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A Piglet Place

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hello all [28 Jan 2002|11:05pm]

i did it i did it! yay :) well. i am a fan of lil piglet too, and just thought i'd say that, thought it was a 4 day adventure trying to get this post in :) but.. YAY FOR PIGLETS :) andI: you shoudl post a pic of all of your piglet stuff eheh :)
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[26 Jan 2002|11:12pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Clanad - I Will Find You ]

My cat gets Piggy luvin y0

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[25 Jan 2002|08:12pm]

I was walking along, looking for somebody, and then suddenly I wasn't any more, and just when I got up to see where I was, something fell on me. And it was you.
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A Piglet Place Is Born! [25 Jan 2002|06:34pm]

[ mood | almost not human ]
[ music | Claire Voyant - Love The Giver ]

I'm like on my deathbed and shiite (not really, though death is sounding good right now) so decided I need something pleasant to think of. Thus I made A Piglet Place!!!:D

-get ready for disordered ranting about the pig-

I really really love piglet. I have a piglet coffee mug, piglet house slippers, a robe the color of piglet, a piglet rug beside my bed, over two dozen plush piglet toys....and thats just some of it. Seriously folks, I'm a piglet nut. He's my hero, because in the stories he conquers all the same fears I have in life.

-ranting over-

I just want to welcome you to A Piglet Place, where little things are big too.

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