Community Info
Community Information Below is information about the "LiveJournal Business Discussion" community on LiveJournal. This an open-membership community. To join, click here.
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User: | lj_biz (26900) |
Name: | LiveJournal Business Discussion |
Email: |
About: | This page is designed for discussion of LiveJournal-related business. If your post involves anything that does not relate directly to the business of running LiveJournal, please post it elsewhere.
This especially applies to support questions. LiveJournal provides online support assistance at http://www.livejournal.com/support . |
Interests: | 15: activism, business, computer science, documentation, graphic design, livejournal, lj_biz, networking, online communities, planning, promotions, styles, technical writing, usability, web design |
Members: | 458: 2tru, ac, ahze, alanj, algeh, alienne, alisalohv, alleypat, allyn, almeda, alphadeft, alva_michael, alwaysdreaming, amaltheae, amnis, amovida, amphoteric, amychic, anath47, anatha, andrewli, andyistic, andyroid, angelgirl_jill, antonme, arb45611, asciident, asim, avva, axiem, badfritz, bakatenshi, bandicoot, banshee, bearcam, beardoc, beegle, belladonna, benjamin79, bizkiffer, blaisey, bleaux, blonnie, blooddoll, blueyes22, bobert225, bobmeister, bobsfriends, bostonsteamer, brad, bradnickel, braindrain, britannica3, brit_will, brokenwish, buckeyeheather, bulldawg, burkums, butterjello, cafemusique, carmen, carocrow, carolinakidjwc, catass, cbartow, ccupguy, centralasian, ceres, ceruleanlobster, ceside, chelle, chiabrit, chrishaas, chrissmari, clipdude, clith, cnp78, colin, corachaos, corvar, crayon_goddess, crazyrants, cris, ct_triste, cyborg200, cygnus, cynicaloptimist, dakels, dakus, dancinghrt, danjite, darksmile, darksoul, deatonjr, debgirl001, demonfff, dethbunny, devoted_to_her, digipete, digitaldose, dima_bykov, discoflamingo, djenigma, dobermanndru, doctordoom, dominika, dormando, dottey, doubleyou, drakk, dreamkiller, driley1, driveontheright, drsuessrox, duinlas, dystopia, easterkat, ejase, eli, eliot, ellie, elo_sf, emmagrant, emorphis, ender, erebrandir, erechtheus, eriemarie, erowlife12, etesla, etherealsoul, evan, excel, extrared, ezme9, femakita, ferretsofglory, festrilmongrit, firelegend, fi_babe, flashfire, flayme, flic, flood_of_tears, fluzby, flwrbabe, forsakenothing, freetogoodhome, freso, friendofafriend, frienemy, funtxldy, funzo, fyre, f_a_y, gcat, gdj, genders, gigaquad, gigglecam, gingertabby, giorgio, girl_from_mars, gooner, gothelin, gracieclover, graphxgrrl, greg, gregw, gringo_in_tj, grrlpower, gurlchewtoy, hamdog, harleen, hathor, heif, henare, herrzoot, hinkle, hiraya, holyloki, hotcrab, hurtful, hysterium, iamom, iblis_divine, ibrad, icemaster316, idigital, illian, immorak, incognitogyrl, iniquity, insomnia, jackfoley, jaebird, jaime237, jeigh, jeroen, jessypie, jgambrell, jhf, jillwolf, jkatj, jkatj2, johno, jojobear99, joyufat, jproulx, jredburn, jtilak, juliabee, justamy, justgoto, jwendl, kalei, kamara, katyism, kemayo, kibbles, kiersten, kikay, kilowatts, kingnixon, kitters, kkgirly, kokoryta, krellis, kundalinidreams, kurtkwagner, kytty, ladyvox, laruth, laughingfreeman, laurelo, lemur_hunter, lesliepear, lierre, lightmare, lightyear, lucretio, lycantras, macheide, mactavish, maltor, mamawrites, manish, marcoo, mark3, markabe1, mart, marv, mattrix, mega, meghann, mental, mentuhotep, mesmerized, metadaisy, mge, miaokitty, microchaotic, midoriweedle, mihrage, miracle511, missravenx, mldrholic, mod, mojomojo, monkeygirluk, moosical, moraxian, mschandr, msram, muerte, musikurt, nathanr, ndr, ne0nlike, niceguysfinslst, niftygrrrl, niko, nilesta, ninafikiri, nnnslogan, noelleleithe, notmyworld, ntang, nuala76, oboe_sama, oceanbaby51, octopus, oger, ohwhen, olliejeff, opiummmm, orb8, oumbajournal, paladin3, paragod, patrick, patterson_1, paul, pdxseraph, perpetualmotion, petfish, pezstar21, pghnethead, phaedrasfallacy, phalen, phasedsolace, phillipson, picklefish, pickychicky1979, pinkish, pinrad, pixelspaniel, plato4013, poseidonau, price, princessnaughty, prom, pvx, pyanfar, pyran, radiantaeryn, radiskull, ravrosie, rbud, reed, rennstimpyruleu, revelnazion, revjim, riffraff, ripewithdecay, roshi, roxy8352, rr, sadjordan, samir, sandstar, satoreye, satyagrahi, scott, scripter, seahawk, segue, seifer1, seifergrrl, seine, shari, sheridan01, sherm, shorty55, shrac, sir_ahzz, sixftblndbmbshl, skidmarksteve, skittl1321, skreidle, sleekcat, slinch, slowmow, smileloki, snarble, sndchsr, sodo, sonicice, sosiouxme, spatulistic, spitz, sqrfruit, ssd, sshhh, starblazr, steve, stevedam42684, stifled, stilldocked, stompmgood, stryk, sugarbrat, supersat, suppafly, sweetree, swomp, sylvie, synnet, synthe, sysop073, taintedangel, tallin, tatak, tats, taybar19, tbone, technodummy, techstep, terytaya, thefife, thegreatdark, thelovebug, thepublicguy, thraeryn, thrylos, thydarkmaster, tigerseye, tigglebiddy, tithonus, tokimi, topazgrrl, topher, treydeep, tribelessnomad, trollopfop, tsunamikitsune, tsutton, twistopher, tydel, tyler_ddn, umassglori, unknownj, urbansheep, urper_fox, vaelarin, valuren, vegetablechild, vina, virtual256, visions, volsi, vserenade, vyxn, waterfj, wbahner, weh, welshmaidn, whip_lash, whitaker, wickenden, wildbronco28, wildman_jeb, wishful, wishing_bliss, wndrbr3d, wolfieboy, wolfofwere, xcom, xenofalcon, xiara, xochilt, yizhe, ysabel, yurkennis, zachypoo, zebra, zortified, _fly_ |
Watched by: | 413: 1000101, 2tru, ac, adcott, adman, aguydude, ajose, alcuina, aleriel, algeh, alister, alliiya, allyn, almeda, alva_michael, alyse, amaltheae, aminotluni, amovida, amphoteric, amputate, anath47, andrewducker, andrewdunny, andrewli, andyistic, angelal, angelgirl_jill, antihope, antonme, aprilmichelle, aralan, arb45611, arieanne, arson, asciident, asim, avva, axiem, b414213562, backslash, badfritz, banana, bandicoot, beardoc, beebop, beegle, belladonna, benjamin79, bightchee, bjennings76, bkhalil, blaisey, bleaux, blonnie, blueyes22, bobert225, bostonsteamer, brad, bradfitz, bradj, bradnickel, braindrain, branwene, britannica3, brokenwish, byron, cafemusique, camorristachica, camryl, carmen, carocrow, carolinakidjwc, casey, cbartow, cecimoi, centralasian, ceside, cetan, ch, chenpion, chiabrit, choonbi, chrissmari, cici, cierrablue, clipdude, clith, cnp78, colin, collegegirl, cpm, crackerbob, crayon_goddess, crazyrants, crushdmb, ct_triste, cyborg200, cygnus, dakus, darksoul, deatonjr, delusion_, dethbunny, detritus, devoted_to_her, dhyme, dima_bykov, discoflamingo, dobermanndru, dominika, dottey, doubleyou, dpblj, drakk, dreamdancer, dreamkiller, dreauboy, dyanearden, dy_kim, ellie, ender, erebrandir, erinmarie, etherealsoul, evan, excel, extrared, fireceremony, firelegend, flashfire, flayme, flood_of_tears, fluzby, flwrbabe, flying_blind, foobar, fool_in_spirit, frasia, freeflow, freso, friendofafriend, fyrelj, gdj, geekdiva, genders, gigglecam, giorgio, goldenhoney, gooner, ... |
Member of: | 7: biteyourheadoff, community_promo, fuckfest, lja, lj_manage, paidmembers, smalltits |
Account type: | Permanent Account |
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