info//friends//star me
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Friday, March 22nd, 2002

[5:27 pm.]

I am Wiffle!

Take the Test Yourself |
What does it mean?

I am Wednesday's Child

What day are you?

ps. trex is insane:

trex: you never talk to me
me: you never talk to me!
me: usually i just turn on ims and do my own thing. i don't sit there staring at it and decidedly not saying hi to you.
trex: poop
trex signed off at 5:27:33 PM.
1 pill // medicate me

[8:42 am.]

my throat hurts. and my nose, from too many boogers. plus i'm tired, but maybe i just need more sleep. grarrr... i hope i don't get what zel has.
medicate me

errr... please don't beat me up...

[8:39 am.]

Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!!
5 pills // medicate me

Wednesday, March 20th, 2002

[10:10 pm.]

You're the Female Cenobite known
as Terri.You too like pinnhead came
to earth to bring down souls to torture,
and also like pinhead you're a pretty
rocking dresser! You also have a nasty
smoking habit!
What Horror Movie Villian am I?

it's truuuuuue...
3 pills // medicate me

[8:01 pm.]

me pretending: wang wang wang
me pretending: i'm a noodle in a can.
me pretending: that didn't rhyme.

i'm bored. somebody go sign my guestbook. if you go to my website and click "fuck" it's at the top of the page. and if you don't sign my guestbook, i won't be your friend anymore. so there.
2 pills // medicate me

[7:58 pm.]

you know things aren't going too well when you're too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom.

i've been holding it for like ten minutes for no good reason.

what the fuck...
medicate me

so cold alone and velvet (in your house)

[7:53 pm.]

so i just talked to doo about why i don't like doing housework.

it's pretty much like my inner dialogue goes...
me 1: fold those clothes. NOW!
me 2: i don't feel like it.
me 1: don't even think about checking your mail again. later you're gonna wish you did it now.
me 2: yeah, but i don't wanna.
me 1: yeah, me neither.
me 2: well, yeah, but we should do it.
me 1: but i don't WANNA.
me 2: okay then. *gets on the computer*...

it's like... i realise i'd feel better if i did it, and that it needs to get done, but i don't waaaaaaanna... and even then, it's like well, i said i didn't want to and now i can't back down. and vice-versa. which is prolly why it bugs me so much. grahhhh.

i wish one of my halves could outsmart the other, but they're pretty damn equal.
8 pills // medicate me

[6:00 pm.]

ewww, zel's pooping, i can smell it!!!
2 pills // medicate me

Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
i love mah boiiiiii(ng)

[10:40 pm.]

nu user pitchers!.
weird. flick just yowled for no reason and is staring at the stairs.
the kits stare at the stairs a lot.
i think they're haunted.
(the stairs, not the kits.)
6 pills // medicate me

[7:06 pm.]

i fucking LOVE the millions.
medicate me

Monday, March 18th, 2002

[9:08 pm.]

check it out, it's finally done!!!
9 pills // medicate me

[5:35 pm.]

i just watched boy meets world.

i'm wearing my batgirl shirt and my purple string-bikini undies.

now full house is on but i'm not watching it.
medicate me

i hate scooby-doo.

[11:55 am.]

stolen from ikkaar )
7 pills // medicate me

Sunday, March 17th, 2002

[1:09 pm.]

i took myself out for chinese last night.
8 pills // medicate me

steve righ? wrote to me! eee

[12:24 pm.]

To : little twelvetoes
Subject : HUHUHS

Date : Sat, 16 Mar 2002 22:50:12 -0800 (PST)

3 pills // medicate me

[12:10 am.]

unghhh... i don't feel so good... my stomach's all knotting and i feel pukey and my head's heavy and sick.

it's either food poisoning or fucking jimmy.
2 pills // medicate me

Saturday, March 16th, 2002

[3:14 pm.]

i wonder what happens if a cokehead has to blow their nose. would they blow it out? what about all that expensive cocaine? or would they pick their nose and eat the boogers or something?
8 pills // medicate me

Friday, March 15th, 2002
at age sixteen

[11:20 pm.]

a strangled mute and
organized whispers in the
wake of dawn surrounds
her as she steps down from the
high held threshhold and falls
into a new day in which
Something is missing in the
executed candle still smoldering
with smoke more fragrant that
the incense itself all burned
away and nothing left but a
grey body labeled beautiful
not for its beauty but for its
position or role or status in your
lives so petty yet so important
to me and that's what matters
or am i selfish which is confirmed
continue writing and the
drowned queen bee is waiting
in a bubble of jealousy surrounded
so near yet never quite close enough
for too much is perfect

i was inspired by bel to post some of the not-terrible old poetry...
4 pills // medicate me

Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
say a prayer for the youth of america

[8:44 pm.]
OH MY FUCKING GAWD, i HATE closed-minded fucking old geezers!!!!

i was at the northwest RUN meeting, trying to connect with the neighbourhood that spectrum's in, and there was this man, BRUCE (a BRUCE of all things, two people i hate, BRUCES and DANIELLES!!!) who was just so adamantly against teens. he says he owns apartments on state street and spectrum is so bad because it makes all the youth come down there and cause a ruckus and yaddah yaddah.

it's like, they're there ANYWAY, and isn't it better for them to be inside and supervised than roaming the streets on crack!?! i was so mad i was shaking, but i kept my cool. and then somebody said they were gonna open a paintball store on state street and some middle-aged hag said "well, we don't want that, right?"... and it's like... do you even KNOW what paintball IS!?!? DEAR CHRIST!!! it makes me SO mad!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!

but there was one man there who was really nice and understanding, albeit a little religious, and he really helped out. and poe was there too, which was good. i could see her getting agitated too, thou. but i went up to this bruce feller after the meeting and talked to him a little, and i think maybe my just being at this meeting with my punky hair and sparkly shirt and speaking like an adult might have just helped, even a little. we'll see.

but GOD!!! are these the people who are running our country!? yeah, let's just deny that teenagers EXIST!!!
and now, some lyrics to help emphasise my point. )
5 pills // medicate me

god god god god god god moving to the left

[6:00 pm.]

i just took a shower. yay me! and all that fun stuph. der. now i have to go to the northwest (or is it sw??) rutland united neighbourhood meeting so we can get live music at drop-in, even thou it's gonna be summer and i'll be gone before anything actually goes throu. fucking rutland zoning shite. FUCK IT!
medicate me

[8:26 am.]

it's toooo early...
i don't wanna work today.
medicate me

Monday, March 11th, 2002

[10:31 pm.]
[now i will go cuddle him goodnight]
look here and see pics from msi in albany. he's so cute when he's pouty. i love him.

medicate me

my one kingdom

[9:56 pm.]

i woke up this morning at 8am, drove zel to work, and came back home and slept till 6.30pm. and i showered. that's what i call a good day.
medicate me

[8:27 am.]

stolen from melley )
medicate me

Sunday, March 10th, 2002

[5:57 pm.]

I'm the Jeffrey's clerk!

Take the Jimmy Fallon recurring SNL character quiz here.

created by stomps.

medicate me

girl it's so awesome that you came here

[8:37 am.]

JIMMY URINE MADE OUT WITH ME!!! (and everyone else in the crowd... INCLUDING zel...) WOWWWWW yay. and trevor got smooched, and bel, too, and it was really funny, cos i really don't think she was expecting it. but HAH!
2 pills // medicate me

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

[3:14 pm.]

me pretending: you should see my outfit
me pretending: i need my fricken pc cam
me pretending: i don't know where it is. maybe in the basement?
me pretending: i'm wearing pink fishnets, a grey and black striped legwarmer on my left leg, a black bandanna on my right leg, my boots, cutoff jean shorts that are just above my knee, a houndstooth funny little skirt, that batgirl swimsuit but i cut it so it's like a tank top now, my nypd shirt, black cut up tights with my fingers poking throu on my arms, a ton of bracelets, a ton of necklaces, and my hair's got braids and clips all in it. i rawk.
bonnie: hehe
bonnie: batgirl!
medicate me

and it felt great to be a liar

[12:03 pm.]
[helpless] [memories of bel saying "i weep for the earth" & me laughing]
so we're going to albany tonite to see mindless again and zel got guest listed!!! EEEEE!!!

on a more serious note... my family and i went out to 99 last nite and there were these precious kids there i was watching (zel and dad say it's rude to watch people, but there's nothing i love more... except maybe zel and dad... er) and they were just the cutest things on the planet. and their names were casey, keith, and sydney. (i heard their parents say it). sydney had long brown curls and a funny little dress on that she kept pulling up over her head (she was the middle child) and these mary jane shoes i really want. and she accidentally tipped over her drink and started crying. her mom smacked her in the back of the head so she hit her face on the table and said "you make me so mad." i had to leave and go to the restroom. and after they left, i broke out bawling.

so if anybody out there sees these kids, please steal them away for me.
4 pills // medicate me

Friday, March 8th, 2002

[8:40 am.]

6 pills // medicate me

Wednesday, March 6th, 2002

[11:46 pm.]

well, if i haven't been genderfucked.

went to the mindless show. it fucking rocked. i was in my first pit ever (poe doesn't count, it was a very loving pit)... but jimmie made out with everyone in the front row, pissed on the drum and licked it (then made out with more people), ripped off his clothes (he has the same undies as zel... mmmm boxerbriefs), crowd surfed, and yum. we got everyone's signature and our pic with everyone in the band but jimmie. plus james. whoo us!

i have a lot more to say, about staying with squirmie and alex, but i'm ever so tired and owchy from the pit and all. ow. ow. more to be said. to bed. (i rhyme)
medicate me

Tuesday, March 5th, 2002

[2:56 pm.]

pictures of my snazzy new do )
14 pills // medicate me

[10:09 am.]

i'm going to see mindless and youuuu aren't
(unless of course, you're squirma or alex or zel or bonnie or bel or brinox)

1 pill // medicate me

[9:01 am.]

catalina was so neet. and it wasn't called kids in space, it was space cases. and i was wrong. there is a fan page. i'm so glad. yum!!! i'm glad. but you know, my hair right now looks more like suzee's.
8 pills // medicate me

[12:11 am.]
[ nostalgic]
my hair is rainbow-coloured. it's sooo neet. began with orangey blonde hair. then green bangs and green underneath. and now with purpley red streaks and blue purple streaks. i am every colour. it's awesome.

reminds me of catalina on that nickelodeon show kids in space. does anyone remember that? sometimes i wonder if i'm the only person who remembers certain things. like that one episode that was a flashback or something and they were all regular. no, it wasn't a flashback. they all traded species. anyway, the guy with the long hair and the big ears traded with the token black guy. and he had normal ears and short hair. and he was real cute. and how much you wanna bet that guy doesn't have a single fanpage out there.

i'm the only one who remembers. (or am i?... reply to me [lie to me])
6 pills // medicate me

Monday, March 4th, 2002

[8:41 am.]

i went to stand on the vent this morning cos i was cold and burned the bottoms of my feet. duh. but owch!
medicate me

Sunday, March 3rd, 2002

[11:03 pm.]

you know them, but read them anyway. )
medicate me

do as i say, not as i do.

[10:27 pm.]

well, there's officially nothing you can depend on in life.

my dad was always my personal jesus. an angel, in my eyes. he could do no wrong. he used to smoke cigarettes. winstons. his teeth are all yellow. not rotten or anything, just yellow. and he quit before i was six. before we left the old house.

i still remember when he did. he walked into the kitchen one morning and said, "well, i quit smoking." i never remember him smelling like smoke. just beer and armpits, and sometimes sawdust. mom was the one who smelled like smoke. and dad always was trying to get her to quit, along with me and bonnie. we'd make little signs, do all kinds of things to try and help her. she still hasn't.

around that time, dad quit riding his motorcycle.

it's been over 14 years since then.

once, when i was something like fifteen, i went for a walk with a boy without telling my parents. they flipped out and had called the police, thinking the worst, no doubt. when i showed up a few hours later my dad looked really scared. he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the boy, and hugged me. he gets this really ... indescribable look when he's scared. even just thinking about the way he looks like that makes me upset and about to cry. it's the look he had in the hospital before i went to brattleboro.

he asked my mom for a smoke, but just looked at it. then he ate it. he said he didn't want to start up again. that it was disgusting.

last year, midsummer, i did something- i forgot what- and my parents took away my driving privileges. i was pissed and started walking, barefoot, in the rain, to the store, which was about two or three miles away (uphill, of course). mom and bonnie drove up, tried to get me to talk to them, but i'm stubborn. they did it a few times, but i kept walking. i bought coffee and cigarettes.

dad showed up, saw me smoking, and sat down next to me.

he asked for a drag off my cig and i let him. it was surreal to see him smoking again. he said ptooey and said he was glad he quit, that it simply didn't appeal to him.

he told me something else, too. while we were being honest. and we've only talked about it a little since. but it's a secret. (i've posted it as a private entry before.)

i felt a little more adult.
a little closer.
a little more disappointed in my dad.

i heard him ask my mom for a smoke a few days ago, but tried to ignore it. she said that she was out. he's caught bonnie smoking in her room before, and got that scared look. like he really doesn't know what to do. she's been grounded. but lately my mom's been leaving a cigarette out at night for her. and i'm old enough to smoke. and i'll smoke with mom. one halloween we smoked together outside, and she mentioned that she was scared that dad would catch her endorsing my smoking.

dad tries to ignore the fact that i smoke. and i don't do it around him. he'll make a comment every once in a while, but generally we both pretend i don't when we're together.
recently, he's been doing the "mid-life crisis" thing.

he's thinking about changing jobs.

he's started fixing up his motorcycle that's been sitting in the basement all this time.

...and bonnie just told me he's started smoking again.
medicate me

[2:56 pm.]

bloodflowers is the best album.
2 pills // medicate me

and i watched, as the tears ran through your fingers...

[2:49 pm.]
[ enraged]
there's a boy outside, likely younger than i am, who's screaming at (his?) kids to "get the fuck over there or i'll kick your ass." with him is one of the boys who's come in here before. the kids are so young. he did it in front of three other kids. rutland is so so horrible. it makes me so sad. i wish i could change things.
medicate me

[2:01 am.]

what a sad, sad person i am. staying up till 2am doing online quizzes. dear lord. and i have to work tomorrow. grah.
medicate me

[12:48 am.]

and now, more quizzes, because i am at home alone very late at nite. )
9 pills // medicate me

Saturday, March 2nd, 2002

[11:57 pm.]

i'm at mom and dad's. saturday nite live. hehehehe
"yeah! i farted, i did it. jealous!"
my hair is dirty. itch itch.
he can be so sweet sometimes. spicy thing. mm.
medicate me

[5:23 pm.]

my loooove style )
medicate me

Friday, March 1st, 2002

[11:46 pm.]

very good advice )
2 pills // medicate me

i'd make the perfect heroin junkie.

[11:30 pm.]

PHQURX (11:27:40 PM): I'm fairly certain I'd like crack and coke far too much.
me pretending (11:28:17 PM): like the test says, i think i could way too easily fall into heroin.
PHQURX (11:28:17 PM): The last thing the world needs is me feeling like I'm invinceable.
PHQURX (11:28:45 PM): yeah, I think you would
me pretending (11:28:54 PM): the last thing i need is wanting to feel that first high again. oh wait, i have that already.
me pretending (11:28:58 PM): yup
me pretending (11:29:06 PM): i'd make the perfect heroin junkie.

and i would, too. always just wanting to feel good. anything to feel good. that's why i smoke. something to look forward to in the day.
remember this? (click "she")

me pretending (11:16:27 PM): i think it's glamorous in a way. like i always thought smoking was

me pretending (11:17:01 PM): but i'd never try heroin
KrisTrex99 (11:17:19 PM): if i was in the position.....i'm afraid i might
me pretending (11:17:20 PM): cos i know i'd keep doing it to feel that first high and probably die

me pretending (11:18:59 PM): but seriously, trex, please don't get into drugs, you don't know how fucked up the kids at work are. we're real lucky we haven't gotten into them
medicate me

[11:08 pm.]

oh, the irony...

funny. i spend my entire work day (and a lot of my non-work day) trying to get kids off heroin or divert their attention from getting heroin, and here i am, cut out to be a junkie. sheeit.
5 pills // medicate me

[5:32 pm.]

quizterbation )
8 pills // medicate me

Thursday, February 28th, 2002

[7:01 pm.]

6 pills // medicate me

[1:10 pm.]

and they were really hippopotamuses instead they messed up ONE UTERI GOT ON A BUS BUT IT WAS NOT A UTERUS it rhymes. hah
chief wiggum
hehehee that was her (uterriiiiiiyippeeyiyokiyay)
are bamnanaa's sposed to give you heartbearn
evck she gets lost my baby thingei aia!!!! i love you

3 pills // medicate me

i'm nut

[12:37 pm.]

neener neener neener
arrrrrrrrrr pirate dan YES!
banana? ok
no DAN@!!!!!!
hahahhaa i am feet
zerrrrr butt nip layzeeeee walk it!
dirtynutz my hair smellz like BLOO yay squirm
hahhaa sperma tish&snookyz; lookit all the ZZZ like sleep

and his dad caught him PLAID!!!! hahahaa
medicate me

info//friends//star me
50 entries are here. back