Linda's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Linda's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Wednesday, April 30th, 2003
    2:17 pm
    Why isn't Coolio cool anymore?.. Anyone?... Anyone?...
    early release is fantastic!

    Now, it has come to my attention that every teacher has a different opinion about early release during the TAKS testing... Monday in English my lovely teacher Ms.Owens said that I was on the excusal list to go home at 1:21.. earlier I had heard from another teacher that in order to leave you had to either be in Co Op cause that's an actual class that you get a grade in OR bring a note from your parent with permission to leave early... When I got to 5th period and 1:21 rolled around Mrs. Stavinoha did not let me leave when I asked even though I told her I was on the excusal list but her reasoning was that I did not have a letter from my parents... Ok, my friend Carolyn also has early release but was NOT on the excusal list... so what's that about? Luckily today my wonderful and sweet English teacher let me leave because she understands the true meaning of an excusal list... after all, why would I be on there if they expected me to stay? Seriously....

    Tomorrow is Tommy's birthday!!!! Everyone give him a big hug... no wait... no one give him a hug because the only one allowed to hug him is me... but you can wish him a happy happy happy birthday!!! :-)

    Also Saturday is PROM!!!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: dogs barking
    Tuesday, April 29th, 2003
    4:45 pm
    Blue and Orange... what a lovely combination
    Well today I went to SHSU with my dad to check out the campus, talk to an advisor, sign up for orientation, and just skip school... it was a great bonding experience...

    I've decided to major in Radio/Television - Promotions and Public Relations (minor) which is super duper because apparently sam has the best rtv department in texas and kids from ut transfer to sam cause of it... at sam as a freshman in rtv you get to work hands on in the equipment rooms and everything while at ut you have to wait till you're a junior or senior to get that kind of experience. Rock on... and Dan Rather went to sam lol and when I graduate I get to intern with him... if I keep my major... who knows... the building where the tv studio and radio station are at is called the Dan Rather Communications Building. hehehehe

    Plus I'm rooming with my best friend Brittney who's also majoring in radio communications so that's badass... we can do projects together (hopefully) or at least help each study and whatnot. A whole wall of our dorm is tackboard so we hang up posters and whatnot and I plan on devoting my half to all pictures... which means I need a lot of Tommy so that he completely dominates it... if I'm lucky I'll have enough pictures of Tommy by the time he leaves this Summer to cover my whole section (and then some!)... I'd rather pack him in my suitcase and take him with me instead though... I'm gonna be so miserable without him :-( at least we'll have letters, emails, packages, pictures of each other, and occasional telephone calls to keep us together. It's gonna be real tough though... real tough. :-(

    My classes that I plan on taking (unless they fill up faster than I can get to them at orientation) are as follows:

    Eng 164
    His 163
    R/TV 163/116
    Psy 131

    that's 13 hours... damn skippy... it would've been 14 hours if I did lab sci instead of psych... I think I made the right choice hehe

    wellllll see ya later... I'm gonna head to the gym soon and then to my precious tommy's :-)

    P.S guess what ya pass right before getting to SHSU??... A Shenanigan's!!! I think it's a club though... still... super troopers!!! hehehehe me and my dad ate a Cinco De Mayo's that's right next to shenanigan's on our way home... it's like a 5 minute drive from the campus... SCORE!!

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Chris Isaak- - - Wicked Games
    Monday, April 28th, 2003
    4:11 pm
    I'll take The Rapists for 1000 Trebeck
    Hello Hello...

    Yesterday I saw a car flip for no apparent reason... it's the first time I've seen an accident happen that wasn't my own. It was when me and my mom were coming back from What A Girl Wants (cute movie!!!) and we were just driving along listening to The All American Rejects when I saw this suv thing on the other side of the road rolling up onto the grass median.. so I asked my mom, "Did you just see that?!?!?" and she said no.. and then we got closer and pulled over and stopped and the people that had been behind them pulled over and stopped and we all got there at the same time. Fortunately there was only one person in the car and he didn't get hurt. The passenger side was the side laying against the ground so he just stood up in the car with his head sticking out of the driver's side window and he pulled himself out, unhurt and everything. The weird thing was that his car was facing the opposite way of the traffic... I saw it flip and whatnot but I never saw it spin... actually I don't remember how it happened at all because it all went so quickly and my brain didn't really register what was going on because it wasn't a natural thing that I see happen every day or anything. It's a good thing he was wearing a seatbelt though! But yeah, What A Girl Wants was a great movie!!

    Today was a good/bad day... it was good because while most things happened that should have made it bad I've been really happy for the most part. Because of the TAKS testing I only had to go to BCIS, Sociology, English, and Child Development. This means no Drill team... which was kind of dissapointing because we usually just do crunches and stuff in the class period and I need to do that. BCIS was boring... We're watching Patch Adams in Sociology and then going to do an assignment (probably an essay) afterwards which is what I did LAST semester in Psychology (damn coach penn!!).... I got a 100 on the Frankenstein quiz that we were supposed to take last Thursday but took today instead.... and today was the LAST ever day to be with the preschoolers in Child Development but we had twice as much time today because of the schedule and because of the fact that Mrs. Stavinoha wouldn't let us leave at 1:21 even though we were on the excusal list for early release!!!! damn that... but it's ok... it was fun... we even got to go outside and play at the playground... whhheeeeeeee!!!

    That's pretty much been my day... My dad took my car to go the track to run so that's why I'm not at the gym, Tommy's with his friends which is why I'm not with him, and I already took a nap which is why I'm not asleep... so here I sit... la te da.... pajamas are fun! hehehe well I'm gonna go back upstairs to sleep again cause sleep is where I'm a pirate! (ralph) haha bye!

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: R Kelly - - - Remix to Ignition?
    Friday, April 25th, 2003
    11:53 pm
    Boo hoo
    Wow so tonight was the Strutter Banquet... a ceremony dedicated to the seniors but involving the whole team... I cried so much tonight that I don't think I'll be able to cry for another 6 years... yeah right.... anyways all I can say is that I'm super glad I get to go to college with 3 of my best friends and I only wish I could bring them all... we made a pact tonight though, to all come together again everytime someone gets married or has a baby... and Stephanie's mom still gets together once a year and a has a party with her high school friends so we need to strive to be like that too....

    Right before the candlelight ceremony we all (seniors) did the prayer circle one last time and everyone was bawling through it.. more like bawling and laughing because it was funny that everyone was sobbing too hard to talk and it sounded funny.... man, this was it.... I can't believe it's over....

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: The Impossible Dream
    Thursday, April 24th, 2003
    9:01 pm
    Mmmmm chocolicious
    well well well....

    Yowza, I had sooooo much chocolate tonight... it's unlawful. But it's ok, cause I said so! :-)

    Tomorrow night is the Strutter Banquet... last one. I'm probably gonna cry a bunch, and it'll be weird if I don't cause then this will have been the first banquet I didn't cry at and I'm a SENIOR this year... which means instead of watching all the seniors do the candlelight ceremony I will be the one actually going through the motions and whatnot.... it means soooooooooo much more and if I don't cry then I'm a heartless bastardly wretch.

    Speaking of wretches we were supposed to have a quiz today over chapters 7-17 of Frankenstein and we'd be allowed to use our study guides. She told us this yesterday and I hadn't read since our last quiz so I was still only on chapter 6... hmmm so 11 chapters in one night PLUS the study guide that I didn't do... she also said there would be no way she'd postpone the quiz.... and instead of reading the book and doing the study guide last night I hung out with Tommy and played cards with my mom and brother... so all day today I read like a maniac and did the study guide before 4th period (only eating crackers at lunch to avoid being distracted with hard to eat foods) and what did my dumbass teacher do? POSTPONE THE QUIZ TILL NEXT MONDAY!!! But that's ok... at least everything's done now and I don't have to worry about it... and now I don't feel quite so bad about the chocolate I ate because all I had was water and crackers for lunch.

    Am I a cannibal for eating crackers?

    I've been informed recently that the hardcore, rockin, most-awesome-band-in-the-entire-world, STYX is playing at Arrowfest... I think I'm working that night which is perfect cause if I see Styx just for a second in concert I think I'll pee my pants in a good way! I'm saaaaaiiiiiiillling awayyyyyy.. hehehehe... j/k, but that's still funny... I didn't even know all the members of the band were still alive... shows how much I really know about the band.... the band that I only two of their songs.... I'm pathetic....

    well I'm gonna go play cards with my mom now cause Tommy's at Bryan's. :-) He needs to spend as much time with his friends as possible (I feel weird saying that and meaning it) because in two months he won't be able to see them anymore, but I'll still be able to come see him whenever I can. I love you SOOOOO much, Tommy!!! Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah!!! ;-)

    Current Mood: full
    Current Music: styx- - - mr.roboto
    Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003
    9:25 pm
    Funny guy.... Tommy's a funny guy!!!
    I love Thomas Eric Steiner!!!! He's a funny guy! hehehe and a hot one as well. Mwah! ;-)

    Me and my friends are making up a dance for prom to Vanilla Ice's, "Ice Ice Baby"... it's so awesome!!!! Tonight was the rehearsal for the seniors for Strutter Banquet... it was more fun than I thought it would be, because we practiced the Dance. Mwahahhaha... I'm not sure why that laughter was evil, but hey... Mwahahahahaha


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: la la la la la la la la la la
    Tuesday, April 22nd, 2003
    5:45 pm
    California.. knows how to party

    I went to the gym again today with Carolyn. It's great to be back in the system again...somewhat. We also saw Tommy there, what a hottie. hehehe, mwah!

    I'm so excited about Chinese food tonight, I started out so-so on the idea because HEY LOOK AT ME I'M FAT.. haha, but then it was brought to my attention that I'm worrying about that way too much, so ok, I'm not gonna worry about it that much anymore. After all, better to be fat and happy then skinny and miserable. Not that I'm fat... I'm just saying...

    So yeah, I just had a piece of chicken right off the stove or whatever and MAN was it hot!! My tongue's on FIRE!! If you can't take the heat don't stand next to the fiiiiiiiire!!! hehehhehe

    There was more I was gonna say but I'm pressed for time because I have to go to Tommy's now. I've been writing this and putting on make up at the same time because I'm a badass multi-tasker like that... my mom always said so. BYE!! See ya soon Tommy!! I love you!!!


    Current Mood: rushed
    Current Music: chicken sizzle.... for shizzle my nizzle!
    Saturday, April 19th, 2003
    8:56 pm

    I'm at Tommy's house right now waiting for him to get out of the shower so we can go play poker at bryan's or something along those lines.

    Yesterday I got my belly button pierced... WOOHOO!!! So did Carolyn and Brittney. We rock. hehehe and the best part is that it only hurt when they were piercing it and that was it. It didn't hurt afterwards and it only hurt a little bit later in the day if I bent over or drove. It didn't even hurt in the shower when I had to move it around. Tommy even came with me and made it SOOOOO much easier. He's such a sweetie, I love you so much Tommy!!

    I also had to work yesterday for the good friday service at the pavilion. And I had to be there an hour after the piercing which scared me cause I thought it would hurt a lot. There weren't very many people there cause it wasn't a big show or anything. I got assigned to Orange Lot which is my ultimate favorite, especially for shows like this, because you have the least work to do. Me, Blake, Michael, Mike, and Ryan played Simpsons Uno for like 4 hours before it got insanely boring and then we switched out our cards with Laurens plain deck of cards in Green Lot. Although we didn't even get to play one game before Blake asked Casey if he could send us all out amongst the other lots cause we weren't doing a damn thing in Orange and Casey ok'ed it. So me and some guy fought over green and then Blake said it didn't matter cause we could go home if we wanted. Which I wanted so I could finish the night out by going to Tommy's house but then Juddy called in over the radio that Charlie was going home cause he was sick and that only left Juddy in the lot so I got stuck over there in Silver. Before going over there me and Michael went to chick fil a and I got some chicken nuggets, my only meal of the day. Then I reluctantly went to Silver cause I didn't want to be over there with just Juddy, but he was a really nice guy and we ended up talking about our relationships because we're both in awesome long-term relationships. Later Carolyn and Melissa stopped by and hung out for awhile and that was really cool. Even in Silver Lot we didn't have to do anything so I basically got paid to hang around playing cards and eating at chick fil a. Score!

    After work I went over to Carolyn's house and watched Super Troopers with Carolyn, Melissa, Mandy, and Bahar. Actually I got there 10 minutes after the movie started cause I had to get gas before going there and I was coming from work in the Woodlands, and I ended up falling asleep through the whole movie anyways. But it was cool. I also got lost in Carolyn's neighborhood which was fun, but Mandy did the exact same thing cause it's really confusing in the dark. Next time I'll be better prepared...

    Anyways, Tommy's out of the shower now so I better be going! BYE!!

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Never Been Kissed is on in the background
    Wednesday, April 16th, 2003
    2:36 pm
    hey kids...


    I gave blood today and it was a lot less scarier this time than it was last time. But the guy had to take my temperature twice because the first time he did it nothing showed up... hmmmmm I have no temperature. Anyways I still didn't feel lightheaded or sick afterwards but I DID eat three (3!!!) sugar cookies (the kind with the frosting and sprinkles on top!!!) How stupid am I?? So then afterwards I had a tummyache, the kind you get after eating too much sugar. And so I just had a bottle of water for lunch. And even with those THREE cookies I still came home and weighed the same as I did before I left... good ole' bloodloss... a good way to lose weight lol. I asked my vampire (bloodtaker) if I could go running at the gym today and she said NO! That sucks. I feel so fine right now that I could donate again. But nooooooooooo I can't go run a freakin mile at the gym. Bitches and hoes....

    Anyways I worked again last night. Jimmy Buffet. Great fun. There were a ton of tailgaters and this one group had an RV and like 3 barbeque pits and they brought a whole bunch of sand that they dumped into the parking lot and set up a game of Twister. Then they bribed people with beer and money to come play Twister. I got a chance to talk to them afterwards when we were picking up trash in the lot because they were the last to leave and this guy (about 40ish) said that the variety of people playing was hilarious and that folks old enough to be his parents were twistering. GROSS!!! He thought it was really funny when I asked if they were the "Twister People" though... I wish I had gotten a chance to play. Instead I was out on the path which is cool cause I chose to be. Path people can be fun. It just gets really boring after awhile if you don't have anyone to talk to. This guy, Ryan I think, was directing cars for awhile back there so I had a little bit of company until he had to move closer to the front of the lot and then Blake came by a couple times for only a couple minutes and then this girl Candace was nice enough to hang out with me when everyone else was done. Then when I got back I finished my Child Development project during break... yeah that's right, I sat down on the concrete (cause I can't very well do homework in a lawn chair) and colored and markered and pasted and cut for a preschool assignment. It was awesome. Then I went to Chick Fil A cause I hadn't eaten all day (since I knew I wouldn't be able to go to the gym) and it was yummy in my belly. Other than that break was pretty normal... people that don't work at the pavilion but are friends of the people that do stopped by for the breaks entirety which means Carolyn MUST stop by sometime when I'm working. It's a must. Maybe she'll meet a cute boy ;). Anyways right before we started blowout these two drunk guys that work at Discount Tire saw us hanging around and so they came over and it was hilarious... drunk people are funny. Then after we cleaned the parking lot 2 or 3 times because we were so lazy about it that we had to keep going back and doing it again we headed to TinselTown and sat in the back of Candace's truck waiting for Blake to show up and by the time he did so did all the other suckers that had been cleaning up the mall and they picked up whatever little trash was at TinselTown. so we did nothing. It was great. But I wish Tommy had been there. HE COMES HOME TODAY!!! WOOHOO!!! MWAH!

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: TOMMY'S COMING HOME!!
    Monday, April 14th, 2003
    9:06 pm
    I'm updating again because I am a sad and lonely girl. Tommy is at the Air Force Academy because he wants to know what it feels like to be a million bajillion kazillion miles away from me. Is it fun, Tommy? Probably... but I don't doubt that he misses me incredibly. Because he loves me, NOT YOU!!! I thought I'd put some lyrics to a song I'm listening to up right now because I like the song and it has meaning tonight. I also changed a line.. hehehe

    Daniel Bedingfield
    If You're Not The One

    If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
    If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
    If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
    If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

    I never know what the future brings
    But I know you are here with me now
    We’ll make it through
    And I hope you are the one I share my life with

    I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
    If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
    Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

    If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
    If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
    If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
    If you’re not for me then why do I dream of me as your wife? *slightly modified

    I don’t know why you’re so far away
    But I know that this much is true
    We’ll make it through
    And I hope you are the one I share my life with
    And I wish that you could be the one I die with
    And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
    I hope I love you all my life

    I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
    If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
    Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

    ‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
    And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
    ‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
    And though I can’t be with you tonight
    And know my heart is by your side

    I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
    If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: David Bedingfield- - -If You're Not The One
    3:43 pm
    Tommy's gone and I'm so alone... I don't think I'll be able to handle college being so far away from him. :( :(
    Only 2 more days left.

    Today I went to the gym (again!) so that hopefully I'll look decent in a bathing suit this Summer... especially for prom. I've also decided that I want to get my belly button pierced and i now want it done before prom HOWEVER I would not be able to submerge it into water for 6 weeks and if it gets done before this weekend that only gives me 2 weeks... after talking to some other people who have their belly buttons pierced they agreed that after 2 weeks beach water would be ok (though I wasn't planning on going to far into that nasty water anyways) and I wouldn't care if I didn't get into any water at all... the main problem that Carolyn brought up today would be that I wouldn't be able to go into the jacuzzi in our beach house... which sucks because I was looking forward to that... however I suppose I'll be able to deal with it...

    I have to work tomorrow and I really don't want to... I think it's Jimmy Buffet... boooooooourns I don't want to wooooork!!! i want tommy to come home!!! NOW!!!!!

    Today we had to teach the preschoolers in Child Development again. I had to read a story. I was very nervous about this at first because I hate reading aloud to people and I'm not one of those people that makes sounds and noises and really gets into it when they read to kids... ya know, like changing your voice for every character in the book, however I think I did really good... I surprised myself... I suppose reading to kids isn't that hard after all.. and when we left when the class was over Lindsey hugged me and carolyn and brittney and becca... but she hugged me first :) hehehe. She's so cute. If I have a little girl I want one just like her except with blond hair and brown eyes (tommy's eyes) :)

    Now that my daddy's retired he's doing a lot of the cooking and cleaning and he actually makes the best food... tonight he's making baked potatoes and I'm super excited about all the stuff he's putting into it... YUM!! It's a good thing I went to the gym today, eh? Although all I've had to eat today was a granola bar for breakfast and two bottles of water, one for lunch and one for after school cause I was thiiiiiirsty! I forgot my money to buy a smoothie after the workout :( but it's ok.

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: Christina Aquilera- - -Fighter
    Monday, April 7th, 2003
    11:11 pm
    Work blows
    yo yo yo yo yo yo yo

    So yesterday was my first day back at work again... I almost forgot how boring and degrading the job can be... then again it can also be really fun too. I got there surprisingly early yesterday but waited around the gold lot for Tommy to get there and we clocked in together. Sadly Tommy was working in the library at Lake Robbins (which is the suckiest job besides gold lot unless you cheat, lie, and steal like him hehe) and I was in Green Lot with lauren, alex, nigel, and some other guys whose names I don't remember and never learned anyways.. I only know Alex and Nigel because I worked with them a lot last year and they're really cool. The other people were pretty cool too though. We played Simpsons Uno for awhile after we filled the Green and Blue lots. It was pretty interesting considering it was a Pearl Jam concert so there were many rocker/punker college age guys roaming about being pretty stupid. Which I will go into later. I got to spend my break with Tommy in the library parking lot rather than go eat dinner but that's ok cause I wasn't really that hungry anyways. So about those college guys... the most memorable of all the hit-on's of the night (being one of the only girls who works in the parking lot devision of the even staff its not uncommon to always get hit on by drunk guys.. though it is annoying and any guys reading this that are single and horny should realize that girls do not like this) was when I was directing traffic out after the concert was over some guy stops his car and a male passenger in the back seat yelled out, "hey baby, I wanna fuck you in the ass" or something along those lines... I'll take this as pure immaturity rather than someone really wanting to act out such things. Also while directing traffic in I was reminding the people walking to the concert that they were parked in the blue lot (almost everyone forgets where they're parked because all the parking lots look the same... lots of trees and a glass building nearby so it's out of my own courtesy to remind them) and some group of 4 or 5 guys turned around and started walking towards me and said, "What lot?"... so I said, "Blue" and then they proceeded to keep walking towards me and were like, "We want to park by you. Is that ok?" and then they just hung around for awhile asking general questions and being annoying so I pretty much ignored them and kept on with the directing traffic until they eventually left. Later while I was directing traffic out people would come to me and ask where orange lot was or yellow lot and this group of about 7 guys and 1 girl came over and asked where the blue lot was so I was like, "Right across the street" and then they were like, "hey, you're that girl we were hitting on earlier that shot us down" and I was like, "BLUE LOT.. ACROSS THE STREET!".. though I really didn't yell... I guess that was it for my first night of work back, I got home around 1 in the morning which was pretty good and decided to go to school today. I better get to work in the same lot as Tommy next time, if he ever goes back again what with his busy schedule and whatnot.

    So anyways, today was Preschool day at school again. Normally Rachel (me and Carolyn's little kid) is such a brat and a freak but today she was actually normal and really talkative. Well more talkative then usual. We played London Bridges and Musical Chairs (Martin won twice in a row.. he's a cutie) and the kids had so much fun that we played each like 3 times. Rachel even ate most of the stuff we gave her during the science lesson which was a big change from last week because she was such a brat last week and wouldn't even eat the apple I specially peeled for her. I hope every week is like this week.

    After school today, during early release, I went to Tommy's house because he skipped school. Completely understandable since he didn't get home till 6 this morning!! And we took a long nap which felt really really good and got some yummy Chinese food. :-)... today was a really great Monday. I LOVE YOU TOMMY!!!

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: the damn timer from Scattergories. mom and steve are playing
    Wednesday, March 26th, 2003
    10:32 pm
    You're just lucky I didn't eat that piece of caaaake
    Earlier today my journal wasn't working and I was very upset. Massively upset.. insanely upset...

    First of all I'd like to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Tommy cause it's our 13th anniversary... and it's not an unlucky thing. My brother was born on the 13th and he turned out to be a fairly lucky guy so there's nothing wrong with the number 13. Anyways, Tommy is the greatest and sweetest guy in the world and I'm so lucky that he chooses to spend all his time with me. I love you so very much Tommy!! MWAH!!!

    Also I wanted to post this poem that the social officers (and Donya) created to give to us as motivation in Florida.. it makes me super sad to read it now that Strutters is over... everything about it is true:

    Social Poem
    We put forth so much effort, all our strength and extra time.
    We sacrifice a lot, even our "precious high-school lives".
    We stay cooped up in this huge school for hours in a day.
    We put up with all the officers (or is it switched the other way?)
    So when people come up and ask us why exactly we have stayed,
    It might take a minute to answer, but I know you'll find the way.
    Think back on how you felt at the beginning of your freshman year,
    The sense of belonging you had that eased a lot of fears.
    And don't forget that feeling you can't find at any store,
    The rush you get when you strut across the contest gym floor.
    We all share the joy of dance or we wouldn't still be here.
    So don't let the frustration of a bad day kick you out of gear.
    In ways we're like a family, a sorority if you may.
    We might struggle through the rough spots, but we shine on contest day!
    So let's try our best, put yourself to the test to prove that we can win.
    Time's almost up, we've got one last chance, so dig deep within.

    Sure there were some cheesy parts.. but that's what makes it so great. I've gotta go now.. I've got something in my eye

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: The Cardigans - - - Love Fool
    Monday, March 24th, 2003
    10:51 pm
    None... other...
    yo yo yo yo yo

    I miss my brother :( I wish the whole war thing would end because I want him to come back home... SAFELY!! I used to waste my birthday wishes wishing that he would just go away because he was such a mean old brother, but now I'd do anything for him to come back home. I miss you Mikey!! And now I'm crying...

    SO anyways, we won our contest this weekend which means we're NATIONAL CHAMPIONS lol... but I didn't really feel that good about it because I know how much better we did the week before so I knew we could've done a lot better this weekend, but it was still good... it was our first time to do the senior kick ensemble (5 seniors plus one junior) after only practicing it for less than a week and finishing it the day before the competition not to mention that we made changes right before going on to the floor however we still did magnificently (well everyone else did magnificently and I forgot 4 counts and just stood there dead center blankly not knowing what to do....) and it was TONS of fun. And tommy came which made it sooooo much more fun though he also gave me butterflies (blushing face)

    Today was the first day of no more practice... so me, carolyn, and brittney have started a smoothie and a movie monday tradition where every monday we will go to smoothie king during early release and then go to one of our houses and watch a movie. Today I got Angel Food and we watched Gold Member at my house. "I'm from Holland, isn't that wwwwwierd?"

    Today was also Preschool day in Child Development where we go to the prescool class across the hall from the CD class and teach our kids... me and carolyn's kid is soooo weird... I want one of the cute ones :( but we end up playing with the cute ones and anyways and ignoring our freak kid cause she sucks... haha j/k that's mean.. though she is really weird... and she has a twin sister that's so normal and has cute dimples and is really cute.. why did we end up with the mutated twin??? WHY??? hahaha oh well.. only a couple more weeks left. yay for graduation!!

    welll I think i've wrote enough for tonight.. more to come soon cause I'm gonna stop slacking.. I promise this time!!

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: Bryan Adams.... Everything I do, I do it for youuuuu!!!!!!
    Friday, March 14th, 2003
    9:39 am
    Well hello.. la la la... it's been so long since I've updated though I promise to update more frequently now. even though Tommy is the only person who probably reads this. I love you Tommy!

    So this past weekend (friday-tuesday) I went to contest in Florida with all my Strutters.. and we won. :-) we got first place in our division meaning that we beat all the other high school teams our size and then we got first overall meaning our scores beat everyone else's there out of all the high schools, junior high schools, dance studios, and what else they have there... there was MUCH crying going around which was awesome. We had been having the best day ever...


    Our show drill.. we had only had it ready and had been practicing it for a week before contest... 5 days really so it was pretty scary and rough. We scrounged up some costumes from the storage room and from Mrs. Melton's dance team so we looked pretty random. We had to change costumes behind the backdrop and we'd never practiced this before SOOOO when the big day finally came some people didn't even come out in their costumes... and one poor girl forgot her pants :-(... as for me I was fine with all the costume changes however I did forget two of my parts in the dance... oops.. hehe.. I just stood there but I was in the back and it probably looked like I was just supposed to stand there so oh well.. we still took first in the show drill category because from what I hear the other show drills sucked as well.. though ours wasn't so bad... hehehe

    So after contest on Saturday we went to MGM on Sunday, the Magic Kingdom on Monday, and Animal Kingdom on Tuesday... and I could write about those for hours but I'm tired of typing now so I won't... we went on some rides, we screamed, we walked around, I got a little sunburn on my shoulders, we got wet, and it was fun. there... bye!

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Every little thing she does is magic
    Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
    11:00 pm
    ONE YEAR!!!
    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    happy ONE YEAR anniversary, TOMMY!!!

    I'm so happy :) :) :) :) :)

    I can't believe one year ago I went to bed feeling like the luckiest, happiest, prettiest girl in the world... and today I'll go to bed feeling the exact same way... the way I've been going to bed for exactly a year now.
    Tommy is the best thing ever to come into my life and I hope I spend my entire life by his side. :) Tommy I love you sooooooooo much!! (more) hehehe

    Today was the longest (not literally the longest in length but it felt like the longest), hardest, sweatiest practice I've ever endured but when I walked out of school Tommy was sitting on my car and it made everything SO MUCH BETTER!!! I'm still really sore from practicing some leaps yesterday after practice though so today's practice added on to that soreness but it's ok... it's a good sore, plus all the seniors need to build up our stamina and flexibility anyways for the senior ensemble we're doing at Galveston especially since we haven't kicked yet this year... maybe during football season but I'm not sure... the point is I don't want to suck but I'm sure we won't... we have the best kick class so it's gonna be ok. Yay for kick!

    Well I have nothing other to say except I love you Tommy!! So with that said, good night!! sweet dreams!!!!

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: you knew I was gonna put loved, didn't you? You should've
    Sunday, February 9th, 2003
    1:22 pm
    L.. is for the way you look at me.. O. is for the only one I see.. V. is very very extraordinary..E.
    I ran out of room in the subject box.. whoops...

    It's been a great weekend, even the 5 hour practice on Saturday was really good, and it wasn't because we didn't do anything (because we did do a lot) it just felt really good.. and I like that.. feeling good.. speaking of feeling good...

    These are some of the things that you do that make me melt and make my day a million times brighter:
    1. smile at me
    2. tell me that you love me
    3. softly kiss my fingers
    4. look deeply into my eyes
    5. fall asleep next to me
    6. kiss me lightly
    7. hug me tightly
    8. let me know that you're mine forever
    9. hold my hand when I'm scared
    10. eskimo kisses
    11. wake me up with a kiss
    (obviously all of this is referring to Tommy)

    I am definitely in the mood for some Chinese food tonight which is good because me and tommy are going to get some... cause it's our place!!!! hahahaha

    I love reading the Sunday comics in the newspaper cause they're in color.. color is bliss

    I love tommy steiner!

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: my dad's watching the discovery channel.. safari music
    Friday, January 24th, 2003
    5:37 pm
    Like A Fox
    yo yo yo yo yo

    what's up???

    I miss Tommy

    in Child Development we're learning about pregnancy and whatnot and today we took a test. Afterwards me, brittney, carolyn, and becca were talking about birth defects (the main part of our test or what we've been learning about the most) and Brittney was talking about her cousin that doesn't have a belly button cause she was born inside out (well her insides were on the outside)!!! None of us thought that this could be possible... how could your insides... be outside... and yet you survive? I don't know understand. Anyways I was trying to comprehend how you could get all the proteins and whatnot from your mother if you didn't have an umbilical cord which is how this situation was being played out in my head. So I was gonna say (not seriously) "Perhaps the intestines hooked to the placenta acting as the umbilical cord" however I wanted to mesh umbilical and intestine and ended up saying "I guess the intesticles were hanging out...." and then I realized what I said... kinda like how in biology there's always the kid that says orgasm instead of organism...

    I'm so tired... I wanna lay down. good night.

    tommy, call me. I love you!

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: the sound of nothingness
    Monday, January 20th, 2003
    4:42 pm
    igby goes down
    "seven a.m.,
    the garbage truck beeps as it backs up
    and I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away
    Could I push Rewind?
    The credits traverse, signifying the end
    but I missed the best part
    Could we please just go back to the start?
    Forgive my indecisions
    The again, you've always been the first when no one's on your side
    But, then again, a day will come when I want off that ride
    Eleven a.m.,
    by now you would think that I would be up
    but my bedsheets shade the heat of choices I've made
    And what did I find?
    I never thought I could want someone so much
    'cause now you're not here and I'm knee deep in that old fear
    Forgive my indecisions... I am only a man
    Twelve p.m. and my dusty telephone rings
    Heavy head up from my pillow, who could it be?
    I hope it's you"


    Finally the gas guys are here to turn our gas back on so we have HEAT!! for the past day we've had no hot water, no heat in the house, etc... and now they're finally here to help!!

    We had practice today for four hours!! Damn the man! I miss Tommy!!!!!

    well I'm gonna play uno with my mommy now. our house smells like gas!!! call me!

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Incubus- - -11 am
    Thursday, January 16th, 2003
    2:10 pm
    There are some people I would take a bullet for, and some people I want to put a bullet in
    It's come to my attention that I will never ever finish the Boston journal entry or any others that should've come before that... and that's a damn shame... 30 years from now (assuming I'm still alive and have access to the internet) I might wonder what I did during my Christmas break 2002... and I'll see that I was a lazy assclown and DID NOT write down any of it. But oh well... whatcha gonna do?

    Tonight is the Mr. Debonaire pageant-y thing... I'm thrilled.. Tony Robertson is nominated. I heard his talent is making balloon animals.. If I were him I'd make a balloon flower and then give it to Courtney or one of the female judges... if he does not do that then I will be disappointed. highly disappointed.

    Next week we have block scheduling on Tuesday and Wednesday. This works out exceptionally well for me because I will be able to leave early BOTH days. Tuesday because we have 1,3, and 5... and since I have early release and they can't make me stay til 2:30 I get to leave 5th period at 1:20... and then on Wednesday is 2,4, and 6... and since I'll have C lunch right after 4th and don't have a 6th period class, brittney, carolyn, and I are going to leave right after 4th.. and maybe play some lazer tag!! We'll see... I'm sure I'll just be going home and back to bed but that's just as fun!

    Some bad news is that we have practice Saturday from 8-1 which is no big surprise because we have practice from 8-1 EVERY saturday, but we also have practice on Monday too!!! it's only 8:30-1.. though still... i'm pissed!

    I guess I have nothing else to say... what a boring life I lead!!

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Def Leopard- - -Love Hurts
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