Sunday, March 23rd, 2003
2:18 pm - important please read...
I have a new journal xratedtabbu. I have only added three people so far, people I KNOW want to be on my friends list for sure. if you add me I will for sure add you back. I want a lot of you to still be one of my friends, but only if you want to. No adding just cause bullshit. I love you all.
Add me if you really do want me as a friend still. xratedtabbu
<3 tabbi
current music: skinny puppy:::Yes he ran
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Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
3:40 pm - doom
From knowing me. Caring about me. Pathetic. Lost for my own doubt, endless dissatisfaction. Always indifferent to your emotions.
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Wednesday, March 12th, 2003
3:53 pm
I am such a fuck nut. I will never live on my own. Own a car. Or get insurance.
I will always live at home and be fucking retarded.
I'll color in my fucking coloring books, and eat suckers until I learn how to suck cock.
You left me on my knees...opps.
I'd trade you places any day.
Rahhhh I'm so fucking cool with my weed, bitches, and hoes.....big pmpin' isn't that the life?
I hate me.
current mood: leave me alone
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Monday, March 10th, 2003
9:00 pm - hmph
After school I went over Shannon's and me her and her mom went to a bunch of stores and it was just like the old times. It broght back soo many memories. Kinda made me sad, but at the same time happy because it was back for them few hours.
Didn't get to see Brandon though. Yeah it kinda sucks, I was really looking forward to seeing him. Another day I guess. It's not like i'll die....tomorrow I'm not that lucky.
School sucks I have homework...bleh. O.o
current mood: blah current music: :::Skylar sucking carpet:::
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Sunday, March 9th, 2003
8:31 pm - okokokok i'm pathetic
I deleted my journal there for a couple days because it makes me sick to my stomach. But here I am, brought the stupid slut back.
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Saturday, March 8th, 2003
8:13 am - I'M so sex-E even for my mother-fucking bod-E.
Don't read this it's not important. Just a waste-of-space
Just when you thnk you've found that someone you'll never lose, you lose them. It like smacks you in the face harder then you thought you could be smacked in the face.
I'm sick of being sad. I get sad/depressed over things, and it gives me this physical feeling in the pit of my chest, like right then would be the perfect time to be shot in the face. Things depress me and I can't get over it for a while, yet everyone else is all fucking happy and perfect right away. I'm sick of feeling this way. I'm done. If anyone wants to be my friend then be my fucking friend, don't act like you "like" me when all you like is how I have no other fucking friends, so no worries if her feelings get hurt it's not like anyone will fucking care. Don't even try and be my friend. You know you don't want to. SAVE YOURSELF THE TROUBLE. I also find myself saying stupid things when I'm around certain people, and they point out what I said and they do it in a way that sounds so fucking horrible and it makes me feel like the stupidest person the world. I get a really bad feeling like I should just go and hang myself right then and there, it nice....I'm sensitive....I should die already. I like it.
I went to Landslide last night with Brandon. There were a few good times, but not so much for the most part. Whenever I go to places like that I feel like I stick out so fucking much because I'm so disgusting I can't even take it, I can hardly imagine what strangers think.....then you have these perfect girls jumping all around being sooo cute, and you just want to lay in a corner and die.
Isn't it nice when you go out with a group of people and say or do something, and then one of them calls you dumb/stupid/or just gives you hat look like you should die, then not even two minutes later a different person does something just as stupid and everyone laughs.....oh yeah I like when that happens to me expecally when it happens multiple times in only a few hours.
I love Brandon, yeah, no matter what pretty much...last night kinda proved that. Not that it matters now. I killed it.
current mood: kindalikeishoulddriveoffa current music: freewayramp. I'mnotsayingsorry.
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1:34 am - and the winner!?
I wish seeing blood made me sick, it would just make certain situations easier. Don't fucking ask, or worry, or accuse because you don't know.
Did YOU KNOW the ten comandments AREN'T multiple choice? And this whole time I've thought wrong.....godforsakenwddnjwqeb?!
I know can't be what I want to be so just let me be this, and leave me be.
I'm tired, I'm going to bed now. Good Fucking night.
Ps. if I do't come back, don't's not like it matters.
current mood: contemplative
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Wednesday, March 5th, 2003
9:12 am - Super
Okay usually I hate when people update with a long (flooding) list of qoutes in there journal but I really think everyone should read these ones. I stole these qoutes from someones journal. O.o shhh. They said they got these from Just a few things that our president has said at one time or another.
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." -George W. Bush
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'." 12/6/93
"Mr. Vice President, in all due respect, it is? I'm not sure 80 percent of the people get the death tax. I know this: 100 percent will get it if I'm the president."-Gov. George W. Bush
"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world." 9/21/97
"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history." -Gov. George W. Bush
"I am not a part of the problem. I am a Republican."-George W. Bush
"A lower voter turn out is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." -Gov. George W. Bush
"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children." 9/18/95
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." -Gov. George W. Bush
"Public speaking is very easy."-Gov. George W. Bush
Maybe these would be funny if they weren't coming out of the mouth of the guy that is running our country.
current mood: crampy current music: the heater
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8:12 am
One day I am going to find a way to make Gummi bears without Gelatin. But they won't taste like fruit snacks.
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7:13 am - Snow+lollipop=fuck you
No school today. I get up-take a shower-make myself *feel* pretty-walk to Shannon's, open her door, she's sleeping, I say "we have school today RIGHT?" and she says "no". What the heck, so then I walk back home and pout. Any other time I would be happy as fuck but not today, I NEEDED to go to first hour today damnit.
OH YES AND.... Lollipop Lust Kill ISN'T coming now because they decide to be super cool and play with Ministry in Calfornia instead, jerk faces.
current mood: aggravated current music: Ed, Ed, and Eddy
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
5:56 pm - la la LOLLIPOP LUST KILL
When: March 30th Where: Emerald Theatre Doors: 7:00PM Playing with Dog Fashion Disco, Tub Ring, and Luxt. All ages Tickets on sale now.
I'm not sure the cost though. (bleh)
So if anyone wants to go with me please let me know....oh yeah and I don't have a ride as of right now, so there's another set back.
Lollipop Lust Kill is pretty good in concert. I seen them with Coal Chamber last summer and that's what made me go (the next day) and buy there cd.
current mood: hopeful
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3:20 pm - before i forget
Does anyone want to go to a LOLLIPOP LUST KILL concert with me? I want to go bad, but I have no one that really likes them like me, and I can't go alone. I'll update with more details later.
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3:15 pm
New kid in my first hour...I want to be his friend a lot. haha. He's not ugly eiher. haha.
I went back to the doctors put on more meds. haha. A nasil spray and an inhaler. haha.
I'm going to attempt to work on homework now while listening to music. haha. I hate music and homework. haha
current mood: snot juicy haha current music: lollipop lust kill:::knee deep in the dead
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Sunday, March 2nd, 2003
12:04 am
Brandon's sleeping in my bed. What a square--Haw haw silly boy. We (I) watched Dumb and Dumber. tonight, haven't seen it in ages and it is still funny. Yeah him sleeping+me not tired=me taking stupid online tests. Apparently if I were a metal band I would be NIN.
I missed school EVERY day last week. RAHHHHH! But I guess it's better then ya know going to school wih a 102 temp and closing your eyes and not knowing if you feel asleep or just blinked. Yeah thats fun.
*Have you ever picked your nose and had no where to put the booger? Yeah me neither, that's just sick.*
::YAWN:: BRANDU WAKE UP! (aww no he looks so cute when he's sleeping shhh)
I'm outta here to watch *Trading Spaces*
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Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
11:42 am - run yer hand threw my frooo ohh ohh
^^there are a lot of stupid songs^^
And I'm sick, still, but today it is worse. Now I'm throwing up too. Yippie. My cough has gotten worse, and now i have these extreme chest and stomach pains. I fucking hate being sick. Now I'm gonna have tons of work to do when I get back to school. Fuuuuuck this. Fuuuuck me.
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Monday, February 24th, 2003
8:07 pm - Attention
If anyone likes making lj info icon ma-jiggers, feel free to make me one :D.
Likes: -*Mindless Self Indulgence* -Otep -a pic of myself would be neato -Marilyn Monroe -Lollipop Lust Kill -*Skinny Puppy* -System of A Down -*Rasputina*
I'm getting sick of this stupid fairy thing I have.
Also it might make me get better faster...aye, aye? Anyone?
Best wishes to you!
[side note: my kittens are going to get fixed tomarrow, they are going under the knife!! "ahhh"]
current mood: sick
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7:56 pm - )x msi x(
I thought about it and I'm not too sad I didn't get MSI tickets for last saturday, because I wouldn't of been able to go anyways due to weather. For some reason looking on the brighter side of things just doesn't cut it for me. Fuck you.
At least I still have my health, oh wait I don't! x(
At least I'm not dying! That's gonna have to work for now.
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4:33 pm - *does the sick dance*
God damn I hate being sick. But I kept myself busy while home sick (AGAIN for the third monday in a row, ODD). (Brandon started teaching me a new song, I'm determined to get it right. And hot damn its NOT in drop D tuning go figure :P.)
Well i'm going to get some grubb and watch trading spaces, bite me.
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Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
11:25 am
Thursday, February 20th, 2003
4:39 pm - that clown they dress up as a cop..
It's so beautiful out today, and here I am on-line. Listening to Ministry. What the heeeeck man. Shoot me. "ka-boom"
But it twas a day of pampering, so I feel great. I feel I look great as well, kill two birds with one stone. Stone two birds with one....wait a minute. *slap*
I have been having these bad pains in my left side, and they go around to my back as well. Mom said it's probably my kidney, an infection or something. Niiiice. She didn't even say I should go to the docters or anything. Whats with that shit. It's hurt so bad to where I have to grab my side, and I end up making a noise.....a grunt or groan. Uncontrolable grunt or groan. Or make one of those ridiculous face where yourmouth is hanging open and you sqwint your eyes. haw haw. Could this be a effect of my careless days two summers ago? raaaaaaaaaw.
borrrrrrrrring :P bye
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