xUglieDucklinGx's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in xUglieDucklinGx's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, August 29th, 2001
    6:59 pm
    sorry :(
    hey gawd i haven't updated this thing in quite awhile... So i'm in a school i have an excuse..lol being a freshman oooh fun.. it really sucks though..cuz Jesse (you know who) doesn't go to the same school as me and it kinda sucks... I really like him and I don't want us to ever break up lol it'll happen eventually....but i really like him *smiles*

    This one Dan kid likes me.. It's scary... and i think elaine likes Jesse and thats bugging the hell outta me...hehe.... well i'm outz

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: This is mew
    Sunday, August 26th, 2001
    11:20 am
    damn i haven't updated this thing is sooo long.. the 23rd you know who asked me out...and now were going out... i don't know if it's gonna last
    the 24th i went to the movies with him... it was pretty kick ass *smiles*....he's a good kisser lol...
    .....but yah........so i'm freaking bored ima go

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: blink 182 Rock show
    Monday, August 20th, 2001
    12:50 pm
    howdy partner
    sitting on my ass another boring day..dude schools Wed. that is so gonna suck.... :(... it's not going to be hip hoppin..lol...ima so goin crazy hehe...
    You know who told me to call him and i didn't cause i didn't know why he wanted me to call him..nice excuse lol...but i wanna call him but i don't...i like him alot....and everything....errr

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: crawling Likin park
    Sunday, August 19th, 2001
    6:04 pm
    Jus Got back from Wisconsin it was crazy ass shit going on. I went to a Friend of the family's party and it was full of drunk people and i kept telling my mom i was thirsty so she kept giv'n me beer...i had like 5 it was weird lol.. and this one guy There kept hanging on me and like touching me i was like dude back off and this one girl i was there with was just like looking at me ...and the guy kept talking about being in the Navy was like i can't understand you and stuff it was all crazy... than he picked up his friend and grabbed his balls i was like oook! it was pretty funny.
    I went to my family reuninon today it was So boring... Sept me and my cousin Ashley were like walking all over browntown and she found a toad and she put it in the cake and by the end of the day it was still in the cake and i think it was dead it was pretty funny too lol

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: FUckeR
    Friday, August 17th, 2001
    10:00 pm
    Hey just got back from Elburn days...lol it was alright not the best of time...Except Sheep in purple spandex hehe....It was an "alright night"... but i saw You know who... and i got that silly feeling in the pit of my stomach...=0( and i didn't have courage to say somethin so i walked away and i looked for him all over...and i heard some sad songs and it kinda made me teary.. cause i think tonite i relized how much of a crush i really do have on him.... *sad*

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: Alica Keys Fallin
    Thursday, August 16th, 2001
    10:44 pm
    Peguin Joe! lol.. was talking to joseph today...he's sucha doll face haha

    Derek he's so weird, but he's cute in a Odd way hahahahahha... i crack myself up

    Yesterday my mom started talking about stuff and she was talking about Sex and she's like i wouldn't be mad if you started having sex, i jus want you to have protection i wouldn't hold it against you... jus tell me so i know your using protection i was like covering my ears i was OMG! hahaha... YES I CAN HAVE SEX WITH APPROVAL...lol No no...

    Current Mood: artistic
    Wednesday, August 15th, 2001
    12:06 pm
    I had another crazy dream last night.... wanna hear about it.. (NO) well i'll tell you anywayz..lol
    I was walking through at rain, a guy said to sit down and i didn't no anybody on the train..i spotted ryon and his mom ryon looked at me and goes even no your___ i still love you. It doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't call you so many times if i didn't love you. I ooked at him to be like your telling your mom this? and it looked like she knew already. Than out of know where people boarded the train.. one was jess and one was ryon's sister. They ( ryon and his mom) must haven't seen her in awhile cause ryon's mom was crying and hugging her. So i moved over to sit next to Ryon. It felt really weird. Than we ended up somewhere freaky and Jesse was there too.it was Supposibly ryon's "house"< a brigde dar green swamp like> me and jess waited outside for ryon to go get something. When Ryon came out me and jesse were hugging really close and ryon was like what you doing emily. I was like i haven't seen him in a while and i missed him :). Somehow than ryon got back into the house and me and jesse were sitting there and jess was beging to turn into some monster like thing and i kept feeding him stuff that would change him back but it was working and i started to change.. than i woke up

    One hell of a dream up there kinda scary. Peter's over right now.. with a hot "blond" lol. Peter's a puff head :).

    Yesterday i went to This freshman thing..it was kinda stupid and we left like 15 min. later.

    Sooo yah....

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: Rock show blink 182
    Tuesday, August 14th, 2001
    1:16 pm
    God he so pissing me off.... She is not hot first of she's ugly as heck... i'm not naming names..lol...

    Omg jerry is so sweet he says he's gonna by a bike yes a trainging wheels on it... no i mean a mortocyle.. and he's gonna pick me up and take me anywhere i wanna go...hehe... =0)

    Well i'm about to go to this stupid freshman shit... and Someone name ____ is still pissin me off i don't like him anymore it's final!

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Current Music: Blink 182 Roller coaster :)
    Monday, August 13th, 2001
    10:25 am
    weird huh?
    hehe ok.... Last night had this funky dream. I was at Joe Smith's house(i know him,you don't,maybe)and i have never been there before but ended up there. And i was talking to his mom. Than joe ended up saying hi. And then Katie some how appeared. And i was sitting there with Katie and Joes mom. Than i couldn't find joe. So me and Katie walked outside to look for him. And he was down the street playing baseball with his friends on the baseball field and i got really pissed off. So I don't know where Katie went but Than i went inside and was still talking to joe's mom about things. ( i don't know what). Again than we ended up at some party. And my cousin was there and she thought Joe was like a hottie or something and would not stop flirting with her, And that got me even moreeeee mad...cause it was my first time meeting joe and he had to hang with my cuzin. Than i went in this room and Katie was sleepin and i woke her up and i was like gawd katie you gotta help me and she was like not now. and than i was like gawd and left. than i really had to go to the bathroom... and Joe's mom (again) took me to some different house and i had to walk down in the basemant to find the bathroom in pure darkness...than went up stairs and his mom was looking at doggie bisquits in a weird way. I laughed and we left. We ended back up at the party (god this a fucked up dream)! and my cousin was in the bedroom with katie and they were having girlie talk...but then i started chatting with them.... and We walked outside a window and on a ledge and this one girl was already out there.... And we heard it was like time for the Ivesdale bus to go home and i wanted to get down there to look once more at joe. Than the girl jumped off the building.... on to cement and was safe i was like damn! and than my cousin and Katie were like we'll do it you go first so i Jumped on the other side into grass and i was ok that was like a 100 feet drop and than here came my cousin and katie...My cousin took off and me and katie were still standing there and she pointed out Joe and i was like I don't care...she's liek you gotta say bye.. I was like no..first he doesn't hang with me when i go to his house and second he flirted with my cousin the whole time.... Than the bus took off and i felt bad lol...Than we went up to Katie's house ?? (yup lol) and Some guy of joes friend handed me a flower..i was like whered he come from and then on the corner of katies street was Mr. Lentz(7th grade teacher) and Than some guy came out and was like Mr. LEntz i didn't know you coached baseball and mr. lentz was like yup and I saw Joe in the seat next to him and i turned away and ran... Katie was like you still didn't say goodbye...than i ended up at home...and Joe was on the computer and so was i and I was going to tell him sorry for not saying goodbye but i woke up ( AND THE WAS THE FASINATING GAY WEIRD DREAM I HAD) hehe

    Current Mood: dorky
    Current Music: Sum 41
    Sunday, August 12th, 2001
    11:45 pm
    lol.....hey hey hey...i nots tired...LoL i was thirsty and derek gave me his root beer hahaha... what a nice boy...gay guys are supposed to be nice....Ahh thats mean but oh wellz....

    I looking at jerry's picture =o)

    Current Mood: envious
    Current Music: crazy town
    10:25 pm
    i love your voice it gets me so hard -Ryon-
    see what i have to deal with,with him =o/ ...Sex sex sex....grr!

    I'm bored as fuck....and i'm yelling at this one girl it's hilarious.....=o)

    ok i leave now ??????

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: Eve 6
    7:12 pm
    I wasssssss
    I was talking to jerry last night =o) don't know what it is about that guy but i really love him. I was feeling down so he took a picture of himself to cheer me up =o)! he's so cool. The fact is he got on late and my mom yelled at me to get off line and i didn't want to leave him cause....we never get to talk alot like i want to...he say'n he's working 7 days a week u know how much that sucks.....and he told me he didn't smoke and i asked him what he was doing at marks "oh smoking a joint and getting drunk"...oh thaz my boy :) haha

    Current Mood: giggly
    Current Music: blink 182
    1:58 am
    oooo i'm happy
    u dont know how happy i am! i'm talking to jerry and he makes me have the biggest smile :)he's sucha doll hehe....doll lol.....he turns my frowns upside downs lol....dude i dont' know but i love him tonz :) i hope we talk forever.....lol it's already late enuff...but o wellz i love him!!!

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: smooth criminal
    Saturday, August 11th, 2001
    10:51 pm
    hey i haven't up dated this thing in a while. I went to Katie's Cottage for a couple of days and did some things.....lol

    I talk to Jessica today that bitch is changin schools on me :( she's going to stupid west. Gawd for friend and her boyfriend all her friends are here at kaneland. I was like damn girl you cant go. than i got off the fone lol. Than i called laura and talked to her for a couple of Min. haha.....asked her if she still liked zach and she didn't answer me :0/

    I might go to the mall as soon as my mother get her check .... *smiles*

    Well i think i like jEsse still but katie told me soemthing that grossed me out ...arg damn...but i don't know.....

    Well i's gonna go :)

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Current Music: blink 182 Rock show
    Tuesday, August 7th, 2001
    9:21 pm
    i Got some school supplys and shyt i ddint' know what i needed or need but i wanted to go shopping anyhow cause i felt like it lol.

    You know who....I give him up... Least i have a friend that told me where he was instead of saying like oh. *smiles* good girl yo...cause i would of still liked him and now i think he's a jerk i should of known when he's cheated on his othere girlfriends and stuff... lol... i think i still like him..... but hey who the fuck knows...

    ................Lizzie lizzie biggg lOSer!....

    Current Mood: crushed
    Current Music: Sum 41 Fat lip
    1:59 pm
    I just got off the crazy ass fone with YOU KNOW WHO! and he's like i can't make it.....do you know how much pressure that took out of me i was like happy..... even know i shouldn't be but i was......... lol....he's like are u don't sound to disapointed...I was like I KNOW! it was kinda funny........but i'm releived cause my brother got me worried last night and everything......
    I still like you know who...ALOT! but it's just like ..... *SMILES* i didn't have to go!!!

    Who ever reads this like PUBLIC PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET CAUSE I ALLOW YOU TOO! would be dissapointed if the person they liked cancled on u....
    1:44 pm
    i hope
    i hope you KNOW who doesn't call...it'll take all the worriness off of me....and it'll all be good...
    Ooo that reminds me of our gay fone......!! God i hate calling waiting lol

    but anywayz all the stress will be taking off if we don't go... Even know i like him like him like him.....LoL like like like..ok whatever...
    I don't know.............
    10:33 am
    Dude i woke up at 8:30....I was watching Dora the explorer early...haha....... This day is going to be another f-ked up boring one.........
    Geesh.....................I don't know whata right it's like 10 something.......well i think i'll just take a shower..............dunno....

    emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily
    emily emily emily emily emily emily emily emily

    omg that name is so f-kin annoying to me now why'd i do that i have to live with that name....

    Current Mood: angry
    Current Music: Kc and jojo ALL MY LIFE
    Monday, August 6th, 2001
    10:36 pm
    Crazy ass shyt
    .....I'm so going crazy right now.... YOU KNOW WHO asked me to the movies and told me i could bring my friend....and my friend had to tell him something about the word DATE so the next thing i know he's going .... So do you wanna go jus me and you... like a date.... I was like...uhh... and we might be going.... i'm holding back thou...cause i'll be like so shy or somethng and i'll screw shyt up...i know it................Ahhhh...but i like him.....but i'll screw shyt up...o well.........
    i pray

    Current Mood: worried
    Current Music: sum 41 fat lip
    10:04 pm
    i'm listening to a song...and it's really making me cry.....it's Selna....It was me and Felipe(ex's) song.... I miss him so much..... i don't know why he was my first love.... besides John leon i kinda cheat =o/.... but Felipe 3 years down the drain....=o(.. i seriously crying... i was like so crazy about him...
    thats sooooooooooo old........but i made that one tme.........
    and this song..tells everything i loved about him..... i cry!!!

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: selena.... Dreamn about you
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