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see the blood run down her face

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( babble )

;)? [26 Feb 2002|07:14am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | nothing as of now. ]

Wagh. I'm so glad that Jeremiah somewhat accepts the fact that I like Ryan. I love him bunches and bunches. :x He made me feel not so 'WEBJKEW GRRR' because he called and was being all cute and whatnot. He knows what I'm going through. o_o My hand hurts. heh. Anyway. I don't know what it is about Ryan. he's just so adorable. o_o Anyways. Renee has to go get ready and go.

( babble )

.... bad renee. [26 Feb 2002|06:40am]
[ mood | numb ]
[ music | Saves the Day - Hold ]

Alright, so last night I got into an argument with my mom. I'm so sick of her blaming everything that ever happens in this house on me. I started yelling at her... and then I just went off. I think I have bite marks permanently embedded into my left hand. Either that or fingernail craters or savety pin scratches. I was like.. psycho. I couldn't stop. I was so pissed off. If someone would have come upstairs, I'd have killed them. Or just started throwing things continuously at them until they went away. My hand is all swollen and red. I was going at it pretty rough, and I just couldn't feel it. It's like there was nothing happening. I was just digging away with everything I could find, and I couldn't feel anything.

But, now I feel horrible. I've promised everyone that loves me and myself that I do -not- cut. I think it's so gross. But I couldn't stop myself. I'm so upset right now. I'm sure Ryan will just try to comfort me.. but I KNOW Jeremiah's going to get pissed off about it, because he hates it when I do it. I hate it when I do it. She just pisses me off so much. I can't stand being around her. It's like if I do something wrong, I'm the biggest bitch on earth, and I deserve to be sat on by a hippo... and if something that I didn't do happens, I get yelled at for it. Supposedly, every time I get off the computer she has to reboot it. And you know... what really gets me is the fact that she started bitching at me for it when I took the liberty to do the dinner dishes. She didn't ask me, I just did them. And she started bitching at me. She was like "WHY DOESN'T THIS WORK?!" and I asked if she meant the printer, because DAD is the one who uses the printer, NOT me. I NEVER use the printer. DAD prints all his football and horse racing bullshit. And tax returns. And she was talking about AOL, because it froze when she opened it.. and she was yelling at me for it. She was saying that it's MY FAULT that AOL froze. It's MY FAULT the printer doesn't work. It's MY FAULT the computer is a piece of shit. It's MY FAULT that she is too much of a fucking bitch to maintain a decent life. She's always bitching about the "breakdown" she's having ... because my dad talks on the phone a lot because of how he makes money. So she says she's going up north. SHE'S NOT FUCKING GONE YET. She NEEDS TO JUST LEAVE. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I HATE HER. BECAUSE I CAN'T HELP GETTING THREE FUCKING Bs ON MY REPORT CARD, I'M A HORRIBLE FUCKING PERSON. god. i'm not a fucking angel child, and she needs to realize that. she can trust me, but i'm not the brightest person on earth. i have to BUST MY ASS to get the grades i get. she doesn't UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE to be a TEENAGER in this era. ESPECIALLY being a teenager who doesn't exactly fit in. So I have to put up with five hours of people I hate. I really do. My first and sixth hours aren't so bad, because first is my favorite class and sixth is my old homeroom.

Second hour blows, because Joey, Katie, James, Kathlyn, Johnny, Mike, Amanda [wkjfnerjkqk i hate her], and basically everyone I hate is in it. They're not so bad anymore... and neither is fifth hour... because Kathlyn doesn't run her slut ass mouth... but it's my fifth hour. I fucking HATE THAT DSKJCKJHNQSHBJ CLASS. I swear to FUCKING EWGDCDJ GOD... if those fucking bitches say ONE WORD TO ME today about my fucking religion, I'm going to RIP THEIR FUCKING HEADS OFF AND I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING. If they even come CLOSE TO ME the SLIGHTEST BIT, I'll take their pretty little made up faces and RIP THEM THE FUCK OFF. THAT is how pissed off I was and still am. I don't think my going to school is a very healthy decision.

( 1 little bastard )( babble )

well... [17 Feb 2002|01:18am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - The Middle. ]

I know it's been a while, and only because my life has finally sunk to the point where nothing happens, so I have nothing to ever write about.

Valentines Day was the other day, and it was basically shit.

Surrounding Valentines Day, the major conflict protruding within my thoughts was the fact that all my friends are a hundred times better than me, and I absolutely hate it. I've been seeing how much my other friends like my other friends better than they like me. If you don't get that, don't try to.

It's very upsetting to know that even the people I thought would stand by me through thick and thin would really rather spend time with the few of my friends who are higher on the beautiful people ladder.

I don't know. I also find it quite depressing to think that the only things I got for Valentines Day were a few flimsy Valentines day that didn't really matter much, a box of chocolates from my mother, and a kiss on the cheek from Robert when he was high. Well, I guess it made me feel a little better that Jamess actually did stop by the school [because I asked him to] to spend some time with me... but that actually, in the long run, just made me feel worse. The whole time ... he was either refusing to let me touch him, or he was trying to go home... and that just really made me feel like shit. And now, every time I think about it, I start bawling. Plus, I had asked him something, and he said that he likes me just as much as the rest of his friends... yet I sit here and read all of his recent journals.. and not once does he even hint talking about me.

So, basically, kids, all my petty problems from before all seem so easy right now. I wish I could just get away. I wish I were accepted for real.

Maybe I should just give up? Stop trying to go places? Stop talking, even? Stop sitting with my so-called friends? Stop pretending that I'm the happy, bright person I front myself to be? Maybe even become an even more lonely hermit and decide that the only point of waking up and leaving my house is to finish school, so that I can try to pick things up when I'm older.

But whatever. If you honestly think you can make me feel better, go for it. I'm all ears.

( 1 little bastard )( babble )

well... [17 Feb 2002|01:06am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - The Middle. ]

I know it's been a while, and only because my life has finally sunk to the point where nothing happens, so I have nothing to ever write about.

Valentines Day was the other day, and it was basically shit.

Surrounding Valentines Day, the major conflict protruding within my thoughts was the fact that all my friends are a hundred times better than me, and I absolutely hate it. I've been seeing how much my other friends like my other friends better than they like me. If you don't get that, don't try to.

It's very upsetting to know that even the people I thought would stand by me through thick and thin would really rather spend time with the few of my friends who are higher on the beautiful people ladder.

I don't know. I also find it quite depressing to think that the only things I got for Valentines Day were a few flimsy Valentines day that didn't really matter much, a box of chocolates from my mother, and a kiss on the cheek from Robert when he was high. Well, I guess it made me feel a little better that Jamess actually did stop by the school [because I asked him to] to spend some time with me... but that actually, in the long run, just made me feel worse. The whole time ... he was either refusing to let me touch him, or he was trying to go home... and that just really made me feel like shit. And now, every time I think about it, I start bawling. Plus, I had asked him something, and he said that he likes me just as much as the rest of his friends... yet I sit here and read all of his recent journals.. and not once does he even hint talking about me.

So, basically, kids, all my petty problems from before all seem so easy right now. I wish I could just get away. I wish I were accepted for real.

Maybe I should just give up? Stop trying to go places? Stop talking, even? Stop sitting with my so-called friends? Stop pretending that I'm the happy, bright person I front myself to be? Maybe even become an even more lonely hermit and decide that the only point of waking up and leaving my house is to finish school, so that I can try to pick things up when I'm older.

But whatever. If you honestly think you can make me feel better, go for it. I'm all ears.

( 1 little bastard )( babble )

you've got a problem. [28 Jan 2002|07:29am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | AFI - He who laughs last ]


you wear vinyl miniskirts, you wear fishnet tights, you wear blonde wigs. take the quiz here.


you're a suicidal nurse. take the quiz here.

( 2 little bastards )( babble )

cute dork [20 Jan 2002|01:11am]
[ mood | icky ]
[ music | TV ]


Which Cute Dork Are You?

the cute dork test. just click it.


Which Cute Dork Are You?

the cute dork test. just click it.

( babble )

stolen from ami. [18 Jan 2002|08:15am]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Staind - Open Your Eyes ]

My idea of Hell:

In the CD player: Rap.
On the radio: Rap.
On the TV: Gospel channel.
In the VCR: Titanic
Your spouse/partner: George W Bush. >o Ew.
Your dinner: Spinach.
Your clothes: Hoochie skirt and a tank top. >< EWWWWWWIE.
Your hair: Cut short like a guy. >< EWWWWWWIE.
Your library: A collection of Pop star autobiographies. Gag me with a spork.
Your dwelling: A cardboard box.
Your neighborhood: One in which every single person listens to rap or country. No rockers or punkies. :o
Your job: McDonalds onion ring spitter onner.
Having a conversation with: Juvenile; I'd rip the fucking frog out of his throat before he got into 100 miles from my fingertips.

My idea of Heaven:

In the CD player: Staind. :o I could listen to Staind for hooouuurs.
On the radio: 89x (88.7)
On the TV: Holy shit. Sponge Bob Marathon. There's one coming up!
In the VCR: Rocky Horror Picture Show. The Breakfast Club. Spaceballs. Tank Girl. Hackers.
Your spouse/partner: MMMMMMM JAY GORDON.
Your dinner: Something italian. I like a LOT of italian foods.
Your clothes: A whole fucking wardrobe of big pants and word shirts and band shirts and SpongeBob shirts and stuff like that. ^^; I'd be in heaaaaavennnn.
Your hair: HOT PINK.
Your library: TONS and TONS of children's books.
Your dwelling: One that's shaped and colored like a big kitty.
Your neighborhood: All my little "goth" and "punk" friends... and then all my internet bastard friends can come, too. :)
Your job: Teaching. I wanna teach. I always change my mind, though.
Having a conversation with: Gwen Stefani

[while i'm here; i'm doing much better!]

( babble )

rain on my parade;; [17 Jan 2002|08:21pm]
[ mood | rejected ]
[ music | Dashsboard Confessional - The Best Deceptions ]

Alright. I'm basically breaking down, right now. Everything that I neglect during the day to keep myself up and running is popping up. Everything. One thing after another. It's horrible. I feel like hurting myself, and it's unbelievable how hard it is not to. I miss Candace. She always makes me feel so much better. I'm crying. I'm lonely. And... of course, everyone [ all 12 ] has someone more important to give emotional therapy to, so I'm sitting here ALONE in my house, ALONE on my internet ... and I'm just so fucking alone. I can barely stand it. I tried laying down. I can't sleep. I tried to get up ... I can't walk. I tried to get over it. I can't fucking do anything, and it's killing me inside. I miss feeling worth something. Sure, there are people who make me feel like I'm here for a reason, but there aren't enough. I don't know how to put it. I guess knowing that the majority of my friends wouldn't risk a limb to save me from something terrible. -- I know right now they're not. [note; majority is supposed to say that I know some of my friends are always there for me.]

Hell, a lot of people really know me, you know. Especially my own parents. No one understands me, and it's fucking eating away my self esteem, which isn't good. I need someone I can relate to. I need to be free to hang out with that person. I don't just want it, anymore. I -need- it. I honestly don't think I can fucking stay sane much longer without it. All the people I do relate to would, and have before taken getting high over hanging out with me. I think that's pretty fucking lame, especially when most of them know i'm going through a very emotional time in my life. And I am.

I don't care. I need to go occupy myself.

( 4 little bastards )( babble )

JAMESSSSS. [12 Jan 2002|11:05pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Disturbed - Stupify ]

Jamess =

( babble )

... [10 Jan 2002|10:02pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | some tv shit ]

new layout, sort of. just new colors and pictures.

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