LiveJournal for Little~Sister.
Saturday, July 6th, 2002 |
![]() Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By ![]() [[10 Bands You've Seen Live ]] 1. Yeah Right... [[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]] 1. Driving alone 2. Getting lost because I'm alone 3. Getting a job so I don't feel like every day is a waste of time 4. Having money 5. College 6. Going Camping 7. Going swimming 8. Going cool places and doing cool things so I dont' feel like a loser. 9. Band camp, actually [[08 Things You Wear Daily]] 1. Underwear 2. Outer clothes. 3. Deodorant 4. Toe Nail Poilish 5. Lotion 6. Chapstick 7. My white bracelet 8. Perfume [[07 Things That Annoy You]] 1. Hypocrites 2. Feet 3. People yelling for no reason at all 4. Illogical people 5. People that are too pretty 6. Stupid people 7. Little 12 year old girls who think they are cool [[06 Things You Touch Every Day]] 1. My pills 2. Food 3. Keyboard 4. A game controller of some kind 5. a Brush 6. My family [[05 Things You Do Every Day]] 1. Shower 2. Sleep 3. Type 4. Eat 5. Hug people [[04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With]] 1. Jes 2. Scott 3. My brother 4. All of my friends that I only see like once during the summer [[03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]] 1. Dumb and Dumber 2. Ever After 3. The Mummy or the Mummy Returns [[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]] 1. The Calling - Where ever you May Go 2. Jimmy Eat World - The Middle [[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]] 1. I would say Scott, but that would be irrational, so Leah |
Do you want to know what's really ridiculous? The forwards that say...quick make a wish and scroll down, then send this to eighty people and your wish will come true. Sure it will. And you know what's even more dumb...the retards who think that the fairy god mother of the computer is actually going to grant their wish. Riiiiiight. So anyway. I bought me a fan for camp. I hope really bad that no one gets all gripy when I leave it on all night. I can't sleep without the little whirring noise. It's so soothing. I can just bet someone will get all pissy and complain. Meaning they get to sleep and I don't. But alas, I am feild commander. I need no sleep. Ra ha ha. I have begun playing the best game in the entire world. It's some Japanesse game for PS2. Good stuff. I can't wait till I'm big. I get to sleep late one more day. I'm sleepy all day long. Until I cannot stand it. Yes. I am. Then band camp. I'm curious... I really am. Good night LJ |
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002 |
![]() What kind of ANGEL are you? Quiz made by Angela I got an appclication at the Mini-Mart. If you would have told me in 8th grade that'd I'd be working there I would have died laughing. It's funny, cause we used to get so mad at Steph cause that's all she would talk about. But I got to thinking, when you work somewhere all the time and that's all your around, that what your going to talk about just cause there's nothing else. Well, anyway. I would like to work at Reno's. Really I would. But I don't know. I think this would be easier. And closer. And I'd get to spend lots of time with Amber. I love that girl to death. Her personality is infectious. I'm going to miss you Jessica Housman. Even if you don't go far away and leave us, we still wont see each other. Which sucks. You're my hero. When I get all bitchy at people, I talk just like you. Not the stuff you say, but just your voice. I sound like you. It's quite amusing. I really wish Mr. Ferguson would get his hind end over here tonight. I'd like to see him again before he goes to Gatlinburg for the weekend. center> ![]() I glow in the dark! You soooo want to look as good as me. Which bracelet are you? Made by notsobeautiful I need to go and be out really late. Yes, I have a really cute skirt to wear, too. |
Monday, July 1st, 2002 |
Yes, this IS retarded. My k/s is 0.02...and my song will be done in only...3,318 minutes and 12 seconds. Well aint that just grand. My ear is killing me. Literally. Ha. It hurts very very badly. NO MI GUSTA! I thought the little hoop would make it feel better. Instead, ample amounts of pain. So back to the little blue ball. I now have a remote to my fan. I can see why Scott wants it back. Which I thought was very silly of him...he tells me that he wants his fan back, but instead of taking it, he gives me the remote to it. Peculiar boy. It's all high-tech. I can set the temperature and it will kick on and off accordingly. And you can set it on 'breeze' and the speed and coolness will vary, so it makes you think your outside. Only it doesn't make you think that, cause a summer breeze doesn't go whherrieirerrr.... So anyway. I'm almost happy with my tan. If we do decide to go to the lake Wednesday, it would be just fantastic. Cause that means that Matt can go. We can just celebrate a day early. -------------------------- Leah Beth, you need to tell me if you want to do something Thursday or not. -------------------------- I don't think Scott and Andy will be able to come with us Wednesday. Which is suck-o. I finally like how I look in my bathing suit and he's seen me in it once. Well hey. Nevermind. Would you like to come over tomorrow and spend the night Rob? Or would you like to meet us there Wednesday? Just let me know later. bye bye |
Saturday, June 29th, 2002 |
My shower was so hilarious. I have a routine as I'm sure most people do. Either that or I'm just extremely dumb. But anyway. I alway hunker over and adjust the water temperature, then pull the knob thingy and wait for the water. Well, someone forgot to put the knob that I was supposed to pull up, down. So when I turned the water on full blast, it squirted from the shower head instead of the facuet and I about peed my pants. Well. That's dumb, I wasn't wearing pants in the shower. So, no. I didn't. I used to stay up 'late' and watch Mad TV when I was younger. It was so funny then. It's nothing but a big pile of dung now. ANYWAY. I tried to explain something to Jen. SHe didn't get it. I'll explain it to you. You tell me if I'm really dumb. Okay. Say your offered two things, two foods for example, one on one day, and the other a few days later. Suppose you didn't like either one, so naturally, you pobably wouldn't accept either. But if you were offered the two choices side by side, you would be more likely to choose one of those items. Just because you now have a choice. Having this choice makes one of the object seem more appealing than the other, just because you feel in control. Well anyway, she dind't get it. Okay. I'm off to hunt for ring tones for Leah Beth. later |
Friday, June 28th, 2002 |
Yes. I am. I have found me a band. Yes buddy. Jimmy Eat World. I've downloaded two, and I'm on the third one. FANTASTIC |
I already told Jes my news. But I'll tell you. No I wont tell you. I changed my mind. I was excited. But I hate telling one person then trying to write it. It ruins it. Not that I regret telling Jes, but you know. I do this a lot. Have meaningful conversations, then not tell them. Anyway... Went shopping. Bought some great stuff. Oh goodness. I bought some glow in the dark red blue and silver eye lashes. And I have to find some really semi-permenate hair color. Red and Blue if any one can help. I can't decide what I should do for the Fourth. If I drove, i would do it all. But I can't. I need to find out if Leah's going to do anything first. Techniqually, I promised Miranda first, but Leah is my best friend, so I'd go with her if she wanted. But it's her mom's birthday, so I don't think Carolyn would be up to having a thing with Leah's friends. Mom says she wants to go to the lake. In that case, I could definetly do both, Mom's and Miranda's, cause our family always does everything at the crack of dawn so I could go there later. It kinda sucks that Scott wont be there. But alas, other pretty people. Ha, Libby was going out with Ben so he was going to be there. Well, I told Lib that if he came, I wasn't. Cause me and Ben don't get along for some reason. She broke up with him, and when she left, she told him that I was coming to the cookout. He didn't understand, but it's funny. So anyway. What else can I do that's patriotic. Give me ideas |
Tuesday, June 25th, 2002 |
Me and leah have both tried to update several times. Only were dumb and can't figure out the TV internet thing. Go us. So anyway. I about did it again. Anyway, I amaze myself at how dumb I can be. I know that I'm a very intelligent person. But sometimes. Goodness. Anyway. Yay me. I figured out how to push Enter without erasing what I've written. Wow dang. So anyway, we get to go shopping here in a little while. I hope I find cool stuff. We went to Outback last night. Taylor was hot. He was too charming though. I don't like that. Cause then I get all shy, instead of loud like usually am. I like being by ourselves. I feel all grown up. Anyway, I'm going to go look at Joe's Crab Shack to see if I want a shirt. So...laetr. |
Sunday, June 23rd, 2002 |
forgot one |
![]() Which flock do you follow? this quiz was made by alanna ![]() Take the "Which Flower are you?"quiz by Hazel L.A. told me I'd be a pop star. Big hoochies lied. I don't feel like being all intellectual. Something fun needs to happen. Maybe we can go out this weeken...oh yeah, that's right. It's sunday already. oh well. later |
Friday, June 21st, 2002 |
I love it when I run. I love how all energetic I feel and all sweaty. But not nasty sweaty. Good sweaty. I've developed a system. Walk on 2.9 twice, and run on 4.9 once. This probably makes no sense to you, but hey. I understand. And and and...instead of Cocoa Pebbles this morning, I had Honey nut Cheerios. Which may help lower my cholestrol. Yes buddy. Now, it is true that the reason I didn't have Cocoa Pebbles, is because there wasn't any. But still. I feel accomplished. My back kinda hurts a little. I'm going to have to wear a sports bra tomorrow. Dumb Kelli, dumb. I really hope I get that car. It really is a good idea. No dumb car payments. Just a thousand up front. And yeah, it's ugly. But still, it'll be mine. My ugly purple car. My hair is finally in a ponytail. Granted there is like five clips in my hair. But still. It's off my neck. I think I look older without bangs. I like it. Simpler looking. I like this song. The one by The Calling. But it reminds me of Lifehouse, so...eh. Robin. And Leah. And Shelley. And whoever else. We need to do something next weekend. Lets go to the lake. Then my house. Or someone elses house. Then the movies or something. Or rent movies. Something. Anything. We need to get together. I really love not having school. But I am really really missing my friends. Great big bunches. I would love to be in fifth period. Five of my friends all in one class. Shew. No more fifth period. I like my schedule for next year though. I have probably three classes with Leah. Two with Shell and Megan, two with Matt. I hope we have a class with all of us again. That was so much fun. Gosh. We're getting old. Freaky it'n it. |
Ra ha ha ha Those are pretty colors. Actaully, they used to be my favorite. But anyway. just thought you should know.
Thursday, June 20th, 2002 |
My stomache is killing me. I would tell you why but your not supposed to say that you have to go poop on the internet. Ah shucks. Look what I did. Anyway. Me and Ms. Collins and Mom and Carrie had a really nice lunch at Cracker Barrell. It was so neat but really strange, too. I seen her sitting on the porch like nothing had changed. It felt like no big deal to see her and Carrie again. When I first seen her, she asked my why I didn't greet her, and I said, because I couldn't think of anything intelligent to say. You know, I hadn't spoken to her in months, I wanted the first thing out of my mouth to be all grown up sounding. It was really funny, I parked the car and ran over the curb. So much for making a good impression. Ha. Anyway. She asked about people. We gossiped. Ha. Then towards the end of meal we were eating dessert and Crystal and Tina showed up. I wasn't exactly sure what to do, cause I thought they may still be bothered about the feild commander thing. We stopped on the way out and made small talk, but anyway. Then Ms. Collins left, and I swear it felt like I was going to see her in a few weeks for band camp. But anyway. Matt and Andy are in my room watching DBZ. Not that I don't like that show, but it's like a soap opera. And I haven't watched enough to know what I'm seeing, so I ask a bunch of questions. The people usually get really mad. I want a model car. A really pretty one. And I want to change oil. All by myself. And brake pads. And all that good stuff. I'm very bored. The only one on is my dear Rob and I don't want to trouble her again with shoes and hand bags. So good night. |
Monday, June 17th, 2002 |
I smell like raw potatoes. Hmm. Which sucks, cause I didn't get to eat not a one. Anyway... I'm wanted to call Sarah again. But I did not too long ago, and she wasn't there. I want to go down there though. Gosh it's so strange that she's getting married. It makes me want to spend a whole bunch of time together to reminisce about our childhood. I'm not even kidding. I walked up the porch to her old house, and all these memories came back of playing there when we were little. It's extremely sad. I think I want to get up at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Take a shower. And do something. Anything. I got my uniform today. Very neat. I feel very pretty. It's almost too big. Almost. It's a little loose in some spots. But other than that, it fits almost perfectly. The gloves are kind of short. I was expecting longer, but still. It's very neat. I still need some ideas about my hair though, cause I have a really pretty sequin thing and I don't know how to wear it. Have you ever wanted to be like someone else so badly, but at the exact same time want to be yourself. No. I take it back. I like me. I just wish me was more like her. Cause she is the epitome of everything I want to be. If you take every quality that I like about all of my friends and put it in one person, it would be her. I like me. Don't get me wrong. I do. But still. No one's online. how dull. I'm going to buy pretty things. I feel like a little kid when it comes to dying my hair. I want to really badly...only because I know that I want to wait. Restrictions restrictions... anyway. Have a good'n |
Sunday, June 16th, 2002 |
Anyway. Good stuff just might be happening. You know. I really don't care if the stuff that happens is a big deal or not. Cause it's stuff. Meaning that my summer isn't a total waste. I think Mom is going to let me go with Jessica to Gatlinburg. Way cool. I probably wont get to shop nearly as much as I'd like. But still. I'd love to go bungee jumping. I may ask really nicely if Mom would let Jes sign for me. She was going to let me do the swinging thing at Kings Island, which is the exact same thing as bungee jumping only with two or three people instead of one. I'm glad I thought of that. I'm going to have to remember to use that one. Anyway...then on the 24th, we get to go to Lexington and stay for three days. Lots of summer shopping. Cool stuff. I bought some hair dye today. It's a really pretty aueburn color. I'm going to try and wait till the end of summer to dye it though. I don't want to fry my hair, especially with all the sun exposure. I am soooo glad that I found a halter top bathing suit. I was so worried about having gigantic tan lines with my uniform. Not a huge problem, but still. Dumb looking. But alas, no tan lines for Kelli. yay. I found some really really nifty clothes. I wish so badly that I could wear ever type of clothes without people looking at you funny. I mean really, why can't I wear bondage pants and a collar one day and capri's and docs the next...really. Big dumb losers. I love music. It's so neat. I love all music. Ever genre. All of it. It's very neat. Hmmm...I wonder if mom would let me get my belly button pierced in Lexington....hmm. Jenn would kill me. She wants that so bad. And if I got it before her, she'd die. So anyway. I'm leaving. Goodbye |
Wednesday, June 12th, 2002 |
I don't think my journal is a copy cat. Screw you rating quiz thingy. Anyway. Yesterday wasn't so bad. Uneventful, but not horrible. They went to Middlesborro all day, and mom was in Bowling Green, I think, so me and Matt and Jamie and Jenn were here all day by ourselves. It was neat. It would be cool to live like that. Cause were all four really close. But still, it's family, and we'd just drive each other crazy anyway. I woke up this morning at a decent hour. Techniqually, it was one, but still, better than yesterday, I woke up at three. So I'm doing better, I thought I was going to stay up all night, cause we stayed up till 7 this morning watching movies. But then I layed down on my comfy bed to watch the other one and that was a big mistake. Ten minutes into Forrest Gump and I was gone. So anyway. I wake up at one and the house is empty. I simply despise that. DESPISE. It's so annoying to think that my family would rather leave me there then take me with them where ever they go. I probably would have been to sleepy to answer them, but it's the thought that counts. Waking up and not knowing where people are is dumb. Anyway. My back hurts. I got some kick ass earrings. Well, Jenn did, but she gave me a red one and a dark blue one. Very neat. I love it when my ears don't match. I wanted another piercing, but the only place left would be at the top of my right ear, then that would make it look just like the left ear, so no. If only my parents a tad more liberal. I cannot wait till I'm 18. And I walk in to see the look on my parents face when I come home with a tattoo and a tongue ring. Ha. I'm sure my mother doesn't actually think that I'll do it. I'm 100,000% positive that I will. I think I decided that I'd like a tatoo of a thumb ring. Maybe, it'd be neat, but you know, it's jewelry that you could never take off. Not cool. Maybe cool. Still deciding. Rat~a~Tat BOOM |
Tuesday, June 11th, 2002 |
I don't believe I have ever been more irritated in my entire life. My skin is crawling. Back the crap up off my men. I have my chosen. Everyone else knows this. And my reign isn't going to be threatened by a little girl. MY GOODNESS | ||||
Friday, June 7th, 2002 |
I had the most horrid dream. It was the day of a football game, and our first performance. I had an English test to finish after school, so I was late. I took an extremely long time, because the time I finished, I looked at the feild and everyone was already lined up back feild. I asked Ms. Collins (yes, it was Ms. Collins.)what to do, and she gave me this look that said that she was dissapointed in me cause I wasn't ready. I hurried to grab my uniform, and was trying to squeeze in to it. It didn't fit at all. And in my hurry, the door flew open and there was Dustin, Chris and Ms. Collins watching. I hopped out of the way and she shut the door. I finished dressing, and my uniform was extremely too short. So I looked retarded enough. Then I went out side and I asked Mrs. Garrett what I was supposed to do, cause I didn't know how to conduct any of the music. She showed me some funky 6/4 pattern which I had never seen, and told me the whole song was just that. Dustin gave me a big hug and said I'd do fine. He was wearing his old black uniform. Three Hawaiian boys ran in the band room in nothing but swimming trunks. I knew they were brothers, and they were all completely gorgeous. That's all I remember. Where the Hawaiian boys fit in I have no idea. I'm going to go make my bed now. |
Thursday, June 6th, 2002 |
Kenny Chesney is one of the most beautiful country singers. Ever. The back of his new CD is just wonderful. my back is killing me. It does this every now and then. I feel old when it does this. Like I'm a big loser who has aching bones. It's okay though. I sure am sleepy. I hate feeling left out. But I guess it's my own fault. Forgive me if I don't find farting and making fun of retarded people very funny. Shucks. But by all means, that's the cool thing to do, so I too, must fart and be cruel, cause then I'm not lonely in my own bedroom. Andy asked me the other day if I liked Scott. I was like...uh...maaaaaybe. I wonder if he told him. I bet he didn't. Cause I seen Scott today and he didn't act any different. I meant what I told him as my answer. I really did. He thoguht I was making it up, so I didn't look stupid. And at the moment, I actually was, but when I think about it, it's extremely true. I told him that I'm not sure exactly that I like Scott, but more of I'm lonely and he's someone to play with. Honestly. Cause it's dumb to just sit there. But if you have someone to play with, it's fun. But still, okay whatever. No more analyzing. |
Wednesday, May 29th, 2002 |
This summer is going to be neat. I bet it will fly buy, cause I'm going to be so busy. Which sucks. But I know that if I had nothing to do, then I would complain that my summer felt wasted. But I have too much to do, then I don't get to enjoy it. Hmmm. Porche with a flat tire.... My goodness, it just took me a good 15 mintues to figure out what I wanted. ANYWAY... I'm so very sleepy. I get so freakin mad at the stupid internet things that pop up. It makes me want to punch the computer. Not the greatest of ideas, but still. Anyway. I was just talking about something, and now I can't quit thinking about it. So much of getting over him as been missing the gestures, not exactly him. Like he would put his arms around my waste, and I would slide my hands up underneath his shirt sleeves, so that my hands were on his muscles. I don't know why it started, but it became such habbit. Now it seems so strange to not be able to do that. I miss that terribly... so. How are you? Sleepy you say. I thought so. Cause you are me, and I'm sleepy. So you have to be. Good night. |
LiveJournal for Little~Sister.