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Monday, September 2nd, 2002 | 22:30 |
Yeah yeah yeah.... enough of that.... So I've been fussed at for a few weeks now about not having updated in a while. And I'll admit, I should have done this a long time ago. But now is the time I'm doing it. And why now? Because I have homework to do. My homework just reached the point where the next step is a big huge complex one without a stopping point until the end. So I'll stop now, and hope it will all get done tomorrow. Most of my classes are pretty good. I like my English teacher. It's the first english class I've enjoyed since my sophomore year in high school. 'Course, it's an engineer-centered course, so woo hoo! Dynamics and controls (he calls it Control of Mechatronic Systems which makes it sound a lot than the TRACS name.) is probably my toughest course as far as the work and thinking involved. I'm strongly considereing dropping my PE's. I'm taking fitness walking and social dance. Fitness walking is worrying me just because I'm worried I won't be able to meet the goals he has for pass/fail. Social dance is worrying me because, the last time I remember dancing, I was lousy at leading and wasn't creative enough to keep changing patterns/steps. Aerodynamics should be easier this time around. Structures is going to be a lot more difficult than I'd like, not so much because of advanced topics I think, but rather just because of complexity. Where Dynamics and controlls is difficult in "simple" systems all semester, Structures will be difficult in complex systems. The suite is quiet this year. No one left, but my roomie that I know. And even then, John wasn't a Second East boy (neither was I, but as much time as I spent there my senior year, I should have been) so many of the stories that we would bring up or the bonds that stemmed from Science and Math isn't quite there. I think I'm taking my first big steps away from my S&M; crowd, and I feel it saddening me. I wish I could put those years, and the effects they had on me and others into words, but sadly, I know not the words nor even the feelings or ideas. I'm just finishing watching Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring right now... and I'm realizing the plethora of excellent quotations in it. Someday I'll go through it and copy down my favorites, as I should do in all of my favorite movies. My corner is getting closer to set up, but still has a way to go. I've been hanging out in Daniel's suite in Bragaw and awful lot, and I'm really enjoying some of the friends I've made there. There are several other things that have been circling my mind, that I have yet to jot down, but I can't recall them now. Perhaps I'll remember more tomorrow... after I've cleared these out. Anyone remember anything I was supposed to tell about that I didn't? Leave a comment and I'll be sure I get to it next time. | Tuesday, August 13th, 2002 | 20:07 |
Free underwear! Ok... so I've got a coupon for a free pair of panties at Victoria's Secret... I get the impression that it's no puchase necessary... I have no use for it... anyone want it? I think it expires on the 24th or so. | Monday, August 12th, 2002 | 15:02 |
| 15:00 |
Women... AND POLLS!! I don't understand women... so I've deduced that either 1) I'm broken... 2) they're broken or 3) someone didn't do enough testing before release or 4) it's an intentional "feature" to steepen the learning curve.
Hmm... you know, I haven't had a poll in a while... So... let's have one... If you don't like my silly polls, stop reading now. Otherwise, skip to the next paragraph. Wait a minute... you're still reading? That's not right! Oh dear, I've made a terrible mistake. Oh, and the answer to number 3 is "322" but you shouldn't know that unless you're reading this, which you shouldn't be.
Doh! I pressed the wrong button... Oh well! On with the poll! | Thursday, August 8th, 2002 | 21:12 |
DC So Far (Days 0-2) Ok, so here's the summary of my stuff so far. For your viewing pleasure, I'm using that wonderful lj-cut tag. ( Fun in the Capitol of the.. umm.. .where are we? )To be continued in a later post ..... Current Mood: Sleepy sorta? Maybe? I dunno | Thursday, July 25th, 2002 | 20:15 |
Power Supply Woes.... Ok, so I got my powersupply back from the service people at Antec and it's worked great for a few days and now, when the computer's been on too long (in the power supply's opinion) it restarts. Grrrr.... Of course the power supply's opinion of being on too long is about... ohh.... 3-4 minutes.... Grrrr..... Anyone suggest name brands for power supplies?
I finished the Harry Potter Books again... man I'm bad... Oh well, only the second time...
No luck finding anyone intersted in going to the beach for a few days... 'course it was explained to me that after you go swimming a bit and walk the strip once, you've done it all... and that might be right... I think the pleasure of a trip there would depend greatly on the accompaniment (or lack thereof).... So I've been thinking more... and I may end up spending a week (probably a bit less) in DC... Of course, I intend to spend much of that time going to museums... especially the Air and Space Museum... *drools*
Anyways... only a few more days (4) of work left. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. | Friday, July 12th, 2002 | 8:35 |
Thoughts before work.... Last night I slept well except for waking up twice... both times my heart beating faster and harder than it usually does in my sleep and this gut feeling that I just woke up from an extremely intense dream. I can think of a million things the dreams could have been about and even have a few preferences among them... but alas, I did not recall any of it upon awaking. I really wish J.K. Rowling had a 5th and 6th and 7th book out... And, at least as far as Scholastic goes, no news on the next one that I could find.
I think I saw the Air National Guard as a way to change the world or make a difference. Especially with a position like Loadmaster, where, I'd be the one standing on the edge of the back of a plane controlling the release of the fire retardant. Anyways... lost dreams....
And now, time for work... I'm going to make my last day of actual work be the 31st of July and just go in for my check on August 1st. I'd figure out the number of work days left (including today) but I'm feeling lazy and unmotivated to do menial things. Any volunteers are welcome. | Thursday, July 11th, 2002 | 22:22 |
A few thoughts from the man in hiding... I haven't been online much recently. A few reasons I guess. One of them being that I've been reading a lot recently and another one being that just not really any overwhelming reason to get online. I haven't read my friends journals in almost a week and who knows when I'll actually get around do it. I'm starting to get anxious about my power supply that I sent back to Antec. I need to give the RMA guy up there an e-mail and see what the deelio is. Anyways... I started the Harry Potter series of books this past saturday and finished the fourth book earlier tonight. While usually at work I'm incredibly bored and whatnot, I now spent my idle time (which my brain has plenty of on this job) thinking about the bits of the book I had read the day before. Going through various scenes in my head and imagining them. The 4th book I think is probably the best. Maybe its just because it's longer and because we learn more and such. I started feeling a bit emotional at the end. One of those times I had sorta wished I had been in my room alone so I could let whatever came from the book flow freely. For some reason I feel somewhat inspired. Not to do anything in particular, just wanting to do something that matters. It seems the only things I've done this summer have been work. And as important as it is that industries get their fans, I'm continually reminded both by myself and the working conditions that it's a job and little more. Although they did give me 2 free polo shirts. Unfortunately they're both black. While I've been told I look good in black shirts and such, dark shirts are not commonplace in my wardrobe. Anyways, back to being inspired. I was laying in my bed earlier (I tried to go to sleep and had too many thoughts going thru my head to succeed) wishing that I had some magical power, anything. Well, anything useful. But alas... The probability of whatever skills I'm able to scrape together from college (in aerospace engineering) being put to some benign use in this world is rather slim since some amazing percentage of aerospace engineers work for the DoD or DoD contracters. I suppose this bit of the entry is a rather recurring one, but I think it's only because I want to do something so badly. And I know there are a million and a half volunteer positions where I can make a small help in a neighbor hood or to a kid. And maybe that's all it takes, but I want more. Something bigger. It's not fame I seek, at least not personal fame. I look back to my proudest moments, when I felt like I'd helped out... and they were the times in the band when I was playing as part of the whole band, but the band wasn't the focus. Where I, as a musician, was a supporting role, but important. I want that role in my life. To be the man whose (or is it who's?) name is never known, and who's individual work might even be overlooked, but who adds some integral part to a project that changes the world. Although, again, fat chance of that happening. Best I could do? help out with putting a human on Mars. But honestly, how much did the world change when Apollo 11 finally reached the lunar surface? Did the project as a whole really change the world? Would the world be that much different if the whole space program had never existed?
Someday... maybe... I'll have the power I seek to make a difference.
But now, time for bed. Sorry for the lack of real content and updates in my life.
Current Mood: Ambitious, Longing for Magic | Sunday, June 30th, 2002 | 14:14 |
ARGGGHHHH! So many things running throuh my head. So many desires, hope, dreams... And so many dissapointments, mistakes, and things to be ashamed of... I'm ready to be older... With my wife and kids... My house and mortgage... My job... All the things people end up complaining about... Oh well... I'm done for now... I'll say something about my week and weekend later.
I realize I suck at telling how old people are. It's annoying. Everyone looks older to me than they really are. It's unfortunate. Oh well. | Friday, June 28th, 2002 | 13:47 |
Last minute notification: I'm coming to raleigh in a few minutes. I'll hit horrible traffic and end up getting there aroudn 6:00 probably. I think Friday night is spoken for, but anyone interested in a KK run or movies or damn near anything else the rest of the weekend, let me know. | Sunday, June 16th, 2002 | 21:14 |
Ok, so work's getting old, really fast.... I realize I'm geekier than normal people (the first person to call me normal is smoking something), but it's annoying to have co-workers who are unable to get over the fact that I use the equation x = 0.5at^2 + vt at all... of course... this is an amazingly simple equation relative to the things I use now... I suppose I'm looking forward to the day I get back to school and can start making jokes which refer to Avagaddro's number again... But oh well, I got paid on Friday. He said he'd pay me for 33 hours/week to cover any overtime I ended up putting in... but upon looking at the check, he didn't. So at this point... when my 6 hours is up, I'm not going to stick around like I have been to make sure stuff is done.
I spent the weekend in Raleigh. Mark was kind enough to let me crash at his place on his uber-comfy couch. When I got there Chas and Mark were watching TV so we watched "Not Another Teen Movie" . It was funny. Definitely one of those movies I had to see, but would never have paid for. We went to Stir Crazy (now Crazy Fire) afterwards and it was good. They lowered their prices... and I was happy. There was a girl there... and I wish I knew her name, but I'm a pansy and didn't ask... but she was cute... She's been working there for a while... *drools* So then we went back to Mark's... As we were walking in, we were talking about the channels Mark gets on satellite... and you know me, of course I asked whether or not he got the adult channels as his roomate and his roomate's girlfriend were walking past the room. Ya, so I got a funny look. But then we all went downstairs and watched "The Musketeer" which was very good... And his roomate's girlfriend was a cutie, and evidently she can cook too. I was like *drool* . Anyways... I slept on the couch... which was extremely comfortable (more comfortable than my bed at home) and awoke the next morning to go to the installfest. Got donuts, ate, socialized, didn't have much luck with the HP System, but I've got some ideas now.. Afterwards we went to Exploris (for free, which was a bonus since the normal price is $8.00). Not really my kinda place (too much preaching about diversity and ecology and stuff like that and not enough pure learning). But we all know I'm weird like that. It was fun regardless... especially the suspension bridge (hey, I'm an engineer, what do you expect). Afterwards we went to a Greek place in Durham which was interesting... the food was good, but different... I think I'd have to try a few different things until I found something I liked best. I was having fun takling about how the place was really a cover shop for the KGB. Anyways... After that we went to Franchesca's on 9th Street. First time I'd been there... It was pretty good... I had Vanilla Icecream (had some bourbon in it) and then we went back to Draco and Blondie's place to watch the Matrix. ok... So my allergies haven't acted up that much in a REALLY long time. They're still trying to recover. And I also got an eyelash stuck in my eye, so it hurt to blink my left eye, while I was sniffling something horrible. But it's ok... I survived. After that, I got back to Mark's place later than I had desired, but it was ok since he was still awake. His other roomate was downstairs with his friend (both seemed drunk) and they watched TV (various things) until about 4AM until they finally got tired enoguh to go to bed and allow me to go to bed (I slept in the room with the TV). I woke up around the same time as the day before (8:30) and watched TV for a bit, until eventually Mark and I went to Autozone, then after that I headed home... and now I'm at home, wasting time, about to go watch a movie perhaps... | Monday, June 10th, 2002 | 20:02 |
Went to work today... Got a retro-active raise... So it's like i started at $7.00/hour. At the salaried value of an estimated 33 hours/week, I get around *counts* like $231 each week before taxes. No idea how long exactly I'll be working there, but it should be at least 8 weeks, so... who knows... maybe 1800 or so before taxes? I need to find a better job next year... at least something I'll love doing... Anyways... I watched a short video of my boss singing at Legends in Myrtle Beach on stage with "Cher". It was funny... Anyways... blanking now... | Sunday, June 9th, 2002 | 21:41 |
I bowled a 145 today on one of my games... Probably luck, but it's nice to do decent every once in a while.
Happy Birthday to Amy! She's 20 now...
I'll be going to raleigh this weekend... I'm looking forward to the installfest and hanging out with mark and cam. Unfortunately kelly has plans already, but I'll try to go back the weekend after this to visit her... Anyone else in Raleigh gonna be bored out of your mind this weekend, give me a bing and we'll work on something if you're interested...
Still thinking too much... oh well... | 1:58 |
The goodies: An 8 pound Stanley sledgehammer with fiberglass handle "Red Dawn" DVD
I'm gonna have fun with that sledge... | Saturday, June 8th, 2002 | 22:24 |
Yes, I realize it's been a while.... Ok, so it's been like since May 22nd since I last wrote something other people could read. And even then, it wasn't much... So I decided today would be as good a day as any to write something. First thing on my mind is that recently I've been banging into things and stubbing my toe and catching my finger on something or other clumsy/bad luck things... It's annoying, because I hadn't done it for a while... I miss my dorm room. I know most people wouldn't agree with me. It's not that I don't have freedom or whatever else here. I guess it's like in "The Shawshank Redemption" when Red talks about becoming institutionalized. I wonder if I too have become institutionalized. I've been doing a lot of other thinking too. And of course, that's a bad thing. But I'll get to that later. First the news. I've been working at MJB&Associates; now since May 28th. I work Monday-Friday from around 8:45 or so until somewhere between 2:30 and 4:00. The work is hard, the conditions are very hot usually, and there are many other things lacking, but I suppose I have no one to blame for myself. I really really hope I'll be finding a summer opportunity for next summer. I suppose I should start applying now. Other than that, I spent part of last saturday with Meredith, which was fun. We went to Krispy Kreme, always good. Ok, so my life is seeming extremely boring. And I'm blanking on what to say. I was trying to get something together for Amy's birthday, which is tomorrow. But alas, I could not find a shippping address. So Amy, if you read this.. tell me your shipping address :-) Today was my birthday. It ended up being extremely anticlamactic. I really wish I had been among friends for at least part of it. I'm not entirely sure why we even celebrate them, but what's the point in celebrating at all if you can be with those that you love to be around? Perhaps next year something wonderful will happen, although not likely since I'll probably (I hope) be off doing something interesting. I used to love having my birthday in the summer. Now I dislike it. But it's not really something I can change, so I'll have to get over it. I suppose that concludes the news. I have yet to open the things from my family, but I suppose I'll come back later tonight and list those. It's funny how the little things make a difference. Just in case I don't remember later, Thank you Pam... Thank you so very very very much. Even though cat's are evil. :-D Now back to my thinking and such... Been thinking more and more about fitness/excercise, the military, my future, and my self-worth. I suppose it's best to start from the top. I can tell that I've been building up some strength from my work in the warehouse. Lifting boxes ranging in weight from 4 pounds to 103 pounds for a good portion of the day seems to be having an effect. Moving around heavy pallets (on a pallet jack of course) which end up being as much as more than 800 pounds helps out too. But as far as fat-burning... well, no luck. I feel no motivation and feel exhausted after work. Suggestions to improve my desire for such things would be greatly appreciated. I know I need to get into better shape... Especially if I ever want to have any chance finding a significant other, but at the moment it seems so unimportant, hopeless and futile. As far as the military goes, I'll probably end up just waiting until after I graduate to do anything so I can go straight into being an officer, although since this seems to greatly depend on my fitness... who knows if I'll even carry through on that. I know it would enable me to do somethings I've always wanted to do... but... *sigh* of course my future depends on both of these previous two things, in addition to how well I can put my ass in gear these next two years (or more, who knows?) of undergraduate education. And then on how lucky I am in finding a graduate school who both has research I'm interested in and that will accept me. Both seem like great challenges, but I suppose we'll see... I really really need to learn some better study skills. Again, suggestions or offers are welcomed. Perhaps I can try to learn some of this stuff on my own over the summer. And finally self-worth... eh... what's to say... I'm feeling like shit recently, but I'm pushing on. What am I going to do? "I'm gonna get out of bed every morning.... breath in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breath in and out..." -Sam Baldwin, Sleepless in Seattle I haven't given up this time. I gave up before, last fall. And it took drugs to get me out of it. But maybe I can do it myself this time. I'm sure going to try... ( A short rant/whatever based on student government, sororities and so on and so forth )Anyways... I'm going to find something more constructive to do... like eat cake perhaps. Ya ya.. I know... it's not good for me... whatever... Current Mood: Eh...Current Music: Man I'm needing to get my MP3 machine up and running again... | Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002 | 13:27 |
Did a lot of thinking since yesterday afternoon and since my last entry. So much of it I want to write in here, but I know that so much of it I can't talk about without telling things that I shouldn't. I'll probably put a lot of it into a private entry later... and hopefully I'll be able to censor it to the point of putting something everyone can read.
But before I go, I realize there are prostitutes who you can pay to have sex with you and things such as that. But I wonder if there is anyone out there whom you could pay just to cuddle with or take out on a date or something like that. I know it's silly... but I think right about now I'd do just about anything for a good hug and cuddles. Oh well, I think I'm going to go try to nap off some of my emotions. | Tuesday, May 21st, 2002 | 15:32 |
News News News Well, I found out a few new things....
I've got a job at that other warehouse... I start Tuesday at 8:30.... I can't join the Air National Guard until I've been off of Celexa for a year... I read Timeline last night for no particular reason. I enjoyed it.
I've been wandering around LJ and joining some other communites. It's fun. | Saturday, May 18th, 2002 | 20:44 |
Curses!!! Well, I went to take my shower this morning and when I came back, my monitor was in power-save mode. So I think "Ok, no problem, I was just away long enough that it went off". But I then I thought "Oh wait, I disabled power management to watch a DVD earlier and it's much quieter in my room than it's supposed to be" And then I look at my computer and that beautiful green light that tells me everything is ok, and it's off. So I walk over and push the power button. Nothing... So I fiddle the power cord and try again, nothing. So I try a different outlet on the UPS and try again, nothing. What does this mean? It means I probably need either a new power supply or a new motherboard. I haven't popped it open yet to find out for sure. If it's the power supply, I suppose it's no big deal. But if it's the motherboard, I'd be extremely tempted to change processors when I replace the motherboard. Probably to whatever the latest MP Athlon is. Scary stuff. ( Episode 2 stuff beyond this!!! ) | 1:34 |
Jobs and Stuff.... Well, it appears that I have one job so far this summer. I'm scheduled to work at the JCPenney 2nd shift. from 3:30PM - 1:00AM. Officially it's only 4:00-12:30, but it's been made abundantly clear to me that if I do not show up a few minutes early every day before work and expect to stay after as well, I'll be fired. And since the drive is about 15 minutes from my house, I figure it rounds out nicely. I start at $7.50 an hour. I think a little bit about my qualifications and abilities. And I think that, were I to do training work or consulting (which I could probably pull off with some effort) I could make 3-4 times that. Maybe more. And I'd also be doing something easier for me. But I'm not. And I'm trying to figure out why. Perhaps I'm so tired of school that I'm afraid of anything which might require thinking. But I know better than that. Deep thought and problem solving is something that has come to commonplace to me that I don't realize I'm doing it anymore. I'll just begin talking to myself with ideas on how to improve efficiency or how to fix a world of other problems.
I've had another guy all but offer me a job in Troutman (a bit more of a commute time). I have no idea what I'd be doing, but it seems like they're more willing to work with me. And that they're willing to treat me as an individual, which I think I deserve. Perhaps even more importantly, they realize I'm a college student looking for a summer job. They understand that having spending money and enough time to spend it this summer, are part of the point of a summer job for a college student. Now, I know better than to think I'd spend much of my money this summer. In fact, I intend mostly to buffer up my accounts some more (to recover from some impulse spending I've done) and then put the rest of it into stocks or a CD. But the point is, I think I'd rather be treated as something more than a high-school dropout looking for the only work I can get.
A recent IM inspired me to think more about "rainy-day friends". I'm not sure if it applies to the people who only want to be your friend on a rainy day (another person) or to a person only desired as a friend on a rainy day (me). I think it's funny that we seem to want only what we can't have. I realize now that I've been worrying too much about people who didn't see me as worthy of making time for and not enough spending time with the people who would be there for me if I needed them. I sincerely hope that I haven't treated anyone like the people I've continually cursed. I know I probably have and can only hope that I can change myself enough to be a decent friend. But the question remains. What do I do as far as people who only wish to be with me during their rainy days or their "dead-time" (the term I've given to time when nothing else is scheduled and you just need something to fill the gap)? Do I make every effort to spend time with them? Do I at least try to recipricate their offers of times with my own offers of optimal times for me? A tough decision. Tomorrow I'll be driving between 2-3 hours to see a movie with someone I consider a good friend. And it's something that I'd do again in a heartbeat. I'd drive to raleigh and back to have lunch with a good friend. Hmm.... I'd love some imput from people on this. What is the proper response to a rainy-day friend's request? Especially if you think you'll be busy. And for those many people who often worry if I'm talking about them, stop worrying.
I had to take a drug test today. They also tested my blood alcohol content (using urine, someone explain that one to me :-) ). And it led me to thinking about something that seems to be a common occurance in todays youth and adults. I think it's one of the biggest reasons that greek life is so distatsteful to me. I realize that alcohol is ok when used responsibly. But from what I've heard from most people, the buzz of drunkeness is the prime reason to drink. The buzz is the same reason for drugs. I have even less tolerance for drugs than I do for smoking. And I find smoking completely disgusting and unattractive. I recently found out one of my friends smoked. And it resulted in me clamming up in deep thought. Again, what do I do? She's never smoked around me, nor has she told me about it other than that one time recently. Do I tell her my opinion? or do I keep quiet. If my opinion wasn't so strong, I'd tell her, but it'd be the equivalent of me talking to Bill Gates about my opinion of his software. I've seen some interesting antics from drunk people, but I've also seen some horrible results of sick drunk people. And I know some people can hold their alcohol and some can't. But I think I know a few who "can" but yet still vomit. I have to be honest that I've only knowingly been in the presence of someone doing drugs once, and that was my freshman year of high school, when I was on an outing with my senior friends. I think my opinions fall into the same category as my opinions of pre-marital sex in that I know there are people out there who agree with me, but they are so... how to put it.... uber-innocent that I wonder if I'm broken.
Some day.... Some day I hope to be a father. And I hope to be able to tell my children simply what things are bad and what things are ok. Not just to leave it at that, but to explain why I think these things. I know many will criticize me for not letting my children make their own decisions, but I'd hate for them to have to decide that smoking is bad only after they've been doing it for 50 years and can't quit or whatever else applies.
Anyways, MANY MANY MANY thoughts, replies, comments, etc requested. I think I've asked a few tough questions here, and I'd love to have some other opinions on them. And I figure it's either I beg for comments or I make a poll.
But now, less than 12 hours until I see Episode 2, and I need my sleep.
Oh, as a side note, anyone interested in making more LJ Icons out of my default one (the SPAM can), I'd love it. As you can tell from my other two, they don't have to be particularly neet or anything... Perhaps if I get enough people, we can have a contest!
Current Mood: deep in thought Current Music: wow, i need MP3's... | Friday, May 17th, 2002 | 1:41 |
Whoa! Lots of Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, Monday morning I woke up after a troubled night's sleep. I know I had at least 3 dreams. One of them was that I woke up in my bed at home and saw that it was 9:48 (for the exam that was supposed to start at 7:00). So I freaked out and booked it to my classroom and got there around 10:11, finding it empty. I then proceeded to freak out. And when I woke up at 6:00 the real time, it took me a few minutes to calm down... Anyways, I went to take the test, got there around 7:10. and there were very few people there (two others). So I waited, and as people came, we talked. And by the time the tests showed up (around 7:50), I'd been waiting longer than I should. So I went through it, getting stuck sometimes, but then figuring my way out and when I left the room I felt extremely confident about my performance. I knew i got one of them wrong, but I realized that I made a mistake and was unable to find it. And so I wrote on my exam. And then talking about it more with some people after the exam, I realized my mistake and then finished the rest of my day happily until Ellen came along. Ellen was my RA by the way. So she came around 4:30. I know I hadn't signed up to leave until 5:30, but she came around 4:30 anyways. So I frantically finished my packing and, with the help of my suitemates, frantically packed my car. The room was emptied by 5:00. So I told Ellen I was ready and she then told me I'd have to wait 30 minutes. So she came back around 5:30 and took, oh... too damn long to do the whole checkout thing. I'm so glad she won't be my RA next year (I made sure to ask) So then I came home, and didn't do much of anything on tuesday. Wednesday I went walking and also got lectured about getting a job and whatnot. Thursday, today, I went walking again. I know there were some other things I was planning on talking about from today, but I can't remember any of them. Hmm... oh well. Oh, I remember. I talked to two different people who had told me earlier they were looking forward to a very relaxing summer and would love for me to get together with them. And guess what, they're both now too busy. I'm really looking forward to enlisting. I want to get it over with. Not because I'm not looking forward to it but more that I'm tired of saying "I'm going to be enlisting in the Air National Guard" and I'm ready to say "I'm a member of the Air National Guard. I'm the one who will be called up when our state, our nation or our world is in need. I'm the lucky man who gets to stand on the edge of the back of an airplane and watches things fall out. Standing only inches from a fall to my doom. Why do I do this? Because it's what I love." I've begun thinking about graduating (or perhaps even not graduating after my grades this semester) and going into the Air Force full-time. but what's scary is that I'm not so sure that I want to become an officer. Officers pilot the planes, but they don't get to stand on the edge.
Anyways, I've gotten most of my grades now. They are as follows:
ECE331 - Circuits - F Will have to retake MAE301 - Thermodynamics C- Will have to retake MAE314 - Solid Mechanics B+ Woo hoo 2nd time! MAE453 - Intro to Space Flight D Will have to retake MAT201 - Materials Science B Woo hoo 2nd time! PHI250 - Practical Reasoning A- Woo hoo humanities!
I think this means one of a few things. 1) I suck at college. 2) I suck as an engineer. 3) I should switch my major to Communications. I'm sure there's a few other options, but I don't know. Mom thinks it means I need to finally learn to study.
Oh well, it's late and time for bed. |
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