LiveJournal for Rebecca Jay.

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Monday, July 1st, 2002

Subject:hey hey hey! look at what I found!!!
Time:2:16 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:David bowie--nature boy.

Which David Bowie are you?

HELL YES!!! ch-ch-changes, time to change the oil!
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Monday, June 24th, 2002

Subject:JUNE 24
Time:10:04 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:My crazy freeky howling.
On this lovely summer night there is a full moon!! And, as you may know, this is when all the freaks come out at night.. Im going to go out and behave like the freak i am. YOU ALL SHOULD TOO! ITS A FULL MOON!!!
see you!

::HOWLS:: hehe
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2002

Subject:my interpritation on tonights events.
Time:8:52 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
hello and welcome. I just came back from Lindseys school of dances' recital. and may i say, that in the words of little vicky that "when people go to a recital, they expect a certain level of professionalism" And i am sad to report, that i was disappointed. to start off, the town hall, im glad my school doesnt go there, because its not all its cracked up to be. Anyways, i guess i shouldnt realy judge them, because this was only their 2nd year in business. So i wont compare them to the fine Dance Education Centre. But honestly, even if you dont know what your doing, atleast smile. Even the director of the school, Lindsey Lawrence (?), in my opinion preformed poorly. She did not smile, and in the dance world, that is a must. And, i noticed, even with what they called the "more advanced students" were constantly talking on stage (while preforming) and constantly touching themselves, in a sad attempt to fix their costumes. And on to the ballet. ( i think it is safe to say that i know a thing or two when talking about ballet) Can you say, EXTREMELY POOR TECHNIQUE!? cos i can! but i wont get into it. i left before the awards were handed out, so i dont know what happened there... And i think that i will add that i am scared to take lessons there this summer, because of the poor teaching. thats all i realy have to say.. so see you!!

**NOTE** The purpose of a live journal is to write about how you are feeling, and that is how i felt. I apologize if i have offended anyone. Now, im off to go make a sandwich, see you!
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Friday, June 21st, 2002

Subject:another survey!
Time:6:40 pm.
Mood: lonely.
Music:david bowie -- FAME.
1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? a nice nose, green eyes. nice, full lips. (apolo)
2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? what? for CHS? of corse, i say we overthrow tim. DOWN WITH HIM! i never voted for him, i voted for andy, go andy, you are still truly president in my heart.
3. Would you marry for money? thats a good question. i proly would, then pay someone to kill the person i married, if i truly didnt like him, otherwise, we could learn to get along. right?
4. Have you had braces? yes. i sill do.
5. Do you pluck your eyebrows? ya, but i cant find the tweezers
6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself? wha, for thrills? no, i hate pain.
7. When was the last time you had a hickey? wouldnt YOU like to know!!
8. Could you live without a computer? i could live without this crappy computer, yes.
9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..? i have a budy list, whats an icq?
10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)? 107. i gotta clean it out though
11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be? the future, when no one is afraid to be ... grr... ish
12. Do you drink enough water? yes gallons
13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off? wear them, theres a bunch of nasty stuff i stepp in if i dont..
14. What is your favorite fruit? apples. the good ones
15. Do you eat wheat bread or white? 100% whole wheat, i havent eaten white in yearsss. not at home n e way
16. What is your favorite place to visit? my room
17. What is the last movie you saw? on tv? in he thearter? on dvd? theres so many! but right now i feel like whatching the FACULTY.
18. Do you kiss on the first date? if i had the chance, ya of corse
19. Are you photogenic? no, not at all, i hate cameras
20. Do you dream in color or black and white? colour.
21. Are you wearing fingernail polish? not at the moment, no
22. Do you have any dimples? ya in my ass.. hahah jk. or am i?
23. Do you remember being born? no!
24. Why do you take surveys? cos im bored out of my mind
25. Do you drink alcohol? hhheheheh
26. Did you like or do you like high school? HELLA NO!
27. What is the most beautiful language? russian,they sound mad all the time hahahaha
28. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake? well i wouldnt kno, but it sounds pretty damn creepy...
29. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? sunsets
30. Do you want to live to be 100? god no, so i can be wheeled around in a wheeel chair, and be talked to as if im blind/deaf/mute? hell no.
31. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair? woa, angry femminists!
32. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most? .. ACID ..
33. Is a flat stomach important to you? ya ha
34. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? i hate those things, ive regretted it ever scince...
35. Are you loyal? yes, i think i am...
36. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs? yes/no.
37. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? off, it sets the mood
38. Do you believe in magic? yes
39. Do you have nightmares frequently? no not realy
40. Do you like your nose? no. imma get it fixxed
41. Do you like abstract art? no, its a bunch of crap, crazy ppl just spittin on their canvas.
42. Do you think you can draw well? yea, i can copy well
43. Do you listen to music daily? more like hourly
44. Do you like to watch cartoons? the simpsons, hehe
45. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? umm.. i dont remember.
46. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? like 2
47. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? i only have 1
48. Do you write poetry? no, poetrys crap, ppl just write them cos their too lazy to write a REAL story.
49. Do you snore? when im sick
50. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? sides/front
51. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? neither, there both annoying
52. Do you lick stamps? no i get the sticky ones
53. Do you use an electric can opener? whats so hard about using a manual one?
54. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? no, but it sounds fun
55. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? physical..
56. Do you think balding men should shave their heads? no, comb overs help
57. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed? i know ppl who THINK they are depressed, when in reality, they dont even know what the word MEANS. fuckers.
58. Do you prefer a piano or a violin? violin, oo i love the violin
59. Are you a sex addict? oo i will be
60. Do you know someone who has cancer? i knew someone who did
61. Do you hunt? hahah wake up in the morning at the ass crack of dawn.. lol, who remembers meyers singing that?? LOL, that was HI larius
62. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants? sandwich shops
63. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? art, cos zoos smell
64. Do you have a middle name? yes
65. Are you basically a happy person? yea, i would say im pretty content. haha i didnt even answer the Q
66. Are you tired? no, not realy
67. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today? not that i can remember
68. Have you ever met anyone off the internet? yes
69. How many phones do you have in your house? 2.. were poor
70. How long is your hair? pretty long i guess, its full blown jesus now..
71. Do you get along with your parents? i tell her what she wants to hear, so yea
72. What color of eyes do you prefer? GREEN. i love green eyes.. (apolo)
73. Are you an active person? yea i would say so
74. What medications do you take? i dont take medications.
75. What does your bedroom look like? a piece of junk, junk junk junk, i hate hate hate it. i should die die die. see you!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Wednesday, June 19th, 2002

Time:9:10 pm.
Music:pink floyd --- the wall.
I'm so goth!
Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

ya know, what does it always say im a goth? oh whatever, you are what you eat!!
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Subject:ding ding ding ding ding ding ding **HISS**
Time:4:22 pm.
Mood: full.
Music:david bowie- under pressure.
hey, i just came back from getting ice cream, at rhoda springs. from what hogan tells me, its the best thing scince jesus christ himself. it was alright, but i dont think its worth going again to, ppl arnt very friendly there. so, no tip for those fat cats! and while visiting my ma at her work,i think i saw jerry passing by, but i didnt have my glasses on, (i dont wear them in the summer) so all i saw was the back of his "let the ass kiking begin" shirt. its summer, and i couldnt be happier. whoosh, i cant wait till this weekend, some pretty exciting junk is going down, that i wont tell you about just yet, but i will inform you when its happened. im finally going to see if they are as great as they say they are (yahp. you know what im talking about) and i have a feeling i was right. some ppl are just to damn clumsy to do well, SO HA! im gonna go take a shower. see you. ill be king... and you... you will be queen... nothing will drive them away... we can beat them... just for one day... we can be heros!! just for one day.. and u.... u can be me!! and i .... **starts the french**
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Monday, June 17th, 2002

Time:9:53 pm.
Music:grount controll to major tom-- david bowie.

My Senshi Colors Are:

Brown: Practical, Intelligent, Stable

Green: Healthy, Energetic, Confident

Get Your Senshi Colors At

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Friday, June 14th, 2002

Subject:hey! teacher!! leave those kids alone!!
Time:10:20 am.
Mood: aggravated.
Music:these spicy smelling folk are all around me, im annoyed.
hey yo wat up!! im in school as you all may know!! im in the libery, its packed!! i like literally ran here from mclaughs, and and signed in, i got the good computer, away from veiw!! but im all alone, theres no friends in here, but i dont care i got a good computer!! so in your face corperate america!! holy cheez, its so loud!! likeres like a skillion you know whos near me, making noise, and smelling like spicy rice. man, these half days are so long, its discusting. but enough about school, todays friday! ahh i dont like it here at all. man, i wish i could listen to some good david bowie right now.. hey, this kinda sucks, i think im gonna go read the rest of micheles apolo porn, then ill proly come back here and write again see you
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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002

Subject:in school
Time:10:31 am.
Mood: bored.
Music:my sweet sweet typing....
hey im in the liberry, and its sooo fliping boring, and im gonna be in here for like, another hour. kali diched me to go sit w/ gena, so im here at the computer all alone. but i think imma go sit w/ KMP in a few.... man, this day sucks, i can be bored at my house, this is so stupid! hmm when i get home i think i wana buy a vinilla bean coolata, i deserve it. (not realy but i want one) haha, see you im gonna go look at the springfield community, then its off to reading magizines. see you
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Monday, June 10th, 2002

Time:3:47 pm.
Mood: angry.
Music:kick ass violin solos..
hey, i just sorta came back from getting a sundae at mcdonalds, and i think i just might add that, in the words of comic book guy, it was the WORST FOOD/SERVICE EVER!!! it was so fliping messy, it was discusting, and not to mention, expensive as hell, i could understand if it tasted and looked good, but it didnt. WORST RESTAURANT EVER!! those jerks, what are they trying to pull? thats the last time i ever go there! i want my flipping money back, im not rich!! i think im gonna go take comfort in my 2nd life, see you
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Saturday, June 8th, 2002

Subject:lookie lookie
Time:2:16 pm.
name: Rebecca
d.o.b.: 1.14
location: Clinton...
occupation: stylist of the stars.

hair: black
eyes: black
height: 5'7" but i like to say 5'8 for he hell of it
clothing: Shirt and pants.
music: ooo im all over the oldies right now
make up: when i do wear it, its gel blush and maby some mascara. cherry chapstick
bodyart: uhh my ears are pierced

wearing: some jeans i found from 6th grade. they still fit. cool eh?
listening to: the turtles
thinking of: that i should be cleaning my room, and apolo
feeling: fancy

bought: uhhh... i dont know like to hord my money
ate & drank: 87 apples
watched on tv: bring it on

tea or coffee: coffee
high achiever or slacker: i slack but im still doin great.
beer or cider: im gonna go with cider
drinks or shot: drinks
cats or dogs: my cat
single or taken: wouldnt YOU like to know?
pen or pencil: pens, hahah pencil
gloves or mittens: i need my fingers so gloves
food or candy: food
coke or pepsi: dont drink soda
hard or mild alcohol: ha...
matches or a lighter: ovens
Rickie lake or oprah winfrey: maury

kill: i thnk it pretty obvious, but i have a secret hit list. you may be on it, you'll never know
hear from: ahhh you know whoo
get really wasted with: myself, i know all of you want me!
look like: that girl from that movie.
be like: myself
avoid: Your babbys momma

touched: wouldntYOU like to know
talked to: one of the household kids
hugged: ahhh... yes.
instant messaged: coolleeen
kissed: ahhh... yes.
who broke your heart: you mean, physically, or like, emotionally?

eat: kichen, my room
dance: the pole
cry: i dont cry
wish you were: wherever apolo is

Dated one of your best friends? no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? no
Drank alcohol? jfkldsajfd
Done drugs? jfkds
Broken the law? SHA!
Ran away from home? nope
Broken a bone? mmmy no
Cheated on a test? like, every single DAY!!! wow, i dont even think bout it when i do it anymore, its like a reflex, like sneazing, or getting up in the morning
Skinny dipped? yes, the fun days of summer
Played Truth Or Dare? naughty
Flashed someone? i know you all want to oogle at my goodies
Mooned Someone? naw
Kissed someone you didn't know? all the time
Been on a talk show/Game show? nope, but i would so kick ass
Been in a fight? sha
Ridden in a fire truck? does a toy one count?
Been on a plane? skillion years
Come close to dying? yes.
Cheated on your Boy/Girlfriend? my whole life is just one big CHEET!
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? god no
Eaten a worm/mud pie? mmmmno
Swam in the ocean? gross
Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? oh yes

The most embarrassing CD in your collection? all my cds are cool
Your bedroom like? dark and creepy. theres no sunlight, i love it
Your favorite thing for breakfast? grill chease sammich, apples, orangejuice
Your favorite thing for lunch? macaroni
Your favorite thing for dinner? apples
Your favorite Restaurant? RED DRAGON LOL

A Vegetarian?: im a chicken/turkey/tuna-tarian
A Good Student?: yes. im smarter then all of you
Good At Sports?: is sex a sport?
A Good Singer?: i think no
A good Actor/Actress? i can fake it well
A deep sleeper?: yes, apparently hitler came in, started shooting up the walls, and i was still asleep
A Good Dancer?: yes. i believe i am.
Shy?: depends. if im talking to some one ugly, no, if some one hot, yes.
Outgoing?: when feel like it!
A good storyteller?:im not sure
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Time:11:24 am.
Drink me!

Which drink are you?

sounds tasty
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Time:11:19 am.
i just wrote a huge journal entry, but it didnt work, so im not even gonna bother.
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2002

Time:8:41 pm.

take free enneagram test

yes yes... true..
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Subject:bloody boyfriend
Time:8:07 pm.
Mood: creative.
Music:The Happy minister in the family, who is fixing the DVD.
you know what i was just thinking? i think im gonna start to write stories. i hate writing, but this seems like good idea. who remembers jessica reeds fine pieces on nsync? well, im thinkng about something along those lines. involving you know who. (and its not voldemort...) what do you all think? i think is ingenious. behold my intelligence!! haha, i cant wait till summer, its gonna be great!! the hot summer romances, that no one knows about (they'll never know) the care free days of sitting out in the sun, the skinny dipping, and the familiar faces. ahh, summer. i dont think i have ever realy looked forward to this as much before. one undying party, dont you all wish you knew about the mystical 2nd life that i live? yes, yes you do. but you shall never know. so HA!! i laugh at your misfortune. ive gotta go take part in that 2nd life, see you.
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Monday, June 3rd, 2002

Subject:paint. fishnet wifebeaters. leather pants.
Time:3:51 pm.
Mood: flirty.
Music:fat boy slim--praise you.
i only have one thing to say right now. that would be::

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Sunday, June 2nd, 2002

Time:7:40 pm.
o yea, it was a medal for effort, and in the words of mrs dawn chaput, AFFEAT.... hahah
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Subject:lipstick, blush, and hairspray
Time:6:36 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:the sound if IMs... hehe.
i just came back from my recital, it was fun.. i got a medal!! my first one!hehe, i guess smiling pays off.. yea, it was fun, i messed up a bit, but i dont care. ahh i duno what im gonna do on monday nighs now w. no dance, its the only thng that makes me happy!! ahhh... i think imma go toamrrow to sign up again.. early bird regristraion!! hehe! it was great, and creepy too, i wasnt nervous at all... strange!! me and my may pole... to be honest, i like the ballet dance way better then the pointe, i like the arm ad leg things. next year i wana be in DEC ballet. i think ive been doing it long enough.. and it makes me mad when they put some one like gregory chaput in dec ballet, when he clearly hates what hes doing, thats not fair, little girly punk!! ahhh well, ill write back later, ahhh this made my day, i gotta go read tale of cities.. see you!
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Friday, May 31st, 2002

Time:11:23 am.
Mood: nauseated.
hey, im in school now, in tech. today, the seniors were going crawwssy! driving around rasing hell, who do they think they are? haha, they shoulda beat mclaughlin up if u asked me but anyway, i havent written in i dunno how long, maby a few days. so i must tell you about the technical rehersal yesterday! i got there, and mrs dawn asked me if i wanted to look after the little ckids, of corce i did, cos i wasnt about to say no... but whatever... it was pretty fun, i hated it though, i had to take off jy glasses, right before i went on stage for ballet, and i couldnt see a THING!!! and, i wasnt farmiliar w/ my surroundings, so i was all confused, but it was ok... same w/ pointe, it was lousy cos lauraen wasnt there, shes in CANADA (Honest to god, who the hell goes to canada? CANADA!!!) so she want tehre, to hold her ribbon, and it ened up falling.. and it landed on my head, but i couldnt move it, cos i had to stay still and pretend it never happened. but that only lasted for a few seconds. i messed up the shenne (spelled wrong) turns, i must work on that!!! yea that was basically all that happened.. and i had to practice the finale by myuself, which was bad, cos i never know what im doing. but it was fun. yep, thats all that happened. im mad, i got the harry potter DVD wendnesday and i havent even whatched it!! i think im gonna go crawwssy, i love that movie. i just came back from lunch, my stomach hurts. so i think im gonna go leave to look at apolo stuff. see you
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2002

Time:3:56 pm.

What Jelly Belly flavor are you? I'm -

Find your flavor here!

Im fiesty! heh heh heh
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LiveJournal for Rebecca Jay.

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