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tomorrow is always my favourite day of the week [27 Jun 2002|01:33pm]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | Aphex Twin --> windowlicker ]

i get to see kate tomorrow, and words cannot describe how excited i am. for those that don't know (most of you do) my girlfriend and i live in seperate cities. we live about 2 hours drive away, but that might as well be 200 hours drive sometimes, cos we both have completely different working schedules, which, as you can tell is fucked.

but for the next 3 weeks, she's in Sydney (where i live) and she's doing her industrial experience in town. 'oh yay' i hear you say 'you'll get to see more of each other'. nope. *bzzzt* wrong! it sucks. but she's coming to stay over the weekend, and i can't fucking wait.

you know that feeling you get when you leave the house, and you think you've forgotten something? or that there was something you you knew you had to do, but couldn't quite pick what it was? yeah, well *raises hand* welcome to my world. i feel like that all the time. the only time i feel truly content is when kates around. it's like someone cuts my left arm off during the week, and only momentarily sticks it back on over the weekend. those few precious hours, i can rest easily (even if i do talk in my sleep), and it's like i can breath deeply again. i can truly relax. i can reach that levels of happiness i can normally dream about. I just feel like when we're together, i have this amazing protective shell around me, and no matter what happens, nothing can hurt me, nothing can upset me, or piss me off. Nothing is too much of a hassle, or is a concern to me at all. I momentarily live in my own world, and the population is only 2.

kate, i love you so much. in the words of jeff, "you gave me so much to live for, more that you'll ever know"

[i've got 12 marks this round kick it to me!]

[26 Jun 2002|10:51pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | nothing but the bloody world cup. ]

why do i allow it to affect me so much?

why can't i get the answers i want? i want someone to give me some answers, the ones that i want.

he's fucked up so much. how can he not see it?

he's so fucking blind.

i think i need some angry music to listen to, or something to just vibe. i'm in such a bad mood right now.

[i've got 1 mark this round kick it to me!]

[25 Jun 2002|01:04pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

i've found a new use for cable net access. it's called series 6 of south park :-) with a 40MB episode taking less than 2 minutes to download, it's pretty sweet ;)

[i've got 11 marks this round kick it to me!]

[24 Jun 2002|09:22pm]
now that i have cable....i can't think of anything really that i wanna utilise the connection for.
[i've got 7 marks this round kick it to me!]

favourites...**yes, i'm eating lunch** [23 Jun 2002|01:32pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | de la soul ---> ring ring ring ]

having a look at most popular interests, there were a few suprising entries....

did you know that weezer are the most popular band on LJ?

here are some other ones i wouldn't picked...

glitter ---> i hate the stuff
blue ---> the most popular colour
stuff ---> i bet this is everyone's last listed interest
thinking ---> duuuuuuuuh, i dunno
alkaline trio ---> i'm assuming this is a band? *clueless*
thursday ---> am i not doing something i should be?
depression ---> how can that be listed as a 'interest'????
shows ---> gee, don't go into detail!
hardcore ---> hardcore *what*??
modest mouse ---> huuuh? another band?
you ---> aawww, how nice of you to say that!
jack off jill ---> hahahahahahaha
cowboy bebop ---> what the fuck?

[i've got 9 marks this round kick it to me!]

ego-surfing [22 Jun 2002|05:05pm]
[ music | Tenacious D --> Lee ]

i've been searching for people i know on the net, and Kate's is leading quite a number of different lives, according to google, she's:

a mother of 2 handicapped children who travel around america doing alot of charity work,
a ballet dancer,
an accountant,
a sound engineer,
a book editor,
an author,
a secretary in the house of commons,
a science monitor for a grade 8 class in colorado,
a spa salesman,
an actress,

plus a shitload of other things. i'm nothing. i'm not famous at all.

[i've got 6 marks this round kick it to me!]

[22 Jun 2002|04:45pm]
2 sleeps til cable internet!
[i've got 2 marks this round kick it to me!]

[22 Jun 2002|04:43pm]
i am

what sexual performer are you?
[i've got 2 marks this round kick it to me!]

[22 Jun 2002|04:03pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Quannum --> Hott People ]

i think for the first time in ... nearly forever, i managed to accidently look at myself into the mirror, and i wasn't wanting to vomit vioently over all available surfaces.
Not that i'm going to all of a sudden start checking myself out in the mirror, or wearing tight clothes now, but i kinda thought "wow, i'm not hideously repulsive, dispite what i'd always thought" and was kinda filled with a bit more confidence. it felt good.

[i've got 9 marks this round kick it to me!]

1200 pills [22 Jun 2002|01:12pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | 1200 Techniques -->can't stop (featuring Kabba & Rusyl) ]

like i mentioned in the past post, i went to the 1200 Techniques album launch for Choose One, in The Roma Room at The Metro. It was fucking awesome (don't listen to vicstar, they fucking rocked the house last night). First of all we went out for a few drinks for one of the girls at work, who was leaving (i can't even remember who it was!) and watched the last 10 minutes of the England Brazil game at some dodge pub in the city. Then Kirra and I went out to grab a bite to eat, and headed over to the Metro. She was kinda stoked, cos she kinda likes hip-hop, but none of her friends are really into it, so she doesn't get a chance to see much hiphop and kate doesn't get into much hiphop, (as much as she pretends to enjoy it, i think she's only entertaining me) so now i've got myself a new gig-buddy.
First of all was Maya Jupiter. One thing about going to a gig like that, i always feel sorry for the opening act, cos hardly anyone gets there on time, especially in Sydney, so she was trying to be all hyped for about a crowd of 10 people. But as she kept going, more people showed up, and it got better, and even though i don't normally get much into female mc's, she knows her shit. i wouldn't mind seeing her again (also, she's pretty easy on the eye, which made it better :p) then Def Wish Cast came out, and they were fucking awesome. tighter than a fishes arsehole. The highlight of the night was actually when they got to the end of their gig, their dj's did an instrumental, and a heap of breakdancers did their thang, and it was aaaaaaaaaaawesome.
So finally, at about 11.20pm and about 10 beers later, 1200 Techniques came onstage, and they had the entire crowd in such a hyped frenzy, it was an awesome cool vibe....mainly cos evey second person was trippin on pills, but *meh* you get that. i never realised how accepted and how naive i am about the whole thing. i never got into much more than pot, and some of Kirras stories made me look like the innocent little boy i truly am. but anyway, i got my groove on for about an hour and a half, it was mad! i had a fucking great time. Kirra is great value, i have a shitload of respect for her. She's really got her shit together, and has that nice balance of being mature and all adult-like, but still knows how to have a good time. That was the first time we'd ever really hung out properly, and I felt really comfortable. Probably mainly cos we never had that 'nervous boy/girl' thing, cos we spent most of the night talking about our significant others all night :-P we're pathetic. hehehe.

Oh, and we found out that Blackalicious is playing on the 18th July, so a heap of us from work are going along. can't fuckin' wait!!
and i got to meet Nfamas after the gig! woo! he's actually pretty damn sexy, and he's actually really fuckin' tall too, which is something i didn't expect.

and i also found that this thursday i have off work, and it also turns out that Tenacious D are playing at Fox Studios that day!! WOOOO HOOOO !!!! guess who's going to that!!

well, i gotta get back to work, i'll be back to fill you in on more later.

*gets my groove on, and shakes dat ass*

[i've got 5 marks this round kick it to me!]

eBay goodness [22 Jun 2002|01:11pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | 1200 Techniques --> since i got it ]

i'm about to list a couple of new sales, so do search for the seller 'danmeddy' cos thats me, and you'll find these cds, among others:

basement jaxx - jus 1 kiss (single)
the secret life of us - special highlights from the forthcoming album (promo)
gomez - in our gun (promo)x 2
decoder ring - decoder1 (promo)
fatboy slim - live on brighton beach (promo)
Jurassic 5 - Quality Control - with bonus instrumental cd

oh, and i also got the promo for 1200 Techniques' Choose One, but piss off if you think i'm selling that....speaking of them, i went to their album launch last night, but more on that in the next post, it's eBay time....

[kick it to me!]

don't worry jeb, i'm posting this on my lunch break [21 Jun 2002|01:45pm]
i found out today that i know 2 more people with cool connections!

nshgrl's boyfriend knows Charlie 2na (from Jurassic 5)
antithiscully lives a few streets away from Drew Carey's house! (well....the house in the tv series)
[i've got 2 marks this round kick it to me!]

[21 Jun 2002|10:24am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | spearhead --> right on time ]

i want to make an adjustment to my top 5, instead of Charli, i want Michael Franti...

sorry nshgrl...although if you still wanna hook us up, i won't say no :-P

[i've got 2 marks this round kick it to me!]

top 5 [20 Jun 2002|04:00pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | only the noise of the tv ]

seeing as fluttrgrl posted her top 5, i should post mine, but i really can't think of a decent top 5, but here's a shit list of my top 5:

for those that don't know the rules, the 5 have to be:
1. a musician
2. a star of the small screen
3. a star of the big screen
4. an athlete
5. a spare, one of the above categories.

oh yeah, and no super/ goes

1. natalie imbruglia
2. allyson hannigan
3. halle berry
4. Alisa Camplin
5. Angelina Jolie

1. mike patton
2. Marcus Graham
3. brad pitt
4. Nnfamas
5. Charli 2na

feel free to tell me who i've left off, and who shouldn't have even got a mention...
[i've got 22 marks this round kick it to me!]

geography lesson [19 Jun 2002|07:45pm]
oh yeah, for those that didn't guess what was wrong with Brads picture of Tassie (i'm not going to say "map of tassie") take another look at where they placed Hobart

we're getting cable internet connection installed on monday!! WOO HOO!!!
[i've got 1 mark this round kick it to me!]

another 10-1 survey [19 Jun 2002|07:33pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | jurass finish first --> Jurassic 5 ]

yes, i'm just about to go home...but i have ADSL at work!! )

[i've got 3 marks this round kick it to me!]

brad rocks [15 Jun 2002|05:24pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | emimen --> say what you say ]

those of you that know, Brad had his student evaluation this week...and for those that don't know, Brad, an old Tassie friend of mine, who's now a teacher in SA had his students write reports on HIM, here's what some of them said:

what do you see as areas of strength in my teaching?:
"always pumped to do things"
"your enthusiasm is amazing. i have never had that much enthusiasm when i go to work"
"u cant get angry"

any further comments you wish to make?:
"my monkey died"
"Mr Eade had red surfie hair"
"you r a heaps cool teacher mr eade" <-- no, he's not an english teacher
"mr eade is a gun"

hahaha, my favourite one is "my monkey died"

One story that i'll never forget is Brad was doing his uni placement, and had a class of 3's and 4's (i think) and had to split a class of about 100 into 2 groups, so he gave all of them a number, 1 and 2.
After he'd split them all up, he shouted out "OK, I WANT NUMBER 1's ALL ACROSS THE WALLS AND NUMBER 2's SPREAD OUT OVER THE FLOOR"
and then PISSED himself laughing, but a group of 8 year olds didn't quite pick up on the double entendre.

and he also has a kid in one of his classes called Josh, and whenever Brad does the roll-call in the morning, if Josh doesn't answer straight away, Brad yells out "TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE JOSH!", and starts laughing again .... yet once again, Josh is too young to get the reference

[i've got 8 marks this round kick it to me!]

i got this from Brad, who cut it out of an adelaide newspaper [15 Jun 2002|05:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | eminem --> hailie's song ]

geography for retards )

[i've got 3 marks this round kick it to me!]

weekends at work are fun [15 Jun 2002|04:44pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | eminem --> business ]

hey, i found the digital camera at work! )

[i've got 15 marks this round kick it to me!] work... [15 Jun 2002|03:23pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | tool --> the patient ]

i found some speakers to plug my headphones into.

*tim allen esq noises* more power!!!!

fucking hell Lateralus sounds fookin' awesome with extra bass. man i love these headphones!!!

i wish i was the only one here, then i could sing/yell at the top of my voice, and not even hear myself!

[kick it to me!]

[15 Jun 2002|01:11pm]
i heard a rumour that Silverchair were going to go in tour in the US as planned, but they were going to hire a session guitarist, so Danny boy can still sing -- apparently they're BUSTING to go on tour, seeing as how much effort they put in to their US-market-friendly album.
[i've got 14 marks this round kick it to me!]

[14 Jun 2002|10:49pm]
alot of famous folk seem to be in Splitsville atm, with Pammy and Kid Rock [wow, cos they were just a match made in heaven, NOT] Jennifer Lopez and that guy she was with, Britters and Justin timberlake, and now i hear that Jodie Mears and James Packer have split!

why can't you people just take you time all famous people are just so into moving their relationships at a billion miles an hour, then it collapses and you don't know why.


are you people THAT shallow?

c'mon boys, this is up for grabs!
[i've got 14 marks this round kick it to me!]

sick boy [14 Jun 2002|10:37pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | portugal V korea on SBS ]

i had half a day off work today. i left at about lunchtime. i felt like utter shite.

i've caught the from kate, so don't listen to her trying to convince you otherwise ;)
just the normal fluey type things. feeling like you're heads about to explode, runny nose, sore throat, general fragileness.

i was supposed to have my boss go over some work i've been doing from the past couple of days, and i'm glad we didn't do it today, cos i'm sucking at it big time, and if she'd told me that, i reckon i would've started crying.

so i came home, ate some toast, watched a bit of Oprah, and then slept for the next 6 hours. i feel a *little* better now...i'm about to head to bed again though, looking at this computer screen hurts my head. and i wanna go to work tomorrow.

[i've got 8 marks this round kick it to me!]

[13 Jun 2002|03:03pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | the beatles --> piggies ]

i feel the need to commit lots of murders on blue collar workers

[i've got 11 marks this round kick it to me!]

my challenge of the day.... [12 Jun 2002|06:07pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | a perfect circle --> thomas ]

find a journal (someone that you don't know) written by someone under 18 that DOESN'T go on and on and on about how shit their life is, isn't full of poetry and song lyrics, or those stupid quizzes, and bonus points if it's entertaining to read.

[i've got 10 marks this round kick it to me!]

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