Friday, July 5th, 2002
12:37 am - Just felt like I had to post this...
Just watched a movie called "American Outlaws" Which was rather excellent...I love Westerns ^-^ However, it was supposed to be about Jesse James...and even if it was great, and Colin Ferrel is GORGEOUS, and he made the perfect Jesse James...it was waaaay off Jesse James was an real outlaw, and he remained such until his death when he was shot in the back by a cowardly deputy. There's even a song about it.....Anywho! I know that was pointless, but I had to say that....now I'm gonna go read Tarnished Angel....oooooh, I love that book ^-^
And might I add, it's hard as balls ta find a romance novel about an outlaw who isn't a sherriff/ranger/pinkerton in disguise...Hard as BALLS, people. Tarnished angel is such a book...and wow, I wish I could be kidnapped by a sekushi outlaw who had ta suck posion outta my leg....-.-
current mood: exhausted
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| Thursday, July 4th, 2002
10:55 pm - Fireworks....
Wow....I mean...wowy wow wow wowy wow wow The most amazing thing I've ever since...just when you thought they were over, here's a mass more....it was insane.....wow
Debbie-chan, you will never know what you missed Have I mentioned...wow? Because...wow
current mood: amazed
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| Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
2:18 pm - FOOF!
WHOO! ::worships::
This is great for chars...specially with my style ^-^ So, for Venus...
Because it's required...for Abderus
Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz! ^-^
current mood: chipper
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| Monday, July 1st, 2002
10:39 pm - "Now you must face me...and all the powers of hell!!"~Maleficent, "Sleeping Beauty"
2:27 pm - Huzzah!~Dave ^-^
Okay! Gathering stuff now! No, wait! I need food first! ................... ................ .............. ........ .... .. .
Okay! Mmmm..subs are good--Yeah! sooo here's how it starts.
We were planned to leave at about 5:00 on Thursday, however, the wings weren't done -.- Soooo we had to work on those. So, we finally left at around 9:30 something, after I convinced Momma that we could just forget about making a tail -.- Aaaand after getting food at Arby's we left Jville at roughly 10:00....for a four and a half hour drive -.-
Well, if it wasn't bad enough that we left so ridiculously late, (kids, this is why you *dun't* wanna be a procrastinator like da 'Rika) we had just a weeee bit of road trouble. Momma had previously gotten the car serviced, and the idiots there always neglect to put the hood down securely all the way...so here we are, drivin' down a very dark, two lane highway in the middle of nowhere, and the hood flies up all the sudden -.-...with this loud 'BAM' sort of sound, and scaring the crap outta both of us. So we had to stop on the side of the road, and fix the damn thing. There is now a good sized dent in the hood...-.- And those service people shall paaaaaaay. So next, on the SAME ROAD (what issit with that road?!) we had to stop and wait for half an hour for a possibly fatal car accident ahead...we played war...I think I remember winning...I definately one at go fish....Soooo, anywho, after getting slightly lost, and having to be the navigator type person we fiiinally reach Williamsburg. Then had to seach for the foofing hotel...and then we found it, and theeeen we went inside to get our room and keys and such, and I was hanging over the desk looking for the bell thing and the night manager guy gave me funny looks when he came out ^-^
So outside of the hotel we were stopped by a big group of people...why? Because someone was wearing my Johnny shirt ^-^ and so they asked us we were there for the convention and I said yes and I got introduced...aaaand to my surprised one of them was G o.0 Yeeeah, Nick, you know. Soooo after that we went to the room and Cat and Nikki were there and Cat tackled me and we talked alllll night...literally....no sleepy time for Rika ^-^
So! First day of the con was all fun and spiffy and we got free things like hats and shirts and sweatshirts and Gargoyles is comin' out on DVD...WHOO!! ::cue the happy dance:: And I took piccies with GREG! ::dances around somemore:: And more piccies and I met Nick, Kael, Cat, Nikki, Mara Cordova (I looove her stories! ^-^), Emily, Hudson, ummm..a bunch of others ^-^, and I even got to see Karine and Greg Gueler(the char designer for Gargoyles) draw all infront of us and teach us, and Kythera, who's perhaps one of THE BEST artists ever posed for life drawing and I cracked up at the look on one of the models faces, and cracked up even more when Nikki drew it on her figure....aaaand Nikki gave me piccies and she drew this GORGEOUS piccy of Black Abdy and Chaos Hecate...AH! Didn't gimme any Abdy piccies thooough ::squints:: She must want to keeeep the Abdy-chan...::giggles:: Iiii'm thinking of just paying her for a nice drawing of him...because you know...he GORGEOUS! OH! And I'm gonna commission a nice sized piccy of him from the excellent artist guy that was there...he was AMAZING...and I can't wait for the next gathering because I'll even be old enough for othercon! Which is the adult portion they're adding ^-^ I'm drawing YAOI for that! ^-^ Oh! Speaking of which, I got a spiffy sticker for gay pride day which is on my ZIM box/purse thing and wore my Got Yaoi? shirt then toooo...
Aaaaaand, I actually won 3rd place for best costume! How crazy is that?! And everyone took piccies of me...o.0 I've never had so many piccies taken in my life! And people said I was sexy ^-^ Aaaaaah....Good thing I was slathered in green paint, or I would've turned all red -.-
That was crazy, though....thank God for Cat...who helped me put all the paint on, and Dave even helped tie the wings, because dammit, that was hard as Hell -.- But WHOO! Funness to be all dressed up, and paint got EVERYWHERE allll over the floor of the hotel room -.- poor Maid....
Okay! Soooooo, lets see...what else? There was art and Zim and talking of RP and chars and fun people, and gargoyle sorta banned together to help Cat win an auction thing ^-^ Oooh, the charity auction was much fuuuun, I even bid on things ::nods:: And the charity was this place that pays for less fortunate kids to get operations they need...which is spiiiifff ::sniffles::
Okay, so total things gained from this ADORABLE lil dragon compainion that bends and has a long arse tail and wraps around things and cost me 60 bucks -.- The Gargoyles toy castle thing! It'll be a fun display ^-^ for 30 dollars at auction Free gargoyles sweatshirt from toon disney (WHOO!)) Gathering tshirts for 2000, 2000, and 2002 Prize bucket thing for the costume consisting of candy, gargoyles cards, a book thing for the stickers, and such things of that nature ::nods:: Toy minotaur goliath thing that reminds me of Taurus and just haaad to get Utena on CD (Thankyou Nikki-chaaaan!) SailorMoon S on CD (DAVE! ::Squeezes::) Piccies from Nikki of V! Even the ones Meghan drew!! andandand Cat drew me FRED! In my sketchbook! ::screams like the fangirl she is:: SUGOI!! Gargoyles bookbag, fanny packy thing, and wallet from Cat-chan toooo! AH!
Ummm..there may be stuff I'm forgetting...but ya knooooow, I'll never forget the sight of seeing Nick and Dave running after the car and wavin' bye ^-^ ::sniffles:: I love you guys! ::sobs:: I can't wait for the next gathering!!
I'm all choked up now *sniffu*
Oh! One more thing! I have ZIM propaganda! And I have plaaans to post them everywhere...so Debbie-chan! Get out yer sneakers, cause we got WORK ta do!!
current mood: ecstatic current music: Must watch SM and Utena NOW!
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2:21 pm - teeeests
Moi-->ma bestest friend,Debbie-chan ^-^-->Debbie's momma-->Debbie's momma's sisters at the same school as Tom Hanks-->Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon.
ain't it great? o.0 Aaanwho, patience, patience...I will get to the gathering in a sec...first pointless tests...
Which Anne Rice Vampire are you?
by Tera
Abdy was him too...but here's the freaky thing....I took it fer V...
Which Anne Rice Vampire are you?
by Tera And *that* is frighteningly accurate....Well..not so much the mean part...but V is very childlike and such....aaaah, if you know anything about her you understand ::nods::
You're a hopeless romantic. You fall in love easily and quickly, and often have your heart broken. You like romantic movies, books, and you're always trying to think of some way to wow your honey. People call you sentimental or idealistic, and sometimes they even make some comment about they might vomit if they have to listen to go on and on any more. Phew. Some day, though, you will make someone very happy.
Be cool! Take the What Do You Want Out Of Life? Quiz
current mood: amused
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12:07 am - Tadaima!!
::runs around like a maniac:: I'm HOOOOOOOOOOOOME! andandand I WANNA GO BACK! ::sniffles:: YES! Most fun ever! Lost of free stuff and prizes and piccies and anime and costumes and dancing the timewarp and piccies with Greg Weissman! (Did I spell that right? o.0) ANYWHO! I'm exhausted now, so I'll ramble about such things later....AH! There's something in my eye! GET IT OUT! ::scoots around her house:: Destruction is NICE!
current mood: exhausted current music: It's not easy bein' green....((Trust me ^-^))
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| Thursday, June 27th, 2002
9:41 am - ::FREAKS::
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! We leave this afternoon for VA! For the Gathering, and I get to meat Nikki-chan and Cat-chan and Dave and (I think) Kael-kun, and possibly Nick and this is INSANE! ::scoots around the floor:: HOOHA, am I excited! Iiiiiiii must go shower now! ::points:: And then clean the house and pack and finish off the wings -.- and get everything together and AAAAAAAAH! So much to do! Why am I talking to you?!
::runs off like an insane mad woman::
current mood: ecstatic current music: Jo Dee Messina - Bye Bye ((appropriately enough ^-^)
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| Monday, June 24th, 2002
10:39 pm - "L-O-V-E M-E, Yu-KI!"~Princess (Yuki's fanclub), "Fruits Basket"
9:18 pm - "..And he's programmed to....and steal everyone's left shoe!"~ That big multi-eyed guy, Lilo and Stitch
Best movie EVER I dunno who came up with this movie...but I want to marry them and have their genious babies
The movie was HILARIOUS, and I sobbed too....yeah, I laughed, I cried, I laughed extremely loudly in the chick infront of me's ear and annoyed the Hell out of her But, she didn't like Stitch as much as I do, so she deserved it
Go see this movie...and see it in the theater....go late though, because this is NOT a lil kid movie...there was little to no physical humour, and almost all the jokes were above the kids heads....I saw a 10-12 year old laugh a couple of times....but not much else...they got fidgety and noisy during parts...
Oh, one strange thing....no shading. I mean, there was shading...and occasional shading when the light was dramatic, and always on inanimate objects...but the chars were barely ever shaded....rather different for Disney...but still excellent...and the realistic look to the women...(those HIPS! ^-^) was amazing ^-^
One of the best disney movies ever...and the BEST in a long time (Sorry, but Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, and Mulan are amazing)
Aaaand that's it! I'm gonna eat, then clean up Debbie-chan's mess in the kitchen ^-^ Then poke at Momma while she attempt to make sense of the wings....-.- Then maybe I'll get online and bug people and freak out about the gathering ^-^ ::wiggles her fingers:: Aloha, de gozaru ^-^
current mood: hyper
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10:53 am - Ara...
What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty
You love to be pampered and romanced by your men and things like cuddling by a fire, having an intimate meal, or having a long, deep conversation can always put you in the mood. Sex to you is usually more about the man your with than the act itself. Not a one-night stand kind of girl, newness and disconnectedness just don't do it for you. The mature, stable men you prefer to date appreciate your loyalty and big heart, but they especially love the way you inspire their more aggressive, protective masculine side.
current mood: chipper
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10:31 am
10:15 am - teeeests...
| Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
6:58 pm - "You got me turned on to Jesus, damn you!"~Debbie-chan, not even a minute ago
^-^ Ain't she great? ^-^ BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA CONVERTS! Okay...technically not...just...re-awakened ^-^ WOOHOO!
Yeah...she's currently addicted to this song, and she won't lemee watch the Buffy DVDs....EVIL! But, it's Jesus things, so I'll forgive her ^-^
Yeah, Jesus rocks....BWUAH!
current mood: accomplished current music: DC Talk - I Wanna Be in the Light
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9:12 am - o.0
Ooooh, my...let's not let da 'Rika into the journal when she's tired....-.- For those of you who are curious (or care o.0) Iiiii'm fine now....Diajoubu, Daijubo! Lalalala, bye bye bye....Pecha cucha....::hums the rest:: WAI WAI WAI WAI WAAAAAI!!
Gathering on Friday! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! ::runs around screaming like an insane monkey::
current mood: excited current music: Song is from the end of Kodomo no Omocha...trust me, it rocks ^-^
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| Saturday, June 22nd, 2002
8:06 pm - ....
I feel like a fucking puppet.... Why? I can't go into it....feelings, relationships....it's all evil, you know... Have you ever had something not that big a deal happen to you, but it just sets you off, because it's a milllion other things buried deep inside? If you say you haven't, you're a damned liar.
Know what really pushed me over the edge? In this song..the word "Owari" It means, "the end".....appropriate, ne?
You have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about...that's okay, neither do I ...depression has hit 'Rika like a ten ton truck.
current mood: crushed current music: *** 216. X Japan - Forever Love
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| Friday, June 21st, 2002
12:27 am - Writing is fun...lalalala...
Abderus' story is rated R for occasionally harsh language, adult subject matter and one REALLY messed up mind....It might get confusing too, atleast the parts from Abdy's point of view...well..because he's just plain nutty. So far, this looks like it's gonna be made up of little stories...like this one o.0 These are just tiny bits of course...the main chunks are in the (most likely) Medieval age, Georgian/regency period, the victorian period, and 1999 ::nods:: Hopefully, this will turn out spiff ^-^ It's jus ta different sort of thing than the story you've been readin'...o.0 Anywho....hope you like ::nods:: Comments are welcomed and such
A Girl Named Janey
Nevada, United States Late 1980's
She almost stumbled over her high heels as she made her way up the gravel drive, humming "Material Girl" to herself. Janey was convinced that that was the best concert she'd ever been to. Well, perhaps the Guns and Roses performance last month was better. Either way, she'd had a lot of fun that night. Now it was back home. She eyed the small trailer with growing trepidation. Her pace slowed until she came to a full stop. She just couldn't do it. She couldn't go back. Multicolored bangles jangled on her arms as she turned and began to make her way back to the city. She'd come back later. She had no choice, but she wasn't going back tonight. She heard him behind her; the door being thrown open, his rough, drunken voice screaming for her. She shut her eyes tightly, knowing she would be punished for leaving, telling herself she didn't care. She ran until she was far away enough for him to give up chasing her, then slowed to a walk. Her rather heavy makeup was running from the tears. She dashed them away in a childish gesture. Where would she sleep tonight? She supposed she could find a shelter. Would they take in a 12-year-old girl? Or would they call her guardian? She shivered at the thought. She couldn't go back tonight. If only she could wait until he was sober again. Not that that happened too often. She stopped suddenly when she looked up to see a dark figure in her path. It was sitting on tree stump as if it was the most natural thing in the world. And it was watching her. She kept her head down and tried to pass it, but the softest, most beautiful male voice she'd ever heard stopped her. "Little girls shouldn't cry." She blinked, turning to the owner of the voice. The full moon lighted his dark red hair, the color of blood. His skin was pale and his eyes were a striking violet color. She blinked once more. Was that even possible? When he stood a long black coat swirled around him. Under it, he wore a black sweater and black leather pants. He looked like a rock star, she thought. Well, he would have if it weren't for the red, cross-shaped scar grazing his smooth ivory cheek. She stared, utterly fascinated. He smiled, his white teeth shone under the moonlight. She wondered if he was even human. "I'm sorry," she began slowly, "if I bugged you. I'll just be on my way now?" His hand shot out, grabbing her arm. Her fear died down when she felt his grip, light and gentle. He gave her an actual concerned look. "What's making you cry?" At her hesitancy he let go, taking his seat again so as not to tower over her. Janey stared down at him, speechless. He added, "It's okay. You can tell me. I'm not going to hurt you, not like the person that made you cry." There was something about his manner, his soft voice, and the look in those purple eyes that made Janey feel calmer, at ease. Even safe. Before she knew it, she was telling him everything. About her father's death, her mother remarrying, her mother then dying, and finally her stepfather's change. The constant abuse she suffered, and every terrible thing he'd done to her. When she finished, the stranger stood, his violet gaze suddenly turned cold, his look very calm. She stepped back, suddenly afraid, but he took her hand, his grip still light and gentle. "Take me there." She didn't know why, but she obeyed, holding his hand tightly, leading him back towards that small silver trailer.
"Wait here," his voice was soft in her ear, and he let go of her hand, disappearing inside the door. She heard a shout and stumbled a bit. That was her stepfather's voice. No more than ten seconds later he appeared at in the door, then was thrown gown, face first, onto the gravel drive. The stranger stepped down beside him, grabbing him by his hair. His eyes seemed to blaze in the cold light of the moon. She stared at her stepfather's face. It was covered in blood. "Look at him." His voice was calm still, almost pleasant, "He's human, understand me? He can't hurt you, anymore. In fact, he won't be able to do anything anymore." She nodded slowly, staring. Her stepfather's eyes were both swollen, bruises covered his face, and the blood ran in slow trickles down his chin, but the stranger wasn't done yet. He lifted him easily to his feet, then tossed him against the side of the trailer. Violet eyes narrowed as he crouched low, his claw-like fingers closing around his throat. "You shouldn't hurt children, you know. It isn't nice." Those talons tightened, a small smile spreading across the man's face. "But it's okay. You're just a very sick person, and we'll get rid of that, now won't we? You won't hurt anyone anymore." Janey watched as her stepfather struggled against the main, then slowly stilled, his arms dropping limply to his sides. The stranger then took one of those talons, slicing it neatly across his throat. Blood burbled up and spilled over his chest. The scarred man licked one talon, smiling softly. He then stood, turning to her. "He's gone." She stared back at him, then down at her stepfather. He was gone. She didn't have to worry about him hurting her anymore, but where would she go? She didn't have anyone else. She turned, and was startled to see a young boy standing next to her. His eyes were large, and perhaps the deepest, bluest color she'd ever seen. He smiled gently, draping a blanket around her shoulders. He said nothing more, but instead went to the tall man, who in turn, looked over to Janey, tilting his head slightly. His voice was cheerful and pleasant now, and his smile was wide, reaching his eyes and appearing completely genuine, "Would you like to come with us?" She nodded quickly not knowing what she was in for, and followed him as he left with the boy. She didn't hear it when Senjiro looked up at Abderus, his voice questioning, "Abdy-sama, you aren't going to kill her too?" Abderus shook his head, humming happily, "Why would I do that? She's just a baby."
Janey had never been on a plane before, so when they small party arrive in New York, she wondered aloud of she could go again. The man politely refused for now, but promised he would take her later. Nodding she climbed into the taxi beside him and the boy. An hour later she was gently shaken awake. The stranger (he still hadn't given his name) smiled, gesturing to the outside of the taxi. "We're here." Janey believed she'd been dropped into some sort of fairytale. The house in front of her was immense. Actually, it was more of a mansion, almost a castle. The huge estate sat amidst an impossibly large garden, surrounded in turn by acres of green. It was the most beautiful thing she'd seen in her twelve years of life. "Welcome to St. Clair House. Isn't it pretty?" She nodded dumbly. He laughed at that and took her hand, "Come on, then." She followed him, her tennis shoes tapping lightly on the paved driveway. Under the scarred man's orders she had changed into a sweater and jeans, as well as wiping off all the makeup she was wearing, when he specifically told her that children shouldn't look like adults. She shook her head, coming back to the moment. He was just now pushing the door open. When the door was opened, chaos ensued. Roughly twenty children all rushed out of several different rooms, crying happily. "Abdy!" She blinked, watching the children gather around the scarred stranger, who was now smiling brightly. He turned to her, "Janey, is it? I'm Abderus. Well, the children call me Abdy," he grinned, and gestured to the young man with the wide blue eyes, "And this is Senjiro, and these are my children. Oh no, not biological. They're all adopted." He stopped when a voice sounded from behind the group of kids. It was soft and feminine, and slightly accented. "Okaeri nasai, Shisho-sama. Who is this?" He smiled at a medium sized woman with long, dark wavy hair, dressed in a bright yellow kimono, "Janey, this is Miasma; Miasma, Janey. She's gonna join our little family. That is, if she wants to," he turned back to Janey, tilting his head, "All the children here were mistreated or abused by their parents or guardians. They live here till they're eighteen, then I pay for college or whatever they want to do. If you want, you can stay here. There aren't that many rules, and Miasma's in charge when I'm gone." New York City, New York June 1999
"Wait, stop right there. You're saying this psycho raised you?" Janey shook her head, frowning, "No, not necessarily, but he did pay for everything and provided for the rest of my education." The officer nodded, tapping his hand lightly on the table she sat at, "So you can get a hold of him?" "I think so...but why? You wouldn't really prosecute him for the thing with my stepfather, would you?" "Not necessarily. We just need to talk to him. So you can get him here for us? We really need to see him." "I...guess so." "Good," he rose from the table, giving her a gentle smile, "You just call us and bring him in when he comes. Until then, take care, Ms. McClendon." He watched her until she was out the door, and then raised a brow when the officer beside him spoke, "Don't you think it's kind of wrong to trick her like this? She's basically dooming the man who took care of her to life in prison." Mike shrugged, shaking his head, "I know, but you heard how she spoke of him. He's psychotic, and don't forget what he did to Julia." That shut the man up, he thought. "Still, I'm sort of looking forward to meeting this guy. It should be rather interesting."
current mood: accomplished current music: If you didn't notice, a lot of these stories are designed to simply teach more about Abdy's life ^-^
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| Wednesday, June 19th, 2002
1:56 pm - Been a while, hasn't it? Don't hate Adam...he has good reason to be like this
"I could kill him." "No! There will be no killing!" Olivia sighed, shaking her head as she sipped her tea. The Northcliffes and Stantons were currently assembled in the parlor, trying to decide Adam's fate. Abderus, as usual, was all smiles. "Well I think it's wonderful! She's so pretty, and now it's like, you don't even lose a fiancee...you've got another one right here!" Adam glared at his father. "Idiot." Olivia leaned over, smacking him soundly on the head, "Don't insult your father. Now," she said slowly, setting down her cup, "The way I see it, you have no other choice. I'm sorry, my little love, but I don't see a way out of this. Why, just think of that poor girl. She'll be ruined if you don't marry her, and dueling with her father won't change that. No, you'll just have to marry her." Adam stared, wide eyed, at his mother, "You can't be serious!" She shook her head, "I am. I'm sorry," she stood, shaking out her skirts, "Once you've signed the papers, give them to Sam; he'll deliver them to the Granvilles." She then left the room. Abderus stood up as well, "Another wedding! How exciting," and ran from the room after his wife. Tyson raised a brow, leaning his chin on his fist, "Well, I hate to say I told you so." "Then don't." He chuckled, "Fine, fine." Bella shook her head, "Oh, Adam, you've really gotten into it this time."
Abigail watched from her seat as her best friend stared blankly at her parents. "...Marriage?" "Aye, that's what I said." "Papa, I'm not ready for marriage yet! And besides, Mama said to wait till the very end of the season to make any decisions." Her mother picked a speck of lint off her day dress, "There is no need, sweeting. This man is definitely worthy of you. He's rich and titled, and even handsome. Not that that matters too much." Penelope blinked, terribly confused, "Who is it?" "Adam Northcliffe." Her jaw dropped. "Honestly, Penelope! Shut your mouth. That's not lady-like at all!" She did shut it, "Adam Northcliffe? But, I've never even danced with him! We don't really know each other, and-" "Don't know each other! What about last night at the ball?" "Umm...well..." "Exactly. No, there's no way out of it, dear. You are going to marry him." "But..." "That's the end of it. I'll hear no more." She stared helplessly as her father stood abruptly and left the room, her mother at his heels. She turned to Abigail, "I don't believe this." "You expected to get married this year, Penelope. I don't see what the great deal is." "The "great deal" is that Adam Northcliffe can't possibly want me! He loved that woman! You saw him at the funeral! Oh, Abby, he's obviously being forced into this!" "And so?" "So, I'm going to marry a man who doesn't even want me. He doesn't even need my money or anything, Abby. This isn't fair to him." "No, I suppose it isn't, but you two will get used to it, you know?" Penelope sighed, laying her head on the table, "I really do wonder about that."
Two days later, Penelope stood in the reception hall of her parents' townhouse, looking about her nervously. Where in the world were they? She had been informed that she was to meet her fiance in this room at twelve o'clock in the afternoon. It was now fifteen minutes past that time. She was just about to question her parents on the matter when a servant tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to face him, "Yes?" "I am not quite sure how, miss, but Adam Northcliffe is currently waiting for you in the drawing room." Penelope blinked. How was that possible? Surely she would have seen him?Ah, no matter. She took a deep breath, drew up her skirts, and walked briskly down the hall. When she was finely face to face with her new fiance she stared at him, speechless. This was a different man than the one she had seen at the ball. His violet eyes were hard, his hair was neatly brushed, his white cravat under the black garb was impeccably tied; he looked cold; very cold. She stuttered a bit before finally blurting out, "I'm sorry for all this." One blonde-brown brow rose at that, his voice soft and easily controlled when he spoke, "Don't give me that nonsense. You've gotten what you wanted, haven't you? I don't need your meaningless little apologies." "But I-" "The wedding will take place less than a week from now. That should be soon enough to guard your precious reputation, don't you think?" "I... Yes." "Good. Now close your eyes." She blinked, "What?" "Do it." His tone startled her, but she did as she was told. She felt his lips brush hers lightly, then more forcefully, until she was pulled roughly against his body, his tongue plundering her mouth. Before she new what was happening, he was gone. She opened her eyes to an empty room. She frowned, looking around her. She hadn't even heard the door close.
current mood: accomplished current music: I'm not quite sure *why* he kissed her...maybe he likes her? o.0 ::shrugs::
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3:25 am
I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Bard Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Race: Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class: Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Secondary Class: Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Deity: Hanali Cenanil is the Chaotic Good elven goddess of love, beauty, and art. She is also known as the Heart of Gold and Lady Goldheart. Her followers delight in creation and youth, and work to spread happiness, love, and beauty. Their preferred weapon is the dagger.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)
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| Tuesday, June 18th, 2002
1:10 pm - ^-^