Leaf Webs - Short Stories' LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Leaf Webs - Short Stories

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Welcome [10 Nov 2001|07:00pm]

[ music | Poe - My Lips Are Sealed ]

Welcome to my community. The main focus here will be for my writings(short stories, poems and eventually novels). However, I hope to have other creators post here in the future as well, but my own works are currently my first concern.
nickolaus recently wrote me asking if he could include a link to one of his stories. Hopefully we'll see a post by him soon. Check out his site at http://sleepingmind.ihateclowns.com
In news about my own writings, I have a few completed poems that I will soon be adding to my site and I've begun work on a story that I plan to finish by next weekend.


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