Trish's LiveJournal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Trish's LiveJournal:

    Friday, March 23rd, 2001
    8:41 am
    Hmm... I just don't know, im so confused anymore.. Decisions suck, and ipeople are always trying to force me to make them, but bump that because im just not going to decide.. i DONT HAVE TO DAMN IT>>

    yeah, im a little crazy..
    thats all

    Current Mood: Tired and Mellow
    Current Music: The Doors, Greatest Hits
    Thursday, March 15th, 2001
    8:32 am
    im so frustrated.. my friend got expelled, and im trying to help her but i feel like she is not telling me the whole story... i have a mid term today on something i dont know about... i tried to study last nite, but everyone came over with their problems, so i had to help them first...
    and now im done complainign, yet still in a rage...
    has anyone ever felt like all they do is self-sacrifice, only to get them no where but to more self sacrifice.. is there a time when you can be TOO NICE??
    well thats all because im very iritated and dont fell like typing...

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Chemical Bros& whats there faces?? "Cant you Trip like I do?
    Friday, March 9th, 2001
    10:30 am
    ok, this is my first time, so i dont really know what i am doing