Wednesday, October 16th, 2002
3:46 pm - P.S. quick quiz...
2:46 pm - write to me!! :)
Just thought I'd do an update from the library again - will get the Freeserve number written down in a sec so I can phone them when I get back to my room. Thanks to everyone who has advised me what to do, appreciated :)
I got 15 hours sleep last night!!! I am sooooooooo tired now though.. slept too much, but never mind. I guess I was bound to sleep tonnes - only got about 30 mins sleep Monday night, and was stoned *giggles*.
Coma Monday night was good. Frustrating, but still good. Danced with everyone (practically everyone was plastered!) for ages, and then they left and I was mainly hanging with Martyn. Had to come back to Reading and go to a lecture the next morning and I looked completely fucked, lol. Was fairly amusing for Nicola I guess!
Yay, got a letter from my sister in Africa :) If anyone wants to write to me/send me nice things, then my address is:
Melissa Webber Bulmershe Hall Woodlands Avenue Earley Reading Berkshire RG6 1HY
Make sure you include your address so I can write/send stuff back. I know I owe people (Glyn mainly!) CDs.. you'll get them *nods*. Its hard for me to write my entire list of CDs up, it'll take hours and hours (most of them are at home as well) - that's the only problem. Otherwise I'd do 'em now! Anyway, will get it done, I promise.
9pm, where are you staying in Reading? Are most of your lectures at Whiteknights?
Anyway, should go back and shout at Freeserve soon. I need to go to the shop and get some food as well... I am so hungry!
I'm slightly worried about going back actually... the shower won't stop! Well, its mostly stopped, but its still dripping heavily. I'm sure its not meant to do that :P I'll go and ask a Porter later or something I guess.
Hopefully should have the internet very soon, depending on how helpful Freeserve are. Bastards. hehe.
Hope everyone's alright! Haven't spoken to anyone for ages.
How I miss A.M.P!!! :( Found that on Rachel's livejournal. I want an I <3 Sheepie 'Microfiber Bucket Hat'! For people who don't understand the concept of Sheepie (*gasp*), he is our God. So, all you ampers... set an example and buy some Sheepie worshipping material, hehe :)
Right... food.
Miss you :) xxx
my mood: sleepy my music: ooooh text message!!!!
(5 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Monday, October 14th, 2002
6:58 pm - quick update from the world's slowest computer..!
I'm still at home... ended up missing a Classics lecture this morning because I couldn't be arsed going back to Reading for it and then having to come all the way back here for Coma. (won't make a habit of it!) Last night at Andrew's was... 'different', lol. But very amusing :) Won't go into details, but thanks Andrew for letting us stay round again. Sorry your kitchen was a mess this morning... I wanted to clean up a bit, but Charly needed to get to school!
Oh, sorry that you spoke to me last night *hugs*. Hope you feel better :(
Went to Lakeside today and bought the most amazing coat ever, its so lovely. I'm going to live in it, hehe. Its grey/black, and comes down to just below my knees. Also got some baggy trousers. Owning many clothes is good.. means I don't have to do washing at Uni ;) Well, less anyway.
Can't write much, or comment on journals right now... going to Coma with nearly everyone tonight :) Should be fun! Though I have nothing to wear, hehe. I'd wear my new coat, but I don't want it to get smokey from the club! Plus I'd die from heat. Martyn and Ian are staying round afterwards, which is cool! I love seeing my friends :)
Coming back next weekend as well as its Andrew's birthday... partaaay time :D What do you want for your birthday, biatch? :P
I'll catch up on livejournal soon, sorrrrry.
Take care all :) xxx
P.S. Hope you feel better as well :(
my mood: excited my music: Deftones - Bored
(3 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Sunday, October 13th, 2002
3:37 am - quick update! grrr, sucks not having the internet...
Just a really quick update.. at Andrew's house right now (nope - still don't have the net!) I will post photos up of tonight from Dan's digital camera when he puts some up... taken some really funny ones. Watched Indiana Jones as Charly and I hadn't seen any of them. Harrisson Ford is a god :)
Went to see Pitchshifter last night.. they fucking ruled :) Were so good! I got JS Clayden's setlist too *grins*
Then tonight went to see the Robin Williams film... One Hour Photo. It was pretty awful in my opinion... though I was the only one who seemed to think so. I'm glad that someone agrees with me! Hopefully seeing The Red Dragon soon.. which will rule, I know it. Ed Norton's in it after all!
Sorry I can't reply to comments and posts.. have to be sociable! Also can't read anyone's friends only posts as its not letting me stay logged in... bastard computer, hehe.
Will try and catch up properly when I get back to Uni (Tuesday now I think.. have a lecture Monday morning, but have band practise tomorrow night and Coma in Romford on Monday night! so will go back after that).
Hope everyone's well :)
I'll post my address up when I get to Uni (can't remember it now!) Until then you can always call/text me, or email me :) Mobile number: 07764 743649 (+44 and take the 0 away if you're not in the UK). If you want to ring my land line at Uni cause its cheaper than phoning mobile, then gimme a text first, and I'll text you the number and plug it back in (I don't like having it connected all the time - might wake me up otherwise :P)
Love you all xxxxxxxx
P.S. YAY! Daniel is coming to stay with me at Uni soon :D :D haven't seen him for ages!!!!! :)
my mood: amused my music: Martyn and Andrew trying to take a pic of Holly's arse..
(1 dreamer | dreams pass in time)
| Thursday, October 10th, 2002
4:50 pm - Update from Uni :)
Hey all! Long time no... post? No, that's right, I'm not dead! Can't believe I haven't been on the internet/updated Livejournal for 10 days! That's good for me :)
This isn't going to be a huge update (well I'm not planning on it being anyway).. SORRY THIS POST IS SO GODDAMN LONG! Just wanted to post random things. Will be getting some pics of flat mates, room, etc up soon.
I still can't actually get on the net (I'm in the library), I finally got my phone line working in my room, but for some reason, Freeserve isn't letting me connect at all! Keeps saying my username and password is invalid - even though its not. Its annoying... I'll have a look on the website in a min to see what I can do about it.
Hope everyone's okay!
You were all right... Uni was much better than I thought it was going to be. Having a really good time here. My flatmates are really lovely.. although they are mostly Film & Drama students (i.e. LOUD), and as my room is next to the kitchen, I find it hard to get sleep at times. When I get the net up and running, I'll be fine though as I'll be up after them anyways, hehe. There's 2 guys, and 6 girls... no bitching yet though!
My room is absolutely huge - could get a few matresses on my floor comfortably! Its like a hotel room... the places we're staying in (Mitford by the way, 9pm), are so nice. The blocks are only 2 years old, so pretty new. Have an en-suite bathroom with shower too. The shower has been really crap so far, but they fixed it this afternoon.. :)
There's one really cool girl I'm next to called Nicola (she has dreds like Sooze from 'As If'!), we are both into all the same kind of music and we've been sitting in her room smoking far too much pot. Its all good though!! (as Nicola would say). Dan's getting me some super skunk for next week *grins*. Should liven things up a bit!
Bought tonnes of DVDs lately, so when I'm feeling anti social, I can just hide in my room without being too bored. Its been hard for me though - I'm used to being around friends all the time... I mean I live with my best friend normally, so I've been feeling a bit lonely, but been talking to Dave on the phone tonnes, which has been nice :D Thank you, you've been a big help *hugs*
The work so far is really easy. I have practically nothing to do at the moment - 8 lectures a week (I think). Its not many anyway...
I am still fighting off a killer hangover after drinking nearly 2 bottles of red wine, Baileys, and beer last night (I managed to smuggle the pint glass back, so everyone's very proud of me!) We sat around drinking in the kitchen, then just went to the student bar thing for a bit and hung out. I was soooo plastered. Quite worrying really! Errrr, sorry you for phoning you while I was pissed (again!!)
Our flat is just completely mental. We have stuff all over the windows, and we've decorated the fridge with drunken photos of one of the Freshers nights. We've been stealing as much stuff as possible (hence everyone being proud of my pint glass!), and Heather has a pedestrian sign in her bedroom window, hehe. We're making a bottle collection thing that can be seen out the window. Everyone already thinks I'm an alcoholic after drinking a tonne of vodka (straight) and red wine the other night, lol.
Its sucks not having the net... I'm really going to try and sort it out though. I might actually cancel the Freeserve thing, as its going to cost me 2p a min off-peak to use the phone line, so there's not much point in the Freeserve deal.
I'm going home tomorrow (where we won't have the net either!!!), to see Pitchshifter with everyone... anyone want to go out Saturday night to the cinema or something? Pleeeeeeease? :P I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT PITCHSHIFTER!!! All I have been listening to lately is Pitchshifter, Nine Inch Nails (thanks to Glyn!), Kid A by Radiohead, and Glassjaw.
I haven't replied to anyone's livejournal posts (the computer's not letting me!!!), so don't get offended that I haven't commented. Have just spent hours reading through 1000 odd friends posts! :/
A few quick mentions: Alex - nooooooooooooooooo!!! OMG! *hugs* Hope you feel better. Errr.. can you still sing at the White Rain gig? :/ Dave - Thank you :D I really wanted to reply to your nice posts, but this stupid computer isn't letting me. Its cool you like The Air Conditioned Nightmare!! (one of my fave songs ever!) Thank you for keeping me sane, and being you :) hehe Charly and everyone else back home - I am missing you stupid amounts!!! You all have to come and stay with me. soon! OR ELSE! :P Eddie & Maja - Sorry I haven't done your user pics!! Haven't been online/had time though. I should get them done by next week, if you still want them. Plus, hope you're feeling better, Maja. Erica & Tom - Hope you feel better too *cuddles* Al - phone me, dammit. I miss you :P I have a land line in my room you can phone, if ya like? (you don't have to!)
I would say something about everyone on my friends lists who have posted in the last 10 days, but it would take forever, and I have just had a rush of inspiration, so they'd be all weird and profound, which just scares people :)
Anyway.. I have to be off now... will do something inspirational, and then have a few spliffs and watch Alice In Wonderland with Nicola and Louise ;)
I miss everyone lots though! Can't wait to see all my friends this weekend, but I miss all you online guys too.. :( I'll be back soon (haha, sorry :P) Will put my postal address and land line number up tomorrow so that I can keep in contact with people, if they want.
I love everyone single one of you *cuddles*
Byeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxx
P.S. *laughs* - I especially love my band, and our fans ;) Everyone go there and vote for White Rain!!!
my mood: HYPER!! + hungover! and hungry my music: computers whirrrrrring
(15 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Tuesday, October 1st, 2002
1:11 am - Uni tomorrow... :/
So, I could make a massive post about how tomorrow is going to be the biggest step I have ever taken in my life, and how there probably won't be another one this big... I can't be arsed though ;)
I'll have the internet in my room, but maybe not right away. I guess it could take up to a week to get everything sorted, so if you don't hear from me for a while, that's why. I expect people to text me if that happens though... I have free credit so can text back ;)
I don't want to go. Last night I was crying at Martyn's work. I probably will when I go to bed as well. But I guess I can't stay here wasting away forever. If I don't like it, I can just come back and get a job to pay my parents back.
Got some good advice from Andrew: Inflatable Trigonometry Boy says: you'll soon settle in and learn to hate people, plus you're doing sociology so there should be some good weirdos and degenerates on your course
*giggles*, thanks man ;) Lots of people have given me good advice.. I really appreciate it all :) *hugs*
I'm trying not to think about it. I'll just get on with it, and look forward to starting the course (anyone who knows me.. I know how weird that must sound! hehe).
Guess I should attempt some sleep (aka lying in bed failing to sleep). There's no point in me waffling for ages... I'll just get on with things, I guess.
Wish me luck... :(
my mood: scared my music: Tool - Sober
(11 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Monday, September 30th, 2002
10:30 pm - White Rain gig
3:56 am - mmmm... espressos...
*sips my 9th Espresso*
Update: 12th 14th (think i'll stop now, or I won't be able to sleep for the next week, lol)
I love Martyn's work.. it has a free (well free for me!) caffeine machine *grins*
my mood: sad (about leaving) my music: Glassjaw - Trailer Park Jesus
(dreams pass in time)
3:05 am - :(
I really really don't want to go to Uni on Tuesday. Fuck, I have to pack tomorrow :(
I miss my friends so much already, and I'm at Martyn's work (Internet Cafe) with Martyn, Alex, Ian and Holly!!!
Thanks Sam for talking to me about this, by the way.
I'd better have a fucking good room to make up for the shittiness of having to leave. At least its en-suite I guess, lol.
my mood: scared my music: Finch - Project Mayhem
(1 dreamer | dreams pass in time)
| Sunday, September 29th, 2002
4:32 pm - best present...
Charly just posted me a Mel-only post.
I'm sorry Charly - thank you *hugs* :(
She made me the best present EVER - nothing will ever beat it. She scanned in tonnes of pictures of my friends, and olf pictures of us, and printed them out on 4 A4 pages of photo paper... I'm going to put them in frames. I think just about everyone (except 'lil Tom - don't have pictures of him :/) is in them:
(just going down in the order of the pics) Ian, Charly, me, Nicola, Jackie, Richard, Robert, Simeon, David Christmas, Lauren, Michelle, Danielle, Jessie, Rachel C, Lauren G, Joe, Jenny M, Lewis, Elliott, Pheobe, Nic Vinton, Danni, Eesha, Ben Bland, Carole, Mum, Martyn, Jamie, Al, Shaun, Daniel F, Dingwall, Dad, Cassie, Jaime Taylor, Jo, Alex, Tom (other one), Aaron, Claire, Richard Godin, Rosie (my cat), Claire Taylor, Katie, Duncan, Esther, Dave M, James Curtis, Effe, Umar, Helen, Steve F, Jennie, Casper (dog), Samantha (neice), Richard (nephew), Ian Wilson, Mike, Dan, Aqsa... I think that's it :)
I'm gonna miss everyone so much... :(
Band practise now...
my mood: emotional my music: Glassjaw - Trailer Park Jesus
(6 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
2:40 am - *giggles*
| Saturday, September 28th, 2002
4:49 pm - Dreams
| Friday, September 27th, 2002
1:16 am - Poll! (with a difference...)
Had a brilliant time at the cinema with Alex, Martyn and Kat, despite the film being pretty awful... thanks guys! *hugs*
Anyway, I asked this question, which I thought was pretty good:
If you had the choice, which... one male one female
(one of each) in the whole world, would you sleep with? (If you want to give reasons too, then go for it!)
We are talking famous people here (that people reading this will have heard of), I don't want answers like "my lovely girlfriend" ;) Answer one for each as well - its no fun if you don't put both down!
Thanks! xx
my mood: bored my music: Thursday - I Am The Killer
(32 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Thursday, September 26th, 2002
11:06 am - Dentist / random friend-type-stuff :)
2 injections, 1 filling... all at 9.15am, after getting 2 hours sleep, and drinking a bottle of red wine last night. That was mightily unpleasant... though I have had a lot worse experiences at the dentist. I had to drive to Romford in the morning rush hour - that was somewhat annoying (bloody drivers!!)
Now I can't speak properly and have a lisp!! (the left side of my mouth is still numb from the injections!) Oh my god... I was just singing along to Glassjaw... I sound so... stupid!!! *stops*
Last night was a lot of fun with Michelle! Watched a couple of films, and had loads of unhealthy food, and wine *grins* (wonder if the dentist could tell? lol). Was nice to see her again - I'm gonna miss her (and all my friends back here) at Uni. Still, I'm gonna go and stay with people in Brighton (Michelle, Shaun, Sarah, etc will be there) at some point during the term, which'll be good fun :)
Set Michelle up a livejournal account - mental_mich. Thanks a lot for the code, highrise :D
Alex randomly texted me this morning (he must have been shocked that I replied right away, hehe) saying his driving instructor wanted to take him round country roads, so he'll come here after his lesson :D Yayness!!! Then going to the cinema with Martyn tonight. Not sure what to see...
Yay, I'm actually really happy with stuff right now - despite my mouth which is throbbing with.. numbness! Its weird - unless you've had it, I can't really explain it.
I <3 my friends so much... me feeling better is down to them all, definitely. Hope everyone's alright! xx
my mood: cheerful my music: Glassjaw - Trailer Park Jesus
(4 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Wednesday, September 25th, 2002
10:23 pm - Pics of me and Micheeelle
9:00 pm - Code? Pleeease?
Has anyone got a livejournal code that my friend Michelle can have, please? If so, email it to "silverturnsgrey@hotmail.com"
She has wanted one for ages, and I asked on a few communities, but no one had one. Please? *puppy dog eyes* Thank you :D
Michelle's here - we're gonna drink lots of wine and watch films, and I'll get some webcam pics to put up, hehe.
my mood: cheerful my music: Manic Street Preachers - Faster
(2 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
5:53 am - Life thoughts
Sorry if this bores you... I just needed to clear some stuff up in mind. If it annoys you, then take it out on Shaun, because he made me start thinking about all this stuff :)
( General thoughts on my life - changing, progression... )
I doubt VERY much that anyone read that, but if you did, then thanks :) If you didn't, then, I didn't really expect you to anyway :P I know it wasn't exactly profound or anything, just some things I have been thinking about.
Ignore my probably bad English and punctuation/spelling... it is 6am though... :)
With that post finished, I shall now attempt to go to sleep. There is no one online, and my eyes hurt too much to finish reading my friends page, so I'll finish tomorrow morning, as well as making some livejournal user pics for Eddie and Maja. I am going to try Farrah's advice with my sleeping pattern. It is really fucked up at the moment. I'm just not tired though :(
Night night! xx <3
P.S. I am so completely in love with this song. I know its the really famous Glassjaw song - and its probably that reason that has made me vaguely ignore it in the past. I have just realised how brilliant it is though :) I have always been more of a 'Siberian Kiss' fan...
my mood: thoughtful my music: Glassjaw - Ry Ry's Song
(29 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
5:01 am - Freak was good :D
Freak was surprisingly good, despite it being pretty empty tonight. Normally its fairly packed - I guess most people are either back at Uni or school though. I didn't get drunk or anything, but still enjoyed it (one of the first times I have been to Freak sober and actually enjoyed it, lol). They played some good music including Tool, Finch, Slipknot, Pantera, old Incubus, etc. Just spent most of the night chatting to Shaun and other people. We got back about 1.30am, and then Shaun stayed here for a while and we talked about everything and anything until just gone 4am. That was really nice - thanks for that, d00d :) hugs* Its so annoying though... I won't see him again for months because we're both off to Uni. Still, I am gonna go and stay with Michelle in Brighton, so I'll meet up with everyone at some point. Looking forward to that!
I spoke to Farrah in the Firkin before we went to Freak, who is doing medicine at Uni, and she has diagnosed me!! Apparently I have severe 'Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome'!! That's why I feel shit all the time... and she gave me some advice on what to do about it.. thanks hon :) I'll give it a try...
Anyway, I'm going to write something to clear my mind which I'll probably post a bit later. Its general "life" type stuff, but I want to - it might sort my mind out about a certain thing.
Maybe I'd better attempt sleeping after that... :/
my mood: contemplative my music: Goo Goo Dolls - Slide
(3 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Tuesday, September 24th, 2002
7:01 pm - Freak / Modules
Looking forward to Freak more now :) As well as Shaun, Charly and Dan are going now as well I think, as is Tom :D Not sure if I'll get drunk... maybe. We'll see.
Mark, you should come at some point!
Anyway, been choosing my modules today (for Reading Uni). I needed 120 points altogether when choosing modules. I have finally come up with the following:
Sociology - Introduction To Sociology. Just learning the basic termonology, the basic theories, the main sociologists, etc. (I have done all of this already - so it'll be pretty easy going). Taught: Autumn, worth 20 points. Sociology - Main Methodological Approaches To Sociology. (The same but with theories... I have done most of this as well!). Taught: Spring, worth 20 points.
The other ones I have chosen:
Classics (Ancient History) - Greek Civilisation - Fifth Century Athens. (I am so glad I could choose to do this.. I was originally going to do this type of thing for a degree, but there were hardly any places that taught it, without you having to learn Greek!). Taught: Autumn, worth 20 points. Classics (Ancient History) - Roman Civilisation - The Augustan Age. Taught: Spring, worth 20 points. Sociology - Contemporary Social Issues. Taught: Autumn, worth 10 points. Law - Introduction to Law (looks easy - I know its Law, but the way its taught/how the examinations are, it looks do-able!). Taught: Autumn, worth 10 points. English - Languages Of Literature (looks alright - it covers A Clockwork Orange :) ). Taught: Autumn & Spring, worth 20 points.
So, I'm finally there... eek! Will send it off tomorrow.
Anyways, I have to go and get ready for Freak now - Shaun is coming round at 8pm! Have no idea what to wear... Hope you all have a good night :) <3
my mood: rushed my music: Dream Theatre - Erotomania
(5 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Monday, September 23rd, 2002
4:42 am - (ATTN: Paul) EMO GAME!
Oh my god...
This is so funny! You need an hour or so in total to play it and load it (well, I'm on 56k), but for me it was one of the best ways to waste an hour :)
Note: You will not find this hilarious, unless you have a knowledge of the main emo bands (The Get Up Kids, Dashboard Confessional, New Found Glory, Jimmy Eat World, etc), and enjoy taking the piss out of emo kids...
Once you have run out of lives, don't exit, it just gives you more until you finish the game! hehe, that was so funny :)
WARNING: You will not want to play it around parents, etc. There are a few gay sex scenes that go on for a minute or so, lol.
P.S. Paul - the Common Denominators feature in it!!!!
my mood: amused my music: Glassjaw - Siberian Kiss
(57 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Tuesday, September 17th, 2002
11:07 am - Friends-only
Most posts I make are going to be friends-only from now on.
I'll still make the odd open post, but most of my posts are going to be speaking about how I feel, and I can't be bothered to think about the people who might be reading this who aren't on my friends list. So fuck it.
If you add me, I'll probably add you back.
I might do a big purge of my friends list at some point. I can't be fucked anymore. If you do get removed, its nothing personal. There's not one person on my list that I dislike these days :) I probably won't end up taking anyone off anyway...
P.S. No one apart from Maja (who lives in the country next to Austria) has their postcards yet! STILL!! Grrr..
my mood: exhausted my music: Nine Inch Nails - Even Deeper
(7 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
10:57 am - Richard's house/sleepy.
I'm an emotional rollercoaster. I was fine an hour ago, and now I'm a wreck again.
Though I doubt having 3 hour sleep helps much! Never mind...
Last night was fun :) Went to Richard's new house in Fullham with Kat, Charly and Mike. Watched some Futurama, and The Labyrinth with David Bowie in... was such a tripping film. The person who made that, had to be on acid or something, lol. Was nice seeing people... had nearly a bottle of red wine again (oops). Happy 20th Birthday, Mike :)
Had to get the train home at 7.30am, which is difficult when you haven't had hardly any sleep. We saw Dan going to work on the way home... hehe, gutted :P I guess I got more sleep than he did...
I am so tired. But if I go to sleep now, I'll never get to sleep tonight. I'll get to sleep at 9am (again) and just sleep all day, which isn't doing me much good at the moment. So I'll stay up... I should tidy my room (I haven't properly unpacked from Austria yet! :/) but I'm too knackered. I'll sit down and read up about my Uni course - got the stuff sent through this morning.
Enough of my moaning.
I still feel really shit.
my mood: exhausted my music: Nine Inch Nails - Just Like You Imagined
(dreams pass in time)
| Monday, September 16th, 2002
5:10 pm - I <3 Y0da!
Later on, going to Richard's I think - he's just moved in. Who else is going?
Still feeling shit, but doing that comic thing amused me. Also, thanks for cheering me up a bit... orestes_triad, dcangel and caramelised :)
Anyway, this is what I have been doing... Yes, I was extremely bored :P Copied from calmu
This was the closest to Y0da I could get :P | Greetings, youngling! | | Y000da!!!111!! Nooo!11! | | | |
I can sense much fear in you, hmmm! | | This is teh last time he wi11 patronise m3!!1!'" | | | |
too impatient, you are!! hmmm!! | | U w1ll pAyyy!!!!!1111 | | | |
ahh hah!!! | P0000W!!!!11"!2!!!!!! | Whaaaatt1!!!! Where has he gone???!!!!! | | | |
much to learn, you still have!!! | woosh! | huh????!!!!!! | | | |
ahhhahhh!!! mwahahahahaha!! | *WOOOOSSSSH!!!* | *SPLAT*!!!!! | | | |
when 900 years old you reach, look as good you | will not!!! aahahaah! | *dies* | | | |
| Create your own NES Comic |
P.S. WOW!!! Thanks coxonite for sending me that Yoda picture message (on my phone)!!! Thanks hon! *hugs* :)
my mood: accomplished my music: The Cure - Love Song (acoustic)
(1 dreamer | dreams pass in time)
1:55 am - stupid survey...
Owwww, my back is killing me from making a bed out of the floor last night! I'm mean, its really painful. Someone give me a back massage!
I want to go to bed, but I won't sleep for ages (only went to sleep at 12/lunch time earlier, and woke up at 5pm). I don't want to try getting to sleep, because I'll lie there, and start thinking, and then I'll get really depressed again.
Anyway, I was feeling bad about myself, so I thought I'd make it worse, and prove myself to be a complete shit by doing the following survey (hehe) that Alex started off I think:
( Have You Ever...? )
my mood: sore my music: Tool - Pushit
(5 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Saturday, September 14th, 2002
5:24 pm - y0dda!ness..
C0M3 & F11GHT M33 & MY L1GGHTSAB3R!!!1 L11GHHTBULLLLB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
*ahem* sorry. In random hyper mode :D
hahahahahaha. *feels sorry for people who have to put up with me in a min*!!!!!!!! mwahahahahaaaaaa.
Right. *breathes* Must drive now. MEEP! I will calm down later, I promise.
The most mental quiz I have ever done...
I love this song so much :)
my mood: hyper my music: Rachel Stamp - My Sweet Rose
(14 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
4:38 pm - Burger King gayness. + Rachel Stampness!!! :D
Going to Dan's soon, as his parentals are out :) I think Andrew and Martyn are going too - yay :D
*giggles* sorry. *waits for a reaction*
Yuuuum, I have rediscovered the magic of Rachel Stamp :) Well I had never lost it, I have always loved them (especially Robin Guy - the guy on my livejournal picture!) Haven't listened to them for ages though, and since Dingwall's Rachel Stamp quiz on alt.music.placebo, I have started listening to them again. *grins* The only problem is - Charly gets this too, is that when you have Rachel Stamp on and you're going out, you always dress glam! Annoying.
Anyway, I'll probably update from Dan's. I think I'm going to take my camera too. Need lots of photos to put on my wall at Uni!
Hope everyone has a good weekend! Sees ya later :) xx
my mood: bouncy my music: Rachel Stamp - Pink Skab
(4 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
1:58 am - babysitting rules, hehe
That was a cool night :) I got paid £15 to watch Harry Potter! I went to babysit the two little girls.. Charlotte and Eliza, who live on the road opposite my house. They're so sweet, pretty, and well behaved :) I probably would have gone if they weren't going to pay me... they're not trouble at all, and its better than sitting in the house with nothing to do (had no money to go to the cinema with everyone else). I now have £45 (parents gave me some money!), which is really surreal. I haven't had that much money for a long time (patheitc I know, but that's what I get for being a complete waster with no job!)
Anyway, Al has just phoned me, so I'll finish this entry. Going to bed in a min after I've spoken to him - wow, early night!
Hope everyone is well xx
my mood: sleepy my music: Tool - Reflection
(dreams pass in time)
| Friday, September 13th, 2002
2:59 am - Random lj quiz
Bored. Done this in between doing Dingwall's Rachel Stamp quiz on a.m.p :)
( Quiz )
Now, everyone do the quiz, or I shall shoot you. In the head :P
my mood: sad my music: Radiohead - Street Spirit
(5 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Thursday, September 12th, 2002
1:28 am - *sigh*
Dan came over for a bit earlier, and then I went round his, and just chilled out watching Austin Powers. That was nice :)
Hmmm, still feeling depressed and stuff though. Wish someone could be here to give me a big cuddle! Never mind.
Opium Lounge tomorrow for Mike's-leaving-for-University-goodbye-thing. I am not touching *anything*. Not even vodka :P (which will be a first, hehe.)
I'm just going to completely chill. Which is what Opium Lounge is good for :) They have loads of sofas, and cool bed-type-things to lie down on.
Would try and get some sleep, but there is no way I would be able to :/
my mood: sick/lonely my music: Nine Inch Nails - The Frail
(4 dreamers | dreams pass in time)
| Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
5:36 pm - getting ready!
arrrghhh *panics*
my hair looks crap, and i have nothing to wear!!
*ponders* i'll make Shaun decide what I should wear when he gets here. *evil grin*
my mood: stressed my music: Glassjaw - Lovebites and razorlines
(22 dreamers | dreams pass in time)