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my last public entry. [28 May 2002|05:20pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | radiohead *karma police* ]

for the next couple of minutes, im going to write. Im going to write and not censor myself becuase everything im going to say are things that need to be said. by me. and not things that necessarily need to be heard, so if you think you have reason to be offended by this, stop reading. i dont want any nasty comments, because this is my journal, and i'm talking.

i miss the way things used to be. everyone is growing so fast, and looking at all the seniors who are graduating is really bringing this to life for me. every year gets harder and harder to see more and more of my friends leave. In eigth grade, i had to leave behind one of my closest friends that i have ever had. and it was my fault. it didnt need to be that way, but it was. and its too late to take that back now. i've seen too many close friends drift apart from me while i'm desperately hanging on to threads. and maybe this is my problem. if it wasnt, maybe it wouldnt happen so often. or maybe its just the way people are growing, and i have too much trouble letting go of moments, because they dont last forever. and i try too hard to make them. i remember a time when life was seemingly perfect. i remember a time when i was friends with my friends and that was it. those were the best days. i also remember a time when i had sunk to the lowest low i could get, laying with my head on the kitchen floor, because i was too sad to get up. and it was pathetic, but sometimes you cant help what you feel, and i know the people that have felt my sadness will know exactly what i mean. I've decided that my true friends are few and far between, and ive also discovered that maybe i like it better that way. i have the people i can count on, and the rest of you can go to hell. those people know who they are. i've cried myself sick over too many things that shouldnt bother me. i don'y even know what im trying to say with this entry except that i want to thank my friends that have put up with my crap endless amounts of times, and to say i miss you to the one person out there who i care about more than anything, and who doesnt even know it. and that wasnt meant in a romantic way at all to anyone who was wondering.

ps- this journal is going to be friends only from now on.. if i dont have you added for some reason, tell me, i'll get to it.

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[13 Apr 2002|02:23pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | none ]

i am mighty sick. codine is cool.

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[26 Mar 2002|08:51pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | grateful dead *sugar magnolia (Europe '72)* ]

i was at alana's last night. we were watching conan and craig kilbourn, and saves the day was on one of them... i think it was conan. ANYWAY, ok, so this so called "emo" lead singer was SMILING. yes. smiling. he thought he was sooo damn hot, with his too small t-shirt and his greasay hair. the sad thing is, its MY generation that has perverted bands into this! and i have some news for all you emo @&^#*()&@$^(#$ (in the sords of alana). all saves the day and jimmy eat world and all of your other corrupted versions of what you think is "punk" and "emo" are exactly one hundred percent the same as the backstreet boys. with the difference that the backstreet boys dont whine as much, and they have more sufficiant personal hygiene. not to mention, the song they did was the most annoying thing i have EVER heard, (minus perhaps that new blink 182 song,) and i've heard better guitar parts in dance mixes. i am very disappointed in my generations music, and their general misunderstanding of what emo itself is. because i would bet my bottom dollar that they couldnt handle even one true emo song. crying in the basment just isn't the same as whining because your girlfriend dumped you (probably because she was sick of hearing your whining annoying voice too).

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[25 Mar 2002|03:41pm]
[ mood | enraged ]
[ music | matchbox 20 *hang* ]

RAAR! ok, well. i got ALL of my mix tapes back today because the stupid post office says that they are "odd shaped", and need to be packaged differently. sorry to anyone who was supposed to get them, i'll get the correct envelopes, and try again. damn disgruntled workers probably ruined my tapes anyway... ok. so sorry again. they'll eventually make it.

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... and i'm movin' kind of slow/down that same old path... [11 Mar 2002|07:24pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | dispatch *the general* ]

THE RECIPE!!! FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!! oh alana, its going to rock the box SO HARD!! this is awesome. and dispatch is awesome. i'm liking bang, bang.

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[10 Mar 2002|09:52am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | bon jovi *i'd die for you* ]


No one can hate you, you're Goo Goo Dolls! You're just calm and reserved by nature, no need to be in everyone's faces, but that doesn't mean you're shallow! You're full of emotions people just need to listen to you to get to know.
So which BAND are YOU?

we made it to states. woohoo! and i havent done anything that i've seriously regretted in awhile, so i'm going to cut my hair for the marathon.

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[02 Mar 2002|07:45pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Blind Melon *tones of home* ]

well, today our school hosted the indoor competition, and that was a lot of tiring fun. rachel, marcy, michelle, and i pretty much talked the entire second half. Our guard did great (good job you guys) and so did our percussion.THEN, ted and i went shopping and i got badly needed clothes, along with some new watercolors and a fan brush. my grandma brought up my easter present. its this cute little stuffed bunny. maybe alana and i can refrain from destroying this one... maybe. my grandma is so sweet. and she says cha which makes her even more awesome. lalala so now i'm actually happy even though my day started out busy and somewhat depressing. tomorrow i have odyssey of the mind from 2-8. i cant believe that i'll have spent my entire weekend at school! then i have to work on painting my floor. after thats finished, ill be able to get my parakeet. its going to be SOOOO awesome! i mean, who else will have a leopard print hardwood floor? lol. everyone who e-mailed me about mix tapes-- i'm sending them out probably on tuesday if everything goes as planned and nothing breaks. one can only hope... well, have fun and dont get killed too many times, im goin to bed.

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[25 Feb 2002|07:24pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | goo goo dolls *full forever* ]

today was a good day. im getting a good feeling lately. i just hope that everything works out the way i want it to... i'm a little bit worried, but everything has just been going so well. i can tell that soon its going to come crashing down. and i cant wait until the marathon. alana kind of almost has her drumset... i think. but anyway, i'll stay hopeful until i can make some sense of everything thats happened in the last week.

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well then... [22 Feb 2002|02:30pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | the recipe *world swirl* ]

What is YOUR Highschool label?

Which Grunge Band Are You?
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[22 Feb 2002|02:13pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | tonic *sugar* ]

ok everyone, i've been officially inspired, (thats right, officially :D,) by my new livejournal friend, jetblacksummer. he has inspired me to ask you all if any of you would like mix tapes! oh, i'll make you a killer mix tape that will rock your socks right off. lol, ok, so e-amil me your address at if you want one. oh yes. you know you want one.

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[10 Feb 2002|01:45pm]

*Take This Test!*

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[10 Feb 2002|11:36am]
[ mood | pessimistic ]
[ music | low *venus* ]

i went to alanas last night. we watched blow and that was a really good movie. you can add jonny depp to my list of future husbands. mmm. and then in the morning we saw a guy singing a love song from inside a jail cell. we had chocolate doughnuts from sheetz and mine had sprinkles. mmm. this made me happy. yeah. so another boring day in my pathetic life with no friends and no talents. fun fun fun.

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[08 Feb 2002|06:33pm]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | silverchair ~israels son~ (oh yes.) ]

yeah so someone is trying to break into my house. i can hear them. meh. ill deal with it later. today i accidentally stabbed myself in the hand with a safety pin while trying to carve a fife out of balsa wood. slowly i am sucking everyone into my little neopets cult. ha. i have such a dull life, i got one of these things, and now i feel like a loser everytime i write in it. its like hello, i have no life. would you like to read about it? so sunday is O/M at bens house. mmm maybe matt will be home... *sigh* lets not get on that subject. it doesnt hurt anymore until i think about it, so i just won't. well we all know how that turns out but WTF/E lol we rock alana. ok, well, i'll try and make my life more interesting and then maybe more people will like my lj. *sniff*

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[07 Feb 2002|01:30pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Last Days of April *will the violins be playing* ]

today was tiring. i almost fell asleep several times. band practice last night was kind of frustrating also. we only have one month until the marathon, and we still dont know what songs we're going to do. as of now, the 'set list' is israels son, i want you to want me, and when i grow up. its going to ROCK! we'll be ready in time. itll go a lot faster after our drummer gets a drum set though *ahem* :). well then, wish us luck!

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[01 Feb 2002|09:44pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Letters To Cleo ~ Sparklegirl ]

ok, well i had O/M practice today. that was frustrating, but we always have fun. Mr. Kembring typed up a page of things he heard us saying while trying to make our structure with krazy glue that would stick to skin super well, but not to the gd wood. I'll put them on here since i find them quite humorous.
*O/M Gems of Wisdom*
"A pointless triangle accomplishes nothing!" ~karl

"This Krazy Glue is not very crazy..." ~kim

"We have a team of great people, but too many individuals." ~cody

"Its kind of hard to hold your book when ALL OF MY FINGERS ARE GLUED TOGETHER!" ~adam

"What did you do NOW, karl?" ~michelle

"Don't worry, i am laughing... its just hidden beneath all of the tears." ~me

" at www dot loser dot net." ~ben

"it might have worked if the glue wasnt pulling off my flesh." ~kim


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[28 Jan 2002|06:18pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | belle and sebastian ]

hello everyone! im at alanas. im worried about alden and the 'accidental' e-mail... its been a pretty boring day all in all so i dont have much to say. :) ill make up for this pathetic journal entry sometime in the future. maybe. I LOVE SHANNON HOON!!!

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why i hate my school. [27 Jan 2002|05:02pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | kristin hersh *me and my charms* ]

i love how pathetic the lives of the people who go to my school are. all they do in their live journals is bitch about each other, bitch about how no one likes charisma, and make up new 'online abbriviations.' First of all, of course no one likes charisma. it sucks, the only people who get anything published are certain editors who can't write anyway, and no one ever gets to do anything in there unless they are 'appointed' by the high and mighty goddesses otherwise known as piggy, mouse, and god-she-is-so-annoying-why-can't-someone-shoot-her-and-put-us-all-put-of-our-misery. after they read this, i'm sure that ill have even more people hate me than before, but the thing is... i dont really care. they would hate me anyway just because i am everything they always wanted to be but have never had enough balls to try and be. this just gives all of them a reason. most people hate me anyway, because they have trouble minding their own business, so its not like im missing out on their valuable friendship. lol. hey guess what? i have always hated you anyway. i've been getting worse and worse lately with my anxiety, and its because i've been holding back the truth too long. so im done. from now on, i'll say it like it is, and if more people hate me for it, then they can kiss my ass. well :) its been a long day. have fun stealing my ideas and wishing everyone hated you so that you didnt have to try so hard to keep them liking you. have fun with your popularity that wont mean shit in about 2 years. HAHAHA!

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