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Thursday, August 15th, 2002
3:29 pm
lucky you. you were what every child should be.
carefree. optimistic. and happy.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
1:00 pm
I've decided that I want Elvis to perform the ceremony when I get married. This all started because one of my new favorite shows is Two for Las Vegas. The show follows around couples in Las Vegas when they get married and then gives them a rating at the end on how long they think they'll last. Most couples get 6 weeks to a year. After that show, Honeymoon Adventures comes on. Another very neat show. Honeymooners go to exotic or out of the ordinary locations and do crazy stuff like sky diving or shark feeding or tree climbing. So Sarah E. Blessing you'd better start getting outdoorsy so that when we go on our honeymoon I can go tree climbing!!! Hurry! I only have 4 million years of school left!!

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Monday, August 12th, 2002
10:37 pm
BOWIE is on Leno!!! Everybody watch!!!!

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9:57 pm
Tonight was the first practice for Godspell. It went very well. MUCH different than any kind of theater that I've ever done. I'm used to doing shows with the Charleston Light Opera Guild, that puts on amazing shows, but sometimes maybe takes it a little too seriously. Tonight at practice our director actually encouraged responses and suggestions!! Unheard of!!! She even seemed to have fun!! Our musical director is different too. Tonight we didn't even sing with accompaniment. He said he just wanted to hear how we blended without any other music. It was awesome!! I am really excited about the show! I will be playing the part of Peggy. The actors range in age from 17 to 50 and all of the ones that I have heard have amazing voices. It makes me feel awesome being in the same show with such talented people. And can I just say that if he was a few years older I would have a super big crush on the guy that plays John the Baptist. He has the most amazing voice and he's only 18!!! Hooray! I finally have a dramatic outlet!! Maybe now I won't be so retarded!!!!!

current mood: excited

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Thursday, August 8th, 2002
10:26 pm
I auditioned for Godspell last week and was getting kinda worried about the outcome. However today I found out that I made it! Hooray! I win at life!

More random pictures!!Click here or die!! )

current mood: cheerful
current music: Howard Stern

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Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
10:34 pm - I'm not sure if you're ready for this but.....
Many of you have heard of the Francis. Some of you have not. For those that have not and for those that have I will tell you a story about my first incounter with the Francis. If you notice mispellings in the Francis's dialogue, it is only because thats the way it sounded when she said it.

Chapter 1

Once upon a time a girl(lets just call her Rachel) went to her good friend, Nick's, house in dirty girtville unaware of what waited there for her. As she pulled up she noticed a woman leaning out of a second story window, waving. "Hi!" She yelled. "Are you wanna Nicky's frends?" "Yes" Rachel yelled back. Rachel thought nothing more of the occurance until later that night when, as Rachel and Nick were enjoying too many cocktails, Francis showed up. She then proceeded to go into great detail about her sex life (how she used to be a prositute) and her kids (who had been taken away by social services) and her "cwazy kitties" named Tigger and Lil' Girl.

Rachel was beginning to think the night couldn't get any better until Jabbo showed up. Now Jabbo is a midget (excuse me....little person) and doesn't take kindly to strangers. He always has a bottle of Hurricane in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Jabbo sat down next to Francis and attempted to put his arm around her.

"Nope" said the Francis "I'm a nun. Don't want nun, ain't had nun, and YOU ain't gonna get nun!!"

"Awww hell no!" Jabbo said. "You can't handle what JABBO's got!!! I'll be all up in that gut!"

He then turned to walk down the stairs and missed the first one, causing him to fall down an entire flight of stairs, spilling his bottle of Hurricane and ultimately leading him to urinate on himself. Francis then turned to Rachel and said, "Stupid Mudderducker!!"

Now if you're lucky, and I get really bored again, I might just post chapter two one day. Believe me. It gets MUCH better!

Are you ready for this?!?!?

current mood: accomplished

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Wednesday, July 24th, 2002
9:19 pm - Would you like more family fun time pictures? Sure you would.
Its really weird, but I'm kinda ready for school to start. At least then I would have something to do and people to hang out with. I should have just stayed in West Virginia for the summer. If I could change it, I would. Oh well. I probably never would have left if I had done that.

Nothing exciting happened in my life except that I got a much needed/deserved raise! Hooray! Its about damn time. Oh yeah...and I got in a verbal fight with a guy. For those who don't know, I'm a vegitarian. He is always teasing me about it and for some reason the other day I just snapped. It could of been when he said "I just don't buy the whole vegitarian thing" and then proceeded to tell me that I try to be to politically correct. Well excuse me but if I am too politically correct its only to cancel out some of the stupidity brought to the world by ignorant comments like that. Anyway, I ended up winning the fight! Of course. He apologized and hasn't teased me about my eating prefrences since. I win at life AND I saved Christmas!

Ok less talk, more pictures.

This is one of Sarah and me which we took in a very professional manner. I held the camera out with one arm and with the other arm held Sarah's......whoops! Nevermind. But you can guess why I look like I'm about to laugh in the picture.

More pictures? Yes, please. Click here for more family fun time pictures!!! )

current mood: bored
current music: The Shining.....very, very weird

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Saturday, July 6th, 2002
4:00 pm
Yeah! More family fun time! I got to see my Godmother, Carol, yesterday for the first time in 4 years! It was so awesome.

This is me and my niece, Sarah, with Carol, my new niece Mandy, and Carol's husband, Rich.

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Friday, July 5th, 2002
3:09 pm
I like family. Don't get me wrong. I love to spend quality time with my family. But why must it be so boring?? It is 3:30 and I haven't even gotten out of my pjs! I like being in my own apartment where nobody tells me what to watch on TV and I can sleep all day if I want to. I like to go out without everyone asking where I'm going and when I'll be back and who I'm going with. Just two more weeks....

I want to go shopping like its nobody's business! I crave shopping like people crave crack. Its been three whole days since I've had a fix. Something has got to change here.

Anywho, my niece was born. They call her Mandy. She's beautiful! She likes to chew on my finger and sleep all the time. My kinda kid.

blah. Here's some pictures.

This is my niece Kahtrena and me with our dogs Parker and Buddy.

My darling sister, Karen, and moi!

My Jerms and me.

current mood: blah

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Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
2:38 pm - Picture pages....
Nothing worthwhile to say. Instead I am posting random, retarded pictures of my family-fun-time family! Please ignore the stupid white frame around the pictures. I can't get rid of it.

Putt Putt fun with Dwighty and Jerms! Its a "solid two"!!

We are too cool for school!

I've seen some pretty scary pictures of Saree and me but I think this one takes the cake!

Come on preschool!!

current mood: cheerful
current music: Elvis...You were always on my mind

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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2002
11:34 am - Cherry Coke...
In honor of my friend Jerms...who I miss dreadfully...I am drinking a yummy Cherry Coke. Delish!

Is it bad that I am really happy? Not just content or ok but really,REALLY happy? For the first time in my life I have nothing to complain about...except that I miss my family. There is really no reason I can think of...just one day I was grumpy and I thought to myself..."You're grumpy but you have no reason to be grumpy!" So I decided to stop being grumpy and just be happy. That was 3 weeks ago. Let me check...yup. Still happy.

Haha....I just sneezed really loud and everyone in the computer lab at school looked at me. I can't help that I'm a loud sneezer! Sorry! Stop looking at me!!!

Oh well. I know that I haven't written in like five hundred years but I really have nothing excited to talk about. Therefore, I have decided to just post a bunch of crazy pictures (like Sarah) and hope that someone, besides myself, gets some enjoyment out of them.

current mood: giddy
current music: Craziness in the 'puter lab

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Friday, March 29th, 2002
9:27 pm - The Alamo!
Haha! (said very wickedly) my room is clean! Everyone said it couldn't be done, but gosh darnit its done!

I'm in the best mood for some reason right now. David Bowie does that for me. I'm so giddy-like. I'm so happy. My life is awesome! Busy, but awesome.
I had the greatest Spring Break. Didn't do much but work and hang out but Wow! it was awesome.

I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time I am very content with myself. The only thing I would change about my life if I could see my family more (which includes my family-fun-time-family). It bums me out when I don't to see them enough. I wish May would hurry up and get here.

I went to the Stones River Battlefield today. Just to relax and just partake of the incredibly beautiful day. It was so amazing. I'd never been there before but I think I will be going back soon. Its a great place to just walk around and explore. I think I'll bring a friend next time though.

current mood: happy
current music: David Bowie!! Who else is there??

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Monday, March 25th, 2002
2:28 pm - In one word, the Oscars.........

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Thursday, March 21st, 2002
9:48 pm - Sarah would you like some sausage??
Hooray! Its officially my spring break! I hafta go to work at 7 tomorrow but oh well. Its spring break! This has been a really crappy week but who cares cause its spring break!

current mood: sleepy
current music: some show on HBO

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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
8:04 pm - whoops....
I'm sorry guys....I know I haven't been on in like a million years but things have been crazy.

I got a new job at a bagel shop a month ago and I have been doing that plus school and plus my intern added all together equals no free time. Oh well...my dad says thats part of being an adult. If so then I don't wanna be an adult. grrrrr.....

I still love you guys, I promise!

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
10:42 pm - hip hip.....
Hooray! I am so excited to be an aunt again! My sister Jen is preggie and due at the end of June!

Isn't my new niece beautiful?

current mood: happy
current music: Some weird show on HBO

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
3:57 pm - Woohoo!!

I'm Jareth!

I'm Jareth! I'm calculating and determined, and I may well burst into song for no reason. I want to get the girl, rule the kingdom, and wear tight pants. Ahhh, who doesn't?

Take the "Which Labyrinth character are you most like?" quiz by smarmy

Ok. So what if I fixed it?? I had to get Jareth! I'm gonna have all of his babies!

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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
10:04 pm - Bonjourno!
Hooray! I finished another paper! One down and only half of another one to go!! I am so good!

I am starting to get homesick again. Its been a while since I felt like I NEEDED to go home but after last week, with all of the crazy stress here and fun stuff going on in Charleston, I really wanna go home. I miss my family and my dog and my friends.

I am in need of a dramatic outlet!!!

current mood: drained
current music: Cartoon Network

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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
4:49 pm - Family fun time.....
I have finally discovered thanks to tvsnick how to post pictures. I no longer have to wait for sarah to get online and post them for me. Hooray!

I went to Valdosta, GA this past weekend to visit my sister, Karen, and my nieces and nephew. I had a bunch of fun! We went to Wild Adventures, which is an amusement park, and spent the day hanging out. I miss them already.

current mood: accomplished
current music: What lies beneath

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
12:09 am - Now kids...its time for another story
Nick : Tell me a story.
Rachbee3 : Ok.
Rachbee3 ]: here goes
Rachbee3 : Once upon a time there was a beautiful pink plastic cup.....
Rachbee3 : This particular cup had a secret fascination with a silver spoon
Nick : Was it innocent beautiful or slut, "Pam Anderson" beautiful?
Rachbee3 : will you let me tell the GD story or are you gonna keep interupting?
Nick : I'm gonna keep interrupting.
Rachbee3 : Shall I continue?
Nick : Cause I neeeeeeeed to knooooooow.
Nick : Fine, fine. I'll shut up.
Rachbee3 : All questions will take place at the end of the tour
Rachbee3 : ANYWAY......
Rachbee3 : This silver spoon, although very beautiful, had a very ugly attitude.
Rachbee3 : One day, after working hard to get his courage up, the pink plastic cup asked the silver spoon for a date...
Rachbee3 : And the silver spoon said "You are an ugly plastic pink cup and I am a beautiful silver spoon. Why would I ever go out with you?"
Rachbee3 : The pink plastic cup was crushed. He cried for 40 days and nights causing a terrible flood.
Rachbee3 : Many were killed. Including the silver spoon. The pink plastic cup, however, was alive and well and last I heard making a bundle of money selling cardboard.
Rachbee3 : FIN
Rachbee3 : Do you know the moral of this story?
Nick : It is better to have loved and killed than never to have loved at all?
Rachbee3 : No you little fool!
Rachbee3 : Be sure to eat 8 servings of fruit and veggies EVERY day!
Nick : Am I the cup? I don't wanna kill people.
Rachbee3 : If you are the cup then who is the silver spoon?
Nick : satan
Nick : or yo
Nick : u
Nick : or jimmy the janitor
Nick : or the fish
Nick : who's either Sigmund or Fitzwilliam.
Nick : We're not sure.
Rachbee3 : Its not based on actual characters
Nick : Oh, good
Nick : Do I get to give you a story in exchange?
Rachbee3 : yeasht
Nick : Ok
Nick : Once upon a time there was a book.
Nick : And that book started like this:
Nick : "Once upon a time there was a guy who was telling a story and his story went like this:"
Nick : """Everybody loves coffee," said Smellyboy McSmellerton, as he strode into the chicken shack.""
Nick : "But then the guy had a heart attack and died. It was sad. At his funeral, his widow said,"
Nick : ""I think it's ok that the guy who talked about Smelly McSmellerton died. I'm cool with that.""
Nick : "And then I went home. Cause I'm a book."
Nick : The End.
Nick : Do you know what the moral is?
Rachbee3 : its better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all?
Nick : It's "The Silver Spoon is a bitch. Don't trust her."
Rachbee3 : ahhh
Rachbee3 : That was wonderful
Nick : i know

current mood: sleepy
current music: Loud roommates

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