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"philadelphia loves the hives" [15 Jun 2002|02:12am]
[ mood | impressed ]

"we love you philadelphia, but not as much as you love us"

what a great way to end a set. i love those cocky foreigners. they definitely didn't skip out on oasis's "how to be a rockstar 101" class.

it was such a bad idea to put a band that has been selling out across the nation, who has recently been in time and newsweek, and has heavy airplay on mtv2, in a tiny dance club. i know transit broke some fire hazard laws tonight. the place fit all the scenesters of the city inside, with even enough room to allow the kids that weren't afraid to not dye their hair black and dress up like everyone else in as well.

i really wanted a shirt, but we all left our money in the car. everyone knows i have a million band shirts that i barely wear, but these ones were fit so right! they came in youth sizes. i need to track down one of these shirts. anyone going to any hives shows? i think it's the end of their tour actually..

1 bite| bite me

i said just take it or leave it [14 Jun 2002|01:46pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | the strokes ]

10 Bands You've Seen Live:
1- Oasis
2- Radiohead
3- Travis
4- The Stereophonics
5- The Beta Band
6- Coldplay
7- Manic Street Preachers
8- Remy Zero
9- My Vitriol
10- Starsailor

5 Things You're Looking Forward To:
1- Mrytle Beach with Mikey & fam
2- Getting a raise at work
3- Oasis
4- Modest Mouse
5- Getting a deep tan

7 Things You Wear Daily:
1- underthings
2- jeans
3- shirt
4- watch
5- necklace, choker, etc
6- shoes
7- deoderent

6 Things That Annoy You:
1- the black hair dyed posse in philly.
2- it's raining outside.
3- that i have to work til 930 tonight.
4- people all up in my business.
5- that my cd player is stuck in my old car.
6- that my cd player is stuck in my old car.

5 Things You Touch Every Day:
1- my toothbrush
2- my hair
3- my cell phone
4- my pills
5- my bed

5 Things You Do Every Day:
1- sleep
2- eat
3- check e-mail
4- listen to music
5- talk to friends

4 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With:
1- mike
2- rina
3- loretta
4- jenny

3 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
1- dumb and dumber
2- a life less ordinary
3- fight club

2 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
1- nelly furtado "i will only hurt u" [they play it at work!]
2- the strokes "take it or leave it"

1 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With:
1- probably michael

bite me

[10 Jun 2002|03:48pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Freelance Hellraiser - A Stroke Of Genius ]

this morning was nice, i woke up without a hangover for once. i've been drunk more nights than not this past week or two.

i got oasis tickets. i will be sitting in the third row. hell yeah. this will be sweet. if i just get noel and alan's autographs, i will be set with the complete collection.

i wish i was lizzy mcquire. or she was my little sister. i'd corrupt her.

i saw "CQ" last night with michael, rina, and jay. it was good. oh that schwartzman.

this weekend is the hives! show, and the doves with elbow... i forgot to mention that mike bought me a ticket to that show! yay! i'll have to miss juli's party, but i'm planning on going afterwards, since it's being billed as "party til you drop".

andy wants to take me to the clinic show, i'd love to go, but i think i'll still be in myrtle beach. hmmm.. mrytle beach or clinic. exactly. sorry boys.

this song is rad. funny. odd. but rad. freelance hellraiser owns you all.

14 bites| bite me

[05 Jun 2002|12:48pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | sunna "i'm not trading" ]

i've gotten really turned off to livejournal.. i may quit posting altogether, or just make it on rare ocassions. it used to be fun until someone started to copy my identity.

look, you live in my hometown.. when we were friends you were totally different than what you are now. tie-dye. sandals. total hippie. hated "emo". now you are miss "emo-fest". you totally morphed yourself into something really pathetic. suddenly changed how you dress, what you listen to, and everything you're about. but yet you are so "true to yourself".

posting on lj isn't fun anymore when you go around to my friends pages and add like every one of my friends. get your own friends, and get your own sense of music and style. no, i don't own the music, but i'm not blind to the fact that you are blatantly trying to be me. you forgot to consider the fact that you are a fat ugly loser with no originality.

[30 May 2002|01:45am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | beta band : squares ]

thank you for all the kind words on my last private post. too kind. and michael: who said i didn't think i was pretty? i'm a hottie! and yes i do know it! heheh.

my friend confessed his internet crush on me. it's weird. i only really have two people- that i don't know- that i talk to online, and over time, they both told me they had this huge crush on me. that makes me feel good :)

redrobotone: i have a crush on you
Jaci is a nerd: awwwwwww
Jaci is a nerd: thank you!
redrobotone: *blush*
redrobotone: i want you bad
Jaci is a nerd: awwwww why thank you so much!!
Jaci is a nerd: ur my second friend online whos drunkenly said that to me
Jaci is a nerd: :-)
redrobotone: well. it's because yer fricken hot.
Jaci is a nerd: naht ahhh
Jaci is a nerd: im mediocre
redrobotone: why do you think i adore you?
redrobotone: because you always make me happy when i talk to you. i feel like i am lucky
Jaci is a nerd: awww wow
Jaci is a nerd: thats the nicest thing ive heard in a while!!
redrobotone: in a perfect world you'd be my girlfriend and we'd both be happy.
redrobotone: i'd write you songs and make you things and we'd cuddle and shit like that
redrobotone: and then we'd both be happy all the time
Jaci is a nerd: awwwwwwwww :-)

the other night mike and i finally watched the travis dvd. man, i wish i was on tour with them. they are the coolest, funniest guys ever. that dvd rocks. the documentary was the best. oh.. and franny naked in the bathroom.. i blushed. hehehe. i thought it was so cute seeing their group hugs before they take the stage. i found myself "awwwing" out loud. thanks honey. you're the best.

mike saw remy zero on the carson daly show yesterday. i had to work. he came over today with presents from nyc for me!! 2 cd's. oasis : hindu times , and stereophonics : step on my old size nines. he always knows what to buy me to make me extremely happy. i love things like that.

mike's band had a show tonight at the pontiac grille. i probably could have gotten guestlisted, but i decided to hang out with my cousin loretta and our friends instead. they didn't go on til 1:00am, and they stay out late to eat after anyway. i'm not in a rock n roll mood tonight. i hope it went well for them.

off to bed for me. i have to get up early to buy tickets for my seventh oasis show. damn, i hope all my friends buy tickets before they sell out. this will be a fun show. me, mike, rina, chaz, nick, anthony, carla, jay, and the concert crew. FUN!

2 bites| bite me

[25 May 2002|02:36am]
i'ma postin fool. I CANT WAIT TIL THE PROM!!!!!! i get to be pretty AND drunk, two things i love
2 bites| bite me

[25 May 2002|02:35am]
the promise ring was soooooooooo good
3 bites| bite me

[25 May 2002|02:34am]
hiii all im drunk and tonight was chazapolooza wooooooooooooooo.. so my guestbook has hit 300, that means that it forever stays at 300 and just deletes erlier ones.. that sucks, i should get guestnonok #2... guestnonok lolololol... oh boyyyyy.
bite me

[23 May 2002|11:41am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | the promise ring - "happiness is all the rage" ]

i've had the best week.. i can hardly remember all of it. first thing's first, here are my grades:

art : lithography 1 B
art : painting 1 A-
psych : psychology as a social science C+
ih : intellectual heritage 1 B

not bad, not bad. so last wednesday, rina and i got drunk over laura's before we went to shampoo for 80's night. we were outside waiting for the bus, and it went right past us! so crazy laura flagged down a pizza guy to get us to drive us halfway. crazy. that night was a lot of fun. rina went in the hot tub. crazy.

on friday night after work i went to lancaster with my friends from work june and mary. june grew up in lancaster so we stayed at her mom's house. we went to the chameleon club, it was actually a lot of fun.

on saturday mike came overand surprised me with a present! the travis dvd! yay!! what a sweetie. then i saw star wars with michael, anthony, carla, and pony boy. it was definitely a bad idea to see it at 12:15, because i fell asleep. i was just tired, it was nothing to do with the movie. besides- i'm very much known for falling asleep in movie theatres.

sunday night i went to shampoo [again] with june and mary. we had some coronas in the car so i was a bit buzzed, but it wore off soon after. it was an alright time, i saw one of my first boyfriends there. ryan cimino. he was trying to mack it to me hardcore, quite funny. he didn't talk to me throughout high school. but now that i was dressed up, ditched the glasses, and my hair is a bit lighter, things sure changed. it was funny.

on monday i picked up 2 pints of ice cream and went to rina's after work. she just got her wisdom teeth out, so we ate ice cream and watched tv. it was cute.

yesterday i slept over mike's and then we went to buy our hives tickets. yes! i can't wait for that show! tonight is the promise ring show. i'm bring my friend andrew along.. he's taking me to his prom next week, i can't wait!

5 bites| bite me

[21 May 2002|12:20am]
i had a fucking amazing week. more details later fockers. goodnight.
bite me

[12 May 2002|08:24pm]
[ mood | sympathetic ]
[ music | the doves - "there goes the fear" ]

what is up. i got my car on wednesday. it is so fucking sweet. i ended up getting a really good price for a 1994 nissan altima: $3000. i'm paying my parents off monthly. the car is so nice! except there is a regular radio and tape deck in it.. uhh no i don't think i've ever owned a cassette. so i just found out that my frand dan-o is an expert with electronics and he said he'll take my cd player out of my old car, and put it in the new one... then we can donate my old car to a charity. i'm goin to miss it.. all the memories we've had... hitting the dumpster, hitting the mailbox, hitting the guardrail..

friday mike and i went shopping and i got the cutest clothes ever. then i went to work in my new clothes.. a guy [he's one of the people that ask you to fill out surveys at the mall] stopped me and wanted to ask me a question. i was early, so i said sure.. so he's like "do you have a boyfriend?" me "yeahh." him ::disbelieving look:: "damn, you're hot!" me "ok.." him "where do you work?" me "bebe." him "figures." haha yea man!

now here is some bad news.. i got into work on saturday, and one of the girls inform me that kristina isn't coming in.. i thought "ok, she partied too much last night".. then june told me she was in an accident.. i was like "is she okay?" she's like "no, she killed someone" what!!! this is so bad. kristina is 19, but doesn't have her liscense. she had drugs in her system, and the guy she hit is dead. she is so fucked. i am so sad. she was my girl.. now i'm going to have to pull some more hours at work to cover until they hire my best friend.

weekly stats at work said that i made more just on saturday than the full time girls made all week! kickass. and i was ranked #2 for the month of april. i hear a raise or bonus calling my name...

fucking doves tickets are $18.50 why? i had no idea they had that big of a following...

gotta go do sumthin.. uhh study or paint. i'm tired.

9 bites| bite me

[06 May 2002|08:38pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | phantom planet - "sleep machine" ]

hey all whats up?! school is almost over, and i'm taking a break from writing two papers. they were given to us last wednesday, and due this wednesday. 4 pages each. it's not that bad, except i had to work all weekend, and had plans to go to the beach tonight and tomorrow. instead, i'm here writing papers...

lastnight i heard fucking muse on the radio. grrrreat.. now all the dorks that listen to whatever the radio feeds them are going to like muse. and the version was totally different. oh yeah, it was plug in baby. hmm. i saw spiderman with mikey last night. it was better than i thought it would be.

friday night i went out with rina, keri, and zack and we got drunk at the pub. soo fun. i love hanging out with rina, and keri is so fun too. this boy rich threw up at the table. oh god, it was so bad. i am so lucky that i can handle what i drink.

i got this nice email recently from allie. seems she sent it to my aol account a fairly long time ago, and i just checked it...

hey love! :) i just stumbled across your site and found you.. i love irritate.org!! it's an awesome site and i just *had* to make you a fansign. heh. i've never made anyone a fansign before, i've only been to links that had fansigns. anyway, this is in .jpg format and if you need it in .gif format, let me know or whatever. take care sweetie! you're beautiful!! :D

isn't that sweet!? i have to post it up soon..

i got the new Q last week, and i read it straight threw in two days. i'm really diggin this free comp cd that came with it:

01 the cooper temple clause - did you miss me?
02 the hives - hate to say i told you so
03 electric soft parade - sleep alone
04 brmc - us government
05 athlete - one of those days
06 minuteman - words fail me now
07 tom mcrae - you cut her hair
08 british sea power - the lonely
09 josh rouse - miracle
10 von bondies - it came from japan
11 kosheen - empty skies
12 telepopmusik - free
13 the dirtbombs - chains of love
14 simian - over the hills
15 gemma hayes - ran for miles
16 mull historical society - i tried
17 ed harcourt - sleepyhead
18 dot allison - wishing stone
19 alfie - not half
20 lorien - human beings
21 ben christophers - leaving my sorrows behind

woohooo i love music. my friend chaz and i wanna go to the hfstival this year. it's not thaaat far from philly, and the bands playing there are always better than what play here... he wants to go the day eminem plays! hahah..

i best get back to my paper... gahhhhh..

22 bites| bite me

[01 May 2002|09:20pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | beth orton - "couldn't cause me harm" ]

i'm so exhausted. i was in school today from 10:30am until 7:30pm. I only had two classes this morning, and then i was in the print room for FIVE hours! I got soo much done though, I should scan my prints in soon, to post them here or on my site.

My first year of college is almost over!! I have to write two papers for Intellectual Heritage for next Wednesday, final litho crit on next Thursday, and the following week I have my last psychology exam and final painting crit. I'm fucking scheduled to work so much in the next two weeks, I gotta do something about that..

TONIGHT: ih extra credit
THUR: painting, litho class, do first etch in litho
FRI: psych, ih, do second etch in litho, then go to work
SAT: work
SUN: work [must call out], write ih papers, do final painting
MON: finish up papers, paint, print in litho, go to the beach
TUES: beach.. perhaps study
WED: hand in ih final, clean litho room, work
THUR: final lith crit
FRI: study psych, work
SAT: work
SUN: study, paint
MON: psych final, paint
TUES: painting crit

sorry, that just helped me organize my time. i can't wait til this semester is over.. although i'm going to miss everyone from school.

i have so much more to say.. but.. i'm tooooo tired...... and besides.... i must go get started on my shit now.

3 bites| bite me

[27 Apr 2002|02:03am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | garbage - "queer" ]

hey dylan:

you'll be happy / proud to hear that i saw garbage this evening.

more details soon.

let's just say that going to this show was unexpected, i wasn't a big fan, but now i love them. i want to be shirley manson.


you can touch me if you want..

3 bites| bite me

[16 Apr 2002|11:07am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | hmm what music that i dont listen to can i namedrop here today? ]

mike, happy 14 months and two days... yay we celebrate everything!

engine in the car is shot. new car soon. ahhh. i need money.

i'm really sad because chris martin said this might be the last coldplay album.

everybody wants me to fight this girl that we all hate [well, one of the two girls that we hate]. if the situation arises, i'm all for it. rina and carla got my back. man i hate girls. grrrr. i miss the good old days.. when people didn't hide behind their subtle comments made on the internet.

7 bites| bite me

y100 feztival 2002 [15 Apr 2002|12:58am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | oasis - "hung in a bad place" ]

i got the down low on some of the bands for the big radio festival this summer.. they have yet to announce the "big" band, but this is it so far [that i can remember]:

alien ant farm
familiar 48
pete yorn
dashboard confessional
papa roach
phantom planet
unwritten law
jimmy eat world

shit- that's all i remember.. it's usually around 12 bands or so. oh well. now for this "big" band.. they better pull something magical off like oasis, travis, or coldplay to get me to this show. and if i go and brandon boyd doesn't take his shirt off, i want my money back. that's their whole schtick right? i hope the big act is actually good... i'd like to see phantom planet again. who knows.. i bet it's the goo goo dolls or some shit just as bad.

speaking of dashboard.. these are the best lyrics written by anyone, ever:

i wish that i was anywhere, with anyone, makin' out

LAME! this guy needs to be shot.

in other news, the new oasis is good. it's no DEFINITELY MAYBE, but it sure as hell is better than STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS. i can't wait to get it!!

p.s. i find it so odd that people lurk around my site [music list--> the hives? seafood? ocean colour scene? sparklehorse? who introduced you to these bands? get off it.] and guestbook so religiously. i go to visit the sites that sign my guestbook.. and guess who's already been there! lol. that's all for now,


8 bites| bite me

choices choices choices [12 Apr 2002|08:20pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | that 70's show ]

these are my choices for what cute new car i will get. i prefer either black or silver..

kia rio

honda civic

dodge neon

ford focus

toyota echo

19 bites| bite me

[11 Apr 2002|10:46am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | The Beta Band - Quiet ]

bahhh yesterday was CRAZY. i didn't feel like going to class, so i went to mikey's house and crawled into bed with him all morning. it was heaven. i can't wait until it can be like that everyday.

we put 2 quarts of oil in my car and then we were off..

we decided to go shopping, so we went to cherry hill, since that's where my home store is. see, at bebe, i get discounts at my store, even though it's an outlet. and i also get discounts at one full price store, which is cherry hill.

i saw so much hot shit there. i wish i had a lot of money- i really do. but i ended up just getting a pair of white capris for the summer.

for all of you that rave about H & M.. what for?! that place sucks. it's just a bunch of over-priced clothes made to look "vintage".. as mike so finely put it.. "if you really want it to be vintage, give it to me for $3.00" seriously.. jeans for $40.. not very cool or thrifty. the clothes look like it came right out of macy's anyway. is it just me? i think i'm missing something.

so we went to our favourite little thrift store, for some real finds. i got a luke skywalker t-shirt for 40 cents and a maroon soccer t-shirt for 60 cents.

then.. we notice my car is smoking- here, we forgot to put the cap back on the oil inside my car.. so we lost all the oil..

went to big k mart and got 3 more quarts... drove home.. my car started making a funny sound.. started smoking again..

pulled into a gas station.. put another quart in, drove home, dad looked at it.. said there was no oil in it!! so we went out again and bought 4 more quarts!

today i'm taking it to get looked out.. my mom said they might have to pronounce it dead.. asked how much money i made.. and told me i may have to lease a new car.

i'm sorta sad... but a new car, yay! i'm sad still.

lesson of this story: don't skip class

6 bites| bite me

pictures pictures pictures! [08 Apr 2002|12:32am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | ours - "drowning" ]

wowwee zowwee... this weekend has been work-work-work... fun times though. i saw the panic room with michael. it was really good. it's worth the $6 alone just to see jared leto in CORN ROWS!! good movie, i recommend.

kristi- did you get the package yet? i'm dying for the seafood.. the mixcd isn't enough!!

so friday night mike and i were bored while talking to dylan.. so we sent cam pictures back and forth. it was actually amusing. here are some of them:

more here )

9 bites| bite me

[03 Apr 2002|01:20am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | hundred reasons - "remmus" ]

i just registered for fall classes. i got a heavy load, just so i can drop what i don't like early in the semester. check it out:

Your current roster is listed below.







Total Hours Registered: 18.0

i had a really cool file going in photoshop earlier today, and the fucker errored and quit on me! i'm about to throw this piece of shit thru a window..

p.s. i need a mac g4 by fall semester for my computer graphics class. any and all donations are greatly appreciated ;)

2 bites| bite me

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