nick's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in nick's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, April 20th, 2002
    9:23 pm
    this both sucks and blows...
    god damn it!!!! my fucking mom found a way to keep me here. eerrr. how you say. i think it was a undercover conspiracy. i was downstairs with my cousins and everything was going ok when my brother came home. he through something at my head, it hurt, then took my controler and tried to get me to pick up some chips off the ground even though they were still in their baggies and they were not harming anything. i said no. so he grabbed my shirt and yelled at me with his pot breath and started threatening me. i pushed him off and he tripped on the coach and fell. i then walked away but he tried to stop me and i said fuck you and continued walking away. so i was upstairs, alone, and pissed off since the only thing i wanted to do this weekend was get away from the atress of school and my home. but noooo, they found a way to stop my fun. so my mom got mad at me cause i yelled at her cause she wanted to talk about it and i didn't want to so she got my brother from college on the phone and i was planning on gettong in the car at 7 30 and leaving but my brother kept the tedious and annoying conversation of him calling me a baby and i shouldn't get so affended of him being an ass and to stop taking it personally. hes my fucking brother, it cant get any more personal mind you. he kept it going till 9. i said ya like 200 times. i am actually kinda happy that i pushed my brother instead of punching him in the face a few times cause i know that it would not be a good idea with my cousins around. i know hes gonna try to get on my nerves later just so we can fight. it seems thats his goal. is to have us start punching eachothers lights out. if we were the same size i know i would kick his ass though cause the only thing he has up on me is him being taller and stronger. but i have a better punch. thats for damn sure.

    Current Mood: restless
    5:25 pm
    my stomach is growling...
    see my day started out good. i slept in till about 11:30. not to shabby i think. Then walked upstairs sat down. and my mom says hey, nick dusty and cody are coming to our house tonight. and i was like ok, but i have plans. and shes like ya, i know your going to have to cancel cause aunt tony asked us to watch them since she was busy tonight and couldn't watch them. hhmmm. i said then well i have plans and if i dont go it would really make me look bad mom and i really want to go have some fun with my friends. and she says then bummer. oh that just crossed the line. then i said thats crap. so i madde some vanilla and chocolate jell-o to make me feel better. it was good. maybe i can find a way to change her mind?

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: linkin park songs
    Friday, April 19th, 2002
    10:44 pm
    so im here and my dads leaving for some far off land tommorow morning. then i have to wake up, do my laundry, mow the lawn, and make sure i dont get in trouble so my mom doesn't change here mind about letting me go to this birthday party since i know she is just waiting. ha, im gonna show you up. well today was fun. i was hanging out with jen allison and barbara and it was really fun. its been so long since i have had fun like that.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: notin
    3:52 pm
    so it seems that im ditching the hide and go seek game at my house and im gonna go to joes b-day party. It should be fun. i was thinking of getting him some porn but my mom said his parents wouldn't appreciate that. so im just gonna get him a cd or somit. i'll find something cool. i always do. muhahaha.
    now that i think of it, it would be cold at my house, even though it would rock i still would like to have more people there. So im gonna wait. ya. and wait until its warm.

    Current Mood: my stomach hurts.
    Current Music: screaming infadelities...
    Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
    10:51 pm
    well im here and really tired
    if one of my friends were here they would say go to sleep. i cant concentrate on sleeping. i have so much going on that i just cant sleep. ya and jen seems to think that i need to breathe slowly to control my breathing. what the fuck will that do. im not fuckin' gay. i dont do yoga. so why the hell would i do that. this so sucks. im gonna act like im reading a book but actually think about how stupid my life is. i sometimes hate being busy. i say i dont have a life. and when im really busy i dont want one. hhmmm. thats childish.

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: bad religion, defence
    5:45 pm
    starfish have feelings to yunno...
    yunno what? ITS TRUE! starfish seriously dont just sit around on the ocean floor eating muscles. They fight for domanincy just like all the others but much slower then the other animals. On PBS last night i was watching this and it is really cool when they fast forward the footage of the starfish. So, i guess not having a brain doesn't make you smart.

    Current Mood: nerdy
    Current Music: the temptations
    Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
    4:22 pm
    busy busy...
    ya im here for a few more seconds then i have to go back to school and be in that play thinger. Then i have to go to blockbuster. AND my stomach hurts because im hungry.
    Monday, April 15th, 2002
    9:13 pm
    i am feeling........different. i started listening to this song and some how my mood changed totally. it is very strange. its happened to me before but not at that magnatude. I think my body just felt tired of being sad i guess. which is unusual. i feel like screaming. i dont know why but screaming makes me feel better afterwards. its like im throwing all the crap out of my life and i start anew. so sadness is like, hhmmm. what is sadness like? its like when you drive and its the time when its not daytime but not nightime and you dont know when to turn the light on. confusing. ya i just blew that out of my ass.

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: that one song on that one cd that i borrowed from allison
    5:14 pm
    well i ate about 3 quarters of my banana creme jell-o and then i started getting sick from the sweetness factor. so to make my stomach feel better i ate some chips. but i still feel alittle upset. i wonder if anybodys gonna read this? eh, whatever

    Current Mood: nauseated
    4:20 pm
    "baahhh" says frank...
    well im waiting for my banana creme jell-o to get done. It is gonna be so good. well...ya.

    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: pigs yelping
    Sunday, April 14th, 2002
    10:41 pm
    why do i have such annoying parents..?
    well i went asleep at like 3 last night and woke up at nine. for some reason i cant concentrate on sleeping. weird huh?
    well i woke up and went to freddies and got some doughnuts. Then i went back out to the mall and bought my brothers birthday gift. (geez, thts like the fifth time i wrote down birthday today, weird.) i then went to hallmarks and bought him a card. it was funny, it showed a weiner dog and it said one day your a hot dog then you turn out to be a old weener. it was perfect, inside joke. well we went to mcmennamins and ordered food which got me sick by the way. and anyway, the point of my story. i had to drive my parents and my new 21 year old brother home cause they drank to much. it was so annoying. my mom hickupped every 3 sylabels and my dad hickupped to make fun of her. my brother was making stupid jokes to "make fun" of me. i guess you would have been there to see the pain i was going through. oh, and my mom told my dad that if he keeps it up he is gonna be very happy tonight, eewwwww!!!!! dear god! ew ew ew.
    one good thing is that my mom got me some new shampoo and it makes my hair extremely soft. not that it matters cause i put gel in it every time i go to school annyways. but i can still play with it cause i am special. oh and sorry about the longness of this entry

    Current Mood: nauseated
    Current Music: ew, ew, ew!
    Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
    5:52 pm
    this girl i dont know is talking to me on the internet. shes 16, has hazel eyes and likes basketball. good huh?

    hhmmm. bye.

    Current Mood: guilty
    Current Music: hummbob.
    Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
    5:19 pm
    calm yourself...
    gosh darn. wellim here. its been like 2 weeks since my last entry. but my head fells like a washer machine. everything inside is going around and around and i cant stop it. i need to take a rest. I so need a gf. its not that i need one but i despretly want one. but im keeping strong and making myself not to do stupid things. well so im now looking around for people eligable to date and the only people i thought of were not just juicy(if you get what i meen) but i will keep the search going and i will post any new happenings. geez. i really dont want to though. i dont want a gf. i am so confused. hopefully knowone will reply to this so i dont have to explane myself to them. i think it is possible though. hhmmm. im gonna go play some vediogames. ( i put the "e" there on purpose so you people will know im saying it with an e sound

    Current Music: squeekin of my stupid fucking dogs squeeker toy.
    Sunday, March 17th, 2002
    11:59 pm
    so my brother is here from pullman and hese here next to me. which pisses me off cause hes making me type with the keyboard on my lap. Yunno what also pisses me off. When you have those lids for the ice cream cups. Well, theres a lid which you practically have to pick off with tweezers and when its off, well you got to lick it. thats ok but the ice cream doesn't come off. so you keep on lickin' it and then it starts tasting like the lid. My brother just hit himself in the croach. i guess the college isn't working like it should. He actually tried to crush a pop can inbetween his knees. and in doing so he pulled his groin muscle. hehe. hes a idiot. i hope he doesn't hit me for that last comment. hhmmm. eh whatever. so ... *****a./ it reallly hurts, b./ i prefer acutally to be called dumbass c./ yes nick will get hit for that*****bye

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Current Music: na na na, nana i cant get you out of my head. shes so hot!
    Friday, March 15th, 2002
    3:36 pm
    so im here, all alone, got nothing to do. Does it annoy anyone else how the tv has the same shows on all the time. TV is not as impresive as it used to be. nothing really else to say.

    Current Mood: gloomy
    Current Music: boys are in the hood, jockin' the bitches slappin' the hoes
    12:40 pm
    geesh, i was going to the store right, and i got my moms groceries and was coming home and i got stuck behind this slow car. i had to follow it for like 15 minutes. It really made me mad.

    Current Music: blister in the sun
    Thursday, March 14th, 2002
    4:02 pm
    geesh. i really hate being computer illiterate. How am i supposed to put my friends on the page if i dont even have any friends on my other deeley. Yunno allison i need some help since you obviously have the skills. thanks!

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: pokemon noices. i dont think its chilish, its cool!
    Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
    3:59 pm
    cool blue...
    badda bing bodda boom, i'm here and i have my new favorite blue shirt on. cool. im hip. bye.

    Current Mood: wanting to read
    Current Music: i want to read my railroad express book i have...
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    5:51 pm
    so im here again, tweedeling my thumbs, bored out of my whits, thinking about how i could change, but dont want to... eh whatever.

    Current Mood: thirsty
    Current Music: all we have is water in this house...aaahhh. i'm a pop freak
    4:48 pm
    pineapple is good on pizza...
    i got home and had two pizzas. there mini just so you dont get the wrong idea. I'm gonna grow up to be a old feller who yells at young punks. I'm gonna send money to my family even though they dont need it and make the bathroom smell bad everytime i go in. a excellent life. my older brother is coming home this weekend from college. I am happy but i know im not gonna get any sleep since im sleeping in his old room so hes gonna play on my computer till the next morning. if im in a bad mood im sorry.

    Current Mood: a bump on a log
    Current Music: im my own Grampa
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