LiveJournal for Cassie.
Saturday, August 31st, 2002 |
haha. Oh sweet JAYSUS! Tonight was Ash's LAST tagging night, so me Kate T and Ash wanted to go ALL out and get Leigh BAD. So we got water balloons, filled them up and then placed them in two bags and distributed one to Taryn and I and then one for Kate. We tagged the driveway with chalk...as usual. Then Ashley went up and into the house to say "good bye" and distract them so Kate T and I could go and hide with the balloons. Kate goes behind some porchery and T and I go behind Ashley's car. It took SO long for Ash to come out. While T and I were waiting: 1) A balloon popped on me...making my inner thighs wet. 2) We decided that the ballons made the sound of a man jacking off 3) We thought of alot of battle cries 4) We would have been AWESOME 'Nam soldiers...Back to back..cover ALL angles! 5) We concluded that the balloons would make good sweater puppets and we have a STRONG urge to bite them. Then Leigh and Ash came out and we RANSACKED her! Although we didn't hit her with alot of them...she was SOAKED! Kate NAILED her..and then T and I had a couple REALLY kickass hits. IT was SO awesome. And then Kate T and I run away SCREAMING "TAKE THAT!" and "M TRAIN SUCKS" So we get home and Ashley comes online to TELL us that the cops were called on us because we were SO loud. We are such BADASSES...seriously. But that is SUCH a stupid reason to get called on..but I digress. Alas. Yet another outSTANDING night out with the girls. I am going to miss Ashley SO much :( Damn higher education! |
Swimfan4u: Do u like it? I like to talk about movies and music. GeminiBC2: I like to talk about anal invasions Swimfan4u: K let's do it. GeminiBC2: do you like the butt fucking as well? Swimfan4u: I'm not sure if I like it. What's it like? GeminiBC2: It's delicious and oh so nutritious Swimfan4u: Should I know GeminiBC2: yes you should know Swimfan4u: Tell me more. Why? GeminiBC2: I'll bring my dildo over tomorrow and we can "break" you in Swimfan4u: Would you recommend this action to a friend? GeminiBC2: definetly |
Friday, August 30th, 2002 |
![]() What fashionable underground band/style are you? this quiz was made by the sunni bunni bear |
yadda360: cass said you look really hot. GeminiBC2: HAHA! did he really? yadda360: Im jealous i dont get to crash your study hall and stare at you. |
OH DEAR LORD! I just found out that there is a song on Four Minute Mile, The Get Up Kids called...are you ready?!!? "STAY GOLD, PONYBOY!" OH SWEET SASSY MOLASSY! Ohh my emo pride SHINES! Rock the freakin party emo, rock it like a horse! |
Thursday, August 29th, 2002 |
Haha Only Kate and I can have fun with History homework. We made up characters for each of the assignments. I was a black preacher...not unlike the reverend and a fat british woman. Kate did this one all crying and another one VERY funny. "reBUTTLE!" I love how I am pretty much the only passionate person about Capitalism in my Civics class. Everyone is all about the Communism or they don't care. SWEET JESUS! I can not WAIT to rip into them...ohh if they ONLY knew what's comming to them. Proletariats what? YEAH It's ON. |
Haha Only Kate and I can have fun with History homework. We made up characters for each of the assignments. I was the Reverend Jesse Jackson and a fat british woman. Kate did this one all crying and another one VERY funny. "reBUTTLE!" I love how I am pretty much the only passionate person about Capitalism in my Civics class. Everyone is all about the Communism or they don't care. SWEET JESUS! I can not WAIT to rip into them...ohh if they ONLY knew what's comming to them. Proletariats what? YEAH It's ON. |
Wednesday, August 28th, 2002 |
HAHA! Driver's Ed was HAlarious! FOR SERIOUS! Everyone was SO tired so it made us prone to being overly giddy...haha..you know me..one thing and I'm GONE...Josh Banks, this kid Adam and me were in HYSTERICS about my instructor..because he forgot his answer key and he was like "In my personal opinion...the answer is..." hahahah And THEN my instructor ALWAYS goes "Number A. Number , NUMBER C" Are you SEEING THIS?!?! haha So this kid in the back goes "The answer is number A Joe...you know what? My favorite number is A...it's a good number" I lost it...seriously. Then Mariah, Mallory and this girl Jen and I were just bustin it up...EVERYONE was laughing. I had the BEST quips (LOVE THAT WORD!) Lordy...the one good Driver's Ed class...rockin. I haven't laughed that hard in a while...it was good..real good. |
Oh man...well in study hall Cassidy now does the OWWW 80's screech when he sees me..haha..it's HAlarious. He scared the shit out of me one time he did it "Seriously..I felt a bowel move" THEN..he was playing with my Wolverine action figure which is the BEST 4 dollars I have spent since I bought 4 boxes of NERDS...anyway..he did this funny position with Wolverine and he says: "Oh man..remember Tatanka?! From the WWF...that's what he looks like he is doing. His little dance he would do around the ring before he WENT CRAZY!" And I was REMINDED that I actually DID watch WWE when it WAS WWF lol. Taryn and I watched it for a year and I was TOTALLY flashblacked to watching TATANKA and his "The Indian Death Drop or Papoose To Go" hahaha!! I was such a boy!! OMG!! I SO wish he was still on...I can't believe I forgot about watching that. I think after Tatanka left I didn't have any other reason to watch... Lordy....this MAY be the reason I do not have a significant other...lol. That's where the problem began. But who knows why..haha..I mean who wouldn't be turned on by the fact that a girl was a harcore WWF watcher and loved Tatanka..oh wait..EVERYONE! |
Tuesday, August 27th, 2002 |
Oh...i ALMOST forgot..haah my math class is going to rock SO hard! Kate is in it!! score MAJOR haha..and THEN guess who?! Brian Brennan..haha that kid is HYSTERICAL! We bantered a bit..as I reclaimed my title of "The Freshman". Good to be back...hehe |
Well T spent the night last night...TRADITION BABY! We were pissing ourselves laughing at this site...although I cannot reveal it..only the select few are able to see it :) So we took the BUS hah...Freshman class is INSANELY huge! Taryn Kate and I were SO obnoxious!! I LOVED IT! We thought...fuck this...let's just be obnoxious ALL year and start it off right on the first day! Seems to be going brilliantly. Ok, I was VERY pissed about having to take civics..BUT its my FAV CLASS NOW!! OMG!! Ok...well Mr Arnold is HAlarious! And he was just REALLY like easy going and awesome, and THEN someone said that they had gone to Jersey over the summer and Arnie goes "Who's a good singer from there? Bruce Springsteen!" and I nearly JUMP out of my seat and shout "THE BOSS!! GLORY DAYS BABY!!" and he goes "NO WAY! Your a BRUCE fan?! That's it..you don't even have to come to the rest of the class..you have an A" haha And then Zach tries to say that Bon Jovi was BETTER and I scream at him.."NO ONE BEATS THE BOSS cmon!!" haha. Becca and I are going to rock that class. AND he is doing key club..YES! I missed Mrs. Mountzoures class SO much..it was so good to be back in there! I can't wait...hehe All my classes are pretty decent as of now. Amber actually got Jess to burn me a copy of Doozer...they are rockin. I must say, I enjoy them and there talent. hehe..Thanks guys..rock on motha truckas! I met alot of new people....helped out my freshman buddies as well. Perks of being an upperclassman.... Yet another year awaits.....lordy. |
Monday, August 26th, 2002 |
I don't know anymore. It's not like I should even tempt myself at the thought of it. God damn island. Where the hell is my umbrella floating in the margarita as I lay on the white sands and drift away to mental paradise.... Fuck it...I'm sick of treading water...I'm just going to drown. |
whenACKattacks: i don't think i'll remember much of sophomore year... conciddering i may only live throught the first few days GeminiBC2: hahah well i will throw you an AWESOME funeral! whenACKattacks: haha. play always look on the bright side of life by monty python, willya? GeminiBC2: but of course i shall! whenACKattacks: thank you whenACKattacks: it'll just lighten things up a bit.. 'cause funerals are just so depressing now a days GeminiBC2: haha no problem! anything for a corpse of a friend! GeminiBC2: yeah i know! GeminiBC2: so drab! GeminiBC2: i want to shoot cannons of confetti at mine GeminiBC2: this is serious too haha..i'm not lying GeminiBC2: and give out scrapbooks of all the fun times whenACKattacks: lmao. whenACKattacks: sounds like a plan GeminiBC2: haha i know!! GeminiBC2: i mean i don't want people depressed! GeminiBC2: that's so boring and un-original GeminiBC2: i want a funeral to be a party! |
Sunday, August 25th, 2002 |
1) muck=steal/ mucket = theif in a sentence who mucked my lighter. all right who's the fucking muck'et that took my shitt? to muck is to steal. 2)with me and my friends, we just call each other fucknut or cockmonkey. HAHA 3)ghetto cruisers: flip-flop sandals 4)"moped"- derogatory term for a fat chick- "fat chicks are like a moped, fun to ride 'til your friends see you on it. OH LORD! haha 5)droppin' cosbys - taking a crap cosby speakin' - farting 6)dime: 10, highest rating a guy can give a chick; a compliment i.e. "mmmm! she's a dime!" I like that one! haha 7)"dropping the kids off at the pool"- taking a crap..I seem to like the crap analogies... 8)sweater puppets: tits ie "that girl has nice sweater puppets!" 9)my friend will say this to someone who's pissing him off: you're a cupcake with frosting. lemon frosting...bitch! you gotta wait a couple seconds for the bitch part tho...Just sounds like something dumb I would have made up! lol Although most of our coinage is MUCH better...you know how much of a sucker for coinage I am....I AM the Coinage Bitch! |
hehe http://www.toothpastefordinner.com you HAVE to dl these songs..they are HAlarious! "It's a perfect day for punching kids, they run around and jump up and down and they cost you alot of DOUGH!" Ahh..the hilarity of it all! |
![]() You Have a Round Ass!All the guys think that you're a cutie.That's thanks to your ghetto booty. You've got a ass that looks like it's black. And color doesn't matter, because baby got back. What Ass Do *You* Have?? |
![]() What's *Your* Sex Sign? |
It's raining outside. God I love the rain. It's so calming. It just makes me feel this extreme sense of mirth and peace from within. I wish it was a thunderstorm though...those can wash ALL my problems away. Rain is one of the few things that TRUELY results in a real emotion from me. I can't fake how I feel with rain. It's so pure and natural. I can't even describe to you how good it feels to me when it rains. Ahh...what sweetness it gives to the air...I love it. |
Saturday, August 24th, 2002 |
I am listening to DUCK DALES THEME SONG! My life is so hysterical....or quite sad. But you can't beat lyrics such as; "D-d-d-anger watch behind you...there's a stranger out to find out!" Ahh..the hilarity of it all. |
LiveJournal for Cassie.