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brilliant orange

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(Have an Orange)

where do all the cows go? [29 Jun 2002|01:40am]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Coldplay - Life Is For Living ]

Just been watching Coldplay at Glastonbury 2002 on the tv. I want to be there, and I want to be there now. Chris Martin has got such an amazing voice, and to have been there in the crowd, singing, singing my heart out to Yellow, singing it to the band on what they themselves call the most important night of their entire collective lives. That would have been really something.

I will be going next year.

Life Is For Living

Now I never meant to do you wrong
That's what I came here to say
And if I was wrong then, I'm sorry
But don't let it stand in our way

Because my head just aches when I think of
The things that I shouldn't have done
But life is for living, we all know
And I don't want to live it alone

(Have an Orange)

nice dream [28 Jun 2002|01:10am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Chemical Brothers - Under The Influence ]

Today was rather cool. Slept in til 12, then got a txt message from queenvee requiring my immediate presence in Manchester in order that we mill about the city and its various eateries and record shops for an afternoon. I of course jumped at the chance to take advantage of the (sporadically) gorgeous weather we were experiencing and joined her forthwith. Not before I called in at the library however. I had to renew my Smiths best of, and I wanted to get another album while I was there, so I got Surrender by the Chemical Brothers. I really like it, Under The Influence is superb.

Got to Manchester, and we stopped in Cafe Pop (very nice in there, full of novelty items and suchlike) for some lunch. I had a lovely tuna salad sandwich which was so deceptively filling... I was sure I was really hungry beforehand too, I don't know what they put in there, but I couldn't finish it, I got so full. We passed the time with one of our humourous/intellectual conversations.

We then braved it through the shops and stopped in Picadilly Records, where I promised myself I wouldn't buy anything and promptly did buy something, that something being The Bends, by Radiohead.

Finished off the afternoon with yet another of our highly humorous/intellectual-type conversations (how do we do it?) while sat on some sort of novelty blue thing with wheels. They didn't move, you couldn't push them or anything, so I don't really know what the point of the wheels was. But eh.

On the way back home, saw my cousin on the tram and he told me all about his time in Ibiza this last few days. He had a good time, which I'm glad of. I'm going to start working on his website for his business on Sunday, so that'll be good for the old cashflow situation at least. And on that subject... I have work tomorrow. eurgh.

(2 Oranges |Have an Orange)

nightsong [26 Jun 2002|03:23am]
[ mood | lala ]
[ music | Dave Bowie - Starman ]

Well, there goes my early night. I just never got around to it. I was watching one of my City videos. Well, I've not watched it in nearly a year now, so I decided I was allowed.

Dad's just got broadband at work. He said I can come in and havea mess around with it if I want. I may just take him up on that offer. mwahaha.

My brother got his Nintendo Gamecube thing this afternoon. He has one game so far, it's a racing game. I may demonstrate my prowess on it tomorrow, depending on what mood I find myself in. It's downstairs right now, but I think it'll end up going upstairs while my little four-year-old cousin is here on his weekly visitation. Can't have him spilling Ribena on it. That would not do.

Was feeling distinctly blah before. I was going to do a huge big post on exactly why I think I was feeling distinctly blah, but I decided to save you all that dubious pleasure for another time. I think these late nights don't help, actually. I will get out of them soon, I kinda need to.

Wimbledon is still going on. It was okay... Tim "never gonna win anything" Henman got through easily against some French guy, and Hewitt got through too. But queenvee's favourite player, Roger Federer got knocked out unfortunately :( Oh well. The guy who beat him is a Croatian, and he sounds exactly like Goran Ivanisevic, the guy who won it last year (he's also Croatian). And when I say he sounds exactly like him, I really do mean exactly... the similarity is absolutely uncanny. He even kinda looks like him too... if he were about 20 years younger, that is. Listen to him the next time he plays a match (Thursday I think), and you'll see what I mean.

Uh-oh. It's starting to get light. My bed is calling my name, so I'd better go and see what it wants.

(3 Oranges |Have an Orange)

an update from the palace of glittering delights (ie. my house) [25 Jun 2002|03:15am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | The Wannadies - You And Me Song ]

Thinking too much about people and things again. Like I love to do. I must stop doing that. There's something oddly appealing about it though, so I bet you any money that I won't stop doing it. I think I'll just let my thoughts float around in my head for a bit before I think about writing them down. They're safer up there for the time being.

I think I've been spending a little bit too much time on the computer just recently. I've spent hours on here tonight, and what have I done that I could class as being even vaguely productive? Not much, is the answer. I need to get away from it for a little bit... I shall try and devise a list of Things To Do That Doesn't Involve Going On A Computer. Mmmmyes. And I'm trying to be creative since I'm saving up and don't really want to spend a great deal of money. And no, going into work isn't an option :P I'm going to have to sleep on this one I think.

Went to an Indian restaurant in Rusholme tonight for a meal with family. It was okay, except I don't really like Indian food at all. I always have the English dishes if I go... I had the prawn somethingorother. It was rather nice to be fair. The music in that place though, wasn't too great. It wasn't just that I'm not a great fan of Indian music. It wasn't just that it was quite loud and intrusive. No, the worst thing about it was that one of the songs sounded like a cross between Faith, the George Michael song, and the music from the Samsung advert. It was truly shocking. But mildly amusing at the same time. tee hee.

Wimbledon started today. No one else in my house likes it, but I don't care, I'm going to embrace it with the same enthusiasm that everyone has been embracing the World Cup with. To my mind, it's just as exciting and exhillarating. That lovely rich green grass is wonderful to look at, as well. Nothing quite like Wimbledon.

I need to start going back to my early nights routine again. What on earth am I doing up at this time? I don't even know. It's ridiculous. Definitely going to bed now.

(2 Oranges |Have an Orange)

inbetween the clouds [23 Jun 2002|08:00pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Air - La Femme D'Argent ]

I'm feeling really calm today, the rant I had last night did me a lot of good, it was extremely cathartic. I usually feel a great peacefulness on Sundays anyway, because I've always had a really decent sleep the night before and I don't usually have anything much on.

By that I mean I have no commitments. I do wear clothes.

Today I mostly listened to CDs, read some of my book, watched tv, played on FIFA, fiddled around on LJ (until it broke this afternoon that is), and generally relaxed. It's been a nice day.

I'm really looking forward to Wimbledon starting tomorrow. This is one of my favourite times of year, and I know Henman isn't going to win it or anything, but I don't care... I don't particularly want him to win. I'd like Hewitt or Roddick to win it, because they have spirit, passion and enthusiasm, something that Henman seems to really lack. As for the women's side of things, I don't know. One of the Williams sisters will probably take it again.

Hope all is well with everyone.

(Have an Orange)

oh my god! [22 Jun 2002|11:26pm]
I would like to give a huge thankyou to zeppelina who has been kind enough to send me the much appreciated gift of two months as a paid user on LJ. I don't really know what to say, I'm kinda taken aback a bit that someone would do that for me :)

Let it be known that she rawks.

(3 Oranges |Have an Orange)

[22 Jun 2002|12:08am]
I think I'm going to get a paid account. But not yet. I can't allow myself to do it yet.

Wait til after Australia, Tim. After Australia. Then you can.

(1 Orange |Have an Orange)

I love the smiths [20 Jun 2002|11:13pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | The Smiths - Girlfriend In a Coma ]

Today was good.

Lazed around in the morning, and then after lunch we went to the pub for a pint. It was very nice in the stunning sunshine, watching the park from the beer garden with the occasional car purring past. Very relaxing.

From there I went to the library, and I picked up the book I'd reserved last week, The Riders by Tim Winton.

And now follows the defining moment of my day, dear reader. I spotted a copy of The Best Of The Smiths, Volume I while picking up my book in the library. What an album, and what a band. I've been gradually thinking about getting into them for atleast the last year, and actually listening to them properly for the last couple of months. And I'm really getting to love their music now. This is mostly thanks to queenvee for her infectious enthusiasm about Morrissey and the Smiths. So, ta :P

This evening I went to see Spiderman with a guy from work. He too, funnily enough, had just today been discovering the wonders of The Smiths. But anyway, I digress. The film was okay. The script was pretty shocking, but the effects were very nice and it was a good, fun film.

That's the story of my day.

(2 Oranges |Have an Orange)

adcott [20 Jun 2002|01:18am]
This guy rocks my socks.

(12 Oranges |Have an Orange)

pictures [19 Jun 2002|10:21pm]
[ mood | tralala ]
[ music | The Stranglers - Golden Brown ]

I've been spending today in a vaguely productive manner, looking round for new userpics. That's productive, right?

I've settled on this one for the moment but I don't know if I'll keep it. I was getting sick of a glasses-less Graham Coxon after about a year-and-a-half of having him as my userpic.

(2 Oranges |Have an Orange)

shopaholic [18 Jun 2002|08:35pm]
[ mood | not bad ]
[ music | Radio 1 ]

I went on a bit of a spree today in altrincham. I got three CDs which I've been dying to get for absolutely ages but just haven't gotten round to it/had money. I got:

Ed Harcourt - Here Be Monsters
The Strokes - Is This It
Jeff Buckley - Grace

I'm very impressed with them all.

(3 Oranges |Have an Orange)

treason! [18 Jun 2002|02:51am]
[ mood | harumph ]
[ music | Aqualung - Strange & Beautiful ]

Has AudioGalaxy gone bye-bye? You can't download any songs off there right now for some reason, they're all blocked. Every single one of them. I was halfway through downloading a really cool song, too, which is a little irritating.

Everyone over to Kazaa, then?

(Have an Orange)

I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure [17 Jun 2002|10:51am]
[ mood | contemplating... ]
[ music | The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now ]

So yeah, I'm bored of the way my journal looks already. Only had it this way for, what, a week?

Also I might get a new userpic.

(1 Orange |Have an Orange)

weekending [16 Jun 2002|11:46pm]
[ mood | alrighty ]
[ music | Richard Hawley - Baby, You're My Light ]

An okay day. My plans to watch Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting went somewhat awry... I didn't know it was my uncle's birthday gathering today, and I got told about twenty minutes before we were about to go. Fastest shower I've ever had.

Dad wants me to tidy this room tomorrow. It's mostly my brother's stuff in here, but since his arm is still in a sling right now, it's down to me. I don't mind. Infact I may just do it tonight, because I'm busy tomorrow. I need to meet up with Dan and converse with him re: all things websites. He said he'd pay me for my time, too. I'm quite happy to talk to him for money. I'd like to perhaps do that for a living please. When I grow up.

I'll take my Avalanches CD for him to listen to, to see what he thinks.

It's really strange watching the Australians and Americans on my list mentioning football in their journal entries. Long may it continue :)

(3 Oranges |Have an Orange)

passing the time of day [15 Jun 2002|01:49am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Radiohead - You And Whose Army? ]

Something slightly strange happened at work... I happened upon someone who I think must have been psychic. This girl on the till behind me needed to put in a code so she could find out the price of the donuts y'see, and the guy she was serving mysteriously knew the code. And I'd never seen him working at Tesco before. And then this girl asks me if I know the code for the donuts, and this guy says "yeah, Tim, what's the code?" Now, I'd never met this guy in my life... and I didn't have a name-badge on, so there was no way he knew through that way. And the girl didn't say my name either. Weird.

In other news, I'm feeling a lot less irritable and melancholic than I was yesterday evening... talking to someone who is perhaps my best friend in the whole world right now and having a good night's sleep helps to put things into perspective like that.

Work was okay. They told me they owe me £313 in tax, which I'm entitled to have because I'm a student and as such don't have to pay tax on my wages. I really really wish I'd known about that before I booked my tickets to Australia, I might've been able to afford to go to Sydney after all. Oh well, I can go there again I suppose, there's the rest of my life for all that sort of thing.

And tonight wasn't bad either. We had a couple of people round and watched this bizarre film called The 51st State. I didn't get that film at all. It's strange, because it had a really strong cast in Samuel L Jackson, Robert Carlisle (I think I've spelt that wrong), Ricky Tomlinson and a couple of other familiar faces. I'm not going to get into it now, but I would advise against getting it if I were you. Mind you though, I don't really like gangster films much, and that's what this was... so who am I to talk?

The Untouchables is on late tomorrow night though. I'll be watching that. Cool film, Robert De Niro is a god.

Going to bed now... I need my strength for tomorrow.

(1 Orange |Have an Orange)

back to the grind [14 Jun 2002|02:19am]
[ mood | mmm ]
[ music | The White Stripes - I'm Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman ]

You know where I'd like to work? In that record shop on High Fidelity. That would be very cool. But y'know, Music Zone would be a fair compromise, given that the record shop on High Fidelity (Championship Vinyl is its name) is fictional and everything.

I'd really quite enjoy it I think. If only because I might have a say on what records we play. And I'd pick some bloody brilliant ones, I'm sure you all agree.

I could do without work tomorrow, or Saturday. Most definitely Saturday. I have a sneaking suspicion that they aren't paying me all that I should be getting though, so I think that's a good enough reason to go in. Don't really feel like talking to any customers though... they can be so patronising sometimes. When I'm at work I feel like I'm in a whole other world where I cease to be a person, and become a robot.

It's not that I hate the people I work with or anything. Far from it, I like them, they're nice people. I'm just bored of it. Supermarkets are boring. Dull and boring. Nothing ever happens there, y'know. They come in, ask staff where the hell everything is (how are we supposed to know? we work on the checkouts!), buy their shopping, moan about the price of it all, and then they fuck off. And I do that for four-and-a-half hours on a Friday, and nine hours on a Saturday.

I definitely need a change. So, I've decided. When I get back from Australia, I'm going to get a new job.

Rant over.

(Have an Orange)

rhar [13 Jun 2002|11:15pm]
[ mood | bleh ]
[ music | Goldrush - Same Picture ]

I am feeling craptastic this evening.

(1 Orange |Have an Orange)

England 0-0 Nigeria [12 Jun 2002|10:14am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | radio ]

I am absolutely knackered. I got up early to watch England go through to the next stage of the World Cup by drawing 0-0 with Nigeria. I'm glad, but it means I can't watch the Denmark match because I'll be in work. They're saying they'll announce the latest scores over the speakers but really I want to watch it. I would expect us to win though. If we do, it's likely we'll play Brazil, which will be a huge game... and if that's on while I'm at work too, I'll be highly irritated.

In other news, I booked my tickets to Perth on Monday... I should be there at 5:30pm on Monday 19th August, so it's just over two months away... I absolutely cannot wait :)

(3 Oranges |Have an Orange)

well, the site is up [12 Jun 2002|01:52am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Ivy - Edge Of The Ocean ]

let me know what you reckon :)

(3 Oranges |Have an Orange)

going the distance [09 Jun 2002|11:27pm]
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
And long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's striving and driving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns

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