a wasted endeavor's journal

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Sunday, March 16th, 2003
10:14 am
yesterday sucked. actually, it was fun. but it sucked too.

i had to clean (hence the sucking). i went to francis' house later, and we beat each other up. fun times...

now i'm talking to my cousin, and he's asking me about college. i made the mistake of telling him that i want to go for photography. let the degradation begin.

my mood has been destroyed.
waste the dawn.
Saturday, March 15th, 2003
10:45 am
it's a beautiful day. it's the first beautiful day in ten years.

way to quote movies no one watches, sarah.

so anyway, yeah. the weather is amazing today, and i just got done trimming and mounting photos, and i'm listening to nirvana. good times.

i'm supposed to be cleaning my room so that i can contact humanity today. hmm, i guess i should go do that.

current mood: artistic
current music: about a girl
1 eternal reward| waste the dawn.
12:56 am
i made really fun prints in photography today. it was exciting. immediately after class i resumed being pissy and anxious. how typical.

i went to my friend's little birthday shindig tonight. it was fun. i danced to richard simmons. we are the worst dancers on the planet. but at least we have passion...

tomorrow i'm going to be driving, so don't leave your homes. mwahaha. hmmm...

i made french toast for lunch on thursday. actually, francis made it because i'm not allowed near kitchen things. but i ate the french toast, and it was yummy. i refuse to refer to it as freedom toast. i hate congressmen. such inept childish fools.


current mood: sleepy
waste the dawn.
Tuesday, March 11th, 2003
4:22 pm
SARAH: "i hope you feel better. sorry for beating the shit out of you"
WILL: "It's ok, I was the one who injected you with 'Instant PMS'"


my friends are fun.
waste the dawn.
Monday, March 10th, 2003
5:58 pm
don't you just love running out of school crying, and then coming home and having a panic attack? i know i do.

nikki, the scary driving man is stalking you. that's my theory. he was all "did she drive with me? how's she doing?" as if i was supposed to know all the students he's driven with. what. the. fuck.

hmm. so, sarah..what else is new with you? not much. the weekend was pretty fun, aside from the panic attack on saturday. yeah...i seem to be having a problem with those.

i got an A on another calculus test. i'm not quite sure how i managed it. my teacher's balding pattern(among other things) officially depresses me. today it was confirmed that he is no more than 33 years old. that class is doing serious damage to my mental stablility.
2 eternal rewards| waste the dawn.
Saturday, March 8th, 2003
6:49 pm
i got my acceptance letter from fordham today. i got into the three schools i was actually interested in. i'm really torn now, because i feel so connected to life in new york, and i would love to go to fordham. i just don't know what i want to do. a photographer in nyc. oh god, could i be more of a cliche?

oh, and naturally...upon hearing of my acceptance, my mother's immediate concern was not congratulating me, but inquiring as to how much scholarship money they were offering.
2 eternal rewards| waste the dawn.
Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
3:08 pm
school sucks.

oh, look. i filled out kristen's survey. )

indeed. i have to miss photo again tomorrow. i'm pissed. i gave will his birthday present and he liked it a whole lot. joy. i'm glad.

i have to do community service tonight. oh god, someone hit me in the face with a sledge hammer, please.
2 eternal rewards| waste the dawn.
Sunday, March 2nd, 2003
1:42 pm
another wretched sunday.

i spent the weekend making gifts (in the first 6 days of march, three of my best friends have birthdays...weird). i'm not done making them yet, but i got a good portion of my work done.

i saw one hour photo the other night. to call it depressing would be an understatement. but robin williams is simply brilliant.

i don't like the way i've been feeling lately. i can't help but feel that i'm screaming for help and no one listens. and when someone finally does, i pretend i was crying wolf. what is wrong with me?

current mood: listless
current music: tori amos//northern lad
waste the dawn.
Saturday, March 1st, 2003
12:26 pm
i'm a fucking joke.
waste the dawn.
Thursday, February 27th, 2003
5:16 pm
feels like reckless driving when we're talking
it's fun while it lasts, and faster than walking
but no one's gonna sympathize when we crash
they'll say "you hit what you head for,
you get what you ask"
but mostly, we didn't know
we didn't even try
one minute there was road beneath us, and the next just sky

i'm in a good mood today. yes, i know that this is a very shocking occurence. i know it's all going to come crashing down on me in an instant, but i'm enjoying it while it lasts.

hmmm. john imed me today. we rarely talk anymore. it's kind of sad.

i get to see the life of david gale again this weekend. ::gush:: oh lord, i cannot wait.

VANESSA: congratulations on getting into DeVry. i knew you could do it. i love you, and i wish you the best.

current mood: anxious
current music: ani difranco
1 eternal reward| waste the dawn.
Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
7:11 pm
another survey. i'm not bored. really.

x. name = sarah
x. birthday = june 12 1985
x. piercings = four
x. tattoos = not yet
x. height = 5'6 ish
x. shoe size = 8.5, i think
x. hair color = brownish
x. length = quite long
x. siblings = one
x. pets = four doggies

x. movie you rented = gossip and the fox and the hound
x. movie you bought = hmm. i think it may have been the exorcist
x. song you listened to = iris//goo goo dolls
x. song that was stuck in your head = another day, from rent
x. song you've downloaded = something by ani difranco
x. cd you bought = not sure
x. cd you listened to = dizzy up the girl//goo goo dolls
x. person you've called = francis
x. person that called you = my dad
x. tv show you've watched = boy meets world
x. person you were thinking of = francis...and the chick from rent...cuz she's singing...and stuff..

x. you have a bf or gf = yes
x. you have a crush on someone = sure
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = by the beach, or in the mountains
x. you think about suicide = sometimes
x. you believe in online dating = meh, no
x. others find you attractive = some do, some don't
x. you want more piercings = of course
x. you want more tattoos = of course
x. you drink = no
x. you do drugs = ...not at the moment
x. you smoke = nope
x. you like cleaning = not immensly
x. you like roller coasters = uh huh!
x. you write in cursive or print = both
x. you carry a donor card = i will when i get my license

for or against
x. long distance relationships = i'm willing to try
x. using someone = against
x. suicide = that depends upon my mood
x. killing people = generally against. unless you're really short and wear too much make-up
x. teenage smoking = do what you want
x. doing drugs = against, for the most part
x. premarital sex = personally, for
x. driving drunk = against
x. gay/lesbian relationships = for
x. soap operas = against

x. food = chinese
x. song = hmm, i'm not sure
x. thing to do = read, write, go to photography class, watch movies, listen to music, be with my boyfriend
x. thing to talk about = everything
x. sports = hockey
x. clothes = jeans and t-shirts, or pjs
x. movies = american beauty
x. band = the doors and nirvana
x. holiday = i don't like holidays
x. cars = rob zombie's (he is so do-able)

have you...
x. ever cried over a boy = ::blushes:: yes
x. ever lied to someone = yes
x. ever been in a fist fight = not recently
x. ever been arrested = nah

x. shampoo do you use = whatever's in the shower
x. perfume do you use = my cousin bought me body spray that i use sometimes
x. shoes do you wear = ::wiggles toes:: who needs shoes?
x. are you scared of = abondonment

x. of times I have been in love? = one
x. of times I have had my heart broken? = frequently, and not always by men
x. of hearts I have broken? = i don't know
x. of boys I have kissed? = three? i think
x. of girls I have kissed? = zero
x. of men I've slept with? = well, frank slept over once, so technically one. aw gee, i bet you thought i was say something about sex.
x. of girls I've slept with? = none
x. of continents I have lived in? = two
x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = i honestly don't know
x. of cd's that I own? = a lot
x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = several
x. of scars on my body? = i'd say somewhere over 1000
x. of things in my past that I regret? = i try to avoid regret
2 eternal rewards| waste the dawn.
12:12 pm
i wanted to go to the movies today, but it looks like that won't be happening. so it's survey time.

stolen from kristen.

~Have you ever~

Been in love: yes.
Hurt someone you loved: unfortunately.
Told a lie that hurt someone: i avoid lying.
Hit someone: of course.
Spanked someone: yep.
Been hit by someone: yes indeedy.
Been in an accident: nope.
Been pulled over: nope.
Been arrested: nope.
Been caught stealing: course not. ;)
Baby-sat: eegads. i hate doing that.
Been kissed: yes.
Had oral sex: no comment....
Had sex: i don't advertise such things.
Wished you were someone else: sure. but i try not to.
Hated someone: yes.

~Miscellaneous Questions~
Do you think you're hot: no.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be: i'd be more secure and open about my feelings.
What actor/actress do you wish you could be, just for one day: kevin spacey.
What concerts have you been to: most recently, prong.
What was the last movie you saw at the theater: the life of david gale.
Who'd you watch it with: francis.
When's the last time you cried: yesterday. wait, no. friday.
What is the worst injury you've ever had: i thought i was gonna need stitches once. i had a cut that was gushing and wouldn't stop.
Had any broken bones: nope.
Stitches: no.
Been hospitalized: no.
Has a friend ever lied to you: yes.
What is your most valued pocession: gosh, i don't know.
Got any autographs form celebrities: nah.
Ever met/seen a celebrity in person: just at concerts and such.
What's your favorite magazine: whatever i can rip shit out of for my wall.
When was your firt kiss (french kiss): my 13th birthday. it was disgusting.
Were you two a couple: unfortunately.
How did it feel: sloppy. things have definitely improved in that area.
Have you ever had homosexual feelings: no.
Would you kiss someone of the opposite sex for $100,000: sure.
Ever been to camp: yeah.
Ever had thoughts of suicide: frequently.
Known anyone who died: yes.
Been to a funeral: mhmm.
Been to a wedding: oh god, i hate weddings. buttttttt...i've already decided that when i get married i'm having drag queen perform at the reception.
What's the hardest thing you've ever had to deal with so far in your life: myself.
Ever felt like you had no way out: yes.
Ever disappointed someone: everyone.
What do you tell yourself when times get hard: die, bitch, die.
How do you deal with anger: have anxiety attacks. and talk to my boyfriend.
Saddness: same as above.
Do you keep your emotions bottled up inside you: yes. hence the anxiety attacks.
Best vacation ever: i love the beach.
Best roller coaster ever: ::shrugs::
waste the dawn.
Saturday, February 22nd, 2003
9:59 am
yesterday was so fun.

i attempted to make macaroni and cheese for dinner, but it sorta...didn't work out. i'm the lamest person on earth. who the fuck screws up macaroni and cheese?

francis and i had an extremely long conversation about people who are and aren't "do-able". this continued from the time we were waiting for his dad at my house through the hour and a half we had to wait at the movie theater, right up until the movie began. it was funny.

and the movie. oh, sweet lord, how i love kevin spacey. he's do-able. most definitely. that movie was so amazing. i want to go see it again. it was worth getting grounded for two weeks.

fairuza balk! right on.

[EDIT: i'm no longer grounded. sweet ass!]

current mood: bitter
1 eternal reward| waste the dawn.
Thursday, February 20th, 2003
4:29 pm
today one of my teachers informed me today that liberty's graduation has been pushed up. now we're graduating june 12th...that's right folks, on my 18th birthday. my teacher also told me that i won't be graduating on my 18th birthday if i kill someone.

pshhh. like i'd get caught.
1 eternal reward| waste the dawn.
Tuesday, February 18th, 2003
9:12 pm
iiee. today was mighty fun. i actually enjoyed a snow day! francis came over...we watched movies and shoveled (read: threw snow at each other). another snow day tomorrow...oh, joy. i think i'm going to his house.

my arm is going to be immobile tomorrow. stupid shovels. we each made five bucks for shoveling out my neighbor's car though. sweet.

the life of david gale comes out on friday. i'm so excited, i can't wait. i even saw a preview in spanish. ::squeal:: oh geez, this is too much. i can't take the anticipation.

current mood: tired
waste the dawn.
Monday, February 17th, 2003
11:40 am
i hate snow and i suffer from chronic loneliness.
waste the dawn.
Sunday, February 16th, 2003
11:07 am
hum hum hum. the party last night was cool. i mostly hid in the corner all night, but i had a good time anyway. trevor and i made sex jokes. i successfully infiltrated the music system twice, to replace the dirty scary music with the cure and nirvana. sweet.

i'm expanding the wall.

i just found black glitter paint in my hair, which i need to re-dye.

oh, i got play-do last night. that was definitely exciting.

time to go write meaningful thoughts in my real journal. peace out.

current mood: bored
waste the dawn.
Saturday, February 15th, 2003
3:18 pm
Sarah - DAMN! BOOT!
Will - boot......fuck you...... boot
Sarah- ad ed leton john one mroe time! BOOT
waste the dawn.
10:48 am

in other news, last night i dreamt that my parents threw me in a hospital for crazy kids (which isn't an altogether unlikely scenario). the people there punished me for smoking a cigarette. as if being hospitalized for being a basket case wasn't bad enough, jack osbourne dumped macaroni and cheese on the floor of my room. bastard. don't worry, i threw a bowl at him. but yeah...the dream made me really anxious. i have dreams like that every night now. i can't escape my anxiety even when i'm passed out anymore.

current mood: discontent
current music: about a girl//nirvana
waste the dawn.
12:43 am
i can honestly say i had the best valentine's day ever.

first of all, i have jim morrison underwear. booyah.

francis got me flowers, and bought me dinner, and then bought me a stuffed tiger(named:tiger aka le tigre aka ganesha) at walmart. it roars when you squeeze its tummy. we hung around my house. it was just a really fun night. no drama whatsoever. i'm in a spectacular mood. i think i'll probably fall asleep smiling. and hugging a tiger(in case no one caught on...i adore tigers).

my ankle just cracked really loudly and painfully. that means tiger-le/tigre-ganesha and i need to go sleep.

current mood: indescribable
current music: nirvana is stuck in my head. ahhh.
waste the dawn.

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