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Saturday, October 4th, 2003
3:03 pm - So, I did a little research...
So, after my last post I did a little research, and come to find out, Phelps is actually mis-practicing his religion. What he's quoting, and beliving in, has no basis for Christians. The covenant Moses made with god, and the "Old Law" were all "repealed" for Christians by Jesus. (Yes, the Ten Commandments TOO.)

"In conclusion we can state that as Christians we are obligated to do what is right, obey Christ and the New Testament teachings. We should study the old covenant of Moses because it was "written for our learning." Romans 15:4 but we should not confuse the two. The old covenant of Moses was written for the Jews in time past and was completely dissolved when Christ died on the cross."

That's from here:

current mood: accomplished

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2:38 pm - good lord
Ok, I'm sorry, but this man REALLY needs something better to do with his time. He also needs to MOVE ON. And stop quoting out-dated passages of the Bible... The Man Needs A Life

current mood: infuriated

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1:14 am - *frown face*
Blah, I just want a BIG fluffy blanket. And I wanna sit down all curled up with someone and watch movies while drinking hot cocoa. any takers out there??? :-\

current mood: crappy

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Friday, October 3rd, 2003
6:20 pm - gah...
Wow, sometimes things just get put blindingly into perspective. There was kid's LJ I was reading on and off. He was from New Orleans, he was deaf, and gay. He seemed to be one of the most positive people I had "encountered". And what do I find out today from his journal? His father made a post....he's dead. Yeah, he had had a kidney infection I believe and such. He was only 17.

Now, this makes me think two things. One, how can a "higher power" who's active in our lives allow such a thing? allow such "suffering" and death? Many would say "it's not our place to question or understand God." No, it wouldn't be if he were distant and apart from us. But according to most religions it seems he's active in our daily lives? So why can't I question or try to fathom? Whatever, it's a bunch of convoluted crap. I'll stick with logic on this one.

Now second, it's a completely horrible thing to say, but, how do I know "Sam" existed at all? How do I know it wasn't just some people trying to play a sympathy act, or impersonate someone, and this is just another stunt, him "dying"? Don't scoff, it's already happened several times I believe. I remember there being a woman in the Midwest who made up her "daughter", an incredibly sick and disabled girl and got people to send her money and such.

How do we know what's real and what isn't? As our technology develops, the line begins to blur more and more...

Well, I'm going out for some drinks, I'll leave you all to ponder this. ;-)

current mood: contemplative

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Thursday, October 2nd, 2003
11:50 pm - aww!
He keeps my picture in his wallet. *sigh* He's the one, I just know it....finally. :-)

current mood: peaceful

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3:07 am - ='(
*sigh* I don't think anyone would ever understand...

I need him in my life, I want him in my life so badly. It's only a short period of time to wait, but sometimes it feels so difficult. I feel so weak sometimes. I'm tempted by so many things. But I look...and I think...and I realize he's all that I truly want. I wish things would just work out, everything has gone so wrong...it needs to start going right with this one. Please.

I need to be strong, take it one day at a time, and I'll make it to my goal. The day I get to see him...I'll be so happy, god, so happy.

No one can really understand though, which makes it that much harder. They try...they really do, but they can't in the end. I can tell deep down they don't believe me. they don't want to judge me for it, but they do. I can understand that though, my situation is rather...unique.

Last night...I cried. Tears of joy. I've never felt such an amazing feeling. Tears of joy...they're something new. and he made me feel that way, he gave me such happiness. Nothing bad can ever come of real, true love...nothing.

I know it will happen someday soon...I know it.

current mood: distressed

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Monday, September 29th, 2003
6:45 pm - this just ROCKS!
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a

current mood: impressed

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Sunday, September 21st, 2003
9:36 am - aggggggghhhhhhhh!
Agh! This is all too much. I want to just explode! I've gotten so bitter with people and situations recently. I seem to epitomize "misery loves company." To just add to all that I can't even really figure out myself right now. Some people would wonder what the big deal about that is, but I NEED to be able to know WHAT I'm feel and WHY I'm feeling it. It's the only way im able to make good decisions on my part. I just don't know. I need something, someone, right now, but I definitely don't have it or them or whatever. Everything just seems to be getting more and more surreal. Life just confuses me.

God, I don't know, maybe I just need some sleep. I hope that's it.

By the way, a special apology goes out to Rich on this one. You didn't deserve the things I said to you, especially not now. Just please understand they weren't sincere, they were the bitter barbs of a jaded little club kid. *mwah* You know I love you and am overjoyed that you're happy. :-)

current mood: confused

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Friday, September 19th, 2003
4:29 am - I made a mistake
I made a mistake. I made the biggest mistake anyone can ever make. I feel in love. He was everything I wanted and needed in someone.

He now has to go to London with his mother. He doesn't know when he'll be back.

I fell in love and now he's leaving.

I made a mistake, I made THE mistake....I fell in love.

God, I don't want this life, it's defective, what's the return policy?


Ok, so, he's going to be gone for max two months probably. But I've done a lot of thinking on this already, but I have a lot more to do I think.

I'm rather sure of my plan of action already. But, I'm curious, what do you all think I should do? Or what would you do in this situation?

Just remember, I KNOW I'm in love with him. He means that much to mean, it's certain. So, I want comments please. I don't care WHAT your views are, I want to hear them.

Thank You. :-)

current mood: contemplative

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Saturday, September 13th, 2003
2:51 pm - *sigh*
I just don't understand people sometimes. I try so hard so often, and all I get is a blank stare. I don't even ask for an equal amount in return, just a nod of the head or a smile. But NOTHING, nothing sometimes feels worse than something negative.

I don't like the fact that I come last on most peoples lists. I don't ask to come first, that would be presumptuous of me, but LAST? Am I really that unimportant? I sometimes feel like I am "Mr. Cellophane" and people only notice me when they want to or when they need me for something.

I want someone who notices me every day. Who WANTS me in their life and who when I walk into a room, everything just lights up for them. I want that because that's what I want in someone.

I want a boyfriend.

Any takers? ='(

current mood: crushed

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Thursday, September 11th, 2003
6:27 pm - Just...wow...
Has anyone ever had one of those days where you wake up and just get a feeling that the things that have been going wrong in your life are going to start to go right? Well, that's happening to me. I just...just thank the powers that be and whatever, whoever, or just...ahhh...just whatever is out there and this may be due to, i thank you.

I've felt so...just...out of it and a bit depressed recently, and today, ugh, just, so happy right now. :-) Like, I almost want to cry I'm so happy. heh, yay!

Leave comments, anybody and everybody if ya want to!! :-) :-) :-)

current mood: ecstatic

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6:14 pm - Long time no post...

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, August 14th, 2003
9:14 pm - ooooooooooooooo
Kyan: Grooming Guru

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?
brought to you by Quizilla

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2:57 am - craziness
hah, i never thought this would happen in a million years, but someone actually said this:

"Danny, you are such a badass."

So, ok, I'm pretty sure he couldn't be talking about ME since...well...I'm ME.

current mood: crazy

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Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
12:54 am - thoughts
Hmmm, I'm in rare form tonight. Work went well, and I came home and was rather energetic and chipper, lol. But, I had a conversation tonight with someone incredibly special in my life that really, truly got me thinking. That person? Giovanni.

It seems like forever since I saw him last, and really when I look back on it, he and I really didn't spend that much time togther. But, he really is one of the most important, most influential, and most amazing person in my life yet. And definitely, in his words, "one of the best memories of my life".

*sigh* I look back and think of him and I'm not filled with regret, or sadness, or "what ifs". I'm happy with how things went really.

I recently was upset with him, and talked to other friends, and bitched and moaned. And I realize all the things I complained about had nothing to do with him, or even me, but it was me comparing him to other people. And truthfully he outperformed all those others when I consider...

Truly, I believe I can say, I really was...and part of me probably still is....in love with Gio. :-)

current mood: happy

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Friday, August 1st, 2003
8:42 pm - uuuuuuupdate, hehe
So, got my first paycheck from my new job today. $247, woohoo! hehe So, I wish i were back at school. I never dreamed I'd want to be BACK at school, but I do wish it.

But, so, I've actually been having intellectual discussions in one of my friends' journals. It's been quite enjoyable. I wish I could do the same in my journal, but I don't think enough people read it. And then again, the most intelligent person I know, my best friend Dan, doesn't even read my journal.

Hmm, maybe that's a hint... ;-)

current mood: thoughtful

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Thursday, July 31st, 2003
12:27 am - oooo, hehe
Ok, so I had a friend who made me come up with a list of my favorite songs, and here's what I got:


"Beautiful Stranger", "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" (Dance Remix), "Like A Virgin", "Material Girl", "Music", "Ray of Light", "The Power of Goodbye", "Vogue", "American Life".


"(This is A) Song for the Lonely", "A Different Kind of Love Song", "Believe", "I Got You Babe" (with Sonny Bono), "If I Could Turn Back Time", "Strong Enough".

Kylie Minogue:

"Love At First Sight", "Locomotion", "Can't Get You Out of My Head", "Fever", "Burning Up".

And, of course, the ENTIRE Original Cast Recording of "Rent" and any song by Rufus Wainwright, but I didn't tell him those, hehe.

Sophie Ellis Bextor: "Murder on the Dancefloor"


"Supermodel", "It's Raining Men" (With Martha Walsh), "I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus", "Extravaganza Megamix".

Jennifer Lopez:

"Let's Get Loud", "Waiting For Tonight", "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "Walking On Sunshine", "Ain't It Funny", "Jenny From the Block".


"Blue", "Hold Me In Your Arms".

Miss Aretha Franklin (THE Diva):

"You Make Me Feel (Like A Natural Woman)", "Respect", "I Say A Little Prayer".

Donna Summer (gay men made her career and then destroyed it, hah!): "She Works Hard For The Money".

Gloria Gaynor:

"I Will Survive", "I Am What I Am" (THE gay anthem, hehe)

ABBA: "Dancing Queen"

The Weather Girls: "It's Raining Men"

Culture Club: "Karma Chameleon"

Whitney Houston: "I Will Always Love You"

Aqua: "Barbie Girl"

Moulin Rouge: "Lady Marmalade" (I'm not listing ALL of the artists!)

Pink: "Don't Let Me Get Me", "Just Like A Pill", "Get the Part Started", "Feel Good Time".

Christina Aguilera:

"Come On Over", "Genie In A Bottle", "Beautiful", "Dirrty".

Britney Spears:

"(You Drive Me) Crazy", "Baby One More Time", "Oops!...I Did It Again", "Stronger", "(I Can't Get No)Satisfaction", "Lucky", "I'm A Slave 4 U", "Overprotected", "Boys", "I Love Rock 'n' Roll", "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman".

Missy Elliot:

"One Minute Man", "Getcha Freak On", "Gossip Folks", "Oops! (Oh My)", "Work It".

Kelly Osbourne: "Papa Don't Preach"

Full Frontal: "You Think You're A Man"

Divine: "You Think You're A Man"

Pepper Mashay: "Dive In The Pool"

Alcazar: "Crying At the Discoteque"

Deborah Cox: "Absolutely Not"

current mood: bouncy

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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2003
5:23 am - A conversation...
DarkLithe1 [5:15 AM]: i was just thinking "It's remarkable how one person can turn everything upside down...in a good way."

DarkLithe1 [5:16 AM]: i think that's going in my LiveJournal

A very dear friend:[5:16 AM]: totally right

A very dear friend: [5:16 AM]: i think im about the meet an incredible guy

"Good things come to those who wait." -- Mom, you really were right, weren't you?

I'm willing to give this as much time as it needs...

current mood: determined

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Monday, July 21st, 2003
12:56 am - *sigh* (reprise, hehe)
ooooooooook. so, the last entry that existed here, I was wrong. I got a phone call, and he's still an amazing person, if not more so. But, things that are still true from the last entry:

1.) I do get too clingy sometimes. I don't mean to, but I do, I need to work against that.

2.) I very much would like a boyfriend. It has been too long. I know so many people who have them (some who don't deserve them, or shouldn't be with the people they are with b/c they're worth much, much more...not to name any names though) and I hope I'm up in line soon.

Ok boys and girls. Danny is back to his chipper self, so bring it on world!! hehe

current mood: giggly

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Saturday, July 19th, 2003
10:16 pm - :-(
aaaaaaaaand cancel that happy moment.

My ex came online.

I should really take him off my buddy list. But I just can't.

I'd go back with him in two seconds.

That's way too sad.

There's so many better guys out there.


current mood: crappy

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