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Mei Chen

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extreeeem cuteness! [14 Mar 2002|11:17pm]

What San-X character are you?

You have a few close friends that you are comfortable with, but can get along with anyone. You have an exceptional sweet tooth for candy with a personality to match. If you can't
brighten up someone's day, no one can!

What San-X Character Are You?

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*is proud to have a fansign* [14 Mar 2002|11:01pm]
Thannnk you vi! *huggles you like a plushy* ^___________________________^
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[14 Mar 2002|10:44pm]
*points at a piece of licorice* Penis.
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[14 Mar 2002|10:35pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | hikaru utada (spelling?) ]

my computer is officially dead @_@. That is why I havent been on lately, because it is at a repair shop. It will be there until after the 20th. I am using my friends computer ;____; Hopefully I can get my compy back soon. Today we had a half day and after school we went to savelli's and then subway. Then I went to Patti's house super fun XD! These are the things that make me want to give up on the computer completely. Erm. From smelling paint fumes, I have the worst headache/stomach ache. Not comfortable. I think I'm going to go throw up. It's working now. Kind of. I'm lagging like hell thanks to AOL's retardedness. But. Yeah.

Mou. Yogurt is.. ew. *grumbles*

I swear, if I see another commercial with little prepubescent kids singing about how jesus fucking loves them, I will shoot myself, and I will shoot myself gerd. Right, Mo?

Ah. *thumbs up* I'm a-okay now. Not completely, mind you, but fine enough to be out of bed and eating solid foods. Though.. I don't want to eat. oO; Something is keeping me from having any appetite. I'm force feeding myself *yogurt* because the thought of anything solid-er makes me gag. >.<;;

Blah. I have to do *some* homework; my teacher'll have a hernia if I go there empty handed. .. Which, of course, wouldn't be at all horrible, but I'd hate to fail this year ( and I'm getting the feeling that I *am* failing. >_<;; Wouldn't that be funny? From a 4.0 gpa to my special F's and D's. ).. But.. No one likes my teacher! ><; No one wants to go. Ever. I mean, except for the elementary brats that go before us, but, really. Um. Well. I have to get to my work. So.. oO; Yeah.

*Waits* aaassssia. Where are you, damnit? *Waits* ja!

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sessy spongebobXD [09 Mar 2002|06:07pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

does everyone like the new look of my journal, hopefully it isn't too bright O,O I haven't posted in a while, sorry about that ._.; I have been super busy :9 I am starting my own little online business, making cute things and selling stuffs XD! I don't feel good, my period started this morning, so don*t piss me off shyte.

My body hurts. *drags herself in circles* Especially my back. Feels like someone's been smacking me constantly.. blah.

I hope this doesn't affect my sleeping patterns. I'm sleeping all day -- literally and, well, sleeping all night, too. But, for the most part, I'm awake at night, later than normal. I guess it doesn't matter. You wouldn't be able to tell.

*gnaws her nails* Hmm. I wish I could sleep, but, I'm starving. Mom rather conveniently forgot to buy jello and I'm in no condition to go anywhere so.. I guess I'll eat that gross eggdrop soup. Blaah.

I feel like lying down, my body aches. Hope you enjoy the layout. I am going to go to a oekaki. =] ja ne!

ps. does anyone have a better background for me to use ^_~?

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shit son! [05 Mar 2002|09:06pm]
It feels like my spine is out of place. Not comfortable, even in the slightest. I've had a nonstop fever since yesterday morning, and.. guess what? I feel like shit.

I'd still be sleeping right now if it weren't for the fact that, no matter how many blankets are on me, I'm freezing to death.
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coffeeee ;-; [04 Mar 2002|09:50pm]
[ mood | enthralled ]

o_o; Hrm. Well, yeah. COFFEEE! Dude, they took it from me! AND THEY'RE MAKING ME DRINK TEA. .... TEA. ..... WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT?!?!?!? *withdraws* I had some a while ago, but they took it >_>

Sitting here, eating pumpkin seeds, and drinking coffee by the cupful. e_e I can guarantee you that I wont sleep one minute tonight. Annnnnyway! I'm taking pictures of me. I think. e.e Depends on how horribly mousy I look. .. *takes one.. blink* BWAHAHAHA. My hair looks so screwed, and the lighting makes me completely, uh, .. blank? ^^; Oii. It makes me look so.. ehh. o_O; Even though you won't know it, I am going away from the compy! >D! *runs off to take pictures of things*

I suddenly have the biggest urge to drink nothing but coffee. .. o_o; Coffee coffee
coffee coffee. Mm, sweet, sweet coffee. *gaze* How I love thee. *Guzzle* ^__^ Contentment. *peers into the cup* ;__; empty. *pouts* I want more~~

Hrm. Uh. *Holds up her class* Tea. Want some? ja!

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[02 Mar 2002|05:43pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | cat's purring ^^V ]

Hmm. "BWAHAHAHAHA -- *shuts up, noticing people in the room glaring at her*
BLAH! CHAPPED LIPS~! I left my chappie in the garage, tooooo! *CRIES*
Sleepy. Hmm.

-_- Maa!! I can't believe myself. I made the grade! AHAHA! *preens* I like praise. I got an A on my geometry paper, the teacher gave me some ice-cream. ^^;;
I thought the paper was crap, one, because I did it the last minute, and two, half of the time I didn't know what
the world I was talking about :9

*runs off to continue beating the hell out of ff8*

God, I don't want to go to school on monday. Really, I don't. I've finished the majority of my work but.. I just.. don't want to go. That probably wont change my tomorrow, either, seeing as that I'm as stubborn. :/
Blah. I'm not sleeping tonight. Today. Er. Tomorrow, either. Why? Because.. I'm going to get myself as pissed off as fucking possible and then, when stupid work hours come into existance, I'm calling dsl once more, and telling them off. So, why shouldn't I sleep? :P I'm edgy and excessively hyper when I don't. So I'll probably traumatize whoever I speak to.
Blah. *writes her stupid review / essay on Harry Potter: Year 2* I think I'll really disappoint the teacher. But, oh well. I've more criticizing marks on this than good ones, but again, oh well. Everything does blend together perfectly in the book but there's a lot for me to dislike. u.u Guess I'm the first and only, eh?
I hate mtv. That hate was made moreso when they let some group of fucking idiots recreate "I Wish you Were Here," by Incubus. HORRIBLY. Dude. The guy had too much chesthair and he was too ugly to be the lead singer of Incubus. XO AND WHEN HE DANCED AND LIPSANG IT WAS TOTALLY OUT OF TUNE! Undeserving! Undeserving! Undeserving! UNDESERVING!
Hm. *bouncebounce* I wanna be an anarchist, too! ^^; Oh, how I love Dir en Grey. ._. The screaming always seems to calm my irritation.. e.e You know, one day, I fear this cd might skip or die suddenly or something because I'm listening to it at least 80% of the time I'm awake. o_o; And I tend to leave it playing while I sleep, too. *SOBS* OH, SWEET MACABRE! DON'T EVER DIE ON ME!

weee. that was a interesting post, I went to walmart and saw sponge-bob pillows and comfurters :9 it was exciting. But I didnt have money ;-;

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[26 Feb 2002|11:17pm]
NYAGO!! XD That plushie is so, cute BUY ME SOMETHING!! Once your addicted to ebay it's hard to let go *puts on a ebay patch*;=1076522272;=1077472404
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my cute little hammy ^-^;; Kiwi - he's a dwarf *gives him some nibbles* [26 Feb 2002|09:48pm]

Haven't been able to talk to jenn much, but I did talk to cat e. That was fun, I wanted to play everquest with her but my game just died on me *sniffles* my report is due tomorrow and I a procrasinating. X_X; ehh.

Jesus, my hands are cold. o_O;

Ehh. I have this weird.. thing on my middle finger. It looked like a splinter at first, but when I poked at it a little ( >_< NO! THE FACT THAT I POKED AT IT WITH A POCKET KNIFE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! ), it kinda started looking like a blood blister. o_O; But it wont bleed. *blinks* Or, at least, not much.. eh. *pokes at it s'more*
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[25 Feb 2002|10:17pm]
cute but WRONG!;=1708448352
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[25 Feb 2002|10:02am]
wheeeee! I am at school, writing my book report on a "A Separate Peace"
I sent Asia's letter, and Cat E's as well. I hope to get the staionary very soon ._.
e_e; what a glorious day this has turned out to be. After posting this I have to return to this hell-hole called school -.-'
My back really hurts *nods* I really want that plushie! XO ja ne!
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*nyo nyo* [24 Feb 2002|11:26pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

Doom doom doom.. *whistles* CHIIICKkEEENNN!
NYOHOHOHOHO! You're HERE! *Snuggle* I missed yooooou!

*jabs it* Working? hmm.. The computer is finally working, after I banged it around a
bit ^^. Maa. I'm jumpy, I'm tired, I really don't wanna post. But, I feel that I must.
I think I had an anxiety attack today but was far too pissed off to let it play it's course.
Today fucking sucked.

*squeal* Wow. ^^; *SEVERE BLUSH* A stranger said I had talent in drawing.
I feel all warm and fuzzy. *^^* OI! I feel sick, though! My tummy
hurts. o_O; It's painful. I'm going to get a pet kitty and name it
Kimi and when it strikes my fancy, I shall love it forever,
WHOOOSH! CLAAAW! *SCRATCHES!!!* Wooo! Go Kimi!" e__E; *Demented*
AND EVER AND.. I'd probably kill anyone who dared to come
near it. =__=; *throws together a GW wallpaper and puts it up.
HUGS HER COMPY* KIMI KOKO~! Ahaha. ^^; How embarrassing.

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early morning post [23 Feb 2002|05:48pm]
alalalala. I should be doing homework. I really, truly should. But, I do nothing better than procrastinate like hell, y'know.

GRR. WHY WONT SLEEPILY.NET LOOAAADD?! *BEATS IT WITH A POLE* LOAD! LOOOADDD! ... *calms* I WANNA POST MY STUPID RANT SO I CAN PISS OFF MORE PEOPLE TODAY! ;__; Well, not quite piss off more people, just see how biased people are. :P Really. No. I'm SERIOUS! =_=

It's Saturday. Ick. Ick! Iiiccckkkk! That means.. no good shows for a while. ;_;!!! Hrm. Blah. ._.

.. *sobs; grasps at the air* Dying.. must.. play.. Kiki's new game.... T___T


Meh. Watching the Olympics reminds me of the ol' days. Not the online ol' days, but the real life ones. O_o;

e.e Um. Yeah.. ^^;;; Most everyone is waking up in my house ( HOOOOLY GOD! WAKING UP?! I'M JUST GOING TO SLEEP -- NOT EVEN! ;__; I'm screwed. ), so I should.. scoot. And hide. Until they calm and ogle over their coffee or whatever. BAAAIII!
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pruuuuu [20 Feb 2002|04:22pm]
Mmm. ^_^ Pocky. *hugs the boxes* ^__^;
Oii! I'm stuck on aim until I decide to be 'nice.' Isn't that shitty? Yeah. I pissed people off today. *^_^* Oh, well. *sings along loudly to Cowboy Bebop's theme song* ^___^ Ooh, I looveee this song. XD; What's so incredibly hysterical is that..

*cough hack wheeze sneeze* x__x; Sickness. Bleeh.

x__x; I hate having colds. I'm fucking spiffy when it comes to sore throats and that type of shit but I can't handle choking and sneezing and waking up not able to breathe because your face feels clogged. Oh. Guess what? I'm working on a fic. ._. Ahahaha. Yes. For once. And it's going to be posted whether my subconscious / muses LIKE IT OR NOT. *whacks herself in the head* YOU GOT THAT?! .. ^^; I should go away. I'm feeling more crazed than normal. Probably because of my over intake of coke and pocky and my ABNORMAL OBSESSION WITH MISO SHIRU SOUP! ;__; HEY! GUESS WHAT? NORMAL PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP AROUND HERE AND I'M STILL AWAKE--- *dragged away* NOOOO!

Blah. I'm gonna go.. sleep. Or.. who the hell knows what.
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[18 Feb 2002|05:24pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

What Ayumi Hamasaki song are you?

Quiz by Mika Tsukino
^-^, i'm still a bit sad ;_;
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[18 Feb 2002|02:46pm]
[ mood | blah ]

my mom has gone crazy e.e
we just went to get the pictures and she wanted to see them and so I told her wait a minute and she called me a whore and I called her a slut and half way home she told me to get out of the car, and I said no, and she went crazy yelling HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW DARE YOU!! YOU ARE THE SLUTTIEST PERSON I HAVE EVEN MET. HOW COULD YOU SAY THOSE THINGS TO ME, i said YOU, LEAVE ME ALONE! grrr (from IM message) I swear she is crazy, I dunt know what to do, I fear she will take my precious computer away *dies* I must draw, it helps. Where is Jenn-ah ;_;

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[18 Feb 2002|11:46am]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | kagrra - XD! ]

My mother's yelling at me agian. >_______< She keeps acting like the world will end if I don't spend ever breathing minute on homework. *grinds teeth* Is nothing ever good enough?

I am so tiiiiiiiiirrrreeeeeed..... *wilts*

Bwah, the last pickles in this house were eaten by me~! And I have Love Hina 1... the art is very good - clean, and simple, but well done. In my opinion anyway. ^_^ And it's a terribly cuuuuuuuuute series... -_-;;; Another series to add to my overflowing list... *facefaults* Kimiki's site is still down, and her layout is creepy @_@ *melts into a puddle*

*nikos weakly* I... have... PASSED MY BLOODY, #@$%@_@!!! 2.4 KM RUN!!!! I'm probably gonna hurt like hell tomorrow... I felt like I was going to collapse when I finished (yes, I'm *not* fit... so shoot me. >_<) Now all I have to do is pass the five items and I'll NEVER, ever, have to run again. *glint* I will pass them if it kills me... I am now MOTIVATED! >_>

Strange how I only cry when I'm frustrated. Or angry. Strange that the only person who ever makes me cry is my own mother. Or maybe it's not her, but everything piling together until she breaks the camel's back. Shit. *jealous shriek* my friend got the last inuyasha book ... ... ;_;

I bought Ayumi Hamasaki's latest cd [Best]!!! >_< URESHII~~~ *hugs the cd* I love it sooo much! I really like her songs.... Especially the fast songs... i like fast songs.. and her lyrics are interesting. ^-^

My mother has unplugged the computer. -_- She's only plugging it back for limited periods only. Bleah. So there is a reason why I haven't been blogging... *tears hair out* sometimes I swear she will drive me more insane then I am. I will take revenge... niko niko... *plots* ja ne!

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unnnnnyaaah [16 Feb 2002|09:06am]
[ mood | refreshed ]

x_x Valentines day is embarassing. *has so much chocolate* x_x;
._. Oi. I'm bored. *jiggles* O_O.. Poprocks. ;_; I have ate 4 little bags of poprocks. They are all gone *-* I really wanted some for after dance, *scurry* I must go to the store and buy my O,o

You know what I'm just dying to do? Hmmm? Dooo you? No? xD Didn't think so! Anyway, you know those new, uh, massage pads by Igia, and people? The commercials are full of ugly guys and girls half naked showing off their muscles as their being massaged? e.e I want to get one of those, and stick them on either side of someone's face while they're sleeping, and turn it up ALL THE WAY.

See, if I didn't have such a shaky hand, I wouldn't screw up so much and my lines would be SO MUCH BETTER. Eh. *snores* My hands are cold. I NEED INSPIRATION. ;__; See, I'm writing this really gooood thing. Well, it's GOOD when I'm writing, but now it sucks because I have no inspiration. It's kind of cliche, but.. I really like the way it's starting. ;_; ._. Moo. They're forcing me to get offline, so.. oyasumi.

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valentines day XD!!! [14 Feb 2002|07:11am]
Happy Valentines Day! <3<3 I'll make a card today and send them out to friends an to anyone that wants one, reply to this message. I will write more after school. Poor carrie she is getting a rose and card from someone she doesn't like. ~_~' I got candy! ..BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD
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