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the erased citizens - a muse group

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[06 Sep 2002|02:45pm]

Say... I don't suppose anyone could do me a big favour and help me figure out the chords to Shine?

For the intro/first half of the verse, the sequence D | D | E/B? | A seems to work (It's a strange E/B chord, I think... X22453)

Can't quite pin down the next bit though... D | D/C# | D/B | D/A almost works, but not quite...

crucify my enemies

[06 Sep 2002|02:49pm]

holy cow check it out!!!!
crucify my enemies

PHEAR MY ART [06 Sep 2002|12:51pm]

8 executioners| crucify my enemies

For all listeners of the Evening Session on Radio1 [02 Sep 2002|12:54pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

Radio1 are planning to get rid of The Evening Session around December, though apparently they are keeping Steve Lamacq.

If you want to do your bit in an attempt to stop this absurd suggestion, Sign The Petition!. It will hopefully open in a new window.

2 executioners| crucify my enemies

[31 Aug 2002|02:24pm]

[ mood | amused ]

I'm new to this community.
I love muse.
Wow, I think I met all of the qualifications! =P

20 executioners| crucify my enemies

Save the Sesh ... [29 Aug 2002|11:15pm]

For anyone who hasn't heard about it yet, please go and sign - you never know, it might make a difference.
1 executioner| crucify my enemies

[29 Aug 2002|12:24am]

[ music | ]

I think it's about time Muse came to America (again). They've been nowhere near me all the other times. Any inside scoop on an US tour?

6 executioners| crucify my enemies

[28 Aug 2002|11:27pm]

[ music | June of 44- - Lusitania ]

jesus, when did we get 92 members?

2 executioners| crucify my enemies

[28 Aug 2002|11:25pm]

[ mood | blank ]
[ music | June of 44- - Lusitania ]

this is my place, i'll say what the hell i like :p

i have to say it, i'm sorry.
i like muse, but i hate matt bellamy.


*shuffles off*

5 executioners| crucify my enemies

[28 Aug 2002|06:45pm]


Adopt your own useless blob!

check out this site!! it rules!!!(nothing muse-ish but it is still good!)
crucify my enemies

ramblings.... [28 Aug 2002|11:17am]

ooohh i can show you the picture i did of matt took 5 hours....i love it...hopefully you lot will too....
crucify my enemies

ramblings.... [28 Aug 2002|11:17am]

i got a scanner!! i cant believe it!! it was £90 , with 1200x2400 dpi... and it is really fast apparently. its still in its box so i think it is going to be christened tonight. hopefully it means that i can set up my elfwood gallery tomorrow. i think i may have to trim down my sig at the guild, it is a little large.
muse won an award last night, best british live act! yeah!! im so happy for them! matt sounded his usual self, not pwnouncing his r's. sweet! so, if anyone wants me to trade with them...i will!just leave a desc your email and anything you especially want me to do eg-suggested pose/writing on it. i could try to write a poem/prouse for around the image if ya wants..?
crucify my enemies

Lightning, thunder, rain and MUSE! [27 Aug 2002|08:50pm]

[ music | the vines ]

For those of you who were'nt there (dont hate me) and those of u who were (how good was that..) at Reading Muse as usual were fucking brilliant and them coming onstage to thunder was pretty cool too! The new stuff is great and fun, and also quite different, sounds like matt has been listening to more weezer/pavement/sonic youth! Anyway my highlight was hypermusic cos it in my opiion its just genius!

anyway tata!

1 executioner| crucify my enemies

howdie [21 Jun 2002|01:32pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | muse: yes please ]

Hi, Im relatively new to live journal so greetings to you all. I joined this communtity a while ago but have been too busy/lazy to introduce myself. My name is laura (or patchworkfrog) and Muse have been one of my favourite bands since the release of shobiz(although I am slightly concerned about hearing that the new stuff sounds a bit like ABBA) I thought they were fantastic at reading especially as most were a bit pissed off at being soaked to the skin (not the smart arses that bought raincoats though!)Did many of you other guys go? If so what did you think?

2 executioners| crucify my enemies

[26 Aug 2002|10:01am]

[ mood | jealous, pissed off, depressed ]
[ music | MUSE- Showbiz- Escape ]

yeah!! got out of going to the new forest! im at home, alone with the interent..yippee!
[starts rant]
i got depressed yesterday, because we went to reading and there were people walking around with muse hoodies on TRAITORS! i feel so protective of them, i really love muse they are the only band i have cried over. yes, nefarious cried [insert laugh] he has a girlfriend now?!?!? GGGRRR i could rip somethings head off...idealy hs slut-of-a-whore-of-a-bitch-of-a-dyke "girlfriend". more like his fuckbuddie.ggrrGRGGGGRRRRggrrfrRGRGRGRGRg! *bites her head, chews it and spits it out* im the only one who will be there when he is old and wrinkly and unnable to have full controll of his bowels...
grrggrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgGTTGRGRGrgrgrRGRGrgrgRgrgrgrRGrgrg rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am so pissed off uuurrrrghghgghhghg...huh how dare he???
[finishes rant]
bah i feel so alone now... grr grr grrrr grrrr....half of me wants to burn my muse book...but i would regret it afterwards. huh i need to vent my anger on something, but not the washing basket. that hurt my foot when i kicked it last time.grr *bites foot*

3 executioners| crucify my enemies

Muscle Muse [26 Aug 2002|09:33am]

[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Vast - Flames ]

MUSE's third album will be "uplifting" because singer MATT BELLAMY has fallen in love, NME.COM can reveal. The band are due to play the Reading leg of the Carling Weekend this afternoon, just before headliners Foo Fighters. In an exclusive NME.COM interview, the Muse frontman said that this evening's gig will mark the end of an era for the band, so they can concentrate on writing and recording new material in London. "We're playing two new ones tonight", he said. "(Some of the new songs) are extremely uplifting...I've fallen in love, know what I mean?!" One that will be played tonight has a working title of 'The Smallprint', a song described as one of the rockier new songs. However, he warned that not all Muse's third album will be so straightforward, saying some of the new tracks "sound like ABBA!"

Sounds actually quite worrying. Muse move from Angst rock to...what exactly? Pop Rock? Hmm, let's hope they aren't like that. Alternatively we could hope she dumps him and that he goes angsty again....*evil smirk*

22 executioners| crucify my enemies

Pollage! [25 Aug 2002|04:13pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Muse - Muscle Museum (Soulwax remix) ]

I apologise to all those who get this darn poll twice, but I wanted to post it on this wonderful community too!!! I love all you guys!!!

Poll #55834: You've been waiting for this for a while!
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

Complete this statement: Jim'll fix it....

View Answers

...for you...
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

...and you...
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

...and BA BA BAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
2 (40.0%) 2 (40.0%)

Now then, now then!
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

....yeah right...he never fixed it for ME!!!! *mumble mumble* stupid northern bastard *mumble*
3 (60.0%) 3 (60.0%)

Okay...go on...tell me what you *really* think of me. No one else'll see so say what you like m'dears! Let's start on an upnote. My strengths:

View Answers

Now my weaknesses:.......come on....I can take it!

View Answers

Do you find me really really annoying? I mean like REALLY? *hums "I know a song that'll get on your nerves!"*

View Answers

Yes. Oh dear lord yes!
1 (33.3%) 1 (33.3%)

0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Only a bit at times.
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

Very rarely.
1 (33.3%) 1 (33.3%)

and you and you and....BA BA BAAAAAA!!!!!!
1 (33.3%) 1 (33.3%)

I'm thinking of changing my name. Any suggestions?

View Answers

Which of these are my middle names? (#Clue: there are more than one!)

View Answers

1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

4 (100.0%) 4 (100.0%)

1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

3 (75.0%) 3 (75.0%)

1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

2 (50.0%) 2 (50.0%)

Anne of Cleves
1 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)

2 (50.0%) 2 (50.0%)

How much trouble have I caused you over the time you've known me on a scale of 1-10?

View Answers
Mean: 3.50 Median: 1.5 Std. Dev: 3.77
12 (50.0%) 2 (50.0%)
21 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)
30 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
40 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
50 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
60 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
70 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
80 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
90 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
101 (25.0%) 1 (25.0%)
crucify my enemies

[23 Aug 2002|02:57pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | radio 1 ]

look how prurty my lj is now! its red! red ist good! good shizer! hee hee! im getting good at this computer stuff... awww muse ar eplaying in reading, MUSE ARE HALF AN HOUR AWAY FROM ME!! too much temptation!! i really wanted to go to reading...but im skint. huh.

13 executioners| crucify my enemies

[22 Aug 2002|07:26pm]

[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | MUSE- Hullaballo- CD1 (still) ]

hi hi hi hi! does anyone know if there are any muse tests around? if there isnt, could anyone help me with the html for the end lj piccatures? i can do the pictures ok, i just dont know much html...
muse rule! yay! i wish i was going to see them on saturday though *looks sad*

2 executioners| crucify my enemies

[22 Aug 2002|11:45am]

[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Natural Disaster ]

Okay, I downloaded almost every Muse bside a while back (maybe I have them all) and HOLY SHIT they are amazing. I think I'm going to burn a CD devoted to Muse bsides, and acoustic tracks... still on the sneak for the acoustic version of 'Unintended' though.

10 executioners| crucify my enemies

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