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Drugs are good. [20 Mar 2002|08:32pm]
[ mood | high ]

I had a really really bad headache this afternoon, so I took two of these mercyndol pills (hard core muscle relaxants) and now I feel fuckin stoned. Aha I have ing hard time typing.... I mean I'm gaving. having.

I might have to go to bed soon. So much for doing homework tonight...

I got the job at Starbucks, yo. Go me! No more being an unemployed much...mouch. I start April 8th I believe. I guess I need some new work clothes on acount of my fairways ones being shit ehe. I better fuckin like this one is all I can say ;)

Um today was a boring day. I planned on doing something b4 school this morning but the fuckin snow got in the way. what the hell this is the first day of SPRING. I guess Mr. groundhog was right, yo. And apparently it's storming out there right now...ooohoooh...

Ugh I dunno what else to say...the screen is hurtin me eyes...

Good night everyone...

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"Anyone can reproduce with anyone else and still 'make a critter'." [19 Mar 2002|07:55pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional - "Screaming Infidelities" ]

I had a pretty uneventful weekend, so I'm just gunna skip by that part quickly. I watched movies with Paul, went to Chintz and Co. with my mom, and that was as exciting as it got. Oh and I went out for dinner for the first time since Valentines Day (seriously). Oh and I saw "Atlantis". It was good! Go rent it! It was an OK weekend tho I guess - I felt better by Monday so it wasn't all for nothing.

Yesterday was a long freaking day. I got up at 6:46, went to an interview at 8:40, got to school two hours before class. Did some homework in the library, and then discovered my first class was cancelled. Cancelled! What a jip. So I had to sit around and wait till 2:30 for my next class...luckily I spent it with others (Sukhpal, Bronwyn, Alyssa) so it wasn't too bad. Never fails to amaze me how long people can talk I guess that's a good thing, tho.

Today was a boring day. And I discoved that my POLSCI project is coming up. I have to sit in on a political type meeting, or interview someone. Eeek! Stop fucking giving me these lame assignments. And I finished my re-write of my paper yesterday. Thank God, I never wanna look at that thing again. If I don't go up a letter grade or 2 I will be PISSED.

Ahh now that school is coming to an end, everything is piling up.

I hope this is a good summer. I wanna go to the beach more...even tho I'm dredding the bathing suit part :P But we didn't go nearly enuf last summer. I don't even know WHAT I did last summer. There was two camping trips. I worked at Fairways. That's all I remember!

I just can't wait for those long hot summer days that go on forever. And when it's warm at night...ahhhhhh...we so have to have a bonfire on my beach. My brother and his friends made one the other day, and I was jellous. And the neighbour didn't get pissed off, so that's a good thing.

Um, I kinda wanna go out tonite, but I will let that fantasy die I guess :P ...*sniffle*....j/k

Hope everyone has a good night...toodles.

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[18 Mar 2002|08:38pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Test Results
You think of yourself as being gentle, energizing, calming, and elegant.
Others think of you as being socialble, protective, cute, and intellegent.
Your relationships can be described as intimate, beautiful, peaceful, and fun.
When stressed, you feel lonely.
Take this test here.

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Snoooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!! [18 Mar 2002|10:54am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | my stomach eating itself even tho I ate 4 hours ago....ehe ]

Ahh I'm hungry right now. Breakfast was so long ago, and now lunch seems just too far...

I've still got half hour before class, and I was actually able to get a computer for once. Weeee!

Hey! It's snowing! Well sorta...I honestly dunno how we're going to get 10 cm today when all it's doing is "slushing".

Food food food food food.

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Oh I just don't know anymore!!! [13 Mar 2002|08:58pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | Enya - "May It Be" ]

First of all, I just want to say that people who steal are cum sucking assholes who deserve to be fucked up the ass by a large black man.

And aint that the truth!!!! GRRR who would you steal someones ART supplies? How could you go through with it? Wouldn't you just feel like a worthless pile of poo? It makes me sick! If you MUST steal, steal from someone who had a lot of money! Not an art student for christ sakes!!!!!@!@$$%#^&!%$#^^&(&)#%!$!$!!


Yesterday was a bad day. I went to Royal Roads to find out if I can take math there, but of course I don't know how that will be possible. There's two ways to do it: either take a 6 week all day every day intense mother fucker class where you can't work or have a life, OR do correspondance with seminars over the period of about 10 months. Of course the second option has already commenced, so if I did do that I would be out of sink with the seminars. Which just doesn't seem worth it when the course is like 300$ anyway. GR. And that doesn't start up again till September, in which time I will be working and taking 4-5 classes so how would I do that?

So then I thought, I'll just do it thru Camosun. Do 062 in the spring, and 063 in the summer. Then I went to the camlink book and what did I see? 063 is offered in Spring and 062 is offered in Summer. Hello? Are we on crack? WHY WHY WHY.

So so much for that. My only option now is to get ahold of some other Adult education places and do that. So I guess that's what I will try next.

Why math, why?!?!?!??!?!??? What bugs me is that I think I COULD probably maybe do the math now, becuz I actually care now, but I can't get in...lemmeeee innnn......!!!

I also got my POLISCI paper back. FUCK. He pretty much gave everybody in the class a C- becuz he wants us to do rewrites. He hacked apart my paper and now I feel like such a dumbass. But how do you expect me to know all this background info on privatization and the political system! I don't know! All I know is what you have taught me thus far in the class.

So the rewrite has to be done by next Tues, and I REALLY don't want to look at that paper let alone redo it. But I guess I have to. GR.

Then after school yesterday, Sukhpal, Bronwyn and I went to Mayfair. Ahhh I wanted to buy everything I saw. I have this long mental list of what I'm going to buy when I get a job, which hopefully *crosses fingers* will be soon. I got a second interview at Starbucks, which hopefully works out - correction, I know will work out....or else I'll have to drag my sorry ass to Baskin-Robbins.

Anyway, getting back to Mayfair, anyone who drives, DON'T park your car on the roof! Bronwyn had all her stuff stollen. Oh I love you, Bronwyn!!! :)

Um um...I got my car back today, so I guess I have to drive it now, damnit. It doesn't sound like a BC ferry anymore tho, yo!!! Halleluya. Halljua. Haleljua. Ah whatever.

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"They should all just join the army - make them fight for their country!" [11 Mar 2002|08:57pm]
[ mood | sad ]

I should be studying for my tests, but fuck that shit, yo.

Um so in my last journal I had all these plans for Friday, but Friday turned out to be a snow day (like 8 inches, yo), so I didn't go to the dentist - which means it'll be like another 3 months before I go. Ahhhh cavaties.

Um so I slept in instead, and then went to McDonalds with Bronwyn and Sukhpal. We rented a couple movies (I watches way too many movies this weekend) and had a jolly good time. The following night a small group of Friday nighters went to Suze, a lounge/resteraunt downtown. It had a cute atmosphere, but that's about it. After that we went to Johny Zees, and then called it a night after that.

The next day I spent with Paul...watched another damn movie...Sunday I did homework and then went to Pauls...watched more movies...*sigh* That's about it. I shouldn't complain tho - I had funnnnn :)

Today I had school, and afterwards I went to the Wagonwheel Pub in Langford...! Neat place. Had some 15 cent wings. Yum yum

Um maybe now I should go study...GRRR.

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"maybe they ALWAYS shake like this...." [07 Mar 2002|10:00pm]
[ mood | weird ]

I feel like updating, but I'm afraid I don't have anything exciting to talk aboot. Um um um...yesterday was a boring ass school day where I didn't pick up my pen once. Not even once! After school I went to Paul's, and we watched some stupid movies, and I ate way too many cheesy poofs. It's kinda all a blur now, dude. And my mom called and I was so confused. But it was to tell me of a job interview, which is good. I went today and it went quite well, quite well indeed :) We shall see...

Hmmm well my morning was crazy. I had to rush all the way home from school in oder to change (I only had my jeans) and then I had to rush back. Rush rush rush. And YYYEEEEAH it's snowing! I love snow! snow! snow! snow!

Tomorrow I have a dental appointment at 9. I'm gunna have so many cavaties *laughs*. Really, I better fuckin not. Then after that I'm going to Royal Roads to find the continuing education building (?!?!??????) Where the fuck IS that? Ah goddamnit. I dunno why I'm writing about this now cuz I'm probably going to repeat it all later anyway.

Um um um. autism is a neurological disorder, riiiight? For some reason I'm second guessing myself. But it is, it is.

Damnit I have nothing to say! I suck ass! AHHHHHHHHHHH

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"Our daddy has diabetes!!" [04 Mar 2002|07:27pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

If I were a drug, I would be ecstacy. Ahh damnit why am I the raver drug? Pssh!

Well I was planning on being at Cheesecake Cafe right now, but I kept procrastinating and now it's too late - I'm in my pajamas and I'm not taking them off, damnit!!!

Our puppet show went well today!!! It was so much fun! I even got a little bit of that performance rush. Not a lot, but enough to make me all good and shakey. I really enjoyed it tho, and was glad to see that people were actually laughing at our lame jokes. George *click**click* ette! ahaha that ruled... :D

Anywho, going back a bit. Friday night Bronwyn and I went to McDonalds and then met Donna, Lyndsay and Sukhpal and went to Whitespot. And NO I did not eat 2 dinners!! After that the five of us rented "Session 9", which was really coooool. Creepy and disturbing and I liked it. We parted at about 2 and I drove to Paul's. And no not becuz he made me but becuz I wanted to! :)

We spent the next day in Syndey. Sidney? Sidney. It was soooo beautiful out. We got KFC for lunch and ate it by the ocean. Yum yum. Then we walked around and went to a couple thrift shops. It was a good day...

But by the end of it I felt like shit and came home and stayed home.

On Sunday I went downtown with Bronwyn and met up with Arwyn and Arora. We went for Dim Sum at a resteraunt in China town and got ripped off...ewww nasty rice with a heart in it... It was nice being downtown again. It's been so long since I've walked thru the stores in Fantan alley and Market Square...reminds me of highschool...*sigh*

Bronwyn and I were talking about how shopping isn't that much fun anymore. Why and how did that happen?! Ahh that really bugs me cuz I used to love to shop...

Anyway, on Sunday night I went back to Paul's and we made an Africa back drop for our puppet show. It's cute =)

Oh and I finished "White Oleander" today...excellent book. I highly recommend it, yo. Now I should go do some homework or something. And make some tea. Mmmm tea =)

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"I love burritos - they're so phallic" [01 Mar 2002|05:46pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | silverchair - "Pins in my Needles" ...ahhhh better... ]

Ahhh this week has been the most stressful week ever! AH! I had a huge 40 % worth term paper due on thursday, and today I had a midterm that I so over prepared for, yet I was still confused. Fuck I hate that. On top of that I have an anthro presentation coming up, and I feel like the biggest slacker in the group :P Normally I'm not like that, really I'm not! I got to make some finger puppets tho, yo. Yes we are putting on a puppet show. In college. Who woulda thunk it? It'll be great. stuff is pretty much all I've done this week, and it's kept me extremely busy. Oh on Wednesday night I went to a University transfer info centre at UVIC, and I feel much better about everything and much worse about everything at the same time. But at least I know! Aparently they might raise their GPO standards up to 6.5 in september?!? NOOOOOOO...I'm not smart enough damnit - I probably just barely have that. Just becuz I don't get straight A's, I still wanna learn and get a good job and stuff. Is that such a crime? So maybe I should go there earlier than I planned, otherwise I'm gunna get screwed. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. Ahhh I dunno.

And then last night I had to cut my studying short to pick up my dad at the airport. So I stopped by Pauls for a bit first, fell asleep cuz I was a zombie, and then left to get him at 11:45. His plane didn't fuckin land till 12:30 so I falling asleep freezing in the car. That sucked my ass, as well.

ANDDDDDD...Today I wake up with a cold AND my period. Both! So I feel swell. It probably effected my midterm too - I just didn't fuckin care. Well I did, but it was wierd. ya. and stuff. And after that I met my group at the downtown library (my first time, yo) and we played with our puppets. Lindsey said the best thing ever. Outta no where she goes "I love burritos, they're so phallic,"...ahaha I love you, Lindsey.

Um I think this is the conclusion of my bitching. I think I need a hot bath and a bottle of rum. So I'll see *you* tonight... ;) ;)

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I couldn't resist.... [28 Feb 2002|01:31pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

Which My Little Pony Are You?

Ahhhhhhh I'm finally done my fucking mother fucker Polisci paper!! Now I have to go drop it off and then study for my final tomorrow. Kill me!
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"Fuck the eel!" [24 Feb 2002|01:07pm]
[ mood | tired ]

This weekend has been going by slowly, and has been a lot stranger than I imagined it would be.

My parents have been gone since Thursday, and I feel like I turn into my mom when she's not here. It's scary.

On Friday Paul and I hung around and cleaned for most of the day. I had homework to do, but I still haven't done it. I guess I'll have to do it today. Friday night I had the gang over, which I think went pretty well. We watched an 80's horror movie called "Nuke em High", but I was too drunk to remember. Altho I don't remember being THAT drunk. And Paul was the only other drunkerd there I think. We also watched some scary 70's porn which I was hoping was Gary's, but somehow I doubt it. Who would watch something that bad unless it was us being drunk and retarded? hehe it was pretty cool tho.

We stayed up till about 4 I guess, and everyone split up. Paul and I had to sleep in my parents room, and of course he got violently ill and was throwing up all night with a migrane *sigh*...I don't think he fell asleep til 8 in the morning...

On Saturday we all slept in, but it was nice to see that everyone had cleaned up a bit :) So we did the usual (sat around eating chips and watching tv) and then everyone left around 2. Paul and I finished cleaning up, and then took Cody to get a movie and then to Burger King. Had my first whopper, baby.

Cody had a friend over sleep over last nite, and Gary had a bunch of people over getting drunk and doing mushrooms in the basement. It was stressful trying to keep Cody and Gary from killing each other, but alas, it worked out okay...

Paul went to work this morning. Poor fuck is missin' his hockey I have to do homework. Have to have to. Somebody motivate me! Kick me in the ass or something!!!!

My parents are coming home on Monday, which sucks cuz I wanna have my friends over again...y'all are so much fun...I never want ya to leave :( But we SOOO have to have a potluck sometime soon. If only someone was pregnant or getting married, we would have an excuse to make 7 layer dip and spinach dip!!

mmmmm...spinach dip... =D

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tehe [21 Feb 2002|03:33pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

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"You got me dirty!!!" [20 Feb 2002|09:24pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Deftones - "No Ordinary Love..." ...mmm cocaine..... ]

Well my psych presentation was today, and it actually went quite well. I experienced the most stressful morning of my life today tho, since Sukhpal's VCR is bummed and she had to come here at 8 this morning so we could do it over again. Of course not one of my high tech piece of shit TV's worked, so we ended up calling Donna and stealing her TV for awhile. We rushed to finished and got to Camosun only 20 mins (?) late. I was impressed. And then people in our group didn't even want to use the second skit. Fuck that shit, yo!

I'm glad to get that over with. It was fun tho! And making retarded videos with people you hardly know is a good way to break the ice...

After that presentation I didn't wanna do anything. I was soo tired from my 4 hour sleep last night, but now I think I'm past it. I was probably a psycho bitch to Paul, tho. I met him after school at the mall. We went to Walmart and got crazy bread. I engulfued it like the pig I am. Another reminder that my "self help" project(for psych)is failing.

I avoided mayfair cuz I hate shopping when I don't have any money to spend. But it's good in a way, it'll stop me from becoming a complete spoiled brat...(if I'm not already) which is always a good thing. Maybe I'll become a hippie, yes?

"...someday you will ache like I ache..."

And on a brighter note, I shaved my legs today!!! So much for being a hippie. It's wierd - sometimes I forget I have a tattoo, and when I see it I'm all surprised for a moment. Like why the fuck is there a bug on my leg? Ohhh...riiiiiight...gotcha...

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Aha....! [20 Feb 2002|08:57pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I am Rogue afterall =D mwhahaha.

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?
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Aww man.... [20 Feb 2002|12:48am]
[ mood | tired ]

I wanted to be Rogue. She rocks my world. Jean Grey...pfffff

Jean Grey
I'm Jean Grey
What X-Men Character are You?

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... [19 Feb 2002|08:11pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Greenday - "Time of you life" ]

Dude, I would kill for a can of coke right about now. And I know there's some in my fridge? Should I, or shouldn't I... hmmmm...

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh... mmmmm... *has an orgasm while drinking coke*...why did I even have to think about it... =D

Yayaya my parents are going away on Thursday. Yayaya drinking all their booze. Yayaya shackin up with Paul. Yayaya playing loud music... It's gunna be sweet. And hopefully I can have a get 2gether on Friday here, but I haven't made any anouncements cuz I dunno for sure. But ya. No parents = fun.

School is so boring. The one class that interests me confuses the fuck out of me at the same time. Why is that?

And hey how come UVIC has such a long reading break?! Mine was 2 DAYS!!! 2 FRICKEN DAYS.

I wish I could go away somewhere. Somewhere really different and really far. Something that would really shake up my tiny little universe. But somehow I don't think the $1 in my bank acount, and .75 in my wallet is gunna get me that far. Seriously. Don't y'all just feel so much better about yourselves now? I know I would... "aha! at least I'm not as broke as Laura...!" ... ;P
I can't even go job hunting cuz I'm worried I might get something, and it will suck ass, and I'll always wish that I had just waited a little while longer, something good would come along. Like I know Starbucks is not even a good job, but now I have this fantasy playing in my head that it will be just like "Friends". Realisticly I know that's shit, but once something is stuck in my head, it spreads like a plague.

Sometimes I would give anything just to go into someone elses brain for 5 minutes, just to see how they saw the world. Do you ever think that what you percieve is so completely different from what they percieve, that you're not even in the same reality?

I think it's my biopsych class that makes me think like this. The more I find out about how my brain works, the more creeped out I get by it. The smallest little thing you do...the smallest thought...and there's so much fucking chaos going on in there. And yes, I see it as chaos. In my brain it has to be chaos. And *I* have no control over it. There is no freewill when you think about how much your brain controls. Which is pretty much everything. There isn't even any color, or sound in the world... It's just our crazy brains that show us that there is. How decieving...!

I think I would like to go in Arwyns brain if I could. I think she is as different from me as they get. Or maybe not, who knows. And Leanna's... I have a feeling there's a whole jungle in there.

Aha it just occured to me that everyone is gunna read this when I post it. Then again it's probably too long and everyone will give up way before this.

Anyway maybe I should go now...I want to get back to the book I'm reading, "White Oleander". So far its amazing. So articulate. It makes me want to be more poetic.

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*blinks* [17 Feb 2002|09:36pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | my own breathing. How creepy is that? ]

This weekend has been super long...4 days. That's nuts. I feel like writing something, but I don't think it's a journal entry. Oh what a delema., normally I would be at Paul's, but since he DITCHED me for hockey I'm not. Actually he didn't ditch me. I'm just adding some spice to my entry.

So on Friday night we all went downtown to Legends... that was kinda boring tho. I sorta wanted to dance, but I wanted to drink too, so I just gave up on that idea. So Bronwyn, Sukhpal, Donna and I walked down to the inner harbour. And these two wierd guys thought we were sniffing glue or something?! It was wierd... wierd in that we were not sniffing glue to my knowledge.

After we left there we went to QV's, where I proceeded to get extremely sleepy. Smoking a little bit of weed is like drinking a little bit of alcohol; it makes me want to sleep! It's annoying! Why can't I be a cheap drunk/druggie?

So after that we called it a night, and I came home to my big empty bed. Saturday I did homework, went to the library and then went to Paul's dads place to baby-sit Sam. Altho we never saw the kid the whole time we were there... I fell asleep on the couch and then fell asleep again as soon as I got back to Paul's place. What's with me and my sleepiness...

Today I've just been doing homework and trying to get ahead of things. I DON'T want to be doing HW next weekend when my parents are gone and I have to like, feed and entertain Cody. Oh and my mom bought me a book at Cosco, and now I have so many big books to read and I want to read them all. I already feel like the biggest book worm - I'm always reading something.

Later this afternoon I went to Superstore with Bronwyn and then she came over and we watched "Legally Blonde". It was good! Surprisingly funny, yo.

I wrote a poem today for the first time in a long time. I'm tempted to post it here, but I probably shouldn't. I'm worried that I really suck and don't deserve to be writing poems. Well that's kinda silly, but, I dunno. I'm a nutball.

I guess that's it tho. There's only so much of my life I can bore myself with. Adios!

"Once, as my heart remember,
All the stars were fallen embers.
Once, when night seemed forever
I was with you." ~ Enya

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Ugh. [15 Feb 2002|04:58pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

I hope everyone made it thru Valentines Day. I had an interesting one...

It started with me baking a cake for Paul. It was a big pink heart shaped cake, and I even stuck the ring I bought him between the two layers, in the iciing. That was fun. The nicest looking food item I have ever made, thats for sure.

Then I went and did a 2nd skit for my psych project at some tiny little park. It had been too long since I had been on a slide, yo. After that Sukhpal and I went to McDinalds, and looked at the "Nutrition" guide...big mistake ahaha.

Then I came home, finished my cake, and went to meet Paul at the hotel. He had put red rose petals all over the bed, and lit tons of candles everywhere, it was so cute =D...and of course I went and knocked a candle onto the carptet, spilling wax everywhere :P Ugh...and then right before we were about to go to dinner, the power went out. When I went and opened a window I saw a huge fire outside, just a few blocks away From us. I have never seen a fire that big, that close before. The flames were huge and the sky was nothing but black smoke. It was surreal. So we left right away and went for dinner at 1550's.... When we got back the power was back on and the fire was out, altho still being sprayed with water...

Today I woke up feeling really dizzy, and I still feel kinda wierd. I feel hung over, yet I didn't drink at all so that doesn't make sence. Paul and I went for a walk downtown anyway, and walked by where the fire was, at some Wilson building. The building is still mostly there, just hollowed out from the fire I guess.

Does anyone know whats going on tonite? I have a feeling that no one is home right now...

Ugh shoot me.

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"Mmmm Tapioca!" [13 Feb 2002|09:44pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Beautiful World - "Coldplay" ]

Why does everyone have to fight?! I wanna be in highscool again!! Well I don't really, but some days I can't help but miss the simplicity. And when I think about it, I get all happy and sad at the same time. Like this will be our 2nd PACE musical we haven't been in? Where do the years go? Oh well as long as I don't have any regrets and do what makes me happy I think I will be alright.

Um so when did I last, well on Tues Lyn left :(...I went to school, went to Mayfair with Bronwyn afterwards...bought some ice cream...mmm. Today I had school, and then worked on a group project afterwards. That was fun...I honestly thought our movie making days were numbered :D...ehe and for my group project for Anthro we are gunna do a puppet show!!! Man who knew post secondary education could be so damn retarded! hehehe

I also got my oil changed and flushed (?) this morning...apparently there's lots of shit wrong with my car that will cost at LEAST 150$...*cries* least it was ladies day today and I got 10% off and a free carnation...! PUSSY POWER!!! ;D

I got home about 8 tonite and I was SO starving. And I still want food...damn me and my stomach.

And tomorrow is Valentines Day...I hope Paul likes what I got for him. I wont say yet just incase he reads this (don't ask me how but you never know)...we're renting a motel tomorrow night. Nothin says romance like Travellers Inn, baby!!

...And I have just come to the conclusion that some people are psychos! And to those of you who aren't, I love you!!!

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"Just let me kiss it..." [10 Feb 2002|02:04am]
[ mood | lazy ]

Rain rain go away... It's so yucky outside it's making me sad. haven't been doing too too much. Friday I went to school to discuss a psych project. We're gunna make a movie and dress up like grannies - it'll be great. Then Sukhpal and I went to Hilside, and I finally know what I'm gunna do for Paul for Valentines day tehe...then we went to Thrifys and bought some foccasia bread and havarti. Mmmm....that night we all went to 5th street for dinner and then to see "The Search for John Gissing"...that was the funniest damn movie I've seen in quite a while :D It was a good nite....

Saturday I hung around, went for a walk to Duke Point (which is so damn close and I didn't even realize it), and then Paul came over at 5 and we chilled here with my aunt and stuff. Haha it was funny, Paul and I were cuddling in my room and Cody and Ali kept barging in to bug us and we were chasing them around the house. And then Cody came in with a water bottle and started spraying me and Paul used me as a human shield!!! Never have I felt so betrayed!!! ;D

Um then later on I went to see that "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter"...haha oh my, that was crazy. Much more film festy than the other one...

Today I'm supossed to be doing homework, but I'm being lazy and talking to my aunt all day. She's so cool, I wish she lived down here...

Well that's it...see ya, kids.

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