Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
8:42 pm
Go figure...when I finally get all happy....everyone around me gets sad.
People suck.
At least I had a faboo day today. :) *wink wink nudge nudge at a certain someone.* LOL
current mood: cold current music: Switchblade Symphony..
(8 of you rock | rock my socks)
Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
10:44 pm - boringness
Ugh. My tummy hurts. Too much iced tea?? Possibly.
*curlz up in zee fetal position*
I went and got my second Hepatitis B shot today. I had to wait in the waiting room for a whole friggin' hour before they called my name. Lame.
It was like 389745902837482573049857 degrees today. TOO HOT!!! When's winter gonna come? Argh.
I bought a bag of lollipops today. Yum.
Today was....interesting. I suppose.
Well that's all.
xoxo --Twink--
4 days
current mood: sick current music: nothing at the moment
(rock my socks)
2:03 am
Oh. On another note...just a bit of advice.
Do NOT...I repeat NOT buy a French Vanilla "Cafe Cooler" from 7-11. WRETCH!!! So gross!!.
Ok. I'm done.
Talk amongst yerselves.
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
1:59 am - What a great day....
I got up at like 1:00pm and got ready to go to Jesskika's. I got there at like 2:15pm. We went and got burritos. Yummy. I was uh..having problems with mine. lol. Let's just say I ended up with rice and lettuce all over my lap. Anywho. After they decided to start blasting scary mexican music in the place Jesskika and I decided it was time to go. So we went to Hollywood Video and rented Dancer In The Dark, Tank Girl, and The Gift. We only got to watch Dancer In The Dark thought because by the time that was over it was already like 6:15 and mama wanted me home to eat dinner. Soooooooooooo yea. It was great. Then I just kinda hung out zee rest of the night....then some stuff happened...and.....I'm happy. lol.
xoxo --Twink--
4 days
current mood: happy current music: TV
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
Monday, August 26th, 2002
12:55 am
Mimi-san and I hung out today. It was fun. We went to the Stoneridge mall and shopped around with her cousin and her friend who happened to be named Jenna as well. lol. We ate at Fresh Choice too.. Yum. So good. I was on quite a budget today so I only bought a cd that I got for $10. And I couldn't resist the new Halloween section at Hallmark. lol. So I bought this mini snowglobe that has a little ghost inside and when you push the bottom of it, a little orange light flashes inside and it plays little "ooooo weeeee oooooo" Halloween music. It's sooooo cute!! And when you shake it there is silver glitter and little bats that fly around. Only $4.95! Hehe.
My parents came home tonight from taking my sister back down to school. So now it's down to the last few days of living in this house. Hehehe. Saturday people...Saturday I move out.
xoxo --Twink--
5 days
current mood: chipper current music: Scattered Fall
(rock my socks)
Sunday, August 25th, 2002
1:21 am - Fun shit.
Jason came over and then we went to Kelly's..and then to Starbucks with Kelly, Josh, and Jason. Yummy hot white mocha. Zen we went back to Kelly's and watched tv for a bit..Josh tried to order porn. lol. But it didn't work. My dad wanted me home at 12 so Jason and I went back to my house and chilled for a while. Hella fun. Oh my god. Anywho. He left like 20 minutes ago. Hmmmmmm. I am eating pasta. Yummy.
xoxo --Twink-- 6 days
current mood: bouncy current music: TV
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
Saturday, August 24th, 2002
4:33 pm - Taqueria Mexicana rocks
I had lunch wif April today. We got burritos. Way yummy. I hadn't hung out with her in SOOOO long! I had hella fun. We just chatted for a while. Gotta hang out with that girlie again before I leave.
My sister is packing up her stuff because she is leaving tomorrow. Joy. hehe. My last week at home will be without her. Yay. Zen I LEAVE!!!
Well. Um. That's all kids.
xoxo --Twink--
7 days
current mood: bouncy current music: Blindside
(rock my socks)
1:25 am
Um. Yea. So I think I'm just gonna go to bed here tonight...It's late, I'm tired, they haven't called me yet and I'm still all sniffly. I'm meeting April for lunch at 1:00pm today. Yay. I haven't seen that girl in forever. Anywho. Before I frolick off into dreamland..I posted a few more things on Goth Auctions. Go see.
Buy it or DIE
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
12:26 am - Achoo...Achoo...Achoo....Achoo....Achoo...Achoo.....
Good fucking god. Who knew that my room was so dusty. I wuz taking down like almost all my posters tonight so I could roll em up and put them with my box and I started sneezing uncontrollably. Ugh! Now I'm all sniffly n shit. I can't take down anymore posters though cuz they are up too high on my walls. I think I'll wait until my brother comes home to take them down . He's taller. He can do it for me. Hehe. I got a lot accomplished tonight though. I separated the posters that I'm taking and the ones I'm not. I got most of the ones that I'm taking with me in one big poster tubey thing. Um yea.
Right now I'm waiting for the gang to call me... They went to Gilman..I didn't want to. I always get really bored at shows there..unless I know who's playing and I really like them. But I hadn't heard of any of the bands playing tonight so I decided to pass. I'm spending the night at Kelly's with everyone else so I just told her to call me when they got back into town.
Do do do.
Well. Uh. I guess I'll get back to cleanin' muh room. *sniffle sniffle*
current mood: accomplished current music: The White Stripes
(rock my socks)
Friday, August 23rd, 2002
2:31 am - Manteca Taco Bell sucks..
I chopped all my hair off today. Heh. Once I find the digital camera I'll take a pic. But now I have an A-line type hair cut. Pretty short. Hehe. I just got really bored and annoyed with long hair. So yea. It's gone. Haha.
I chilled with Kelly, Mike, and Sandy earlier this evening. It was fun. We hit the Modesto mall and I got a new skirt. Hehe. Go me spending money I shouldn't. Anywho. After that Kelly and I got Taco Bell (which was gross. they put some weird funky sauce on my cheese quesadilla.), came back to Tracy and dyed our hair. Jason came over after he got off work and then we had to take Kelly home because she had to be home at 11.
Jason and I wanted to rent a movie so we went to Blockbuster. Jason ended up getting a whole friggin' account there just so we could rent a movie. Haha. But hey, I'm on the account too. So yea. Coolness. We rented The Mothman Prophecies. It was really creepy at some points. But some parts were kinda cheesy too. Um yea. He just left a little bit ago. I kept scaring him. "Drive safe Jason, don't let the Mothman get you." lol. Fun shit.
xoxo --Twink--
8 days
current mood: blah current music: nuffin
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
2:31 am
1:15 am - "Having boobs sucks." Bebe on Southpark. Haha. Best quote ever.
I cleaned my room for like 3 hours today. So now my room actually looks clean for once. And now I also have a big moving box with most of my shit that I'm taking with me to college. Yay. Today it really hit me...when I started actually packing up my stuff. It was weird..I got sad. Ugh. Then Jason came over at like 9 and he did homework, it also gave me time to work on reading the book for school. After he was done we just kinda hung around...chatted...looked at pictures. We got Taco Bell..I also ran into Joshyness. I miss that boy. But anywho. Jason and I watched TV for a bit at my house and then it was time for him to go at like midnight. School in zee morning n shit.
I'm glad I taped Southpark for my sister today because now I get to watch it and it's a hilarious episode. Oh god. lol. Uhm. Yea. Not much to do right now. Maybe I'll go to sleep. Hmmm. I dunno.
xoxo --Twink-- 9 days
current mood: calm current music: Sparta
(2 of you rock | rock my socks)
Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
3:47 pm
So I'm hoping today to just be a calm day all by myself.
I got home a litte while ago from buying rat food...and then buying myself food.
I just don't feel like today is a happy day.
Last night was fun though. Jason came over and we hung out for a bit. And then took Christy to work. Jason and I got Taco Bell and then went to Kelly's we all just hung out and Nate came over...went to the mall because Jason needed black n white film. Then my side started hurting really really bad. Like sharp pains shooting through my hip. By the time we got back to Kelly's all I could do was lay on her floor. Even then still hurt. After Nate left, the rest of us hung out at Starbucks and talked about first kisses and shtuffs. It made me sad...
Me and Jason went back to my house at like 10:00pm cuz he wanted to head home.
I just kinda hung out by myself and went to bed 12:30 or so. But of course I couldn't fall asleep for like another hour. I woke up like 3 times this morning when I should have gotten up but didn't.
Weeee. ok. That's it.
xoxo --Twink--
10 days
current mood: sad current music: TV
(rock my socks)
Monday, August 19th, 2002
11:17 pm - Gayness
I finally went to bed at like 8:00am this morning. lol. Then I woke up at 3:00pm. This has GOT to stop.
Argh. I had to take out my belly button ring tonight. : ( It was starting to reject. *whimperz* So now I need to go get something else pierced to make up for it.
Christy and I did some mad shopping at the Goodwill and Factory 2 U today. Hehe. It was fun. She got 2 shirts and a skirt for $3.00!!!!!!! lol. I bought hella shirts at both places. It was rad. Hehe.
Hmmmmmmmm. Well that's it.
xoxo --Twink--
current mood: awake current music: Cinema Strange
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
2:56 am
Hum de fucking dum.
What is this?? Jenna moves out in 12 count 'em 12 days. Weeeee. *runz around at light speed*
Kellyness and I went to Jason's house in Hayward at like 7:00pm. It was fun. I love that he lives up in the hills. It's sooooo pretty up there. Even though we were freezin' our tooshies off going to and from my car it was still badass. We watched zee Simpsons in Jason's room. Then we left at like 10:00 cuz Kelly had to be home at 11:00. I got In N Out cuz I'm a big fat pig. Hah.
I talkie talked to Kaylah Rain on zeeeee mikey mic. (does that look right?? *shrug*) She's so kewt. lol. We were bein silly. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
xoxo --Twink--
12 days
current mood: silly current music: various shit....
(2 of you rock | rock my socks)
1:59 am
Sunday, August 18th, 2002
4:00 pm
Ok. I need to quit having such whack ass dreams. Argh. Last night I had a dream that like...Jason (my ex boyfriend who died) was all like alive n shit and me and him were together again. But then I look on the front page of the newspaper one day and there is an article about him killing himself. And then I started crying hysterically (in my dream). I know a whole bunch of other shit happened in my dream but I can't remember it. Hmm. When I woke up I was really sad. And then I checked my watch and realized it was 2:48pm. Hah. I thought that maybe if I went to sleep so early last night I would have woken up earlier than I normally do. Haha. obviously THAT didn't happen.
Hmm. Well...I need to go to Wal Mart...and get ice cream. Hehe. I had gotten some coupon for Baskin Robbins on my birthday in the mail. And I need to go use it. Hehe.
xoxo --Twink-- 13 days
current mood: okay current music: nuffin
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
12:57 am - Going on 36 hours...
Hah. in about 45 minutes it will be my 36th hour of no sleep. But I have decided after I write in here...I'm going to bed. Weeeeeee.
Kelly and I went shopping today. It was fun. I bought this cute little corset type tank top, a basic little black v-neck shirt that was only $8.00, a little black lacy edged top for $10 and this rad jacket that's like velour and it's like a track jacket. I am very happy I finally got some new clothes. Hehe. I also bought new jewelry for muh monroe. Hehe.
We went to a show in Livermore to see Normal Like You, Thought Riot, Pipedown, Silent Film Stars, and.....I can't remember the other one. Hehe. It was fun. Except for my right ankle killing me. Argh. I wore zee cutest outfit. Well I like to think so. hehe. The new corset top thinger and muh new jacket with a short black skirt and black bloomers underneaf. Hehe. It was kewt. And I also wore muh big stompy buckle boots.
After the show we all went back to Tracy to In N Out. I realized I was dumb and forgot money. So Jason paid for me. Awwz. He's too nice.
Welll that's allll. I'm tired now. Hah. It all caught up to me. I'm gonna go get ready for bed now.
xoxo --Twink-- 13 days
current mood: tired current music: nuffin
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)
Saturday, August 17th, 2002
10:54 am - wooooo 21 hours of no sleep and THIS is what I get. Haha.
5:19 am
Awwz!!!! My Kaylah Rain is talking to me on her lil microphone thinger. Teehee.
This is too much fun. Weeee. I'm getting muhself one todayz. So I can talk to her.
Holy shit....Kaylah Rain sounds like Tina Root. : )
xoxo --Twink--
current mood: giggly current music: Kaylah Rain. *gigglz*
(1 of you rock | rock my socks)