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Tuesday, August 19th, 2003
10:13 pm - Jeremy wanted this passed along
Jeremy Carlisle, Minshuku Akai Yane
Hokkaido 092-0017

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2:18 am
you know that whole thing where you say what you'd do your last few days if you knew when you were gonna die, and you're always all like "I'd party all day and night" or "i'd kill people" or "I'd do a lot of drugs"

I think i'd probably just do what i've been doing the past few days and what i will do for the next two. Wake up early and lay around all day with people i like.

yeah thats all. I have a list of things to do before i leave. It's sad. Sorry i havent been leaving the hosue much lately, i'm just afraid to try and make things be cool before i leave, gotta keep it quiet so no disappointment.

sushi tomorrow.

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Monday, August 18th, 2003
1:43 pm
Tuesday night, last dinner at igibon, with banana tempura at the end! 7:00!!!

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Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
5:05 pm - Update...
THE going away party is at my house this saturday...EVERYONE is invited (think December birthday bash +better)

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3:44 pm
THE going away party, this saturday at my house.

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Tuesday, August 5th, 2003
11:33 pm - All i do is fuck [ing] pictures
My two favorite pictures of justin... )


Two pictures of myself i don't mind looking at.. )

current music: -

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Thursday, July 31st, 2003
12:54 am
So i downloaded limewire, for the fourth time since i've had anydesire to hear music (10th grade)...its never worked....this time it does...its got so may songs, what happened? there used to be nothign, not even form the most popular of bands (popular by my standards anyway) i am happy, i love my computer.

current music: -

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Wednesday, July 30th, 2003
1:33 pm - I am not serious...
16 days in little rock left. Who wants to make out.

current music: -

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2:28 am
Things i need to get back, that i can think of (this poppedinto my head right before i fell asleep, its kind of weird to post):

kailtin-mirah cd
suzi- nico cd
amanda-northern state cd case and hoodieand pictures and probably some other stuffi can't think of

current music: -

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Tuesday, July 29th, 2003
8:49 pm
amanda won't take a bath with me

current music: -

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2:55 pm - Mamma Mia!
Photo Journey of the weekend. Yes!

Check out this shit, it'll blow your <i>mind</i>. )

current music: -

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Saturday, July 26th, 2003
6:33 pm
i think there will be a party at my house tomorrow night, starting at 9-10ish, everyone is invited, someone help me get alcohol? im looking at suzi who knows molly? Everyone can stay. RSVPs would be cool

current music: -

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Friday, July 25th, 2003
3:22 pm - The List
Ok, i tried to make a list of everyone i could think of in the whole "web of little rock" you know, everyone that's part of one ot the smaller groups that make up the bigger GROUP or people we know or hang out with or consider friends. or just consider...mostly this list came from me going through my phone guys add to it, it'd be neat to have a big list of all the people we've been part of a group with through the years. If i left anyone really obvious was because i was overwhelmed wiht trying to remember everyone. this is only in the order of my phnebook and what popped into my head.

1.Amanda Lefevre
2.Kaitlin Marone
3.Brock Elliott
4.Amber Jackson
5.Colin McCalister
6.Frtiz Brantley
7.Alison Boland
8.Adam Sweet
9.Ben Carson
10.Brittany McDonald
11.Cole Cawthorn
12.Kelly Kish
13.Jeremy Hair
15.Elisa Toben Jones
17.Daniel Hickman
18.Deshaun Jones
19.Michael Carpenter
20.ZAch Hunter
21.Justin Fernandez
22.Kyle Carpenter
23.Dylan Jackson
24.Jon Rice
25.Dante Jacuzzi
26.Jimmy Spice
27.Philip Schafer
28.Jeremy Carlisle
29.Jessica LC
30.Joe Bierman
31.Suzi Garcia
32.Sydney Sykes
33.Lex Sullivan
34.Matt Lovett
35.BEcky Millsap
36.Shaun Stover
37.Ryan Britton
38.Stuart Field
39.Erin Griffen
40.Annie Dill
41.Annie...other annie cna't remember last name
42.Amanda McMillan
44.Adam Britt
45.Christy Helfin
46.Micheal Holmes
47.Nicole Boutiette
48.Adrienne not vena..the other WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER LAST NAMES

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2:06 pm
~He took his teeh and laid them on the table,
and felt his face subside gratefully into the face of an old man
He drank the whiskey.
His teeth grinned at him.~

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Wednesday, July 23rd, 2003
2:45 pm
Tonight at downtown music---9pm ish $5-ish-----

Tom Sweet (anti-folk)
Andrew Morgan (effortlessly cool)
Dead cat bounce (dunno anythign about)
and more...

Showing Localist video (affiliated with The Localist zine, i assume itll be videos and interviews with locals bands....needs support)

You guys should call me if you're gonna go...whoa.

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Sunday, July 20th, 2003
1:41 am - Oh yes... thats ben, mother fuckers....

I will be taking no questions

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Saturday, July 19th, 2003
5:06 pm
Ma Ma Ma Matrix theory...fool

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5:05 pm
i am so BORED

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5:04 pm - lame...but....better than anythign else i could have gotten
I am punk music!!
Rock on, dude! You are Punk music!

What type of music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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4:54 pm - all RIGHT!
sex appeal

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

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