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Yo YOU! [07 Apr 2002|01:47pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

Ahehehe, well, just for the record, in case anybody in the world happens across this lj address, I now have a blog on my own bit of webspace, and it's simply skippy. Go there and have some fun! ^^


do you crash?

Yo YOU! [07 Apr 2002|01:47pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

Ahehehe, well, just for the record, in case anybody in the world happens across this lj address, I now have a blog on my own bit of webspace, and it's simply skippy. Go there and have some fun! ^^


do you crash?

Hehe...small update [31 Jan 2002|07:54pm]
Okay, um...well, for those that read and perhaps care, you can now find my writing stuff here. Um...it looks kind of crappy, because I'm on the throes of customizing it and linking stuff and making everything look DESCENT. And I'm new to html. It could take years. Unless of course there's food or money involved.

1 sleepless night| do you crash?

Insert Manic Writhing Here [21 Jan 2002|04:49pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Luscious Jackson-Deep Shag ]


My stomach feels like it's trying, unsuccesfully, to tie itself in knots right now. I'm taking the pain like the wimp I am, too. Oh, how my pain tolerent friends would laugh at me now (and that's like all of them...). And yeah, the aid of drugs would probably help, but seeing as our house never HAS any...

Other than that, all is right with the world. Well, actually that's probably far from true. What in hell is with the weather here?! It's January 21st, and in the high forties. It actually snowed last night, but it was a wussy sort of snow that melted as soon as the sun came up. We need some below freezing, high blizzard action, here! Come ON, weather! It sort of worries me. What if this is like the permanent effect of pollution/global warming, and we'll never see another snowy winter unless we high-tail it to Minneapolis?

There needs to be some more drama watching going on in my life. I have like four dramas on VHS in my room right now, in fact since August or so, and what have I watched? Nothing. I think I _tried_ to watch To Heart again, but called it quits after like the first episode. It's my own fault, though. I've been renting all this music/variety show stuff that I haven't really had time for dorama...

I changed my AIM screen name, so anybody who cares can look on my lj profile page and find it there. It's cute and new, and and it DOESN'T MEAN ANTHRAX!!!!!

do you crash?

Ouch! [20 Jan 2002|01:06pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | REM-Monty Got a Raw Deal ]


Which drink are you?
do you crash?

Oh Alexander I See You Beneath The Archway Of Aerodynamics [19 Jan 2002|10:05am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | R.E.M.-Half a World Away (acoustic) ]


I think this'll be my last update for a couple weeks. Allstate begins next Thursday and holy SHIT I'm nervous about auditions. Mainly because I haven't practiced at all. My mom isn't helping me with it, either. She's talking to me like I'm a seven-year-old again, telling me exactly how I need to practice, when I know how I practice best, and she wouldn't know. She talks to me in a sort of condescending sort of way (I don't think she really intends to do it, so I'm not blaming her) which adds to my irritation. Admittedly, my cello tells me the same things about practicing, but he's my teacher, so he gets to, and it couldn't annoy me less. If anything, it makes me feel guilty for not working harder when I practice. So WHOOO: IMEA energy! Practice practice practice!!

Okay, so for like four years now, I've really The Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony", and it didn't occur to me until almost two years of having file sharing software to obtain the song. So I'm right now obtaining the Acoustic version...which I didn't know was literally acoustic until I heard it. So yeah, it was unintentional, but I like it, I guess. I had no idea that there were five or six remixes for the song. I want to hear Moby's, because think that would be a song he'd do really well with. I guess I shouldn't assume such things, though. Not too big a Moby fan...it could turn out to really suck.

I'm thinking of changing my AIM ScreenName. Mainly because I've been getting a lot of annoying people talking to me. That and I've had that same SN for like two years, and I've already thought of a good one that's very similar. I hate annoying people, and I don't know why I never have the heart to block them, because they'll never KNOW I blocked them. I'm online little enough these days that they'd hardly know the difference, right?

Yup, gonna do that...

do you crash?

New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular! [12 Jan 2002|08:26pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Buffalo Daughter-Dr. Moog ]

I don't know how to start this entry I don't know how to start this entry I don't know how to start this entry I don't know how to...(etc etc etc)

I was looking through all my older and un-listened to CDs today. I'm not really horrified at anything I found, but rather curious as to why I took interest in them, ever. Lesse...Red Hot Chili Peppers "Californication". I don't dislike that album, but I've never really liked it much, either. And don't get me wrong, I really like the Chili Peppers. Just not...that album. I think at the time, I was really really hyped about "All Around The World", so I decided it was damn-well worth it to go for the freaking album. Oh, yeah, then I found A-sides by Soundgarden. Blech, Soundgarden. I was weird in 8th grade. There's just this quality to their music I'm not very fond, and I have yet to identify it *ponder ponder ponder*. I think that CD might have actually helped to turn me away from any form of popular music (save for JPOP, of course). I don't even know why. Usually, when I get an album and I don't like it, I come to like it after a while of listening. It was the exact opposite in the case of this CD. I repeat, BLECH, Soundgarden.

Now we come to my list of "ashamed-of" CDs (or "should-be" ashamed of CDs...for some reason, I don't give a damn, and still listen to most of them). Shameful CD #1: Space Ghost Musical Bar-B-Q, I have only Rob to blame for that. I don't feel like giving any particular explanations, though, especially not truthful ones so live with it. I do, however, still listen to it, especially when I'm in one of my weird moods. So overall, I don't regret that CD. I'm just mildly ashamed that I paid money for it, when mp3-snagging was just around the corner for me. Shameful CD #2: Ranma 1/2 Opening/Ending CD. I remember exactly how it happened. I was in Japan, I happened to be over-obsessive with Ranma 1/2, I saw the CD and I immediately put down the 30 some-odd dollars so I could make it my own. The music is sort of dorky in a 10-year-old-japanese-school-girl sort of way (which is ironic because it's actually a series more in mind for boys), but I still listen to it, because I got it in Japan and it reminds me of Japan and it just doesn't bother me. Other Shameful CDs: R.E.M.'s UP and REVEAL, because they sucked, but still it was REM, so I felt i needed to own and contribute. Now Peter Buck's in prison. ALso, perhaps the Robert Miles stuff. But I'm thinking that maybe another listen to it is in order before I say that, because I can't remember most of the songs. Glad I didn't burn that "Aiko" CD from Mai, or else I'd really be ashamed. *shudder*

And I really hope this 10mb song I'm downloading is really worth it, because 10mb is a freaking while, but its' Buffalo Daughter, and damn they're cool. So far, Dr. Moog is the best song I've heard, but I've only heard four, so blech. Among the list of my "recently gotten cool crap" is Dragon Ash "Deep Impact". I hated it at first, because it was loud and monotonous and Japanese rap, but the more I really listened to it, the less I could resist. There's this eight measure sequence at the end where they do a major key pattern thing and DAMN it's cool. I mean, we're talking aside from "Shizukana Hibi na kaidan wo" which is the coolest thing I've ever heard.

And my mother just let out long/bad sigh at me. It's because I havn't been hanging things up in my closet. BECAUSE SHE KEEPS GOING IN AND TIDYING THINGS UP FOR ME WHILE I'M GONE (and because I'm a difficult child, fuu fuu fuu ^_~) and my room/closet is like my hidey hole that no one can enter without my permission. It doesn't seriously upset me, because she's my mother, but I guess I let things bother me easily and such. Blech.

5.3 mb, a few more to go.

do you crash?

Goin' To A-CEN! [10 Jan 2002|04:25pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | KinKi Kids-Hey Minna Genki kai ]

Well, here's something new and fun and possibly exciting: I'm going to anime central! I don't know whether that's an excited exclamation point, or a paranoid one. Mainly because I've been told how many frightening people there are at anime conventions, and now that I might actually be considered one of those people, it sort of makes me feel hypocrytical and *eep* frightened. But STILL!! it's going to be cool. Megan's cosplaying as Mizuki (from HanaKimi), and so far the only good thought I've come up with for my own costume is Rio (also from HanaKimi). At first I was like "I'll be UKYOU!", but Jamie quickly talked me out of that one. Jamie's going to be Hikaru (Hikaru no Go), which is AWESOME and eheh not that hard to put together since Jamie already has the shirt, yay for living in Japan for three months.

Jazz choir started on Tuesday. I think it's going to be a lot more fun for me this year, mainly because my sight-singing is much better this time around, and I won't be paranoid because of the seniors. That and we're singing Stolen Moments, WAAAHA! The only problem is keeping this quiet from my dad, and especially my cello teacher. My dad thinks I'm doing too much too much crap in the music department, and my cello teacher doesn't want me doing anything more than string orchestra, because it "takes up time". Okay, so maybe everything else I do takes up time, but I'm having too much fun to stop. And oooh, boy, there's no way I can't be in madrigals next year, so that'll have to be kept low-key as well. Well, then, I might even be in *gasp* japan next year (hmm...yes, that _might_ prevent me from seeing another year of madrigals...), so blah, cello! ^^;;

God, I'm so friggin tired...today was a schedule A (meaning school started at 9:10, as opposed to my usual class at 7am), so I technically _should_ have gotten more sleep than usual. However, I have this tendancy to stay up really really late all the time, especially when I know I don't have to get up as early the next morning, and I may have overdone it a bit last night. I think I lost consciousness reading around 1am, and woke up again around 2am, clearing my book from my bed and turning out my light, only to find that I couldn't sleep, then got up and went to the bathroom approaching 3am. I think somewhere after that I drifted off into a weird sleep that consisted of my dreaming about living things coming out of the walls in my room. Then, my alarm went off around 7:30, and I guess I was still mostly asleep, even after I hit the snooze button like...five times, because I didn't actually hear it go off until around 8, when I sort of tried to tumble off the wrong side of the bed (I have NO idea how I thought I was sleeping upside down...) and hit my head on the sideboards. Stupid daybed. Yep, Saturday sounds mighty nice to me right now.


2 sleepless nights| do you crash?

Maniacal Laughter Goes Here [09 Jan 2002|08:47pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Bonnie Pink-SWEET ]


That is all.

No, I can't do that. I have to detail why I'm so friggin ecstatic! uWAAH! Okay, well, it could all be blamed on this obsession which is Bonnie Pink. So I started to download songs from her most recent album (which wasn't reviewed to well, but SCREW the reviews!) and CRAP it's good. Also, one of the best fan sites has information about new releases. Apparently, this February will be the release of her REMIX ALBUM. I've ranted about how goddamn particular I am with techno, and have every time forgotten to add that my list of good techno is mostly remixes. And considering I already know what songs are being remixed, and by who (my favorites being Towa Tei, Cornelius, and Stereolab), the prospects of this look good.

Also, I'm considering putting down money to simply purchase "Just A Girl" (the new album I can't find more than two files for...) through YesAsia or CD Japan.

OOh, MAAAAN! There's an audiogalaxy client for Mac again!!! *happiness* I was using something called iSwipe, and in all honesty, it finds a hell of a lot more files, but half the time, the downloads don't work, so i'm using both iSwipe and MacSatellite again and heeheehee.

and OH MY GOD!!!!!! THERE ARE REMIXES OF THINKING OF YOU! AAAAAAH! I AM LOSING IT!! (in a good way, of course) =^^=

2 sleepless nights| do you crash?

ZENBU KAKU! [06 Jan 2002|06:05pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Jpop CRAZZE! ]

I made okonomiyaki with Jamie/Megan today. Now, I have to say, I've NEVER had okonomiyaki before, but I suppose this gave me a vague idea of what it was really supposed to be like. We like...quadrupled the recipe, because we thought there wouldn't be enough in just one for the three of us. WAhaha, were we wrong. And it only made me feel bad that I couldn't even eat all of mine. The batter was really really filling, and I think we overdid the size of each okonomiyaki quite a bit. In any case, next time I make rice, I'm SO going to make mochi, and have it with something sweet. I was told that mochi with ice-cream in the center was really good. What kind, though...vanilla, simply? Oh well. Mochi...

Ah...man. I used to know what "maki" is...but I haven't the slightest idea at the moment. When i was in Florida, we went to eat at this mall that had a Japanese restaurant (Little Tokyo), and I was standing in the line to get something there (before I changed my mind) next to one of the chaperones, and they looked at the menu and turned to me "Hey, you know Japanese stuff, right? What's maki?". I was just like "um...it has um...rice and...oh, I really can't remember". I think that was when I decided to leave. That made me feel really stupid, so I'm going to look up what maki is...I think maybe they're just like sushi rolls...but I freaking can't remember.

I'm running out of good JPOP to get. I think the last really good song I got was "Traveling" by Utada Hikaru. Oh, wait, cancel that. It was "Crystal Vine", but Dreams Come True. But I've tried for some other stuff, like Morning Musume, and I just can't bring myself to like it. Right now, I'm going for "Another World" by Gackt. I saw him perform it on a Music Station, and thought it was a good enough song.

I finally found the "Oricon" website, and have been looking at single charts last year and past months, and I just NEEd to know, HOW did Hamasaki Ayumi end up with 7 songs on the years 50 best singles??? I want to know. Oh, I need to check out the album charts, because I want to see that V6 Happy made it on a couple. I haven't heard their new one, i'm guessing it's pretty good. And man, I need to get my hands on Bonnie Pink's 5th album. WHOO!

do you crash?

And Stupid Stuff...It Makes Us Shout... [05 Jan 2002|08:19pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Propellerheads-Take California ]

Cool British group: The Propellerheads. Holy crap, they're cool. I've become really particular about techno. Bjork is probably one of my favorites. I like 808 State, too, but they're getting a little bit too...well...I dunno. Point being made: PROPELLERHEADS!

I just spent like 4 hours with Jamie and Megan. We were going to make Hiroshima style okonomiyaki, and I was going to dream of eating mochi, since I've only eaten it once, but their mom made sticky chicken, and I stayed for dinner and ate that instead. Yum, eat them up. Oooh, but we watched VERY HAPPY (V6 concert video). I don't know what gets me so hyped up about Johnnies concerts. Especially V6 concerts, because we don't even hear them singing (like we need to, it would actually suck if they weren't using pre-recorded music). And yet admittedly, if I were to go to one of those concerts, I think I'd totally lose it.

I keep forgetting whatever cool stuff I wanted to say. Makes the readers feel lucky. Whoo.

1 sleepless night| do you crash?

WAhahahaha *cough* ha [05 Jan 2002|12:33pm]

Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.

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Brak For President [05 Jan 2002|12:33pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Arashi-Jidai ]

I've gone on this horrendous Bonnie Pink kick. I mean, before I was mildly obsessed, but now I have this need for MORE. That is all.

--Oh, wait, that's not all. I thoroughly agree with this. My friends suck enough as it is...(^_~ j/k)

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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Everglades [04 Jan 2002|10:42pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Corey Dargel-Everglades ]

I want to ride with you
To escape for days
To lie beside you
In your Chevrolette

We can have all night to cruise
And all day to promenade
Let's take a trip for two
I want to drive with you

Through the Florida Everglades

do you crash?

Yeah Florida... [04 Jan 2002|10:42pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Dreams Come True-Crystal Vine ]

So yay, I'm home from Florida. It admittedly wasn't as bad as I expected. The Outback Bowl was absurd, but I guess I enjoyed that. Disney World was massive, crowded, and AWESOME. I want to LIVE there. Like, get a professional job playing the cello there or something...just because it would be a sure way to make it in life...It was seriously that cool...

I'm really really tired right now. Probably because buses aren't the most wonderful of places to sleep. I got a total of maybe four hours on the bus, which wouldn't have been so bad, had it not been for the waking up and repositioning myself every half hour or so. I really should be in bed now, but I really wanted to download this song (Crystal Vine). Dang. I also really want to read HanaKimi once I get upstairs. Not gonna happen. I spent a couple hours at Jamie and Megan's, and by about 9, I was totally nodding off.

*kicks self to bed*

do you crash?

And THEN... [26 Dec 2001|11:19pm]

(Note: viewers cannot see that the previous entry was posted multiple times, perhaps because I deleted the extra entries, but fyi, it was)
do you crash?

Blechiness For All To Share [26 Dec 2001|11:17pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Blonde Redhead-In Particular ]

Well, I need to start by inserting an apology about my lack of entries to my non-existent readers. It's not because I haven't been at the computer, oh no. It's mainly because I'm trying to adjust to writing in my book, instead of typing, and I can only get so much really good writing out altogether, so blog-ish-ness has been slow.

And this will probably be the last of them for a couple weeks time. Because on Friday I leave for Florida, and if I know me, I know I won't really be in a writing mood for most of tomorrow, anyway. Eh...what's there to miss, anyway? For the possibly one person who actually reads here, go back and read some old stuff if you're that desperate (I'm not that hopeful).

So I've been at the computer, but mainly downloading fun music stuff. I'm making 3 CDs (I'm being specific because if I'm not now, I'll find that I won't have room later) to take. Well, I already made one, entitled "Toukyou Club Meccha Mix". It's excellent. I compiled it so it had the BEST of my JPOP playlist. For viewing pleasure of people who like JPOP, here is:

Bonnie Pink-Inu to Tsuki
Bonnie Pink-Passion Fruit
Bonnie PInk-Reason (Season Dub)
Bonnie Pink-Nemurenai Yoru
Cagnet (Long Vacation)-Deeper And Deeper
Do As Infinity-Bounkensha tachi
Dragon Ash-Shizukana Hibina Kaidan Wo
GLAY(Jiro)-Strawberry Shake
Hysteric Blue-Naze
J-Friends-Next 100 Years
Porno Graffitti-Music Hour
Shiina Ringo-Live At Tower Records
Shounen Knife-Top Of The World
V6-Dasenai Tegami
V6/Kamisen-Silver Bells
V6/Tonisen-Wishes ~I'll Be There~
Zone-secret base

This mix is, in my opinion, some of the best of JPOP. I would recommend any of these songs to anybody relatively interested in Japanese popular music. Well, okay, so Silver Bell isn't a really technically good song (It's hard to explain what I consider to be technically good...), but it's cute, and Kamisen sings it, so I like it anyway. Just for those unaware, ANY Bonnie Pink song is worth downloading. She is seriously on the list of favorite artists of mine. Hey, want that list, because I'm bored and aware that I won't be updating again for a week? No? Too friggin bad:
My favorite JPOP (In no particular order, they're all up there):
Bonnie Pink, Do As Infinity, GLAY, Porno Graffitti, Something Else, Shiina Ringo, JUDY and MARY, V6. I know there are more, but momentarily I'm too stupid and tired to look. Oh, also: Hisaishi Jou is the ultimate composer of Japanese classical/movie/piano music.

Okay, so the above doesn't even get into Toukyou Club POP, and a lot of American-Japanese Groups, which I'm especially into because I love jazz and techno-stuff (far more particular about techno...). While I'm on a role with listing stuff, lets get some of those out, too: Pizzicato Five (my favorite), Towa Tei, Cibo Matto, Sean Lennon, Shonen Knife, Blonde Redhead, Calin, Havana Exotica, Cornelius.

*puff* I'm really done now.

I hope everybody had a wonderful non-specified Winter holiday, I certainly did, and may your days be filled with SHADE AND SWEET WATER!

1 sleepless night| do you crash?

ROWR! [24 Dec 2001|05:06pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Tori Amos-Cornflake Girl ]

All I have to say is this: STUPID PARENTS!

Oh, and also, you'll notice that lj posted my last entry 3 times... -_- sankyuu

do you crash?

Hobbits And Elves! [23 Dec 2001|09:39pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Sean Lennon - Photosynthesis ]

Saw the Lord Of The Rings *happy shiver*, and I have to say...it was...SOO good. The filming was excellent, and the way the move plot was layed out to the book was just right. Actors--perfect, same with scenery. My sister was right to say that the music could have used some help, but that's just the musician in her. What was she expecting? Prokofiev? Possibly. Luckily for me, I was prepared for un-interesting movie music. Elijah Wood was Frodo to the core, and had faerie-like eyes, that made him seem even more closely hobbit-esque to my mental pictures than any of the others. And whoa, I love elves. I mean, I've always loved elves, but now more than ever. Admittedly, Eldrand was played by the same guy who was the Agent in the Matrix, and it took me a few minutes to get over that. Celeborn looked about 15.

I wonder how many times Wendy and Richard Pini have read Lord of the Rings...I wonder if that's the basis for a lot of story...the trolls, for instance, and the way their relationship with the mountains. Well, I mean, Elfquest doesn't have the obvious Good vs. Evil theme going, but it's got something going that I suspect was derived from Tolkien. Sigh.

My Nagano signature background once again isn't showing up -_-

do you crash?

For The Record... [22 Dec 2001|06:07pm]
Okay, I'm bored and not really in an entry-completing mood, so I'll throw this out!! (I have yet to post my score for the Dead Russian Composer test. Oh, btw, like my "Nagano Hiroshi" signature background??)

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
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