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Devi's LiveJournal:
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Saturday, July 6th, 2002 | 3:42 am |
3:43 AM Wow..its 3:43 Am...and my house is LOUD. Todd's jammin' on his BC Rich. Chad's got IM *bings* every other minute... It's like loud and stuff. No luck in our ventures tonight.....perhaps tomorrow will be better. Cynthia's coming...I's happy. Feeling kinda hyper, but kinda sleeeepy. Maybe I'll read, maybe I won't. I should sleep, I've got to get up at 11:00 PM cause Will and Josh are coming down. Gotta make mah house look purdy. My moonbloomers are growing :) I's happy. *burp* Current Mood: awakeCurrent Music: Todd's Jam Session LOL | Friday, July 5th, 2002 | 12:10 am |
| Thursday, July 4th, 2002 | 10:50 pm |
Our 4th of July We didn't do much for the "holiday" ... I guess we were a bit hyper. I finally got around to snapping some pics, and posting them on here. This is my Todd: ![]( And This is Me, with mah glasses: ![]( *bleh* ( Read more... ) I'll start putting more pictures up here if so cam's working, and I control the internet around this house :) | Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002 | 7:33 pm |
My addictions My addictions are as follows: -nicotine -todd -the sims -internet communications -moulin rouge -purple -heheheheeeehehehehehheheheehheehheheheh eheheheehhhhheeeeeeee
Current Mood: amused | 7:17 pm |
My head hurts My head hurts..too much sugar.
talked to tressa for a bit the other night. Yet again, its been proven..this is one SMALL ASS WORLD> Like 4 years ago or something like that, she and her cousin were in Georgia, and her cousin hit on Todd. That was way before any of us met.
Talked to Zae for a while...she's so sexy.
Todd's playing on the makes weird noises.
I've been tinkering with the Simsfor like 4 days now. Trying to find kick ass objects and skins...and trying to learn how to make my own help...
Everything's turning into a PaySite now...and Igots no MONEY!
*cries* *runs into wall and screams "pickles"*
*falls down. | Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002 | 4:25 am |
| Monday, July 1st, 2002 | 3:21 pm |
Ice Water I can't get a decent glass of Ice Water. Do you know HOW HOT it gets in South GA? I NEED ICE WATER!
For some reason, all of the water has white silt in it. It's not salt or sugar...I don't know what the hell it is.
I've tried Distilled. I've tried Boiling my own water, and making ice out of that, I've tried everything and I can't get ONE DECENT GLASS OF ICE WATER!!!!!!
Why Lord? Why?
Anywho...Soap Operas suck
WOO HOO I'm gonna have VISITORS this weekend..No not like Aliens or anything, that was last weekend. Friends from back home are coming to see like me LOL
*burp* | 4:59 am |
Lolligaggin' Umm yeah...
Internet's up, networks up.....stuff like works now ! WOO HOO
Now I can work on my site...shweeettt!
Wow---where's God? Last I heard he was in Missouri..Odd place for God to be, sounds like a Kevin Smith film LOL
anywho.... | Sunday, June 30th, 2002 | 8:31 pm |
I take back calling Jesse and Gracie "irresponsible fucks"....
I call them our opposition in court. | 12:45 am |
FUCK EM ALL IN THE ASS TO make a long story short....Todd and I were screwed in the ass. It just goes to prove that you can't trust anyone these days.
Our best friends shared Todd's house with he and I. They were posed to pay half rent/bills..all that good stuff. Well, when Todd and I were in LaGrange, I got an email..just an email from Gracie, one of the best friends...telling me that they moved. THey had been on a waiting list since Decemeber (keep in mind they moved into our house in feb) for an apartment. They left w/o paying anything...EVER. They owe well over $1,000 backrent and that Todd and I have to pay, and can't. I lost my job b/c of Gracie's stupid ass. She was my way to work. Jesse (the other roomate)'s aunt was my manager.
To make it worse....the aunt/manager lost my last check. the really PHAT one I was waiting for. AND b/c Gracie and Jesse were irresponsible FUCKS, they didn't pay their Phone Bill at this house, therefore....WE couldn't get a new phone line connected until they settled out their bill.
That's why I've been gone for so long.
So here I sit, with no job, no money, no smokes, and hardly any food. Thanks Jesse and Gracie.
It's can't even trust your best friends anymore.
I couldn't trust my mother, and couldn't trust two best friends.
ANywho..I'm back and stuff. | Saturday, June 29th, 2002 | 11:10 pm |
I'm back----
Like..really really back this time!
NOW! | Sunday, May 26th, 2002 | 11:20 pm |
Interesting stuff Phone disconnected at the house... We are currently accepting donations to help us pay our bills...seriously. Todd and I went to LaGrange (actually, we're still here) to visit. The last of my HS friends graduated. I cried like a bitch. LOL. Also visiting family... my mother was also in town. I don't even think she knew that I was in town. If she did, she would have tried to talk to me... we saw here though. Todd saw her, I didn't think it was her....and it was. Scary. I wish I could go away to a place where no one knows me. todd and I both.... I love my family. I love my friends, but I can't stand this region anymore. Too much pain. Too many memories. It seems the bad out weighs the good. Todd and I need to move. Far away from her, and everything she knows. One day....Todd and I will be living great lives. It just seems a dream right now. it probably fuckin' is... I'm destined to be what I am right now... a college drop out with no real hope of ever making anything out of myself. I'm usually more up-lifting in my entries..but today feels different. I feel like everything is about to change, but I don't know which way it'll all go. Current Mood: bitchyCurrent Music: Cruxshadows - Marily | Tuesday, May 14th, 2002 | 7:38 pm |
EVIL! **A REMINDER: I'm on deadjournal too as HOPESLOSTFAITH.. I'm also trying to narrow down on my friends list..I have WAY TOO MANY, and i don't know who some of these people are, so if you would like to keep in touch, just reply to me in the next few days so I know you love me :)
You are 90% evil! [?] Satan, step back! You're the evilest of evil! No person is completely evil, and no person's all good either, but you're just a hop, skip, and jump away from king or queen of Hell! Good job!
| 6:48 pm |
PURPLE! Woke up yesterday morning to Todd's hand slapping me across the face *ouch*
I was passed out in a puddle of purple kool-aid.
damn purple people.
There'a man outside cutting my grass. He even pulled up the weeds out of my garden. KICK ASS!
Going to watch the rest of my friends graduate in a few weeks..kinda nervous about seeing everyone. I've changed....
Oh well--I can deal. | Friday, May 10th, 2002 | 10:57 am |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODDY! Today is Todd's 19th birthday. EVERYONE WISH libellus_dolor a happy birthday! On to other topics... made plans to attend the LHS Graduation this year to see the last of my delinquet friends graduate. Talked to the family, GUESS WHAT! They don't hate me. I still hate Martha STEWART! Working on a new site... got bored./ Working at McDonalds isn't as exciting as I thought it'd be. Went to K-Mart, they're power was out, so I came home..power out. Damn fascists. *burp* | Friday, May 3rd, 2002 | 8:48 pm |
| Tuesday, April 30th, 2002 | 5:43 pm |
MARTHA FUCKING STEWART! A few nights ago, I had a realization. Everything is a conspiracy.
Epiphanies rise and the level of trust falls. It's all a conspiracy. Nothing but the "INTERNAL SURREALITY" makes any sense. It is all a part of the government's plan to control us all. They make laws against people who try to show that internal surreality, because they in turn, know the truth. They create "glitches" in the system to eliminate the free minded people, they see us as a problem. The government eliminates the problems. They made drugs illegal didn't they? Extermination.
Martha Stewart is a conspiracy.
Everyday Living is everywhere, as is she. The government created her in order to control the population. House wives all over America are killing themselves, because they lack the perfection that this "woman" has. After all, can everyone make a serving tray out of belly button lint? I think not, but for some reason this being can.
I believe she was created in a test tube, at Area One, in attempts to build the perfect woman. The government extracted sperm from the aliens stored there, and combined it with that of a dna sample from a mummy kept in Egypt. *Note: do ahead, eat the scorpians, cool shit will happen* With genetic coding, the government decided to make this being supernatual, but something went terrible wrong, they gave her too much talent. Instead of terminating project MARTHA, they continued on. Martha grew older in the lab, watching shows like Julia Stewart and that damn painting show where the old guy paints the trees. When she hit puberty, a mutation evolved. Her intelligence of "Everyday living" increased to an uncontrollable level. The government decided to release her into the public, and let what happens- happen.
The first thing Martha did, was knock off a few banks. She would need the money for what would later beome America's biggest corporation *under Microsoft of course* Eventually, she created Everyday Living. Everyday Living is everywhere....bedding, towels, candles, clothing, kitchen supplies, bathroom supplies, hair products, make up, art supplies, etc. She met with Bill Gates, after all, they were alike....government creations in a lab to make the perfect being. She supported her in her quest to illustrate the perfect woman. She got her own TVShow, website, and company.
Millions of woman across America envied Martha, for she knew everything there was to know about being a woman. Then the insanity starts, Martha started showing her supernatural intelligence, and THUS was the first suicide over a serving tray. A housewife in Des Moines, because enraged one Thursday evening, because she just couldn't figure out how to make the serving tray out of the lint from her navel. Martha became unstoppable, and her quest continues.I'm not insane. As I?ve said before, ?Insanity is a notion created by the government. It's an alias just as many other labels of people who don't have a feeble CLOSED mind.? My mind is open?..wide open.
This could be a form of rebellion, or maybe it's just the drugs, but I firmly believe all of this.
Maybe this doesn't make any sense...but then again, what DOES make sense? | 5:09 pm |
more about me *On You:* *Name: Jesi *Nicknames: Bitch, Devi, Bitch *Height: 5'5" *Hair color: Auburnish, purplish, brown *Hair type: long....very long *Eye color: BLUE *Siblings?: 2 brothers, one pyscho sister *Screen Name(s): hopeslostfaith *Girlfriend/Boyfriend: year and a month....TODD! *Crush/No crush:Todd! Duh... *Righty or lefty: Right *Hobbies: Photography, creating funky stuff.....smokin' *How do u describe yourself: unique, quirky, one fucked up little girl *Whats ur sign?: pisces
*On Friends:* *Friend(s) that look most like u: gracie, everyone says we're sisters and we just don't know it *Friend(s) u go to for advice: allen and derek *Friend(s) u have the most fun with: josh, gracie, adreane, will *Friend(s) u can do nothing with and still have fun: gracie, josh, allen, will..... *Friend(s) u tell ur dreams to: gracie and adreane *Friend(s) u tell ur secrets to: gracie and adreane
*On Guys(for girls to fill out)* *Sorta dressy or casual : casual.... *Ears pierced or no : Hell yeah... *Dark or blonde :dark *Short or long hair : long *Dark eyes or light eyes : dark eyes *Long or short nails: I like em short, but todd keeps his long... *Hat or no hat : no hat. ew *Good boy or bad boy: Bad :) *Jewlery or none : I like it when he wears his spikes and shit. :) *Tall or short : tall... *Curly or straight hair : straight *Tan or fair : fair..real fair..its more natural *Freckles or none: freckles work for me *Pretty indoor dude or sporty dude : i hate sports *All American or grunge : Grunge/Goth/Punk *Accent or no : as long as its not a southern accent, I'm game *Looks or personality : Personality--I fell in love with Todd b4 I even knew what he looked like *Big butt, or little: little *What turns u on about a guy?: the amount of his lust for life. *Who do u think has the nicest butt: my TODD
*yes or no* *Cut ur hair?: no *Worn a tie?: Yeah..I did *Been mean?: DuH! I'm a mean little girl :) *Been sarcastic?: I live off of sarcasm. *Gone for a walk?: well, when you don't have a car.... *Gone out for dinner?: uh huh *Met someone new?: not in a while *Said "I love you"?: Of course! *Taken a test?: Yeah, but did I cheat ? heh heh heh *Missed someone?: Constantly..I miss my daddy, and derek, and allen, and my baby brother, and my nephew ;) *Danced with someone?: Not in a while, I love to dance though *Had a nightmare?: A few nights ago I had one.. *Fought with ur parents?: of course *Kissed someone?: uh huh
*On Preferences:* *Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: Chocolate *McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds, my employer *Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi *Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend: you can get both in the same person. *Tea or coffee: coffee *Sappy/action/comedy/horror: I like the classics... EVIL DEAD! *Cats or Dogs: Dogs..big dogs *Ocean or pool: pool *Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese: Cooler Ranch *Mud or Jello Wrestling: jello --green jello *Milk/Dark/White chocolate: milk *Top or bottom: top! *Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring: Spring *Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate *Skiing or Snow boarding: skiing *Biking or blading: blading *Cake or cookies: soft cookies. *Cereal or toast: cereal *Night or day: night! *Gloves or mittens: neither *Bunk bed or waterbed: waterbed *Chewing gum or hard candy: gum. *Motor boat or sailboat: neither *Lights on or off: off. *Who Do You Like: People who are nothing but honest *Who Likes You: Good question.
*Whats ur favorite:* *Number: 420 *Color: black and purple *Drink: Dr. Pepper *Beverages: RUM! *Animal: Ferret *Holiday: Halloween. *Band/Group: need I list? *Song: Sober - tool *Book: Steppenwolf- Herman Hesse *Movie: Natural Born Killers *Radio station: 101.5 *Place: My grandmothers *Scent: Weed *Food: Italian *Shape: Stars *Texture: I like velvet
*In the future:* *What's ur house gonna look like: Very large with lots of balconies, and a big tropical pool *What's ur dream car? something that runs *Where u gonna live?: seattle or ontario *How many kids?: two *Names : Girl - Girl Boy- hey you! *Animals: BIG DOGGIES *College: uhh..undecided
*On relationships:* *Do u like to call or be called: be called....... *Ever been in love: yup
*If u could:* *Dye ur hair one color, what would it be: bright vibrant purple *Have a tattoo, where/what: I have a semicolon on my toe *Live w/one person for the rest of ur life, who would it be: Todd *What annoys u: crackwhore mothers | 4:50 pm |
About me... nine things you wear daily: 1. my silver Todd ring 2. knee high boots 3. bondage choker 4. glasses or contacts 5. my promise ring or todd's promise ring... 6. my big ole baggies 7. zebra print thongs 8. moisturizer 9. keyring belt with matching wallet chain
eight movies you would watch over and over: 1. natural born killers 2. kids 3. american beauty 4. gummo 5. pulp fiction 6. lord of the rings 7. evil dead 8. slc punk
seven albums that matter: 1. "4" - led zeppelin 2. haunted - poe 3. Aenima - Tool 4. Cruelty & The Beast - cradle of filth 5. Horror Wrestling - Drain STH 6. church Of Acid - Velvet Acid Christ 7. the clash - the clash
six objects you touch every day: 1. Cigarettes 2. Lighter 3. Remote 4. Todd's lighter 5. my pipe 6. a glass
five things you do every day: 1. smoke 2. speak 3. get the munchies 4. think.... 5. KISS!
four bands you can't live without: 1. led zeppelin 2. the cruxshadows - *sways to marilyn* 3. tool 4. velvet acid christ --yeah, my music tastes fucking what :)
three of your favourite songs at this moment: 1. Zix, Zix, Zix - Velvet Acid Christ 2. Marilyn, my bitterness - the cruxshadows 3. sober - tool
the two people that have influenced your life the most: 1. my daddy 2. Derek Olson (and if anyone should know how I can reach him...PLEASE let me know--I miss him something awful) one thing you could spend the rest of your life with: my todd.... what you are wearing this very moment: a pair of worn out baggy jeans, my knee high boots, and a black tank...and my choker
things you collect: *pictures *pipes *seeds *safety pins *match books *odd things *weird clothing
what would you like to own/buy at this moment? *a car *a better computer *more clothes *WEED *rum *a dagger
what kind of car do you have? when I find it, you'll be the first to knwo :)
things that always make you smile: blue m&ms;
what you like best about your appearance? my blue eyes :) get me out of a SHIT LOAD of trouble
what you like least about your appearance? my ass...its all ghetto
if you had a pet platypus, what would you name it? bob | 3:17 am |
HURRAYYYY Heard from Adreane---and she's still a virgin..
And her mommy works like right next door to me. I miss her mommy.
Todd's playing Hitman, he just knocked off a cocaine man.
Emailed my family--- now I'm just waiting for the bomb to go off.
I start work in 1 day--- OH GOD, I'm going to turn into a Chicken Nugget.
I wonder what would happen if I ate an orange M&M..hmmmm; |
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