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Monday, July 1st, 2002
1:59 pm - i think i'm dumb....could be just happy
i felt really stupid today :(

i sent a cd review to her to have a look (Seafood - When Do We Start Fighting) and she wrote back and said she liked it.

But then....

she corrected me on two grammatical errors I'd failed to pick up in my writing. argh! I'm the one who has the reputation for being incessantly anal when it comes to apostrophes and commas and spelling!

I felt silly.

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Friday, June 28th, 2002
11:13 am - if you give a shit...
Red Hot Chilli Peppers Australian Tour


Tickets available through

Ticketek Outlets & Phonecharge 9266 4800


Friday 22 November - Christchurch QE2 Stadium

Sunday 24 November Auckland Western Springs

Tuesday 26 November Brisbane Entertainment Centre

Friday 29 November Sydney Aussie Stadium

Sunday 01 December Melbourne Colonial Stadium

Tuesday 03 December Adelaide Hindmarsh Stadium

Friday 06 December Perth Dome

current music: seafood - cloaking

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10:47 am - save the bass player foundation
This is an email I sent to the george discussion list - thought some of who you aren't on it may also be interested.

Sad news is that Paulie B broke his right collarbone about 10 days ago and had to undergo surgery. He's got a pin in there and has his arm in a sling, so he's probably a bit miserable at the moment!

The prognosis is for a good and full recovery however, so there's no need to worry about his spot in the band.

I thought it would be nice if we got something together to send Paulie and hopefully cheer him up a bit. So, I've set up an email address where you can write a message to him wishing him a speedy recovery. Once all the messages are in I'll print them out and deliver them.

The email address is

Alternatively, if you want to send him a 'proper' card or a small gift, or even some chocolate to munch on, then you can do that as well.

The postal address is:

Get Well Paulie B
PO Box 1469
Fortitude Valley

Again, I'll pass the gifts on with the email messages.

***** Please send all gifts as soon as possible, preferably before Wednesday of next week, as we don't want to leave it too long.

Also, if you can, please try to keep this quiet - I wouldn't want him to find out and have the surprise spoiled!


Nick Coppack

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8:57 am
we went to IKEA last night - wahoooooti!!!

wow i love that place

vic and i spent something like $215 on furniture and rugs and stuff! *ouch*

but it's all so funky!

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8:45 am - the naked chef, i am not
i decided to cook myself breakfast this morning...

two fried eggs - simple enough i thought

well, 5 mins later the kitchen was full of smoke, my eggs were black on the bottom, and the yolk wasn't cooked enough!

but they couldn't go to waste....

*pats stomach*

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7:33 am


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Thursday, June 27th, 2002
4:02 pm - i love you guys so much!
i wrote a fan letter earlier this week.

some of you might know that i filter email for one or two famous/semi-famous musicians and 90% of the time i just go "oh please!!" when i read their posts.

"you have such an amazing voice"

"i love you guys so much"


not that mine was quite that gushing. i felt it was pretty genuine, but looking back it probably came off a bit fan-ish.

still, it was nice of him to reply...

i cant help but feel like im a silly 15 yr old girl though, or worse still, an almost blind elephant trainer...

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2:38 pm - get miles away...
rumour has it the salteens will be back in australia before the end of the year

OH MY!!!!!

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11:35 am - dear me...
i just bought the most ugliest birthday card ever!!!

haha the funny thing is though, the lady behind the counter was all sincere and went "aww that's a nice one isn't it?"

haha oh dear....

Happy Birthday for tomorrow darling!

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9:34 am - im not afraid of romance...
i'm glad i'm not a girl...especially in winter

the toilet seat gets so cold! at least we have the option of standing up when we go


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8:53 am
vic and i put an application in for a property a few days ago.

it's in new farm and is LOVELY. polished timber floors, funky colours (lounge is a bright arty yellow, bedroom bright blue), ceiling fans, a sunroom, a new kitchen, and a bath tub!

it does have 3 major drawbacks though....

1) no garage/storage space

2) no laundry in the whole block of apartments! who builds apartments with no laundry? honestly!

3)not much room for a fridge bigger than a large bar fridge...unless you want to put it in the lounge which i think would actually be kinda funny/cool

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8:21 am - are you mad fer it?
ooooh oasis j-files next thursday!!!!!!

btw does anyone know the name of that tune that goes "i didn't feel a thing when you told me that you didnt feel a thing" etc..

it's got a real 80's synth vibe to it

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
8:24 pm - electric blue!
oh gosh, i forgot to mention that the boss guy at The Music Network is Keith Welsh.

Yes, the very same one who played in ICEHOUSE!!!!

"well you gotta be crazy want a guy like me"

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8:17 pm - the winner is....(not) syd-en-ey
i'm staying in brisbane.

for those of you who don't know, i was offered a job with The Music Network magazine in Sydney. the magazine is an industry only publication that goes out weekly to record companies, radio programmers, band management companies, booking agents etc...

basically it's the gospel for what's hot and what's not. it's full of retail charts and airplay charts that give you every possible breakdown of what songs are being played by who and at what time and how often.

anyway, a position came up on the staff (5 people put together the magazine), and i was asked if i was interested. after much thinking and a phone call last night from the boss explaining exactly what my duties would be and how much i would be getting paid and when i would be required to start and various other bits and pieces I decided that basically it wasn't for me.

so i rang him this morning and told him thanks but no thanks.

so sorry jenifa j, kate, dan, meesh, and anyone else in sydney i've forgotten - vic and i won't be moving!

im happy though - i know i knocked back a job in the music industry (there are hardly any going these days), but i also know i made the right decision. besides, it means i can stay in brisbane, and i love it here!

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8:47 am - woohooo!!!!!

*jumps out of your cake*

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Monday, June 24th, 2002
10:23 pm - you and whose army?
im on holidays!


i have an appointment at the gym tomorrow. they're going to show me round the facilities and stuff...

i have a voucher for one week's membership and we'll see what happens after that. dunno - might be expensive though. i want to get fit though. i used to be heaps fit but the last two years since i stopped playing soccer i've become lazy and fat. blah!

also restrung my guitar today...if i don't get this job in sydney then it's all systems go with some music up here for a a while.

speaking of the sydney job, i emailed them today and told them i need an answer, and soon. i didnt want to sound pushy or anything - it's just that our lease here ends in 4 weeks and i need to know if i have to look for another place here in brisbane or down in sydney. so i might hear as soon as tomorrow....

i really don't think it's going to come through though. it's been too long without hearing anything. i think there are 3 options:

1) they want me, but not until the start of next year (this would be ideal because i can finish my degree this year)

2) they want me to start very soon (eeek, but good)

3) there is no position for me

i have this feeling in my stomach that it's going to be the first one for some reason....

will let you know

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Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
6:58 pm - those rare gems...
i've just spent the last 35 minutes listening to one song over and over again, with a smile on my face and a burning ambition to write something even half as beautiful.

The Mabels - Shifting Sands

it's only available on 7 inch vinyl, but you can listen online at the Candle site - - just follow the link to the mabels section and then the audio part.

i want to perform it - i want to put it in my set, but i need a female to sing the 'second person' parts.

who i ask? who?

emma heeney would do it beautifully i reckon, and she's a fan of The Mabels too. we'll see...

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12:38 pm - grr
does anyone else check their hotmail through outlook express?

if so, have you had any trouble the last few days?

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12:10 am - i was in blur for a night....
like jen i had a weird dream. but it had nothing to do with snakes (by the way jen, snakes means it's a sexual dream, according to vic. who's the lucky boy!!!)

anyway, in my dream i was playing guitar with blur for some reason. there were only about 30 people at the gig and Damon forgot the words to Look Inside America. I set him straight though....*puffs out his chest*

mmm yes...

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12:01 am - not very interesting....
1) I really wanted Senegal to get through to the World Cup semi-finals. Damn Turkey. I mean who the fuck are they? Jesus Christ....

2) I am currently about 75% of the way through my final assessment piece for uni this semester. I've finished three of my four subjects completely and only have this stupid content anlaysis essay to go. But it should be all done by tomorrow....

3) What are some people's thoughts on the best/funniest video clip ever? My vote goes to Sugar Hill Gang - Rapper's Delight. OH MY GOD!!!!!!! hahahahahahah - just look for the dodgy men in porn moustaches and outrageous shirts (it was filmed in 1979) in the background. Oh, I think a few of the men like boys too...

4) If I don't hear from this Sydney job by 3:07pm on Monday I am contacting them and asking for a definite answer by the end of the week, if not sooner. I need to know where I am going to be living because our lease here in Brissy is up in about 5 weeks so I need to know if I am going to have to find accomodation in Brisbane or Sydney.

5) The World Cup final is on the same night as Elixir/Palimpseste at The Zoo!! Argh...oh well, at least England aren't playing. You can thank David 'Pornstar' Seaman for that....pfft retire already!

6) Speaking of David Seaman, it's amazing how many laughs you can get out of pretending to be a commentator...

"Seaman's come out too quickly..."
"Seaman's all over the ball..."
"Seaman's on his back" (if he gets injured)
"And Seaman's come out of the box..."
"Oh they love Seaman!" (directed to the crowd)
"Seaman's in a sticky situation..."

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