about 30 minutes after my last LJ entry) and didn't wake up until 6:30PM. One good thing about the 'lounge' is that when you close the door.... the room is pretty damned dark wether the sun is out or not. So I woke up.... (no clocks in there, either).... went to my office... realized "oh shit i gotta go". brushed my teeth and went.

In class we sort of went over shared libraries and stuff. (basically trying to get the other Ryan's box to compile some Eterm goodness...). Oh and I went over why our reverse DNS is all fucked up.

One of the things that I make explorers do at the beginning of the class is go over what they did the past week. Totally unrelated to what we teach... and no one has ever asked why I make them do it. But I do it to get them in a social mood and also form some sort of bond between the students. I teach a group of 5-10 explorers... and generally they stay in my class for at least a year. I do not want them to feel the same as they do in school. Some of the them are outcasts at school (as i was) and they go to Exploring to be with people who don't care about all that. I am a pretty uncaring person, but I do make an exception for the Explorers.

We only have one new person in our class, Drew. He talked about how he went to Bernie's last Saturday. Hah, him and I are going to get along very well.

Unfortunately, due to his involvement in theatre and his out of state internship this summer, I have lost Nick. Nick is probably the most involved student. I even trust him with root access to our most important server (quite an accomplishment on his part). The rest of the explorers only get root on the 'fuck around' machine. And they manage to screw that up pretty well.

Also, Sarah James (so weird... she always was Sarah Tokar... rolled off tongue... now.... James...) went to her first week as an exploring student. Hopefully she'll learn some good Basic Unix stuff. Though I feel bad cuz she's in a class of two people. After class I met up with her to see how her class went, she said it went fine. We agreed to do lunch the next day (which would be today).

After that I went home and talked to Franky a bit. He was going to Bernie's and I was *thinking* about going to Bernie's. So after inhaling some Ramen I went down there. Minimum Wage, When Sparks Fly, Brazen-Rouges, Dodridge Drive were all playing. Everyone sucked cept Minimum Wage. Brandie and Brandon (aw, thats so cute) were there. All the normal Bernie's kids were there. Anyways I went to the after-hours party and got drunker. Then I went home and went to sleep.

I woke up at about 11am this morning. Took a shower and all that. Went to work. OH MY GOD. So much email. So...much...email. Plus some livejournal lag-age. Dear lord. And why the FUCK do people keep assigning bugs to me? HAVEN'T THEY FIGURED OUT THAT I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING ON SOMETHING ELSE?!?!?! Gah. Fuck you kids, I'm going home.

Oh, and I cancelled lunch with Sarah. I'm gonna write about that seperate tho, friends only and stuff.

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[20 Feb 2002|05:38am]
[ music | Tom Robinson Band - 2-4-6-8 Motorway ]

AH HA!!!

HAH AH HA!!!!!

I'M DONE!!?!@#?!@#?

Insert crazyness here. I woke up all shitty early yesterday (5am) and couldn't get to sleep so I went into work. Code code code. I'm so tired of looking at this code. Our entire code library is based off of shit I wrote a year ago. Sometimes I wonder if the other people on the interface team know how to code. All I ever see is my code, over and over. And when I do see their code, I immediatly see things that they did wrong. Guh. But anyways at about 2pm that early waking up shit caught up with me and I took a nap... (if you can count waking up at 8pm a 'nap'). But I went back to work on my code-stuff and now its finally done. (5:30am).

Lets see.... two days until we release to the public. I wonder who is going to test all this crap.... oh, heh. i know who.

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[19 Feb 2002|12:05pm]
[ music | Violent Femmes - To The Kill ]

adam-ski. I got something for you baby... (all sentences must end in Baby today, baby... ala right side of my mind, baby).

The Stitches - You Tear Me Out

Filed under The_Stitches, so You don't have to download it.

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[18 Feb 2002|04:34pm]
[ music | Schlong - Gee Officer Krupke ]

Did I really smash all that stuff into one day? Wow. Anyways after Brunchystuff and smashing in as much code into two hours as I could, I went to dinner (Applebee's) with Theresa and to the movies (Mothman Prophecies, her choice). The movie was pretty silly and generally isn't worth seeing. Theresa is pretty silly too, but generally is worth seeing. So it all evens itself out. This is... the third time we've gone out... I couldn't even hold her hand in the movie theatre! (Not that she knew I wanted to, she kept her hands under her jacket). This just friends things sucks sometimes.

Okay well I got back around 12ish. And I worked until roughly 8am and crashed. That means I was up roughly 21.5 hours. I hope my code isn't crappy.

Oh, and my mp3s did finish downloading. Phear my playlist.
My Winamp Playlist

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[17 Feb 2002|02:48pm]
[ music | Fifteen - The End of the Summer ]

Okay quick update-stuff. Went to brunch. It was some fun-stuff. I don't really exactly know who those people were. And I didn't really have the attention span to follow what the hell was going on. I couldn't really associate "who is who" in the whole bunch, cept for Patti. And I was probably a big asshole. But really, isn't that a typical ryan-time? I FUCKING THINK SO. Anyways, it was fun for me.

Okay so I got back to work and once again shit is like, totally hitting the fan. We've gotta have a decent beta out the door tomorow to show a customer. Whats that mean? That means that when my already-tired ass gets back from my fun-stuff with Theresa, I have to like, work all night. And that also means that I just coded up a quick storm to try and get shit somewhat working. Of course, nothing works. Love me. I sort of wanted to go home and put some gel in my hair and maybe look at myself in a mirror.

Oh well I gotta go. I'll probably update at frig'n 5 in the morning when I'm passing out from exhaustion.

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[17 Feb 2002|01:07am]
[ music | Limp - Bankrupt ]


Thursday: Valentine's Day. That is when I put on the clothes I am wearing now. Fortunately I doused them in cologne. (Scary enough, Brian said 'Is that Aspen? Man, I love the smell of that.'... note i will lock my bedroom door). Better than expected. Hung out with Katie and Nicole (TWFKAA [The Woman Formerly Known as Angela]). Everyone was in good mood. Went to the dube. I had Grilled Cheese on Rye, which was extremely yummy. Must get it more often. That night I hung out with Brian and drank white whine. We played NFL 2002 way too long.

Friday: Woke up late as a motherfucker. Man its so fucking busy. Busy busy busy. But I got a whole bunch of shit done. I went home for a while, hung out and such. Then went back to work and coded even more shit. Went home and to sleep, fully clothed, around 6am.

Saturday: Woke up at 1:30pm. Adam has perfect timing. I woke up, looked out my window, he was just pulling in to start band practice. Both of us were pretty zombie-ish. Practice was good. Our drummer was MIA, though. This whole 'singing and playing drums' thing is for the birds. Adam taught the new kids 'Maggy likes the thundercats'. As horrible of a band (adam excluded) we are, things aren't sounding so bad. Practice ended (still no drummer... hm). Went to Don Pablos with Brandie and Adam... planned on going to see a movie, but it wasn't playing so we didn't. Finally went to work.

Pics of my workplace here
My office picture here (its cleaner now)

Note the nice playstation2 setup. I played some ssx, did a bit more coding, took the set of pictures, wrote in my journal, and now i'm going to sleep. Yah, same clothes. phear. (I got some clean clothes and towels in the car... *maybe* I will use them?).

Tomorow I goto brunchyfun with badadam and the columbus kids. Should be entertaining. I'm supposed to hang out with theresa, but i haven't talked to her all weekend. I hope she emails me or something.

Oh, adam... btw.


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[14 Feb 2002|09:29am]
[ music | Fifteen - My Congressmen (good song!) ]

well i got a lot of work done tonight and now i'm going to rest up a bit. I also happened to start a MAJOR download of mp3s. (Probably my last, as I really don't have 'sources' except for this one ftp site). Anyways... I poked around on it again and found 94 albums that i just *had* to download. Fuck I'm crazy. Anyways I wrote a little script to suck them all down while I sleep. (94 albums * 12 k/s... I should be to the letter F by tonight, hopefully). I already raided all the angry samoans they had that I was missing... (D for the Dead and The 90s Suck and So Do You). I feel bad cuz I'm normally an album buyer, not an mp3 downloader. But there is no way I could afford to get all of these albums... Hell.. it'd take me forever just to *burn* all the stuff I have here.


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[13 Feb 2002|10:32am]
[ music | zero boys - civilizations dying ]

so at about 2pm my body shut itself down from sleep deprivation. i woke up at about 8pm or so. i hung out with brian a lot last night. our normal gig. drank beer. jammed. (omg, i was so good on drums yesterday... it was phearable... i hope i can play that good next time i sit down to play drums). we were going to go to bernie's but his girlfriend unexpectantly stopped by. we sat around and played nfl 2k2 for quite a while....

lalala where all the creeps go at night, i'll be there with my fork and knife...

lunch at the dube w/ sarah. ph3ar.

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[12 Feb 2002|01:15pm]
[ music | Dwarves - Whos Fucking Who ]

yesterday was officially THE WORST BAND PRACTICE ANY BAND HAS EVER HAD. It was amazingly bad. Like... it was so bad that I felt the need to apologize to myself, even though it was all my fault for even attempting to PRACTICE. Jeremy had an emergancy come up.... so Adam called off practice... and of course Ben came from work in Dayton to practice. And I felt bad having Ben come all the way out. So I called Adam we talked it over and decided to cancel practice. *but* he felt guilty about cancelling practice. So I drummed and sang! OH MY GOD SOMEONE SHOULD OF SHOT ME.

I went to the Doctor. Everything seems fine, waiting for results from blood test. Look, I'm a big boy!

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[12 Feb 2002|07:46am]
[ music | The Dickies - Banana Splits (la la la its so happy!) ]

doctor's appointment soon. gah gah gah gah gah!

okay so i took this test-thing out of boredom. i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep tonight... i hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE doctors. my mom was always going to the doctors... and she was always sick. and she was always popping some fifty sorts of medication every day. and she was still sick. but now that she can't afford all that... she's healthy. fucking doctors. fucking pills.

anyways so i took this test. and this proves that i'm not insane, i think. i was as honest as i could be about it.


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

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[10 Feb 2002|05:56am]
[ music | Riverdales - I wanna be alright ]

man i'm so bored. lonely a bit. drunk a bit. not enough to get away from the lonely though. damn you alcohol. you never work anymore!

anyways. i didn't really know what my plans were for today. i knew i had band practice. i knew i was one pissed off motherfucker. last night at the show at Bernie's... my fucking bass got "stolen"... (or so we thought). i talked to all the bands etc and no one had the motherfucker. i'm like GRR MOTHERFUCKER. I'M IN SUCH A BAD MOOD. And my fucking amp was supposed to be back at 1pm on saturday so we could practice at 2! so guess what... it shows up at 2... BUT ONLY THE AMP, NOT THE CABINET! Motherfuckers.... What-the-fuck ever. Adam had the great idea of just plugging the bass traight into the PA.. and after a little EQ it sounded Okay and we started practice. I don't know what to do about Brandie. She's got so much potential as a singer... but I'm the singer... and she can't sing backup vocals cuz she can barely keep up on guitar (barely is defined as "not fucking able to at all"). Anyways... at around 4pm Alex shows up with the cabinet.. and *woah*... one of the bands actually *DID* have my bass (Kill the Hippies... who I have met many of times and last night we sat and talked about how shitty it was that my bass was stolen.. )... Apparently they grabbed the wrong bag. Who would of thought... (I would of, since I checked all the other bands's bags cuz I'm a big fucking asshole with a couple big assholes making sure asshole-ryan doesn't get into asshole-trouble... but I know KTH too well to be an asshole... but not well enough to be an asshole...).... So anyways.... we practiced. It was okay... its neato and we sound fucking good. I really gotta give it up to adam, who is doing a great job of being the musician in the band... (unlike me who just sings shit into a microphone... but I do like my vocals a lot more than when the reacharounds started)... i went to the dube after that with brandie... cuz i needed foodstuff and i know brandie's hick-cincinnatti,kentucky-ass has never been there. I ran into alicia (who wasn't at larry's when i stopped by last night to wish her happy birthday, motherfucker)... and then two of my old students, Matt and Dorinda. That was sorta cool.

After hanging out with Brandie for a while I went back home. Jason from Little Orphan Anarchy stopped by to see if the Nurses were playing with them at Larry's tonight... I told him they definetly weren't and he really really REALLY needed to borrow the cymbal stands. Well after figuring out that there was no one in the world he could get them from, I let them borrow them (I knew that LOA was playing their last show tonight cuz Rich told me he was leaving town...). So Jason put me on the list and man... those kids bought me uber-beer. I probably put on a couple of pitchers tonight. This is the first time I've really heard them on a good PA that wasn't ringing my ears like a motherfucker. They've practiced in my basement (which has uber-echo from the cement walls and the vocals are only in monitors, not pointed out to fuck-os like me listening) but I really fucking dug them tonight. I'm thinking about trying to get together a "Funhundred Compilation" with all the fucko bands that practice in the basement/drink in our living room... (The Nurses, Little Orphan Anarchy, The Jeffs, Jesse and the Rippers, Infilskust, The Reacharounds, Lucky Shoes, Buster Hymen and the Penetrators [Fully Plugged, hidden track, drunk as fuck], And whomever else)... But I guess its too late to get LOA on there. Anyways. It was a great time. Some girl with an English accent hit on me. English accents ========================= Uber fucking sexy. But, she sorta went away... and what the fuck am I supposed to do with girls who hit on me anywas... Fuck them? hahaha... nah.

Anyways. I went home for a while... got hungry... got restless. Went to work. Semi-drunk driving, I guess. But not over-drunk driving. I don't know why I try to escape from my chills by going elsewhere... they still follow me. I don't even know why I get chills/shakes during my little depression fits. They just come and go every once and a while. I don't give them too much thought and they go away. I think its somewhat normal, and if its not somewhat normal at least its in somewhat control. I've been ultra-bored since being here though. At least tomorow will be better.. (Promise of a new day, thank you paula abduhl)...

And thats fucking it. Too many hours of bored. Too many hours of the chills. Blankets don't help on chills that come from the inside. Oh I live this life, you fucking turkeys.

Another interesting thought tonight. A lot of people I know.... they are a lot younger than me. They are... living towards some sort of goal. Like.. careers and all that shit. I guess I take it for granted. I was raised into computer by my peers... I liked computers, of course. But I don't think I would end up here if I didn't get jumped in the ninth grade for 'being a big nerd who fought back'.... and I don't think I would of ended up here if I didn't get pissed off and stop going to school... and I don't think I would of ended up here if my mom wasn't a dropout like me... and I don't think I would of ended up here without Dennis McNellis and Brian Larkins (AT&T;/Bell Labs geniusus) and their faith in me... or Janet Duff and Shane Chambers (IBM)... and I don't think I would of ended up here if I hadn't decided to get drunk and give myself a mohawk which finally got me outcast from any friends I had left at school.... and I don't think I would of ended up here without the inner me that makes me feel emo like a motherfucker sometimes no matter how much I understand it... and I don't think I would of ended up here without my individuality (which has not a fucking thing to do with being punkrock, like i thought when I was 18... I guess when you're the only punkrocker you know... being generic punkrock is the same as being yourself).

Anyways, all these people are working towards something. I've got my career. My resume speaks for itself... 'don't like my resume... fuck you I was good enough for IBM and Lucent technologies...' ... so now what... it was so fucking easy. so I guess the next is married, kids... at least find someone who's worth all that. But.... looking for something like that just fucking hurts like a motherfucker. am I suppoed to consider what i have my life forever and stop looking? (minus the drinking and fun that I have)... am I supposed to assume that the reacharounds will take off and then my life will be vaulted to a new level... or adam's band (which is more likey because he deserves it more)? or something?! what the fuck. I've told my roomates.... one day, one of us will end up being the crazy drunk at Bernie's or Larry's... (Don, Ted, that magician motherfucker... brian... one of them)... its funny cuz both of them think I'm talking about them. but really.... its just as likely that it could be me one day. drank or thought into a perpetual stupor because I've done everything else and don't really want to think about the rest of it. I don't want to live my life searching for love... and I don't want to live my life searching for more out of my dumb career... and I don't want to live my life waiting to be a rock star.... but apparently I do want to live my life for no fucking reason at all. A bit disturbing, I guess.

But maybe I reached 40 and didn't notice.

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[08 Feb 2002|06:48am]
[ music | FYP - Die Young ]

So I slept all day yesterday (after staying up all night). Was pretty good. I'm back to being fully rested.

Brian and I hung out a lot and jammed for probably an hour. I'm *finally* getting down the double-kick deally thingy, so songs are starting to sound more like they are supposed to. Then we headed over to Cary's to play pingpong. I told Cary I'd show him how to use Dreamweaver next week. (I can't believe they didn't teach that shit at CCAD).

I went home and fall asleep like a baby. Yay. I woke up around 6am and decided I had enough sleep so I went to work. I guess I had forgotten to leave my away message up so I had like a million messages. Made me feel good. And Mom called and her message ended in "I Love You"... so the fact she was calling for money didn't really mess up my mood.

I have *such* a busy day today. Work... Dinner w/ Rebecca... Its the Nurses (Brian/Russian Alex/Cary's band) first real show at Bernie's. They plan on being on stage at 10pm sharp. Its also fuzzylollipop's birthday, which is being celebrated down the street at Larry's. So I have to head over there after I watch the Nurses play. And then head back to Bernie's after a bit to hang out with the rest of my fucked up friends.... Then I'll probably go home and pass out. Yay me.

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[06 Feb 2002|08:21am]
[ music | All - Teresa ]

Annie taught me this one. I phear.

Two atoms are walking down the street. One atom turns to the other and says:

"I think I'm missing an electron."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive!"

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[05 Feb 2002|05:52pm]
[ music | Vindictives - I'm in trouble now ]

I realized that you were no missing person, by the noose that you wore around your neck.
Purplish rings and pale cheeks surrounded melancholy eyeballs.
It was clear to see that you, like me, were waiting for the world to stop
because you wanted to get off where i wanted to get off. And i just keep on getting lost.

But I don't know, nowhere to go
cause I'm in trouble now, and everything's confusing me.
I'm fucked up and I'm climbing the walls again.
I'm fucked up and I feel like giving in again,
the situation is tearing me in two.

In the dayroom glaring and grinding your teeth I had to ask you "what the fuck".
I had to know what you found inside that made you wanna take another step inside.
It was clear to see that you and me had just about enough of being born.
So now we're heading for the door but it's different than before, this time I feel something more.

And now I know just where to go,
but I'm in trouble now and everyone is telling me
I'm fucked up, and I'm getting the chills again
I'm fucked up hanging on by my teeth again
the situation is all because of you.

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