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(2 heroes | save me)

[02 Jul 2002|11:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | w00t. ]



(save me)

6/14/02 Five For Fighting and The Goo Goo Dolls [16 Jun 2002|02:18pm]

I can't begin to explain what happened or how I felt.

(10 heroes | save me)

[06 May 2002|07:59am]
i just want
one friend that will be my friend for my whole life.
i'd ask for more,
but what i ask for is a lot as it is.

a friend that listens, cares for me as i care for them
a friend that can overcome changes that everyone goes through, and not let them damage the relationship.

i want a friend that i know will not turn on me for no reason at all

i just want ONE friend that will be my friend for my whole life.
[however long or short that may be]

i feel sad.
i've so many questions about friendship and love it's unbelievable.

when someone says they care for me, and swears to me that they do, and then they change suddenly for no reason at all and avoid me.. it makes me question the reality of what they said. was the friendship even real at all? did they really care at all? if they did, wouldn't they still be my friend at this moment? it makes me feel dirty, someone saying to me "i care for you, lauren, i will always be there" and then.. they change.. and suddenly everything is gone.

what is true friendship, true love?
is it different for everyone?
i like to believe that my true friends are the ones that will be with me for my whole life, care about me for my whole life.
i stay sane that way

i love my true friends.
they love me.
that's the way it should be, right?

please, SOMEONE take the time and answer my questions. tell me your point of view

Cold and frosty morning there's not a lot to say
About the things caught in my mind
And as the day was dawning my plane flew away
With all the things caught in my mind

I don't wanna be there when you're ...
Coming down
I don't wanna be there when you hit the ground

So dont go away, say what you say
Say that you'll stay
Forever and a day ... In the time of my life
Cos I need more time, yes I need more time
just to make things right

Damn my situation and the games I have to play
With all the things caught in my mind
Damn my education I can't find the words to say
With all the things caught in my mind

Me and you whats going on?
All we seem to know is how to show
The feelings that are wrong

(2 heroes | save me)

UPDATES! OH YEA. [30 Apr 2002|08:15am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | goo goo dolls - big machine ]

I'm taking the day off which means I can finally update. I know I won't be able to find the words to describe everything that's been going on lately, it's too much. I'll try though, as I always do. Ket and I haven't been talking. She wants her space. I won't say much about this except for none of my friends have ever told me they needed space, and she didn't even give me an example of how I crowded her. She walked out during class a couple of days ago because Mo said something fresh to her. Oh well, if she think I've something to do with it she's wrong. :) Ok.. jumping to an even earlier date, when Ket and I were still talking, we went to see Dashboard Confessional. A couple days after that we went to a rock concert. Here is some pictures from the Dashboard show. The first one is of them, and the second one if of the guitarist from Seafood. We got pretty close to him, at one point he was sitting down right by us so Ket and I were screaming like hell. I suppose he found us funny, because he laughed and said rock on. Here are the pics.

I don't have pictures from the other concert, because they found the camera when Ket tried to bring it in. It was LOUD. I thought I was dying even through the first 10 minutes. It was very weird though, because someone could be standing next to me cheering on Indorphine, and then he'd go up and be the guitarist for Crass Roots. Lmao I was like WTH are the performers doing down here?! Anyway, after the concert I was walking out dead tired.. and so someone pulls me aside. I thought I recognized the guy from somewhere so I just smiled and started laughing, me being the dork I am. He's like "Yea.. I saw you making those faces at me during the show" and I'm like what?! Then I realize it was one of the guitarists from Indorphine, who played during the first part of the show -- and as I've already told you, I thought I was going to die even through the first part of the concert. I think I was covering my face and shutting my eyes or something. LMao so I'm just like looking at him and he starts laughing, puts his arm round me and tells me to be good. I would have kept talking to him UNLESS Ket didn't tell me to hurry my bum up! Btw, I always make sure I get first row in every concert. Which brings me to my next subject.


Hehe :) Ok, and that brings me to the subject of my weekend.. which btw rocked. I went shopping lots, got the tickets for the concert and saw Murder By Numbers. I have a new celebrity infatuation with Michael Pitt, 'Jutin' from Murder By Numbers. I know, "WHY HIM?! The other guy is so much hotter! Michael has big lips!" DAMN STRAIGHT he does and they are nice. Hehehe, plus he's got the long hair and this mysterious cutie look to him. Ok whatever rofl. I want to see The New Guy when it comes out the 9th, that looks like another good movie. Anyway, I don't know if I've said anything about my dreams that I've been having.. scary ones. Recently I've had ones about Fidel Castro holding my family hostage, a gang using my house as a hideout and some vampiric ones. Too much Anne Rice for me. Dara got off of college last Thursday. We've been doing a lot together. We're supposed to get together with Danny sometime to go to Pointe Orlando or somewhere. It's like the old times! WooooO! Late night trips to Walmart and Dunkin Donuts!! Hehe.. well that's about it.. for now. I might update later on today if I think of something else I forgot, which I probably have knowing me.

(2 heroes | save me)

A poem by me =) [14 Apr 2002|08:28pm]
I haven't posted any poems or stories that I've written on here yet.. so I decided today that I would. Here you go everyone!


I see you standing over there
So coy and vulnerable
How can I resist you?
From your watchful eyes to your luminous smile
You are the perfect metaphor of bliss
I want to feel you
Run my fingers through your hair
Walk up to you
And give you an eskimo kiss

How can I resist you?
I've become intoxicated by the mere sight
You; standing there so fixated on your thoughts
I wonder
Can you see me too?
The thought makes me blush
You give me butterflies in my tummy
Yet I can't seem to take my eyes off you
You're delectable
You're yummy

Won't you come and dance with me
Infront of all the people passing by?
Tell me about your life
I want to listen to your stories
Time is passing
I can't resist you any longer
Not even if I try

(save me)

Here is gone [08 Apr 2002|08:29pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Jesse Cook - Fall At Your Feet ]

I'm just taking a moment to escape all the hectic activities that are everyday living. I'm really tired today, but school wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I barely stayed awake through my classes, but it was still nice to be out of the house. Tomorrow I'm going to exercise with Ketty, because I didn't all last week. The rest of the week looks pretty calm, I don't have any plans yet. Monday is the Dashboard concert, and I'm hyped about that. They are finally playing "Screaming Infidelities" on the radio.
I went to the mall on Friday. I don't know why I have been having so much trouble making decisions lately, but what I do know is that I had a whole lot of money on me and all I bought was a book (Interview With The Vampire) and some fries. I went from store to store looking for shirts (what I really want) but couldn't find any. If I did find one I "kind of" liked I'd ask Ketty if I should buy it, and she'd tell me it was my choice so that wasn't much help. Maybe I'll go to the mall again this weekend and actually pick something out. However, I'm glad I bought the book. I love reading, especially on days like these when I'm just sort of tired. I'll go into my room, put on my PJs and just read. It's like a little escape. Sometimes I'll be very tired though.. and those days are when I just wish somebody would read the book to me instead of me having to do it myself. Nobody around the house has done that for me in a long time.
I've been listening to a lot of acoustic lately. It's soothing. I'm into all that Pure Moods stuff as well, hehe. Well pretty soon I have to get going, I have been a computer hog and it's time to share. Someone call me. I want to ramble about far away lands and fairies.. although I know nothing about either. Maybe someone can read a book to me over the phone.
Love for everyone,

Hey.. looks like I've got some company afterall, Ket and Mat just signed on :)

sweetbluenunwine: laaaaaaaaaaauren
Daftish: Hey
sweetbluenunwine: hi hi
Daftish: Say something intruiging, I'll post it on my journal and you can be famous
Daftish: Well.. close to famous
Daftish: Ok, not famous
sweetbluenunwine: lol
Daftish: But still
sweetbluenunwine: when we truly understand ourselves, is when we can give peace and feel peace for ourselves and other people
Daftish: Aww

Daftish: hey mat
hoyranger1: hey ren
Daftish: say something intruiging
hoyranger1: y?
Daftish: and i'll post it on my journal
Daftish: lmao
hoyranger1: ill try
Daftish: just for fun
Daftish: okay :-)
hoyranger1: ok
hoyranger1: how long does it have to be
Daftish: however long you'd like
hoyranger1: ok
hoyranger1: hold on lemmie thinkl
hoyranger1: think*
hoyranger1: If you cant seem to succeed now, take time to think it over and try,try again. Time is a virtue and dont mess it up
Daftish: aww :-)
Daftish: great

(6 heroes | save me)

Typhoon Lagoon [31 Mar 2002|05:03pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | American Hi Fi - Vertigo ]

AH going to Typhoon Lagoon with Ketty and Fernando was so much fun. I got a nice tan yay. It was cool, I went on all these rides and down all these slides that I thought I would never go on. Ket and I relaxed on some floaty tubes and went round and round the park. The lifegaurd kept splashing us rofl, we got our revenge though. This one lifegaurd kept following Fernando around, and whenever we would go down the slides she'd make him go last so she could have more time to splash and flirt with him, haha. WOO FERNY :) Anyway, the sun felt great. I went down this one slide that was a tunnel and really steep.. OMG it was scary. I was sccreeeaming, and when I finally got to the end, I had this major supremo wedgie. How embaressing!@! We were jumping the waves in the wave pool thinger too. It was a bit scary though, because I'd jump up when a wave was coming then all of a sudden I'd feel a hand on my arse, or my baithing suit bottom would be almost off. AHHH! Ketty and I kept squirting water at eachother, and pretty soon this guy came up and joined in. He was cute. Kind of a surfer hair cut, you know.. curlish, longish brown hair with sideburns. Anyway, so between waves we got to talking. His name was J.R, and he was from TN. He was a smooth talker, rofl, "Hey now.. you got my name, I want yours too". He thought Ket and I were sisters at first, as most people do when first meeting us hehe. The waves kept pushing me back like so far rofl, he's like "How do you go so far back?", and Ket's like "It's because she's so light" and he's all "Are you calling me fat?" Lmao so of course we said NooOo!, he was just playing with us though :) There was this one time when J.R. Ket and me were splashing eachother too much and so the lifegaurd goes on his little microphone thing "PLEASE, NO SPLASHING IN THE POOL" Hahaha Ferny was like "What the hell were you guys doing?" Well we got out and baked in the sun some more, then left. Too bad I don't have any way of reaching J.R. :( Hehe oh well. It's pretty hard to get a number or e-mail address when you're in a pool, jumping waves. I have to upload the pics later, Ket and I took a few. I was giving people random smiles in line for the bathroom, haha. I must have looked like such a dorkus with this little happy perky face on. I've never seen so many people with chubby bellys wearing speedos in my whole life. Ah what can I say, it was an exciting and funny day. Hehe, I smell yummy.. a mix of sun tan lotion, sand and pool water.. ANYWAYS, I've got a busy schedule this week, but it'll be cool.. I hope! That's pretty much it :) Have a Happy Easter everyone.

(save me)

Late night funny [30 Mar 2002|11:46pm]
luvy nurse kelly: i wud say goodnight but it's more like morning now
luvy nurse kelly: lol
Daftish: lmao
Daftish: good morning
Daftish: HEHE
luvy nurse kelly: i might aswell stay up until this evening
luvy nurse kelly: lol
Daftish: ok
luvy nurse kelly: lol i'm not seious!
luvy nurse kelly: wot do u take me for?!
luvy nurse kelly: lol
Daftish: lmfao
Daftish: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
luvy nurse kelly: i'm not stayin up for like 48 hours!
Daftish: hehehehehehhehehehe
luvy nurse kelly: uhoh
luvy nurse kelly: LAURENNNNNNNNNNNNN
luvy nurse kelly: :-P
Daftish: lmao
Daftish: :-P

(2 heroes | save me)

[25 Mar 2002|09:53pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | trance ]

You've got to believe in something;
Why not believe in me?

Ket and I started our workout schedule today. I can't believe how tired I got after the first 10 minutes. Hehe. It's going to be every other day. I let her paint some of my nails black, like she did to herself. I feel a little weird with not all of my nails painted but oh well.. I'll wear it like that for her :) It was nice to have seen everyone today at school. Lots of hugs and chat about Spring Break.. hehe. Rapture is on right now, Ooo. This track always makes me want to get up and do swirly dance moves around the room. You know, just close my eyes and let the music take over. Sleeping hasn't been bothering me much anymore, believe it or not. Once it starts getting late I actually look foward to crawling in bed and dreaming. Warmth and cozy-ness... yummmm! Hum, I've got myself thinking about Ray now.. how did that happen? *looks around* Hehe. At the moment it doesn't look like my week is all that busy.. which is good, I'll actually have the time to sit back and enjoy it (hopefully). My bum hurts from excersizing. I think I bruised it somehow. Arghhh. If I'm sore now, I don't even want to imagine how sore I'm going to be tomorrow. Oh well, in due time I'll get used to it. Have a nice sleep everyone.

(15 heroes | save me)

Hey DJ, give me a phat beat :D [23 Mar 2002|01:52pm]
[ music | Das Modul vs. E-Love - Computerliebe ]

Something beautiful and mysterious has happened to me.
I met Ray two days ago, and he's wonderful. We talked all day when we met, about everything and anything. He's amazing. Yea, I'm into him. So we talked yesterday too.. but not as long because I had slept in and was busy with movies and such. He hasn't been online all day today.. and it's starting to make me wonder. I know it's probably nothing, and I'm not complaining at all.. I'm just in awe I suppose. Lol, he's really funny too. I told him I couldn't play music that well, and whenever I try I'm never satisfied with the sound I create.. and he's suggested I play the Ocarina.. rofl. He said I'd make an uber cute kandy girl. If we meet I'm gonna go raving with him - yay! It's great.. because we had our funny conversations, and our serious ones. We talked about dreams we've had, told eachother our stories about past relationships and talked about insane people we've met. I don't think I've clicked with someone like this in a long time.. if at all. He's got great taste in music.. he exposed me to a lot of new things hehe :D I'm sorry for not updating but as you can see I was pretty overwhelmed (in a good way) with what's been happening. I hope he hasn't like dissapeared though, lmao. If Ray read this entry, I really don't know what he'd think of it. At first I didn't want to write anything about him.. because I don't want to become attached so quickly.. but it has already happened. Oh well :)
Anyway, I think this was a great Spring Break. A different one, I met a lot of new people. BTW: Go see Sorority Boys, it's so funny. Oh, and a special thanks to everyone who put up with me being crazy this week, especially Stan, Ketty, Daniel & Andrew.

(10 heroes | save me)

baby you're a rockstar now [10 Mar 2002|04:07pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | lit - lipstick and bruises ]

Wow, Ketty is a really interesting person.

I'm listening to the CD that she burned for me a couple days ago, it's great. The music is so dark and loud. It's not something I would typically listen to -- but something she would. We've gotta get our hair done together over break, heh. I can see it now, I'll go to have a shampoo and cut, and she'll go to dye her hair red and put black streaks in it. Woooo, fun stuff.


I mentioned break.. which is in like four days. It's going to be great. Hopefully the weather will stay nice. It's been like 80-85 the last few days. I want to go out to eat, enjoy the Orlando nightlife, etc. One thing we have plenty of here is clubs. I wish we had more independent coffee shops, though. Starbuck's is starting to bore me. There's one in every corner, what's the fun in going to a place so common? Especially when it comes to coffee places, come on people..

I have added two more things to my shopping list (click the first few words of each item):
1. Binary Q.T shirt from ThinkGeek
2. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles from Barnes & Noble

I'm getting really excited about this Dashboard concert. I don't know though, Stan said he heard that all the people singing along (ROFL rofl) drown out the concert. It'll be fun though.. I hope. I can't believe Ketty is actually coming along with me, I thought she'd be like "NO" as soon as I showed her a track or two, but she's like sure. I'll have to go to one of her scary ass rock concerts I suppose. >.< She's great.

That's all for now.
Love to you all (whatever kind you enjoy).

(2 heroes | save me)

Rainy Days are for Reflection [06 Mar 2002|07:36am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Atmospheria - Cantus Libertas ]

Dear God
I know I haven't prayed in a long time. Actually, I don't believe you're an entity.. just everything that exists. Thus, this is really nonsense and a way to get things off my chest. Anyway, you know Kyle, right? That new kid who hasn't really been talking to anyone. He's got the cute curly hair and the lip ring.. and he's tall.. and he's got the nice eyes.. OK! I'll stop. I'm sorry for rambling on about him because I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. Well, anyway, here's what I wanted to know. Alex has a friend named Suzanne who likes Kyle.. and so Alex was saying to me how there's already a rumor that Kyle liked Suzanne.. and how she thinks it's true. Well, I've got all of Kyle's classes, and Suzanne is not in one of them -- so how could he even know who she is? There's more. She was actually asking me to go up to him and ask if he liked Suzanne. Now, I don't have a problem talking to the kid, now that I actually went up and said Hi and all that good stuff.. but damn, if she wants to know -- why doesn't she go up and ask? So yea, I told her that, and what happened was I ended up saying "Kyle.. Alex has a question for you." So she asked him, and Kyle's all.. "I don't even know her -- wait, that banger chick right? I don't know her that well." I WAS RIGHT!! But hey, I'm still a bit confused.. it was an honest response, right? Or was he just saying it either because he didn't like her and wanted to say something so he wouldn't offend anyone.. or because he liked her and didn't want to start even more rumors. Haha okay I'm being silly aren't I? I don't know though, who can blame me, the kid practically never talks -- he always skips, is always in the bathroom.. I don't know if he's being exactly HONEST with everything he says. So, what do you think? Ok, on to the next subject. My dad won't stop downloading all his little programs and games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and it's taking up valuable space. Now, the worst part is he comes to me and says that my stuff is eating up the computer. All I have is MSN, AIM, The Palace and Audio Galaxy. He's got all this other shit on here.. and I don't appreciate how I have to take all the blame for the computer being slow. WE NEED A NEW COMPUTER! Ok, that's over with. Ketty and I got the Dashboard Confessional tickets, woot. It is going to be fun. I'm excited about that. It's on April 15th. We tried hard to get Bush and Hoobstank tickets but they were all sold out because we waited for *ahem* SOMEONE (names don't need to be mentioned, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about though) to tell us if he could go or not. Anyway that's OK because this will be just as fun. Any concert is. I hope this week is a great one *hint, hint* and the weekend as well.. but hey, every one is. Thanks for listening. I love you.

(4 heroes | save me)

[24 Feb 2002|05:04pm]

(4 heroes | save me)

someone please feed me? [13 Feb 2002|08:52pm]
[ mood | famished ]

Any of these meals from various restaurants will do:

Chicken Parmesan
Sauteed chicken breast coated with Italian breadcrumbs, topped with pomodoro sauce and melted mozzarella, served with fettuccine pomodoro or alfredo

Tagliarini Picchi Pacchiu
Fine pasta in a sauce of crushed tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil - add chicken or shrimp

Crisp potato skins under melted Jack Cheddar, bacon bits & pico de gallo served with sour cream & salsa.

Strips of marinated steak or chicken breast char-broiled, & served on a sizzling platter with sauteed onions & green peppers. Guacamole, shredded Cheddar cheese, pico de gallo & sour cream with hot soft flour tortillas served on the side. Combo fajitas also available.

Lightly breaded popcorn shrimp fried golden brown & served with your choice of cocktail sauce or spicy tartar sauce. Served with French fries.

Ultimate Feast
Our guests' favorite - Broiled Maine lobster tail, snow crab legs, shrimp scampi & fried shrimp

Alice Springs Chicken?
Grilled chicken breast and bacon smothered in
mushrooms, melted Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheeses,
with honey mustard sauce. Served with Aussie chips

Toowoomba Pasta
Flavorful fettuccine Alfredo mixed with
seasoned shrimp, crawfish, mushrooms,
and parmesan

(3 heroes | save me)

YES! [10 Feb 2002|01:12pm]

(2 heroes | save me)

Thoughts and Rambles. [06 Feb 2002|08:16pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Moby - Hymn ]

Sorry for the lack of entries. I've been busy.. mall, movies, school - that type of thing. Ketty and I are supposed to be going to the Hoobastank & 311 concert coming up at Hardrock. Okay, new subject. Smallville has been getting so good. Yesterday's eppy was when Lex almost turned evil. I was all, "Noooooo!" Everybody Loves Raymond and Yes Dear was good a couple days ago, too.

I love the feeling when you are so tired that when you get into bed, it feels like you're melting into the mattress. Then you close your eyes, and you're just like oh yes, and all your pains like ease away. Ahh, lovely. I find that I don't really hate sleep anymore. However, for me to actually get some sleep all the lights have to be off AND the door closed. I have to have tons of quilts and blankies as well, along with my two pillows -- one huge one and another regular sized one. Haha.

The weather has been a bit sucky.. it went from like 80 to 67 in a day. My allergies are starting to act up, so I'm gonna take some meds and stop them before I get a serious cold or something. I am so wanting to like, snuggle someone right now. Some people are really huggable. You know.. the kind of people that you just want to go up to all the time and be like "Hi. Can I have a hug?" Rofl.. like a little soft teddy bear or something. Anyway I've calmed down much since I first got home, I was a bit cranky, but all is well now.
So. This is it for now.
BTW, I want some snuggles and huggles.

"When the ice age came most of the dinosaurs died out, but some of them developed thick furry coats. Then when it got warm again they couldn't get rid of their furry coats quick enough so they died from intense heat"

(13 heroes | save me)

calgon take me away~ [23 Jan 2002|03:53pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | cornershop - brimful of asha ]

I am very much looking foward to a nice long bath tonight!
BTW, Elijah Wood and I are going to make beautiful babies together. They're going to have great hair and Hebrew names.

(6 heroes | save me)

Read. [22 Jan 2002|07:14am]
I often start entries by saying, "Okay, here's an actual entry for once." I now find that very.. silly. Everything I write in my journal is an 'actual entry' -- whether it be a poem, song, paragraph or two about my life or even just a question I ask you.. it all reflects back onto what I'm feeling at the moment. So, I guess now you can skip back over the last few entries and really think about what I might have been experiencing. I would consider myself a strange person. All at one moment I could desire, dislike and love you to death.. let alone cry over you. You see, I look at myself now as just a bunch of mood swings. Each mood seems to be waiting to come out at any given second. I'm not one to control my emotions well. I guess I just express whatever I feel towards you even if it's being mad at you for one second and wanting you for the next ten. I will not sell myself short, though. Everyone who has ever known me well enough thought/thinks of me as a wonderful person, and I've had at least somewhat of an impact on all of their lives. Whether it be a small one, or a very big one. Ok.. I'm done typing because I'm talking to some rather fun people in a chatroom =) Byeee--

(save me)

*Sniffle, sniffle* [19 Jan 2002|11:12pm]
This romeo is bleeding
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up

It's been raining since you left me
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see I've always been a fighter
But without you I give up

Now I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me

And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always

Now your pictures that you left behind
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
To touch your lips, to hold you near
When you say your prayers try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
To say to you till the end of time

Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always

If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you

Well, there ain't no luck
In these loaded dice
But baby if you give me just one more try
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives
We'll find a place where the sun still shines

And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always

(5 heroes | save me)

[17 Jan 2002|10:02pm]
if the world was to end in the next ten minutes, what would you do?

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