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27th June 2002

12:58pm: Quizzes


Find out what anime bad boy you are.

The anime sucked.. the movie was pretty sweet. He's hot. Except for that weird hand.

Super Teen Extrodinaire

Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.

::Runs around with her arms out:: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH

The cute cabbit on Tenchi Muyo.

Find out what secondary animated character you are.

Miao. ^_^


Find out what bishonen you are.

::Eats a hot dog. Licks hand. Pause.. peer:: ..The power of death is intoxicating.

26th June 2002

4:21pm: Bah.
All of a sudden I feel extremely uneasy, and I can't really place why. I had a scary dream, and woke up with blood all over my face.. I think I had a nosebleed in my sleep or something.. at least I hope.. e.x;
Current Mood: uncomfortable
Current Music: Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals

22nd June 2002

6:29pm: Hm.
I've noticed I've been acting abnormally bitter lately. Ah well. I have nothing really to say.

Oh yes.

I am fucking OFFENDED by.. this:


All of you Christians: post all the comments you want if you happen to come across my journal. But I want you all to know, YOU ARE SICK PEOPLE. There's even links to porn sites on there! You're all disgusting.. I loathe you. I HATE you.

I don't really know how I found this, either. I was looking for something on google and this is what came up.

Funny, isn't it..
Current Mood: enraged
Current Music: Tori Amos - Spark

17th June 2002

8:46pm: What else would I be?

Loner: Coyote
Creative: Dingo
Sporty: Hyena
Shy: Folf
Original: Domesticated Dog

15th June 2002

9:37pm: I'm using some livejournal thing I downloaded right now.. lol.. how neat. Bah. I'm going away now.
Current Mood: blah
Current Music: I don't know.. radio
BLUE personalities are the most creative and artistic of all of the colors. Imagination is your middle name and you love to express your mind freely. You are a true visionary who usually makes your dreams come true!

BLACK personalities can appear to be passive and stubborn but can also project sophistication and mystery. You are often very mature, with a deep understanding of life, and you instinctively encourage and guide others toward their full potential.

At this time you are feeling 'uptight' and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation; but perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been 'hard done by' and treated with a complete lack of consideration. Maybe you have, but whatever may have been the cause of your inherent anxiety, you regard the situation as intolerable. You are, however, sufficiently competent to turn that situation around - you have overcome similar problems in the past, and really this one isn't too different.

Rejection is what you fear the most and it is this fear that makes you unapproachable. You are looking for acknowledgement and above all looking for people who can appreciate you for who and what you are.

You are confined and trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way out. Whatever you seem to do to resolve the problem hasn't worked out. Fortunately you are able to gain some aspect of relief from someone close to you.

You are experiencing more than your fair share of stress following an acute disappointment. This may be the result of subconscious conflict between hope and necessity. The tension that you are experiencing following your unfulfilled hopes have given rise to anxious uncertainty. You have no doubt that things could get better in the future and so you refuse to make the necessary essential decisions. This conflict between hope and necessity is creating considerable pressure. Instead of resolving this by facing up to making the essential decisions, you are likely to vacillate and concern yourself with trivialities of little consequence.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

How true. Hm. I know who should read the last paragraph. Psh.
Current Mood: distressed
11:51am: I just don't know.
I'm serious. I don't know anymore.

I'm spoiled.. selflish.. manipulative.. alone. Everyone is against me, because I'm such a fucking bad person. I know I am. I'm not worth anything, and I never will be. I can't even handle simple things I don't want to do anymore. I just.. get scared and start crying. Like now.

I exploded. I'm like a tickig time bomb.. I think I'm alright, and after I just visited the ONE place I've been waiting to go to for a year, the place that would heal me spiritually, physically, mentally.. I explode.

I didn't want to go somewhere, but family kept pushing me. I kept telling them no, I don't feel like it. I'm tired from all week. But no. Then they threaten to get rid of the computer.. and I don't think they would.. but then I doubt it.. and get scared. I need my computer. I seriously NEED it. I'm not obsessed with it, I can assure you. But at the moment, it's all I really have. It's what gives me something to live for really.. without it, I would've been dead. I would've killed myself a long long time ago because then I would have absolutely NO friends, no way of looking up things to help me.. no way of anything except getting hurt by people in the real world.

It's my connection to role playing. My connection to friends. It's what I need to use, and it's the only way I can work on my comic. The people out there, in the real world.. they can fuck you over so, so easily. But it's nice to go out into it for a while.

But I didn't want to right now.

So I cried some, because they wouldn't listen to me when I told them no.

They kept pushing.. and pushing.. and pushing.. their threats getting worse and worse until I was so scared I just.. screamed and began crying. Full force. I scared myself. I started yelling at them. Then I started yelling about everything bad that happened to me that still bothers me.

I'm ugly. I make people feel horrible. It feels like I'm always alone. I feel sick. My girlfriend is gone.. it's my fault.. I don't even think I loved her.. I'm so ugly.. on the inside, and on the outside. I hate me. I wish I could be anyone but me. My eyes sting. I'm going to fucking puke. Grah.. I have so much to complain about, so much to be sad about.

And to think.. last week.. I believed I was the happiest person on earth. Isn't that funny? My powers of contradiction strike again.

I just.. feel so exhausted. All of us are. Krys.. he's alone again.. and bitter.. and hateful.. and sad.. Nyx.. she's dying.. very sick.. and me.. well.. I'm dreadfully sad.. and blank.

I can't handle all of this. I'm so weak.
Current Mood: crushed
11:31am: ...
I didn't go down without a fight.. here it is. Fuck you all. Do you hear me? FUCK YOU ALL. FUCK. YOU. ALL.

I hate.. family.
Current Mood: cranky
11:30am: Oh my god.
Crying. Scary.
Current Mood: fucked up
Current Music: Kittie - Johnny

14th June 2002

10:19pm: Fuck.
Well, I'm back from Sedona. Lovely place. Home. It made me realize a few things.. and.. yeah, I was so happy.. I cried.

In other news, I am singular once again. Woopdeedoo. Apparently I'm a lying, evil, manipulative and self-centered bitch. I quote, "fuck me to hell."

Current Mood: crappy
Current Music: Cowboy Bebop - Adieu

10th June 2002

2:06pm: I've got mail yaaay!
Well. I'm in Arizona now. It's so good to be.. home. Among the mountains.. deserts.. I can't say much, because.. how I feel when I'm here is indescribable.
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Uncle's guitar

9th June 2002

5:27pm: Vroom.
Well, today's my last day. I'm leaving for Arizona. The plane leaves at 6 AM.. I have to be at the airport at 4 AM. I'm afraid they're going to search me or something. Heh.

I'll be home.

That's the main point of me going. I originally was supposed to stay for about three weeks.. but no. Ugh. Ah well. I can't wait, even though it'll only be a few days. I love Arizona. It's my home. Uh, in other news.. took a test, and it said I act like I'm nineteen. Yay.

This cool chick named Michelle is making a website for Jaded Youth. ^_^ How nice of her. I really like it so far.. I can't make websites for shit, so.. I really appreciate that she's taking the time to ths for me and Lauren.

Feel my whickery wrath!
Current Mood: working
Current Music: Godsmack - The Spiral

7th June 2002

7:14pm: Hm.
My first entry. Hurrah.

I really don't have much to say. Oh!

I have a scary bark. I make people pee their pants when I do it! Mwuahaha!

In other news, I'm going to Arizona on Monday. It's Friday now.. wee!
Current Mood: bored
Current Music: Moulin Rouge - Your Song
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