Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
9:15 pm - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :-P
Well ok, I got VERY pissed last night........ FOR FREE!!!!! :-D
Which is all good, I didn't pull (again) grr, it always happens. :-P But I was too drunk to notice really. But tomorrow! I'm going on a mission!!! :-)
I went to a crappy family dinner thing, that sucked royally, we sat around feeling VERY bored. *yawn*
Anyway, otherwise, I'm cool. :) So there you go kiddies this is random and weird but I don't care! :)
Cheerio Stu
current mood: content current music: Atari Teenage Riot - Speed
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| Tuesday, December 25th, 2001
8:39 pm - Yay, christmas is over (nearly)
aaaaah, not much to do now, watch TV and do stuff, then sleep... And another christmas will be over. :)
What did I get? A funky chicken hat! Mr Bungle's Self Titled album, some clothes (joy), some deodrant and wash stuff (are they trying to tell me something?), chocolates (not for long) a few books (joy), a set of bass strings (yay! the next 6 months I'm kitted out!) and a few other bits of crap I won't bother listing.
But it's all good!
Tell me what you got, whack the post comment button NOW!!!
Cheers Stu!
current mood: cheerful current music: Greenday - Castaway
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2:09 am - Wow, it's christmas
Well ok, in the last few months, I've had two failed relationships and a load of other crap. Dropped chemistry in school, and finally, well other than that things are smooth! :)
I had a cool party last saturday, I was one of the hosts. SO, well, that was ok. But the damages are gonna cost over ?300!!! AAARGH! :-S Thank god there are about 7 hosts! Gav and I vow never to host a party ever, well I'll host a party if someone else does the cleanup!!! :)
And Chris Thompson is a dick
So, what happened today? (Or yesterday to be precise) I went into town, went and played pool with Karen, her boyfriend Ian and Alex (One of Ian's Mates) and that was fun, before going into Uncle Henrys and getting two free sidekicks! Nice! :-D So overall an alright day.
Big shout to Bev! Visit her livejournal, it's a lovely shade of Purple, if you like that sort of thing, visit it at http://www.livejournal.com/~purplebevstar/ cos she'll probably visit it and link to me too. Oh, and it's well cool and she'll probabably update it more oftenly than me...
Gotta wait to see what I get for christmas then!!! :-D
Cheers Stu
current mood: bouncy current music: Voodoo Glow Skulls - Shoot The Moon
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| Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
11:41 pm - Halllllooooooo!!!!
6th form RULES!!! Except there's loads of work, and lots of work smells. :-( Which kinda sucks but I gotta put up with it! Anyway, big hi to Amy who has to put up with even more stress than me! :-( Shame u can't go to sum 41 but hey! Anyway, gotta go now, cya laters!
Ta Stu
current mood: sleepy current music: The Specials - Pressure Drop
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| Saturday, September 1st, 2001
4:27 pm - UPDATE!
Welcome to my livejournal! Now updated once a month!!! :)
READING FEST RULES!!! I'm definately going next year!!! WOW! :-)
It's amazing! Seeing Amy on Monday, yayayayayayay!
Enough excited blabberings! I'm off, cyaz!
current mood: hyper current music: Reel Big Fish - Sell Out
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| Friday, August 3rd, 2001
12:04 am - YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!
I got blue hair now! Went to the hair-dressers to get it done! WAHEY! :-) It's well cool, I'll plonk a pic up when i feel arsed to. :-P
current mood: bouncy current music: Reel Big Fish - Come On Eileen
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| Thursday, August 2nd, 2001
2:17 am - Went to Reading, woohoo! (not really)
What a lovely day, met up with Jamie and we went to inkslingers to get his tongue pierced, they were closed. :( We went to reading to some tat parlours there, first one was quite dodgy, 2nd one was much better, but apparently, Jamie is tongue tied, he is physically incapable of poking his tongue far enough out for a piercing to take place, and I think I have the same problem as well. (but hey, I didn't get my tongue pierced!) we walked to the oracle and everything was happy happy joy joy, went to maccy dees and then home, woohoo. Chatted on the net, Nailer Girl, you're cool! And jules said that if it weren't for me, she'd be a lesbian. awwwwwww :-P Only kiddin but hey I can't wait till reading festival!!! :) Cyaz everyone!
current mood: tired current music: Spacehog - At Least I Got Laid
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| Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
12:44 am - Life is ACE!
Hehehehe, I had a guitar lesson and I'm chattin to Nailer Girl off the 'A' forum and my mate Matt from Birmingham! Wooo, I like this, you know. This doing nothing lark. :-D
current mood: amused current music: Reel Big Fish - She Has A Girlfriend Now
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| Saturday, July 28th, 2001
5:54 pm - Back From Germany
I got too much stuff about germany to write down but hey.
Concerts were pretty good, but we were baking in your Dinner Jackets!!! :-( It was ridiculously hot! :( But we still played alright. :) Other than that, we visited Museums (dull) Mines (Tiring) I was a DJ for a night, I played Steps and S Club 7 along the likes of Antiproduct and Offspring! WAHEY!!! :-P Cheesey pop and decent rock, wooo. I got very pissed for 2 nights and I ended up falling over a log on the first night of merry making and very badly bruised my right leg, it hurts. And as a result, I couldn't go to work today. :( Which also sucks, cos there's nothin for me to do. But hey! Jules is online, I REALLY missed her when I went away (soppy soppy) I like couldn't sleep on the last night cos i kept thinkin about her, aaaargh. :-S But I'm cool now and I can speak to her now! :)
Got a HUGE flood of emails when I got back as well, took an age to trawl thru them. :) But hey, it's all lovely and cool. Cya later peeps!!! :-)
current mood: happy current music: Snuff - Marbels
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| Saturday, July 21st, 2001
12:54 pm - Time to shop!
Today is the glorius day I go into work not already wearing my ooniform! :-P I need to do a bit of shopping before I go to work, buy Rammstein's Mutter CD and a Kerrang! I need something to read, and seeing I'm going off to Germany tonight with the concert band for a tour till Friday, well a german cd seemed to be a perfect excuse. :-P And Kerrang has a free CD as well, should provide many an aural delight on the German trip, especially the disco we'll have, where there'll be a CD player and bnarman provided, no Bar, just the barman standing in the corner. :-P
Hey if I can, I'll try and post here when i can, if not, don't miss me too much till i get back on Friday! :-) Bye byes!
current mood: happy current music: Rammstein - Links 2 3 4
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1:28 am - :-P
Right here we go, today I had a word with Sam Lee, we might start up a metal band, but we need a decent vocalist for this to work. We might be able to geta 2nd guitarist, this band will be ace I think. Sam has THE ultimate metal guitar, a cool BC Rich Beast, it screams metal, plus an Epiphone 7 string V guitar. :-) Wahey. Jules is off to D of E on saturday (today even! cor) and I'll miss her till she gets back next saturday, hey I'll call ya when I'm back in the UK! :)
Night Night All! Stu
current mood: tired current music: Rammstein - Sonne
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| Friday, July 20th, 2001
1:36 pm
*Skanks out the door to work*
Hehe I luv ska! :)
current mood: bouncy current music: Reel Big Fish - Come On Eileen
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1:11 pm - WORK! YAY! I dammit
Got work soon, I REALLY HOPE they train me in the kitchen. If I'm on lobby anymore then I'm gonna SSCCRREEAAMMMMM!!!! AAAARGH!
current mood: determined current music: Sum 41 - Fat Lip + Pain For Pleasure
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| Thursday, July 19th, 2001
11:41 pm - Whooooo
Bev Persuaded me to try new forms of music in the form of AFI. hehehe it's pretty dudey stuff AFI! :) Now my mate Matt is making me like Nu-metal (sorta) Crawling is alright, I've seen Linkin Park live, it's not the greatest thing ever, I thought Lost Prophets were much better though back then. :?) But hey anyways! I had WORK! YAY! It sucked! YAY! I want money! YAY! :-P
Ta Stu
current mood: okay current music: Linkin Park - Crawling
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| Wednesday, July 18th, 2001
11:22 pm - Back from Jules'
YES! I had an ace 4 days with jules, too much we did to list here, read Julia's journal for a much better account then mine! :) I loved every moment with her, she is so great, I enjoy being with her, but I miss her so much and she feels bad. Even though she doesn't say i think it's something to do with me. :(
I miss her so much.
current mood: lonely current music: Eels - Last Stop:This Town
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| Sunday, July 15th, 2001
1:54 am - Close at work
Hey doing close at work today ruled. I ate some copld McChicken nuggets, hehehe :-P It was still cool tho, Dale was cool and Phil was cool and we all cleaned up the scuddy restaurant a treat hehe :0)
I'm going on a trip tomorrow, to SEE JULES!!! :) Oh yes. It'll be the GREATEST thing ever! :) hehehe I'll be back on wednesday, it'll be so ace to spend a few days with her, and meet her (dysfunctional) family, hehee only kidding! :p
Man, I'm pretty!!!
current mood: excited current music: Cartoon Network - Johnny Bravo
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| Friday, July 13th, 2001
11:20 pm - A Day in the Capital with Jules
Awwwww, had a great day today, not a dull or boring or miserable moment ever with jules (even in the freezing cold waiting for Jamie's mum at Alton Towers!)
We went to the London Dungeon Today, hehehe how fake is that? LOL it was quite cool though, we then went to walk by the thames, just a romantic thing u know (ish, maybe? maybe not then) and we sat on no less than 3 benches, making out a lot. :) awwwww it was very cool. :) After that we went to the Trocadero. The Trocadero is THE best place EVER! I love it, Jules was impressed but she felt ill after a Dr Pepper so we didn't ride the Pepsi Max, We'd better save the trocadero for another day then. :) But it was a VERY cool day today. :) Loved every moment. I reckon we should go on more outings to London in the future, it'd be SO ace!!! :-) That's me for the night, cya guys! *hic*
current mood: loved current music: SkaDaddyZ - You're Mine
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| Thursday, July 12th, 2001
7:37 pm - yay yay yay!
I'm going to London Tomorrow With Jules! :-) We're going to the London Dungeon, imagine waht sort of things could happen in thos cold dark dingy cells??? ;) Cya!
current mood: excited current music: Radiohead - The bends
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| Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
3:57 pm - TUBA!
Had my tuba exam, went alright! yay! Hopefully I should get a merit or honours this time (i hope) get ym results in 6 - 8 weeks. :)
current mood: excited current music: Snuff - Arsehole
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| Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
8:53 pm - Another day
Woohoo I worked today, and it was alright! Except some trendy pricks were going "Stooooooo" toward the end of it. And I'm no longer Mister Never-Been-Laid! WAHEY! I have dropped the name. hehehe anyway I can't be bothered to practice tuba and i really wish Jules will be online, ooooh I have grade 6 tuba exam tomorrow, I'm gonan flunk the whole thing, oh well. My pieces are good, I'll try and cram my scales, I got a vague idea of them. So I'll just jog my memory a bit with them. :)
current mood: calm current music: Sum 41 - Fat Lip
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