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Read this.... [01 Sep 2002|01:50am]
[ mood | numb ]

Tell me about a scary or weird person that you've ever had in your neighborhood.

i have one on my next door and she always scolds her 3 kids one after another in the doorway every morning.2 kids go to schools.It is very annoying event that happens to me every day.A window of my bedroom faces towards her frontdoor and she and her kids stand in the doorway around 8 oclock and have short conversation about checking stuffs for school.It is needless to say that it disturbs my sleep and makes me crazy.I cover my head with sheets to shut off the noise but it's nonsense in front of her.I always feel like i'm ready to get out of the bed and kill her.I can't go to sleep again.She speaks in hightone voice and very fast and it gets on my nerve.I mean,i hate herself too.What is worse is her wat of speaking to her children.She speaks like she speaks to adults.Can you imagine? She's maybe arrogant,sefish and coldhearted.
I've never heard her saying complements or caring her kids.She is very scary ,i'm sure you can't imagine how scary she is,and her face tells herself.No smiles.She's so cold and hysteric that you can't stand.I think she is very quick tempered and always bitches.I understand mother scolds her kids for discipline but she is exceptional mother and she is weirdo.I worry that she kills her children someday.I will on a newspaper as neighbor who knows a part of her life.Once i hate her voice,my ear tends to catch her voice and recognise it even when it is spoken far from me or she gets voice down.I'm so sorry for her kids.Poor boy and girls.Your mum is insane.You have to glow up fast and leave her for good.I had a idea several time so far that i would say her to stop making a nuinsance and how i'm pissed off.I tried to put a paper notice sticked on my window saying "Don't speak louder in front of my window and don't disturb my sleep.You are a problem" But i haven't done any of these.I wanna record it and let you listen the sound if i could.

This is my first writing of this nightmare caused by this family and almost 3 years has passed since i moved to this apartment.That is to say she's scolled at least more than 3 years!!What a crazy mum she is.
She has one boy,i guess he is 6,and 2 girls,who are 4 years old and 1 year old.
There is one kid who is always bitched by her and unfortunately often does same mistake from her sillness.She is Mika-chan.Oh i remember her name cause her mum calls her name again and again when bad things happen,it's horrible anyway.Her name is only i know from the family to be honest.Her favorite saying is " I told you so,Mika-chan." and "I don't wanna listen to your excuse,Mika-chan." Mika-chan cries and begs "forgive me,mum."

I went to a supermarket in the evening and i met her there.I was scared to see her face so i hided from her.
To be continued...

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[31 Aug 2002|05:17pm]
I posted this pic to a britpop community swankerstoo.Actually the hives is from sweden.
love for the hives is growing in me more and more since i saw at summersonic.
They rules!! i wanna mosh again in the hives gig ,i mean it:)
I could have bought the hives' t-shirt.

He was rather slim than i thought and tall and looks swell.Do you think so?
ohh,I act like i'm 19.
ok i stop it.
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[30 Aug 2002|01:24am]
OK,i need exersice.fat on my belly and thigh sucks.Aguuuuuugh
Read more... )
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[27 Aug 2002|09:14pm]
It's disgusting that the battery of my neary rubbish car run out of electricity again!!
I bought a new battery last month and today i did same thing.I spent about $90 for 2 batteries and it was the money i had saved for my plans:(My car eats my money a lot recently!!Fuckkkkk. I don't want to pay any extra money for this car anymore.My car is almost 10 years old this year and my dad bought it for me at $2000 in a second hand shop.Every 2 years i pay more than $700 for car insurance ,tax and repairs and that makes me crazyyyy.My car is domestic and as little as rover mini though it's actually not cool thing like it.

How much do you spend your car and which car do you have? I want to know my payment for the car is ridiculous or i better buy new car.

This is the sea i'm going to for diving from 14th-16th of this month:)
These were taken by mobile phone camera. I want it anyway!!

Do you have a plan next month?
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[27 Aug 2002|12:22pm]
i have to buy new clothes for autumn!
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[27 Aug 2002|03:48am]
My new english words added to my poor vocabrary today.
Don't comment on this post because this is a reminder for me.
Sorry you'll know that.

Honey Dew
Rock melon
cranky pants
blue(beautiful in australia way)
screw up
heaps of (lots of)
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[27 Aug 2002|01:57am]
i had a great time with KT on sunday:) We saw fantastic fireworks at river side and she stayed over my house.This fireworks was my first time since i moved in this city and i thought it is really enjoyable event thru a year except tons of people lining up and being stucked at the gate ,it's ridiculous,and definately he has to come with me next year.My cheeky dog barnie was barking at my V.I.P KT all the night.Sucks,sorry about that,KT. He needs more and more training to behave himself;)

Well i didn't feel like doing anything this afternoon after i saw KT off by car to the station and i laid on the couch watching tv and took a nap and then moaned over boredoms and then looked for my new job on a paper.Oh boy,nothing intersting happened to me.Maybe you think my journal is boring.

Recently i knew one thing.hmmm that is like this.Everyman,maybe too strong to say ,i meet or i have a crush on is younger than me!!! even girls are younger.I don't want to aprove this if I could.Most of my friend i have known these days are like that.
I'm aging *sigh*.I seached for LJ user born in 1976 and i could find only 12 or 13 people.I know i'm stupid to ramble on this subject but i'm kind of cranky.
Have you ever had a relationship with youger boy than you? How is it? I've never ever had.i always feel like i'm 20:) oh ,well.

I am waitng for the email from Yuki that replies she can go out for shopping ,chatting and stuffs with me next month.She told me she will not have enough money until she gets paied the end of this month.She's got a boyfriend a few month ago and she need tell me about him.ta- I'm looking forward to seeing her:)
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[26 Aug 2002|01:24pm]
I can not forget my first kiss.
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[25 Aug 2002|01:31pm]
I'm bored so i post what i like.

Milla is so cute.

another cute one for you!
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new! [25 Aug 2002|01:14pm]

this is my new icon.
This rose bloomed in this june and this last only 2days.

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[25 Aug 2002|12:42pm]
Went to a monthly meeting of my apartment which comes on 3rd sunday and i take her place since i have no job right now and no one in my family can go on sunday.That means i'm bored and sad people who don't have any good plan on Sunday.No i correct,i can't go out because of this volunteer meeting.Though i know everybody feel hassle and they are such a good person without doubt. About 350 families live in this apartment and i can't believe this fact anyway.

Today i said my opinion for the first time and this is 5th meeting for me.i mean i haven't spoke in public since i was in a class of uni.It went ok.But i don't like speaking in front of people thinking "Am i ok? Am i saying good thing right now,folks?can you understand me?" like that.I can't help thinking what they think about my proposal and it's worse after i sit back on the chair.I'm chicken and dorky.i know it doesn't matter how people think about me cause i am what i am and all that.but i feel my blood pressure rises in that situation. i add one more thing , i can't look the guys in ther eyes for long ,who i've never talked in the meeting.i dodge them in a sec.May be i am weird girl for the guys.

I often want to take it back about what i've said or done.I want to rewind the tape of my life if i could.I've got lot of things i want to do again from start like about my grades,work,loves,friends,people etc.everything.
I could be wiser doing anything.

I have a low estimate about me.
I'm ok and ordinary people.
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personal [24 Aug 2002|11:49pm]
1. What time is it? 11:55pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate:
Matsunaga Junko
3. Nicknames: Jun,Mattun,Jun-chan,Junko
4. Parents names:
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 26
Don't have a clue what happened to questions 6 and 7

8. Eye colour: Black
9. Hair colour: Black,i dyed lastweek but it sucks.i wanna change.
10. Piercing: none(I'm scared to be hurt)
11. Tattoos: nope, it is supposed for gang or Yakuza in Japan and not for fashion.Youngstars have had recently by influence of American culture.
12. How much do you love your job: none
13. Favourite colour: blue,black,mastard,green
14. Hometown: Hiratacho,Gifu,Japan(I grew up there until I was 18)
15. Current Residence: Hirakatashi ,Osaka,Japan
16. Favourite food: Chocolates,french fries,tea,cream,choco-nuts icecream,meat
17. Been to Africa? nope, Hope someday I will go
18. Kill Bin Laden? nope, He has a valid reason to what he has done.
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? yes
20. Been in a car accident: nope.but I was caught by my rist by car door when I was a kid.
21. Do you have a forever friend and who? I don't know at the moment.I'll know when i get 50's
22. Sprite or 7-UP? Wu-long tea
23. Favourite Movie: It's always chaning.My current one is probably "Clockwork orange" rightie right?
24. Favourite Childhood Memory: siesta with my family in summer daytime.
25. Favourite day of the week: Friday(It's nearly Weekend )
26. Favourite word or phrase: god only knows!
27. Favourite Toothpaste: I like bitter taste one.
28. Favourite Restaurant: Anyplace serving food legaly.
29. Favourite Flowers: rose
30. Favourite Drink:wu-long tea,Japanese tea,English tea,caramel machiato.
31. Favourite sport to watch: I am not into sports but I watch international match like World Cup and Olympics
32. Favourite type of Ice Cream:vanila, chocolate,nutty,lam&raison; by Hurgen Datz(spell ok?)
33. Favourite Sesame Character:don't care
34. Disney or Warner Bros.: don't care
35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: Macdornald's !Combo of Chicken burger and chips !
36. When was your last hospital visit: July
37. What colour is your bedroom carpet? light greyish brown
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? once
39. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? Jo
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope
41. Which single store would you choose to Max out your credit card? HMV
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? cleaning or dancing to the music
43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest: Jo in England
44. Most annoying thing people tell me: Saying "I told you so." about what I never heard from him or saying "I didn't say" about what he's said before.
45. Bedtime is: 2am
46. Who will respond the quickest? Yuki
47. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? don't know
48. Favorite TV show: whatever amuse me
49. Last Person you took out to dinner? K. actually i took him out.
50. Last Movie you saw: spiderman
51. Time when you finished:12:10am
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like a bolt from the blue? [24 Aug 2002|05:01pm]
my old coin case had been hided in a pile of stuffs and waiting for help for ages.
i saved him today and he gave me 20 bucks in return!
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[23 Aug 2002|04:43pm]
I miss my dad and mom and my granma.sometimes my brothers.
I've live here for more than 8 years being apart from my family and
I wish i could have spent round with them:(
i think i won't live together anymore for the sake.

My mom told me she will have a barbecue fo me:)

Hey KT i lost weight and i got skinnier:(:( agh
i need thick steak or yakiniku right away!I can't believe this.I thought i would be able to loose weight a little somehow thanks to sweat and moshing in Rock festival Summersonic but too much lost for me:( i lost 2.5kg and i don't look OK.
Am i sick? i have to be bigger.
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[22 Aug 2002|07:38pm]
I'm watching "Stand by Me" on 9:30pm on Bs2.Yay!
I love this movie and I am in a mood for this tonight.
I miss River Phenix.How old is he if he lived still now?

Ok,I'm waiting for K to get home now and i am very hungry!!
I had a row wiht him on the phone and don't want to speak to him until he breaks the ice.He is not easy person to say "sorry" while i'm easy to say.
He maybe inherit the big head from his dad or someone like that.
I can't give him any complement now!

Ann,there is a big fireworks festival on this Sunday in Hirakata where i live and every year tons of people go to see beautiful fireworks.I live in 8th floor of the apartment on the hill and i can see the fireworks very well and i had thought i needed not to go teh venue all the way.View from my house is Ok but i can't get excitement of sound and pop of fireworks from here.I'd like to go see beside this year.

Tomorrow is K's birthday but i'm not in a mood for it now:/
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poem [22 Aug 2002|06:48pm]
i don't ask where you are going
Sea breeze would tell me
I wish you upon the shell i picked up on the sea shore
we spent together
I hold it in my hand

I give you this
instead i say good bye to you
I give you this
to remind you of me and this blue ocean
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KYOTO [22 Aug 2002|12:38pm]
This is my fave artist Kataoka Tsurutarou.He has an intersting background and he used to be a boxer,comedian,critics and now he is a painter.I longed for seeing this exhibision and i thank to KT for invite me going out to KYOTO.
I'm obsessed with little fishes so i like this paiting.

more pics )
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It is a big day:) [22 Aug 2002|03:21am]
It's 3:20 in the midnight and i woke up.I got home at around 7:30 and watched silly program GO GO GO which was not funny as usual but i fell asleep on the sofa while watching the tv.I slept 7 hours.
Today I went out to beautiful old place KYOTO with KT and we walked all the day and got weary.We visited 2 temple Kinkakuji and Ryuanji by bus.They are both beautiful place and KT liked it too.We had a nice walk and breeze in the garden and it was relaxing and refreshing.
I'll scan panphlets of the temples later and show you how they look.

KT showed me how to whisle with fingers,which is i do want to learn,but it is quite difficult to do well and i neeed more practice.She's cool:)

I did silly things today and i knew how silly i am!!!

OK I'll b back to sleep.


oh i better write this not to forget the words i learned today.

-I'm messed up (don't use f***ed up)
-what a crap ( is shit ok?)
-bloody hell
-twizer ( we call it pinset.weird)
-beautiful lay

Can you tell the words you often use ?
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[20 Aug 2002|11:38pm]
Everyday i see on tv that about 5 people die. In this summer vacaiton season lots of people from young to old are killed by accidents.10 month old baby was killed by mother today.She fed him milk mixed with strong alchol.Everyrime i see a miserable incident like this I angr why she give a birth to him.In Brazil abortion is not forgiven and girls unfortunately got pregnant have to give birth.It doesn't matter her age and girls can have babies in teen.I don't understand religeous restriction.I don't want babies and don't want them to live in this horrible world and chaotic world.I've never thoght that i want a baby.Am i weird? I'm positive about it.
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I had fun!! [20 Aug 2002|02:36pm]
Last Sunday ,18th August, i went to a big rock festival in Osaka ,Japan SummerSonic 02 with my friend Akko and her gig mates Tojo, Ken(Tojo's boyfriend),Iku-chan and Mayumi.They are all nice people and really loves music:) I met my Australian friend KT,ktwhoopi and watched Suede stage together.I had fun with her and am glad to spend time with her:) She dedicates a part of her life to suede and she is fun and cool!
I asked her to show me how to whisle with mouth since she is really good whisler!!
She shouted "Suede Daisuki",which means I LOVE SUEDE in japanese, after the show and it was really lovely to me.I love you, KT! I am going to meet her in Kyoto tomorrow and I'll be her tour guide:)

Summersonic02 was held on 17th and 18th though i went only 18th.

Mongol 800
Dragon Ash
the hives
Hanoi Rocks
Andrew W.K
Guns n' Roses
The skywalkers
The Icarus Line
Cave in

I watched SUEDE,VEX RED,Mongol 800,quarashi,Guns n' Roses,Haven,the Hives.I wantd to see a lot more bands and wish i had a clone of me!! so i could have seen all of them!!

Suede kicked ass!!! This is my 3rd time that i've watch them and this time i love suede more than ever!! Everybody shouted and begged Brett his LOVE and SMILE!!

I and Akko liked quarashi and their performance was fantastic!!quarashi make music like limp bizkit but not so core and rude and they are from Iceland.I had a sympathy for them because they must be sick of this humid air and they don't get used to this.They came from cold place Iceland all the way.I promised Akko that i would go to see quarashi with her when they come along here next time:)

I did mosh a lot and like moshing in the crowd. I can lose myself when i do that:) But i don't like boys attacking for no aim just for make their stress out and ruin the gig in vain.Andrew.W.K dived in the audience and he was rescued by staffs.Funny man:)

I took photos with my friends and KT and Tojo will send me the pics via email and I'm looking forward to receiving them.But i'm bit scared how i do look nice or ugly!!heeeeeeeeeee

I had great time with friends in SummerSonic and i will got to this festival next year!!

I gotta go out for walking with my dog by river side.It is cool out side and breez makes me feel good.Autum is already here and i Love this moment so much!!Sunset is aroud 6:30 pm here.
I'll write more later.
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