LiveJournal for Ketsuki Oni.
Sunday, February 24th, 2002 |
well..i hung around & woke up joints still hurt from FrIDay Night.. i finished all my woRk well i jUst fouNd out that a MYSTERIOUS ANIME DISTRIBUTER GUY left an anime dvd on my front was left earlier but i didnt know & my mom didnt fuckin' tell me bout it..[GRRRRR] i apologize to the ANime gUy [& his partner] for not knowin' till now..thanX & i WIll Watch it SooOn *eyes light up at new anime* i wonder who it was..i have an idea..but i dunno its a mystery! hehehe well..hmMmM..i watched the movIe Ed Wood was really goOoD..Johnny Depp is a great actor..i wanna see it was gooD i gotta get back into "B" movies & all that fun stuff i also gotta go back to writin' my script..ive been at a block *eyes the anime dvd that was on his porch* aaah i wonder! whOoOoO *giddY* Well IM listenin' to Motley Crue's greatest hits...hehehehe "Girls girls girls" whOoOOoOoSh hMmMMmM...AAAh I duNnO!!! well..i reaD soMEthin' kool bout Hoobastank today..i wanna get their first indie release cd plus i wannA listen to a Japanese band called Ex-Girl their discription is weird & way out there..i kinda figure Powerpuff girls on crack [in the article they were compared to the Powerpuff Girls] there was also a big article on AFI [YAAAAAY!]..i haVent read It alL YEt..But i will..all i ReMEmbEr somethin bout fans buyin them Nightmare Before Christmas things..hehehehe ...seriOUSly..i neeD to staRt A NEw BAnd..I HAve SOoOo MAnY IDeas i HAvE IN MY hEaD..Aaah..DamN it..MuSt Start NEw BaND!..plUS i WAs ThiNkIN' Of Songs I WOuLD lIke to "Bitter Pill" - Motley Crue, "Talk Dirty To Me" - Poison, "Skulls" - Misfits, "Ziggy Stardust" - David Bowie, & many mORe..if I get a goOd BAnd StarTed i wouLd lIke to Put oUt a CovEr Song CD weLl..I DOnt KNOW What ELSE to SAy...I WANNA WATCH THE ANIME DVD DAMN IT! the way the movie is called Sorcerer On The Rocks i dont wanna go to SchOool TomORrow..god dman It hmMmM..i wannA say somethin to all my friends..I LUv You GuYS..thanKs for all..& just bein' you & everythin'.. "That drunken kiss/Seems like a lie/Dont say its forever/Then say goodbye/Glitter/Dont you leave me/Please believe me/I only want your love/Glitter/Your my lover/I have no other, girl/I only need your love" - "Glitter" by Motley Crue [i LOVE THIs SONG!] WeLl Im gonNA go Now..LAtEr |
AaaAah!! Im sorry but AAaaH!..i FeeL CoNFiNEd..well i dunNo..mAyBE its Post-sleep stress Krista is sleeeepin' [AWWW How cute!]..I tolD HEr bRO to tell her to call Me whEN shE WakEs Up... so We can See if we are gonNa HAng Out toDay Well..hmmMm..i have readin' for schOOl to DO...but i realLy dont wanna do it damn it..I dont wanna! stupID sChOol..its a good bOok but i ReaLLy Dont feEl liKE doin' AnYmORe schOol WorK WelL..Im goNna ReLAx a Bit..& HoPEfuLlY Krista calls BAck soOn..hehe..welL I dUnnO.. Well im goiN' Now..Sooo...HmMmM Yea LatEr |
well i got no new pain..YAY the 2 opening bands were wicked gooOOd..i met the lead singer of the first band which i forget their name & the other one if me remember was Fair Weather which also was really gooOOoD Thursday was FuckIn' AWESOME!!..the whole crowd went like insane & ooh the pushing & croWd Surfing..& the FunNEsss we talked to this couple, Woody & Cha-Cha, they were all whooo-HoOo & out there hehehe.. we saw a little of Piebald they were only ok..from what i saw then we [John & i] went to Wendy's & then home..whoOOOoOSH... Oooh my..I Love watchin' Skankin'...Skankin' is sooo fun to should be a sport!..if figure skating & curling are considered sports than soo should skankin'!! waitin' for Krista to IM me back..she is probably on the couch..i might call.hehehe [even though it might be too late]..grrrr hehe LaTEr |
Saturday, February 23rd, 2002 |
WEll..on the way to bed last night, it was dark all over the house, i ended up tripping over the computer chair & hurting my ankle more & the rest of my leg...i then couldnt sleep so i watched American Psycho...& i want you to know that that movie SUCKED SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH..he analyzed music [mostly Genesis & Phil Collins]..what a fUCKiNG DORK!..god damn that MoVie SuCkEd & BlEw at the SAME TiME! HorrID..GRRRRRrRRRRrrrR so that bored me alot & i went to sleep shortly after it was finally over i JUSt wokE uP...YAY..hmmm..nothin' HAs hApPEned so far..But..mY mOm went out earlIer & got mE the AbSoLuTE GREaTEST thing EvEr..mWAHAHAHAhAhAhAHAHAHA..i cant say what it [well they] are..caUSe i want it to BE a MaJor SuRpRiSE to SOmEoNE =)hehehe [Im DevioUs] Im SoOOoOooO ExCiTEd! Well..Im gonNA give Krista a call later see if she either wants to do somethin' before i go to the concert tonight or make plans for tomorrow..[but if i dont talk to Her i will be home at a resonable time to IM her online or give a call]....SoOooOoOO WHooOoOoOoOOOSH mY boDy Is stiLl IN PAin...WHo Is gonNA give me a BAck Rub DamN it..HEHehE.. well..Im gonNA go snag a quIck BreaKfaST & then sit my ass In FrOnt OF the Tv for a WhiLE..then do what i goTTa Do..WhOOoSH.. LaTEr EvERYonE Find out which member of Kittie you are! Which Lion King Character Are You? |
Oh My gOD! the concert kIcKEd MAjOR ASS!..i wore my Nonpoint SHirt..YAY Onesidezero was wicked good they were energetic with great songs & attitude.[i bought their cd wheeeeeeeeeeeee]..ooh the flashing lights! during Soil John & i went to sit down but they were goood..& they closed w/"Halo" Soulfly was fucking AWESOME!!..oh mY! i was in the fuckin' pit & it was fuckin' fun!..i came out for a breather half way through then went back in..hehehe wheeeeeee..i collided w/the "Undertaker" surpirsed & glad that i held my own & he didnt knock me down on my ass..YAY..but it hurt..i also got punched& elbowed in the face.. they played my fav. song of theirs "Jump Da Fuck Up"..YAY.. then Static-X..John went in the pit while i sat down in pain..i talked to a dude wearing a shirt sayin' "I Fuck Sheep"..he was kool..he then came back over to me when he got outta the pit & we talked more..then John got out of the pit..& we sat around & talked..then me like a moron went into the Static-X pit..& they played "Push It" featuring Max from Soulfly & said it was a new song..hehe..[Wayne dressed like Waldo]..but i got tossed around some more & shouldered by the "Undertaker" [in the face no less] was much hurt..i got out when the show ended i passed out 21 Scars Of Life stickers & 32 Heavy Frequency fliers my back, left ankle, & face are hurting like hell...but it is all gooooooooD we got Wendy's after the show..YAY...mMMMmMMMMmmM im gonna go sleep soon or just lay down & try to forget the pain..i really seriously & most definately could usE a back rub right now [now who loves me enough to do it?] well Im goin' later |
Friday, February 22nd, 2002 |
What era of Trent Reznor are you? Take the What Trent Are You? quiz to find out! Quiz by chameleon669! |
I got plenty of sleeep last night..YAY hmm..let me see..tonight is the Static-X concert..YAY..cant wait to see them again..i wonder if Onesidezero is any goOod...[if i like them im probably gonna get the cD if they got one hehe] wearin' my Nonpoint shirt to the concert [once again, THANk yoU Soo mUch Krista] hmMm..tomorroW Im gonna go wait in lIne for concer tickets..hehe [i think 4 thus far]...then im goNna hopefully ORdEr Bruiser & maybe some shirts from Hot its Off to the Thursday concert.. then i dOnt knOW hehehehe.. well..Im gonna go shoWer & get some what ready hehehe..then iM goNna caLL Krista & John..& then its just sittin' in front of the TV till its tiMe to go..hehehe..someOne has to remind me to buy more pages foR my MeMoRy BooK [so i can add more tickets & autographs & cards awwww]...& i need to buy a phot album [the one w/the kool dragon on it from Hot Topic..either red or leanin' towards the red one].. now its time for me to go..i need to print up Heavy Frequency fliers to pass out tonight & have to remember to take the Scars Of Life promotional stickers to pass ouT weLl Im goiN' lAtEr |
Thursday, February 21st, 2002 |
toDay Was Sooooooooooo fuckIn' IncredIbLE! Krista & i hung out..hehehe..we went to go to Harvard Square, but the parkin' lot was full at Oakgrove, but we found a parkin' spot..& i had to get in it from a weird as i was pulling in between the 2 parked cars in this weird angle i was diagonal & couldnt get the car then i couldnt get out in fear of wackin' the car next to me on the right, but Krista looked out the window & diected me so we safely got out..YAY so we hurried to the mall hehehehe..we spent alot of time lookin' around & clothes & stuff..Krista tried on this black dress & she looked ABSOLUTELY BREATH-TAKING..STuNNING, GORGIOUS, BEATUIFUL..she is seriously the most beautiful women i have ever laid eyes on [she baught the dress..YAY]..she baught me a Nonpoint t-shirt..AWWWWWWW I Love the was sooo nice of her..Im wearing it tomorrow!..*snuggles the shirt* we went to Jimmy's steak house for was a great meal..we talked alot & the food was great & the waitress was soo nice & then we danced while waitin' to be picked up at Jimmy' was great we came back here & watched half of Dracula 2000... SucH an EXcELLent Day! it was wonderfuL...completely wonderfuL! [im tired..& thirsty] LATEr |
Wednesday, February 20th, 2002 |
Nirvana song, Heart shaped box..Which Nirvana song are you? Which Kittie member Are You? You're Talena! You have a huge fan base of horny teenage goth guys but the most important thing to you is being EVIL i saw Mothman Prophecies was a wicked gooood movie..i wa soo interested..i wanna get more info on was soo captured my mind & got me soo into makes me wonder now..god soo kool!.. John came over waS great fun..whOOoSh..we started randomly killing each other quite violently in HALO..& played alot of Nightcaster today...whOoOOSh it was all gooOooD...i think there is a piece of KFC on the floor of my too lazy to clean it now... hmmm..the Queen of The Damned soundtrack is wicked good [not as good as Dracula 2000's] whOoooooooooooSh Im going now...later |
Tuesday, February 19th, 2002 |
well...everythin' is set..if i dont talk to John an e-mail i shall send him.. right now im bored out of my mind..i dont know what to do..oh god.. i took a nap after felt real good..hehehe really goooood.. ..wHOOOOOOOsh..hmmm..i dont know im goin' till i got somethin good to write |
I Am A: True Neutral Dwarf Fighter Bard Alignment: True Neutral characters are very rare. They believe that balance is the most important thing, and will not side with any other force. They will do whatever is necessary to preserve that balance, even if it means switching allegiances suddenly. Race: Dwarves are short and stout, and easily recognizable by their well-cared-for beards. They are hard workers, and adept at stonework and engineering. They tend to live apart from other races; generally in deep, underground excavated systems, and as such tend to be distant from other races. Primary Class: Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer. Secondary Class: Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit. Find out What D&D; Character Are You?, courtesy of NeppyMan! Obie is pretty close to bein' bald! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck that is gonna be funny on monday! hmMmMMm...i wanna get a paiR of really dark sunglasses dont ask.. well..i dont gonna take my leave shortly..cause its close to dinner time..then im gonna come back online order Bruiser...& then im gonna get offline listen to the cds i bought..then get back online & talk to John online [or give him a call], Krista [same], & Nicole [onlIne most likely] polus i need to call Matt but that is a different story hMmM...i dont brain is itchy... well...Im goNnA go nOW...sooOo..i dont know...goooOoOOOoooD ByE foR NOW |
i went out w/my Uncle Mike today..we went for lunch then i bought some cds [w/my money hehe] ..i bought T*House Of The Almighty - self titled, Machine Head - "The More Things Change..." [import cd w/bonus tracks], Hatebreed - "Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire", & Slipknot - self titled [w/6 bonus tracks] well i dont know what to do now..i'm gonna take some tylonal..then maybe listen to soME MuSic..& i will make some phone calLS LaTEr tonIght..& StufF..later on i might be able to order the movie Bruiser..[i hope] [Misfits are in a club scene] ive had a song stuck in my head for days..i only remember one line & i dont know the song name or band name...if anyone knows please help..the lyrics go "They will always kick you/When your down" i really dont know what to say right now..ooh yea..while driving Mike almost got into an accident..i paniced..oooh yea...i dont wanna meet w/another was baaad..very least he didnt hit the other car.. |
Monday, February 18th, 2002 |
well hehe one of my online Buddies, Sinfullkissesx, said that this girl from Melrose [that knows me] said im a whore..hehehehe i finds that majorly amusing..whOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh im loookin' at guitars...yes i will post pics of the ones that are kool..[just to let you know im a big Raven West, Ibanez, & BC Rich also a big fan of Coffin Case] BC Rich NJ Series Assassin Thin body black acoustic/electric Synsonics Flying V Headless Electric Guitar IBANEZ RG 550 LB OHSC JAPANESE later |
LiveJournal for Ketsuki Oni.