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ghetto ass emma's journal

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Friday, March 22nd, 2002
1:49 am - sex sex sex sex
vicki left today
weirdest 2 weeks
more later!

good for me
i realised im so much cooler and smarter than i had thought.

im getting shitty
no shock there

im not a big enough dyke to hang with my dyke friends
evidently im not fat enough
nor will i shave my head

i cant hang with my fag ass boy pals
cause you know
i have breasts
and im a girl

i cant hang out with my straight as arrow crew
cause i dont have a boyfriend
and im in no hurry to get one

fuck it

any time i do the
crap things are fucked up and begin to think
yeah i should tell someone and talk le talk
its all
it comes down to sexuality
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that must be the root of every problem

fuck that shit
and the lack of sex in my life

are the LEAST of my worries

im happy
im obsessing over new order

might be going out tomorrow
hanging with gay dudes
and being you know not liked for being a girl
is not what i want right now


and your little dog toto!

current mood: bitchy
current music: new order - bizarre love triangle

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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
4:25 pm - booooooooooooooooooooooooooya!
my style is...emo


actually im not really
but thats rad

im so happy
parents are financing parts of my 3 small photo courses and one big one


i have missed so many gigs lately
i neeeeed to get out of my dead end job! no shit i do!
i need a job which means i can gig it again
i miss it

i went out last night
ended detox
5 vodka and oranges
5 pale ales

sweet sweet alcohol

nothing like some hard liquor to remind you the world is a rad place

her royal sazz-ness is bringing back her skulker page

im still in a skulkery mood so this makes me happy

if i keep getting 4 nights a week, i might go crazy and gosydney side for a few days more in may, or at another time, see me some skulker
dorky yes but fuck it!



current mood: chipper
current music: top 40 countdown

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Friday, February 15th, 2002
1:06 am - yo yo yo yo yo!!!

im going to be in sydney in may

im thinking of going over for longer than said weekend

but whats the bet

no morgana and monsters shows
no skulker
no jess and jill

ha ha ha ha

im prioritising friends over bands!
this is good!!!
2 birthday this weekend

no gigs

im still upset about camera
hes head
$300 to fix

and i was looking at lens today :\
sexy sexy sexy sexy bitches!
id seriously drown in my own drool over it

and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the canon eos we were looking at

sex in the form of a camera

happy valentines!

cameras were my hot date!

im in such a skulkerm ood lately!

current mood: artistic
current music: SKULKER - bittersweet!

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
1:01 am - shirley shit at last
oh yeah this is ripped off from my dead journal which is much more random and full of shit

i cant be bothered doing proper links tonight so kiss my ass

photos here! more to come

theres my bdo pics!

shirley story!

ok! ok! ok!

so yeah thursday
day before bdo, stalk action!
i saw aaron who is this sweet nice guy who love princess shirley and im talking to him hey, hes showing me his pics of shirl, and she walks in but its like eeeek! too fast so i just smile like a pratt
anyway, she goes up to her room

so we are sitting chilling, and me nosey listen, and gabage dudes all end up at the table beside us, WICKED STICKS! i managed to say hi as shirley walked by and she gave me big teeth smile and said hiya. awwwwwwwwww
after they left, it took her magazines, loosery i know but im like that

later at night they came back and were chillin in the bar
after much much much pushing at me, karen convinced me to go talk to them, so i went up karen talked first, so i was on my knees talking to shirley, who was sitting beside jack white, and im like woooooooooopla, not overly dodgy or embarasing, i gave shirl a present and shes all thanks so much emma, so i said nah thats ok, she said i have nothing for you and said she would give me a hug! cute!

this dude asked for a pic with her, and asked me to take it, im like are you sure i dont want to ruin your pic, and shirley starts shouting emma have belief in yourself, emma wil ltake the photo, so i took it, and it worked fine! PHEW!!! im always nervous of talking pics for people after me and karries skulker hugfest pic wasnt taken, and we posed for like 3 and the girl didnt take any, sucked ass, so yeah i dont like the pressure of fucking up someone i knows celeb phots,

shirley said sit with me and i shared her seat, i was between her and jack white for like 5-10mins
we talked about cover songs
adelaide food places
good aussie beers
it was wicked cool

shirley was wicked nice, and she drew a flowery thing in my auto book, it was so cute, cause jack said i signed her book, and shirleys all where, so i flicked to the white stripe page, and she wrote shirley likes the white stripes and drew a little star!


still have to get my thursday pics back

shirley was beyond hot
pink top
green bandana
grey wide wide leg pants
patterned tights
and high high high boots
and a funky bad with a dog on it

current mood: artistic
current music: veruca freakin salt

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Monday, February 4th, 2002
8:44 pm

Which Spice Girl Are You?

im baby spice
im cool with that she was nice at RUMBA

ok man!
did anyone see/like peaches
everyone hated her
but how jealous of NZ am i
she played lilypad there
the lily pad guys LOVED her
lets think why
songs about fucking
wears hot pants

i did something today
i dot know if its cool or bad
i bought peach hotpants
they were $5 so its not like bad
but still hotpants
its funny
im gunna dance around in them and sing peaches songs!

ha ha read cosmo in work today
di was like emma
is this what girls do today
she was grossed out to the max
i told her most of us just read about it
she was still in shock hahahaha

photos back tomorrow
when i get le big bucks!

current mood: crappy
current music: triple j waiting for new order live at wireless YAY!

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Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
11:52 pm - booooooom!
work blew
but i get my pics back tomorrow or tuesday! depending on when i get P A I D !!!

i have so much shit to send people
the slack bitch!
i need such an ass kickin!

how sweet is my dad, he was bootlegs ahoy at bdo
and taped magic dirt for me
so i can hear my sexy dean screaming away
and hot ass adalita singing her tunes

im a happy girl


cant wait for my pics, wil lget on scanner crack tomorrow! boom boom boom!

current mood: awake
current music: triple whoring j

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1:40 am - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh slut up date!
so slat was there last night
so funny
in a top that resembled britney slave 4 u at vma
except black and more like a bra

and spray on black pants

she attempted to hit on band people

she hit on chris silverchair
him and sarah be getting it on!
so he just looked at her and snubbed her, and went and sat with his rock bitch

hardee har har!!

fuck i had something to say here!
brain like a drain

current mood: discontent

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12:59 am - work sucks!
work sucks it ruined my weekend!
i had good times

then boss fucks it up
i didnt charge people for some drinks
like $5
i offered to pay it
he still had major complaints
whinged nagged

this coming from the guy who slept in his car for half his shift
and charged some guy for the wrong table


check this!

Which British Band Are You?

pretty rad! like pulp!

theres a lizard on the window
i can see its insides
its almost see thru!
check it
they are so flexable
this one looks like its about to give itself head
pretty funny.

i put the photos in today
shit all money
so wont get em till pay pay pay on mon/tues!

mutha fuck!
i did have something important to say

but its all gone

check this!

march 9th
my birthday
turn 21
flinders uni o ball
and LASH
yes i said LASH are playing
how funny!
its a sign from god!

i dunno what gigs are next

im on such a downer
boss sucks
no sleep
so tired
im in this weird pms thing except its not
i cried on the way home
im such a dick
i crack myself up

i was so upset about tanything
idecided my boots made my feet look fat
this helped me cry for another 10 minutes


oh yeah!

how sweet is my dad!
he was at bdo too, he he daddy at bdo cracks me up!
heres nice things he did
*went and saw the dirt vause i like em
*bought me a shirt
*got souvigner shit for me
*took some pics of bands i like
*sent me little, are you ok msgs when he knew i was in mosh for bands, awwww daddy

hes a good person
so is my mum
its so not 80s 90s 00s street cred
but i dont hate my parents
my mum shits me
but i deal

how freakin cutesie is that to end on

present making for matt, troy, mark, and sarah this weekend

busy bee!
get my latino ass in gear!

current mood: angry
current music: tori on radio

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
3:40 pm - sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
bdo action!!! wooo a thursday friday and saturday of fun fun fun!

ok thursday went good.
i talked about that already
good times!
sucked tho cause i got home at like 2 and got up again at 7 to go bdo-ing
cause i met shane at 9am.

bdo was awesome

i watched these bands, all in order...
*machine gun fellatio
good fun! such good fun! and a lot of people, which was kinda weird,
*end of drowning pool
adelaide do you like to fuck?? um what the?? the comments these dudes said were weird as shit
*magic dirt
adalita rocked ass, she had this pretty red sress on, again ill say it, no one can wear a short dress and rock out roll around on the ground kick their legs everywhere like her, shes got style style style, they did new song which was rad, raul too his shirt off and did his good old belly dance pelvis thrusting shit. dean sang, which rocked my world, i want to have his babies, and fuckloads of them!
every other word was fuck they were ok
loads of people i danced with the durex sperm which was good fun
*something for kate
well 2 minutoes of them, they covere split enz i got you which made their set almost bearable, hate me hate me i dont like sgk and powderfinger
*tea party
pretty damn rad if you ask me all these funny stoned dudes were around us
more swearing woop wooop
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! they were awesome, ill write more about them later!
*white stripes
i loved them, they were so cool!! meg is such a wicked drummer, and jack has such a crazy voice. so many people piled in to see them, shit loads, wicked cool!
*new order
i hadnt realised how many of their songs i knew and loved! i was dancing about like old school pros days, good fun! awesome set, wish i could remember it
*crystal method
only saw 15 mins but i had to go in boiler room cause its so mad!!! boogied to that dave clarke for a bit
dance around for a bit good fun
just saw one song while i got food, hadnt eaten all damn day!

check this
i didnt go to the toilet for 14 hours!
that cant be good for the system!

there was no proper after party this year
just people hanging in hotel bar which was cool

hotel has done major we are still cool work
and re done its club and bar
so there were non bdo people there
it was so packed
i only lasted til 2am
a pathetic effort
but every night this week in bed after 3 up at 7am, it does shit to you!
so yeah i talked to new order dudes, meg white, butch and duke, smiled at adalita and thats about it star wise!

shirley went to be early
didt come party
thats cause garbage got early plane
crap hey!

saw a bunch of them off today
good times
gotta work so couldnt stay for later plane

happy with what i got

such fun!

i can never get enough of bdo

daniel john of silverchair was nice
ben from silverchair has not only got so freakin hot, but hes still nice, when i said sorry to be rude but ican i get your autograph he was all thats not rude, thats nice and talked to us, sweet and hot, people stop liking daniel, ben is better

fuck im so tired
gotta work 5pm-11pm
so dont want to
parent are gone so i have to walk there
fuckity fuck!
and washing still isnt done!

later i will scan and give more details!

in true style
my camera breaks

i told my dad 95739857856746487698578905868 im camera jinxed at bdo, finally i think he beleives me!

current mood: tired
current music: radio

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
2:51 am - oh yeah
this slut girl
she was wearing no top
and hot pants
with her butt hanging out


im all for hotpants
bu unless youre kylie willa britney etc dont wear em
esp during the day
in a hotel

dont whore yourself off

get some class

ha ha ha i cant believe i just said that

man i i wish i had a kodak moment of her
it was super funy!

current mood: awake
current music: still garbage

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2:34 am - shirley manson is sex!
ok i was gunna try and be all too cool for school in this journal

but fuck it
like im miss indie cred anyway!

soooooooooooooo stalk tastic!

the best thing about the start of every year is bdo last week jan//first week feb!

ok people i met im in love with

shirley is sex. she just has it. people try and get it and always fail. shirley walk out for dinner dress in pink sleveless top, grey wide leg pants with splits up them and patterned tights, high shoes, hair slicked back and wearing green bandana, has a trendy bag with a dog on it. she is hot hot hot! if i was wearing this id look like a try hard frumpy looser. shirley is sex on a plate.
i talked to her
sweetness niceness lovelyness awesomeness mother fucking genius.
karen basically made me go up.
i was thinking fuck this is rude, she will say fuck off.
but she was so nice, she signed my dodgy old bdo notepad good old $2 visual art diary, its been ritual since 99, never get cds signed at bdo, la la
anyway i gave her pressies, the dodgy bag, candy candy, and scottish stuff, she was alll man dont get me presents, i havent go anything for you, i said youre here and thats a present, and she hugged me and said i was a very sweet girl, she said whats your name, i said emma, she shook my hand and said its a pleasure to meet you emma, we talked about scotland, she said i talk to posh to be from glasgow, i laughed and talked glasgow talk she was all thats the way man, this dude mark asked me to take the picture, and im like nah man dont trust me with the camera, and she looks at me and goes, emma! you have to believe in yourself, and i said im kinda nervous and i dont want to stuff up his kodak moment, said i said i was sweet again, SHE LOVES ME hahahaha i talked to jack, while karen talked shirley, then i said thanks so much and bye bye, she took my hand again and said, no thank you, and asked if id be there tomorrow, and i said shit yeah, she said she would look for me, i smiled and she said funny shirt, she was the only person that realised what my shirt was.

im so in love!
im glad i didnt get a photo tho, cause i looked like shit, i talked to her at like 1am, i had been out and about all day
it showed

ok i always thought jack white was you know, ok, but nothing amazing
fuck! i was soooo wrong
the boy is hot damn hot diggity hot!
we talked to him
and he has the most cutie pie sexy bad ass simle
i got his auto and chatted
and later he was hanging with shirley so i thought, auto for daddy so he will loan me mulah for le bdo!
i told jack it was for my dad, hes like really, your dad is cool, and we talked about bands, he cracked up when i said i reckoned new york dolls were normal, he was all, man i needed a dad like yours, and when i was talking to shirley, he gave me the biggest grin, he said, is she your favourite, and i said yeah, and he was all, man thats cute. im like take me baby take me, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
but he was cutness and so so so nice, meg was nice, quite and cute

if i could have any job
it would be to be the lily pad guys
so damn much!
they are such such such fun!
2 of them dressed up in cow and moose costumes, me and karen got pics, they are so funny, i love them! seriously, they may not be the hottest dudes, but there is no one more fun! i mean who walks around in pj's as clothes? who dance around a bar dressed like a moose?? and makes meg white dance with you dressed as a cow!

adelaide is the greatest place ever bdo wise
i dont care what anyone says
even if i move next year
adelaide will always be my bdo mecca
sure east coast more bands
but adelaide

adelaide bdo
its home
more like home than anything else is for me right now
and that
makes me unbeleivably happy.


bdo this year is lacking the old school crack heads and metal ass bitches

im sad
if it wasnt for lily pad crew
party action would have been dull dull dull

so tried gotta meet shane at 9am!

its 2.30am now!

must sleep!

stories pics etc soon!

love love love

current mood: ecstatic
current music: garbage -------- not my idea

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
1:25 am - triple j hottest 100
since im deprived of gigs due to
a. cash!now i earn the whopping $75 a week, i now pay parents mulah fuckasss
b. work weekends

heres my whinge on hottest hundred
itallics means ok tune!
bold means bitchin tune!
and anything else is la la la

can i just saying
freakin amazing as number one
fuck that shit!
should have voted more
hate that song
alex lloyd does dick all for me sorry!

The Hottest 100, 2001 - the final list

1. alex lloyd - amazing
2. something for kate - monsters
3. system of a down - chop suey
4. basement jaxx - where's your head at
5. john butler trio - betterman
6. alien ant farm - smooth criminal
7. weezer - island in the sun
8. avalanches - since i left you
9. gorillaz - clint eastwood
10. cake - short skirt long jacket only for allison!
11. garbage - cherry lips (go baby go)
12. the strokes - last nite

13. something for kate - three dimensions
14. tool - schism
15. gorillaz - 19-2000
16. 28 days/apollo 440 - say what?
17. ben folds - rockin' the suburbs
18. rage against the machine - renegades of funk
19. george - special ones
20. weezer - hash pipe
21. fatboy slim - weapon of choice

22. ben harper - drugs don't work
23. pj harvey/thom yorke - this mess we're in
24. gerling - dust me selecta

25. eskimo joe - wake up
26. jamiroquai - little l
27. regurgitator - fat cop
28. jebediah - fall down
jebs for the dancing man!
29. john butler trio - take
30. machine gun fellatio - the girl of my dreams (is giving menightmares) woo woo!
31.eskimo joe - planet earth
32. placebo - special k
33. james - getting away with it {all messed up}
34. eskimo joe - who sold her out
35. dido - thank you
36. radiohead - pyramid song
37. something for kate - twenty years
38. new order - crystal
39. cruel sea - cocaine
40. u2 - elevation (tombraider remix)
41. regurgitator - superstraight
42. whitlams - duffy's song {i will not go quietly}
43. eels - souljacker
44. garbage - androgyny
45. tori amos - strange little girl

46. smashing pumpkins - untitled
47. augie march - there is no such place
48. groove armada - superstylin'
49. tool - parabola
50. paul mac - just the thing
51. nick cave/bad seeds - fifteen feet of pure white snow
52. they might be giants - man it's so loud in here
53. motor ace - hey driver
54. blink-182 - the rock show
55. linkin park - one step closer
56. you am i - kick a hole in the sky
57. you am i - get up

58. jimmy eat world - bleed american
59. the strokes - hard to explain
60. at the drive in - pattern against user

61. daft punk - one more time
62. jamiroquai - you give me something
63 alex lloyd - downtown
64. white stripes - hotel yorba
65. ash - burn baby burn
66. the strokes - new york city cops

67. ben folds - not the same
68. blueline medic - making the nouveau riche
69. unwritten law - up all night
70. rammstein - left 2-3-4 (links...)
71. spiderbait - outta my head dont hate me hahaha
72. living end - roll on
73. muse - plug in baby
74. radiohead - knives out
75. groove armada - my friend
76. avalanches - radio
77. big heavy stuff - hibernate
78. cruel sea - a simple goodbye
79. rem - imitation of life

80. muse - bliss
81. crazy town - butterfly
82. lazaro's dog - home entertainment system
83. ash - shining light
84. the supermen lovers - starlight
85. at the drive in - invalid litter dept.
86. rhubarb - light on your shoulder
87. michael franti/spearhead - rock the nation
88: spiderbait - four on the floor
89. muse - new born
90. new order - 60 miles an hour
91. sum 41 - fat lip
92. george - run
93. butthole surfers - the shame of life
94. Depeche Mode – I feel Loved
95. good charlotte - little things
96. pennywise - authority
97. Superheist – Step Back
98. Faithless – We come 1
99. chemical Brothers – it began in Afrika
100. endorphin – sex and violence

bands who should be up there

skulker :: newport/strawberry
nitocris :: spouse killer
magic dirt :: pace it / supagloo

boo hoo! they are just aussies
i dont even want to think international

glad to see shirley and the boys up there!

still pissed alex freakin lloyd@!

current mood: unimpressed
current music: triple whoring j

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Monday, January 28th, 2002
7:18 pm - maybe maybe maybe!

ok thats kindan ice

im on my way to suck up boss ass
gunna get to work late or not go
i can make it happen

get it get it! LIKE THAT!

current mood: bitchy
current music: garbage

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
1:09 am - shithouse!
BDO issues!

might not be able to go!

boss is hinting at the fact my day off aint confirmed!

mutha fuck!

but check it!
im garbage!

Of Katie's favorite bands:

thats gotta say something yeah yeah?

current mood: artistic
current music: janet j on rage

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Saturday, January 26th, 2002
3:57 pm - welcome!
this is gunna be my gig journal gig gig gig!!! this will make me go to more gigs, i figure and write more, which is always good!

boom boom!

love emma

current mood: busy
current music: hottest 1000 on jjj

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