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[05 Jun 2002|06:23pm]
for all the random people who look on here .. .


26 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[11 Apr 2002|08:10pm]

Take the "How slutty are you" Test

created by sami
4 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[10 Apr 2002|07:25pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | moby - we are all made of stars. ]

have you ever.......
01.fallen for a best friend?: no
02. made out w/ JUST a friend?: yup
03. been rejected?: yup
04. been in love?: yess
05. been in lust?: yeah
06. used someone?: nope
07. been used?: nope
08. cheated on someone?: nuh uh.
09. been cheated on?: no
10. been kissed?: kissing is fun <3
11. done something you regret?: yea.

who was the last person...
12. you touched? chris?
13. you talked to? emma
14. you hugged? chris
15. you instant messaged? emma lol
16. you kissed? ryan
17. you had sex with? ryan
18. you yelled at? andrew
19. you laughed with? morgan
20. you had a crush on? ryan? but before ryan, shawn.
21. who broke your heart? shawn

do you...
22. color your hair? yeah. it's red :D
23. have tattoos? no but i'm gettin' one on my 18th b'day.
24. piercings? 2 in each ear.
25. have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? boyfriend
26. floss daily? if i remember
27. own a webcam? nope
28. ever get off the damn computer? yeah
29. sprechen sie deutsche? uh
30. hablas espanol? si, porque no me gusta.
31. quack? quack quack.

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[10 Mar 2002|07:14pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - Somewhere Over The Rainbow ]

hah disregard my last comment .. apparently while my mom was babysitting my cousins last night, cassie { the 7 yr old } asked my mom if me and ryan were having sex. my family is so predictable.

1 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[10 Mar 2002|06:15pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Goo Goo Dolls - Name (acoustic) ]

AH HAHAHAHA. my mom just told me to invite ryan over for passover .. thats funny .. yeah, so he can totally be scared of my family .. i can picture it now .. my little cousin cassie will be running around asking if we've fucked .. and shes only 7. little horny brat. there's no way im inviting him over while my dysfunctional family is at my house. thats just too much horror to put someone through .. .. .. ....

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

i wanna see oleander in concert again! [10 Mar 2002|06:11pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Oleander - I Walk Alone ]

hah i had the funkiest day. i thought i was just gonna drive to mandys today and that'd be my excitement of a day but then veronica called. she needed to take pictures of the ocean and landscapes for photography, so me and andrew went with her. .. we went to stony brook harbor, it was windy as fuck out .. the pond in setauket .. and we walked around the nature trail things and got lost in the bamboo forest then we saw little berrio, who was fishing so we bothered him for a while. . fun times hah. then we went to the resturant where andrews dad works { vincents ; its yummy italian food } so we could get free food. .. then to visit her aunt .. and now i'm home finally. i'm still all sniffley it sucks. okay i need to take a shower, bye.

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

10 fucking 39 am [10 Mar 2002|10:40am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Unwritten Law - Up All Night ]

TOOOO EARLLLLY ahhhh. haha. i don't know what im doing .. i have to go driving so i figured that i'll drive to mandys house and hang with her for a while since i'm apparently too busy the rest of the time to hang with her haha. i'm still all sniffly :( make the sneezing stop.

3 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[09 Mar 2002|11:38pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Royal Oil ]

click to find out who you are from bsb!

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

new layout .. . . [09 Mar 2002|07:30pm]
[ music | Mest - Hotel Room ]

im not sure if i like it though? anyway gotta get ready .. susan, chrissy, andrew and veronica are comin' over.

9 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[09 Mar 2002|06:57pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Descendents - Lucky ]

What Sex Toy Are You?

HAHAHAHHA. okay. weee. that made me laugh a lot.

Take the Bear Quiz by Krysten
i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[09 Mar 2002|06:07pm]
[ mood | sad ]

ryan called me .. but we were only on the phone for about 2 minutes .. he's @ his dads house for the weekend and all of a sudden his dad came in screaming in the background 'what are you doing? i thought your mother and i told you not to talk to her' so he had to go .. . . there goes my happy mood.

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[09 Mar 2002|04:12pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional - Screaming Infidelities ]

blah my mom is annoying me about getting a job. FUCCCCK WORKING. :)

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[09 Mar 2002|11:08am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock ]

ahh so early. i should be sleeping for 2 more hours .. AT LEAST. i think we get our progress reports today? shudder. those things are evil and mines probably gonna be bad for history cuz my teacher is a dumbass and decided to inform the class on what they're missing yesterday. ahhh. oh well.

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

wee hip hop <3 [07 Mar 2002|09:26pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Saves The Day - At Your Funeral ]

hip hop was so much fun tonight. artie changed the first part so now i'm not the only idiot standing in the middle going down while everyone is going up ... yay. and this weird girl started crying because she couldn't do the floor section. i was like wow okay you don't freakin' belong here .. . after dance me and melissa got slurpees and then her dad took us home .. he's doing so much better but i feel weird whenever i see him .. { melissas mommy died oct 21 ;x } i dunno . . i need to take a shower .. and figure out what i'm wearing tomorrow .. i think im gonna go with my denim skirt cuz i wanna wear my $12.99 roxy sandals haha. okay shower time.

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[07 Mar 2002|06:01pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

yeah, so i called ryan. he basically said i've been acting weird the past couple of days .. okay so i'll go with that .. but ehh .. i dont know what's happening . it's only been this past week really .. so i'm hoping it's just the fact that we haven't hung out outside of school.. i love him so much and i don't wanna lose him . .. .

2 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[07 Mar 2002|04:57pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | some commercial ]

so the first half of my day sucked. i basically don't know what's going on between me and ryan . idunnowhatsgonnahappen =( i <3 my friends though, they made me feel better.

snuggle bitch drove me, susan, andrew, james, and steve home in his jelappo (spelling? LoL) it was the ghettoest car but it was fun. then i drove me and my mommy to se-port and got a boone so im happy .. i have hip hop tonight .. melissa is actually going this week. okay im gonna finish eating so bye.

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

[06 Mar 2002|07:12pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | Gob - Been So Long ]

hm okay so i just looked at the mail and i have detention on the 13. wtf. i get in trouble for cutting gym, but i never get in trouble if i cut anything else. i <3 school haha. maybe niki will have detention too .. so we're starting to pick out our courses for next year .. me and michelle are taking all the same classes -

- senior english
- economics
- critical issues
- photography
- ceramics
- computer art
- fashion design
- sign language

i think thats it. most of them are 1/2 year courses though. hmm my mom just told me my brother is gonna be on tv tonight haha. he just got some new job that has to do with charaties for the WTC .. and some stations interviewed him. weird. yeah so i gotta go back to my english vocab words. fun times.....

4 i'm really lucky underneath it all.

warped tour !!!!!! [06 Mar 2002|05:36pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Cardigans - Been It ]

8/10/02 = warped tour 2002, randalls island, baby!!! me and susan are so going. ee. so excited :)

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

quizzzes kick so much ass <3 [06 Mar 2002|04:48pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Goldfinger - The End of the Day ]

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.

Find your inner rubber ducky.

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Pale blue represents devotion while dark blue represents fanatics. In your personality, you can really be one, or the other. You specialize in harmony, and you are a very affectionate, romanceful person. You crave relationships. You are artistic, sociable and loving.

Want to take the test?
by livejournal user,lumini

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

ah i love when i get gwen related results haha [05 Mar 2002|10:26pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | real world ]

You are NO DOUBT!

You are the revolution in evolution, No Doubt! And aren't you a trendy little thing, you always just do what others want you to do. So when the times change, why stick around with what's lame? Move along to the next best thing! Your motto's "Out with the old, in with the new!"
So which BAND are YOU?

i'm really lucky underneath it all.

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